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Biotin protein ligases catalyze specific covalent linkage of the coenzyme biotin to biotin-dependent carboxylases. The reaction proceeds in two steps, including synthesis of an adenylated intermediate followed by biotin transfer to the carboxylase substrate. In this work specificity in the transfer reaction was investigated using single turnover stopped-flow and quench-flow assays. Cognate and noncognate reactions were measured using the enzymes and minimal biotin acceptor substrates from Escherichia coli, Pyrococcus horikoshii, and Homo sapiens. The kinetic analysis demonstrates that for all enzyme-substrate pairs the bimolecular rate of association of enzyme with substrate limits post-translational biotinylation. In addition, in noncognate reactions the three enzymes displayed a range of selectivities. These results highlight the importance of protein-protein binding kinetics for specific biotin addition to carboxylases and provide one mechanism for determining biotin distribution in metabolism.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a complex disorder with a strong genetic component. Inherited complex disease susceptibility in humans is most commonly associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms. The mechanisms by which this occurs are still poorly understood. Here we focus on analyzing the effect of a set of disease-causing missense variations of the monogenetic form of Type 2 diabetes mellitus and a set of disease-associated nonsynonymous variations in comparison with that of nonsynonymous variations without any experimental evidence for association with any disease. Analysis of different properties such as evolutionary conservation status, solvent accessibility, secondary structure, etc. suggests that disease-causing variations are associated with extreme changes in the value of the parameters relating to evolutionary conservation and/or protein stability. Disease-associated variations are rather moderately conserved and have a milder effect on protein function and stability. The majority of the genes harboring these variations are clustered in or near the insulin signaling network. Most of these variations are identified as potential sites for post-translational modifications; certain predictions have already reported experimental evidence. Overall our results indicate that Type 2 diabetes mellitus may result from a large number of single nucleotide polymorphisms that impair modular domain function and post-translational modifications involved in signaling. Our emphasis is more on conserved corresponding residues than the variation alone. We believe that the approach of considering a stretch of peptide sequence involving a polymorphism would be a better method of defining the role of the polymorphism in the manifestation of this disease. Because most of the variations associated with the disease are rare, we hypothesize that this disease is a "mosaic model" of interaction between a large number of rare alleles and a small number of common alleles along with the environment, which is little contrary to the existing common disease common variant model.  相似文献   

Recently, a poplar phloem peroxiredoxin (Prx) was found to accept both glutaredoxin (Grx) and thioredoxin (Trx) as proton donors. To investigate the catalytic mechanism of the Grx-dependent reduction of hydroperoxides catalyzed by Prx, a series of cysteinic mutants was constructed. Mutation of the most N-terminal conserved cysteine of Prx (Cys-51) demonstrates that it is the catalytic one. The second cysteine (Cys-76) is not essential for peroxiredoxin activity because the C76A mutant retained approximately 25% of the wild type Prx activity. Only one cysteine of the Grx active site (Cys-27) is essential for peroxiredoxin catalysis, indicating that Grx can act in this reaction either via a dithiol or a monothiol pathway. The creation of covalent heterodimers between Prx and Grx mutants confirms that Prx Cys-51 and Grx Cys-27 are the two residues involved in the catalytic mechanism. The integration of a third cysteine in position 152 of the Prx, making it similar in sequence to the Trx-dependent human Prx V, resulted in a protein that had no detectable activity with Grx but kept activity with Trx. Based on these experimental results, a catalytic mechanism is proposed to explain the Grx- and Trx-dependent activities of poplar Prx.  相似文献   



Protein post-translational modification (PTM) plays an essential role in various cellular processes that modulates the physical and chemical properties, folding, conformation, stability and activity of proteins, thereby modifying the functions of proteins. The improved throughput of mass spectrometry (MS) or MS/MS technology has not only brought about a surge in proteome-scale studies, but also contributed to a fruitful list of identified PTMs. However, with the increase in the number of identified PTMs, perhaps the more crucial question is what kind of biological mechanisms these PTMs are involved in. This is particularly important in light of the fact that most protein-based pharmaceuticals deliver their therapeutic effects through some form of PTM. Yet, our understanding is still limited with respect to the local effects and frequency of PTM sites near pharmaceutical binding sites and the interfaces of protein-protein interaction (PPI). Understanding PTM’s function is critical to our ability to manipulate the biological mechanisms of protein.


In this study, to understand the regulation of protein functions by PTMs, we mapped 25,835 PTM sites to proteins with available three-dimensional (3D) structural information in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), including 1785 modified PTM sites on the 3D structure. Based on the acquired structural PTM sites, we proposed to use five properties for the structural characterization of PTM substrate sites: the spatial composition of amino acids, residues and side-chain orientations surrounding the PTM substrate sites, as well as the secondary structure, division of acidity and alkaline residues, and solvent-accessible surface area. We further mapped the structural PTM sites to the structures of drug binding and PPI sites, identifying a total of 1917 PTM sites that may affect PPI and 3951 PTM sites associated with drug-target binding. An integrated analytical platform (CruxPTM), with a variety of methods and online molecular docking tools for exploring the structural characteristics of PTMs, is presented. In addition, all tertiary structures of PTM sites on proteins can be visualized using the JSmol program.


Resolving the function of PTM sites is important for understanding the role that proteins play in biological mechanisms. Our work attempted to delineate the structural correlation between PTM sites and PPI or drug-target binding. CurxPTM could help scientists narrow the scope of their PTM research and enhance the efficiency of PTM identification in the face of big proteome data. CruxPTM is now available at http://csb.cse.yzu.edu.tw/CruxPTM/.

Summary Mammalian thyroglobulin is released by thyroid follicle cells as a sulfated glycoprotein; the sulfate residues are mostly linked to tyrosine, but they are also attached to the high-mannose carbohydrate side-chains. To decide whether sulfation of thyroglobulin is confined to mammals, representatives of other vertebrate classes were analyzed for the presence of sulfated thyroglobulin: fish (trout), amphibians (clawed toad) and birds (chicken). Mini-organs were prepared from thyroid tissue and suspended in a 35SO 4 -- -containing culture medium. Light- and electron-microscope autoradiographs prepared from the mini-organs showed that thyroid follicle cells from all species examined incorporate 35SO 4 -- and synthesize a sulfated secretory product which accumulates in the follicle lumen. The Golgi complex was detected as the primary intracellular site of sulfate organification. The 35SO 4 -- -radiolabeled secretory product of all species was shown by polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoretic analyses to consist of thyroglobulin, identified by comparison with biosynthetically 125I-labeled thyroglobulin. The results indicate that the sulfation of thyroglobulin is a ubiquitous post-translational modification observed already in the thyroglobulin of lower vertebrates. Our observations suggest that sulfation of thyroglobulin was acquired in the early stages of thyroid evolution.  相似文献   

RAS proteins are monomeric GTPases that act as binary molecular switches to regulate a wide range of cellular processes. The exchange of GTP for GDP on RAS is regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), which regulate the activation state of RAS without covalently modifying it. By contrast, post-translational modifications (PTMs) of RAS proteins direct them to various cellular membranes and, in some cases, modulate GTP-GDP exchange. Important RAS PTMs include the constitutive and irreversible remodelling of its carboxy-terminal CAAX motif by farnesylation, proteolysis and methylation, reversible palmitoylation, and conditional modifications, including phosphorylation, peptidyl-prolyl isomerisation, monoubiquitylation, diubiquitylation, nitrosylation, ADP ribosylation and glucosylation.  相似文献   

Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 hemoglobin is a cyanobacterial Group I truncated hemoglobin. In the absence of an exogenous ligand, its single heme group is coordinated by His46 (E10, distal) and His70 (F8, proximal). The protein can undergo a post-translational modification by which His117 (H16, in the C-terminal helix) reacts with the heme 2-vinyl group to form a Markownikoff adduct. The new C-N bond prevents heme loss, alters the dynamics of the protein, and influences ligand binding to the heme group. To explore the factors conditioning the formation of the cross-link, variants of the protein that contained an alanine or a leucine at position 46 (E10) were prepared. A double replacement (His46Leu and Tyr22 (B10) to Phe) was also performed to perturb the network of interactions stabilizing bound exogenous ligand. The single and double replacements affected the optical and NMR properties of the globin, each in a different fashion. Heme-protein cross-linking, as promoted by sodium dithionite, was retarded by the replacement of His46, but reactivity was recovered when imidazole or cyanide was used as exogenous ligand. In addition, a significant amount of a second product was systematically obtained when dithionite treatment was performed on the cyanide-bound proteins. This species was identified by NMR spectroscopy to be an adduct to the 4-vinyl group. It was concluded that the specificity and rate of the cross-linking reaction depended critically on the nature of the sixth ligand to the heme iron.  相似文献   

The fibrillar collagen types I, II, and V/XI have recently been shown to have partially 3-hydroxylated proline (3Hyp) residues at sites other than the established primary Pro-986 site in the collagen triple helical domain. These sites showed tissue specificity in degree of hydroxylation and a pattern of D-periodic spacing. This suggested a contributory role in fibril supramolecular assembly. The sites in clade A fibrillar α1(II), α2(V), and α1(I) collagen chains share common features with known prolyl 3-hydroxylase 2 (P3H2) substrate sites in α1(IV) chains implying a role for this enzyme. We pursued this possibility using the Swarm rat chondrosarcoma cell line (RCS-LTC) found to express high levels of P3H2 mRNA. Mass spectrometry determined that all the additional candidate 3Hyp substrate sites in the pN type II collagen made by these cells were highly hydroxylated. In RNA interference experiments, P3H2 protein synthesis was suppressed coordinately with prolyl 3-hydroxylation at Pro-944, Pro-707, and the C-terminal GPP repeat of the pNα1(II) chain, but Pro-986 remained fully hydroxylated. Furthermore, when P3H2 expression was turned off, as seen naturally in cultured SAOS-2 osteosarcoma cells, full 3Hyp occupancy at Pro-986 in α1(I) chains was unaffected, whereas 3-hydroxylation of residue Pro-944 in the α2(V) chain was largely lost, and 3-hydroxylation of Pro-707 in α2(V) and α2(I) chains were sharply reduced. The results imply that P3H2 has preferred substrate sequences among the classes of 3Hyp sites in clade A collagen chains.  相似文献   

S-nitrosylation, the covalent attachment of a nitric oxide moiety to a cysteine thiol, is now established as a key post-translational modification in animals. This process has been shown to regulate the function of a wide variety of regulatory, structural, and metabolic proteins. The emerging evidence now suggests that S-nitrosylation may also have a central function in plant biology.  相似文献   

Methionine is a sulfur-containing residue found in most proteins which are particularly susceptible to oxidation. Although methionine oxidation causes protein damage, it can in some cases activate protein function. Enzymatic systems reducing oxidized methionine have evolved in most bacterial species and methionine oxidation proves to be a reversible post-translational modification regulating protein activity. In this review, we inspect recent examples of methionine oxidation provoking protein loss and gain of function. We further speculate on the role of methionine oxidation as a multilayer endogenous antioxidant system and consider its potential consequences for bacterial virulence.  相似文献   

Increasing evidences support the assumption that nitric oxide (NO) acts as a physiological mediator in plants. Understanding its pleiotropic effects requires a deep analysis of the molecular mechanisms underlying its mode of action. In the recent years, efforts have been made in the identification of plant proteins modified by NO at the post-translational level, notably by S-nitrosylation. This reversible process involves the formation of a covalent bond between NO and reactive cysteine residues. This research has now born fruits and numerous proteins regulated by S-nitrosylation have been identified and characterized. This review describes the basic principle of S-nitrosylation as well as the Biotin Switch Technique and its recent adaptations allowing the identification of S-nitrosylated proteins in physiological contexts. The impact of S-nitrosylation on the structure/function of selected proteins is further discussed.  相似文献   

Granzymes kill cells in a variety of ways. They induce mitochondrial dysfunction through caspase dependent and caspase-independent pathways and destroy DNA and the integrity of the nucleus. For gaining a better understanding of the molecular function of granzyme M and its NK cell specificity, structural characterization of this enzyme by molecular modeling as well as its detailed comparison with other granzymes is presented in this study. The study includes mode of action of granzyme M using cationic binding sites, substrate specificity, post-translational structural modification and its functional relationship and interaction of the enzyme with inhibitor in an attempt to explore how the activity of human granzyme M is controlled under physiological conditions. It is concluded from the present study that the post-translational modification, including Oglycosylation of serine, phosphorylation of serine and threonine and myristoylation of glycine, play an important role in the interaction of enzyme with the cell surface membrane and regulate protein trafficking and stability. Phosphorylated serine and threonine also plays a role in tumor elimination, viral clearance and tissue repair. In Gzm M there are cationic sites, cs1 and cs2 that may participate in binding of Gzm M to the cell surface, thereby promoting its uptake and eventual release into the cytoplasm. Gzm M shows apoptotic activity both by caspase dependent and independent pathways. Modeling of inhibitors bound to the granzyme active site shows that the dimer also contributes to substrate specificity in a unique manner by extending the active-site cleft.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and post-translational modification of placental alkaline phosphatase were studied in human choriocarcinoma cells, JEG-3. Pulse-chase experiments with [35S]methionine demonstrated that placental alkaline phosphatase was synthesized as a major precursor form with Mr 63,000, which was then converted to a mature form with Mr 66,000, by processing of its N-linked oligosaccharides from the high-mannose type to the complex type. In addition, the two forms of the protein were found to be modified by a glycophospholipid, components of which were characterized by metabolic incorporation into placental alkaline phosphatase of 3H-labeled compounds such as myo-inositol, palmitic acid, stearic acid, mannose, glucosamine, and ethanolamine. When placental alkaline phosphatase labeled with these compounds was treated with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C or papain, the phospholipase C removed only the 3H-labeled fatty acids, whereas papain, that is known to cleave the C-terminal region, released all the radioactive glycolipid components including [3H]ethanolamine. More detailed analysis with shorter pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that placental alkaline phosphatase was primarily synthesized as a form with Mr 64,500 which was not yet labeled with [3H]palmitic acid. This form was converted by papain digestion to the above-mentioned major precursor with Mr 63,000. Taken together, these results suggest that placental alkaline phosphatase is initially synthesized as the precursor with Mr 64,500, which is immediately converted to the intermediate form with Mr 63,000 by simultaneously occurring proteolysis of the C terminus and replacement by the glycophospholipid, and finally to the mature form with Mr 66,000 by terminal glycosylation of its N-linked oligosaccharides. The glycophospholipid thus attached is considered to function as the membrane-anchoring domain of placental alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

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