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Zhou GQ  Zhang Y  Hammarström S 《Gene》2001,264(1):105-112
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a tumor marker of wide clinical use though its function remains unknown. The CEA counterpart and some related macromolecules cannot be demonstrated in mice, thus prohibiting studies of CEA function by gene disruption strategies. In an attempt to find a relevant animal model for functional studies of CEA we have investigated the occurrence of CEA subgroup members in baboon and African green monkey at the genomic and mRNA levels. The investigation was focused on the characteristic immunoglobulin-variable region-like (IgV-like) N-terminal domain of the family members. Based on N-domain sequences 3 and 4 different CEA subgroup genes, respectively, were identified. One sequence in each monkey species corresponded to human CEACAM8, while it was not possible to assign an obvious human counterpart for the other N-domain sequences. However, studies of cDNAs from African green monkey COS-1 cells identified one of the sequences as CEACAM1. Expression of CEACAM1 mRNA and protein was upregulated by IFNgamma as has previously been demonstrated for human CEACAM1. Presence of GPI-linked CEA subgroup members in African green monkey was suggested by sequencing. Both monkey species would thus seem suitable for functional studies of selected CEA subgroup members.  相似文献   

A 2073-base pair DNA fragment containing a part of gene for a member of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family, has been isolated from human DNA library after screening with 32P-labeled 53-mer oligodeoxyribonucleotide corresponding to N-terminal 18 amino acids of CEA gene family and cDNA encoding CEA (1,2). The fragment contains two exons; the one encodes the first 60% of signal peptide and the other the rest of it in addition to 107 amino acids which correspond to the N-terminal domain of CEA (1,2). Apparently, the second intron is inserted between the first and the second nucleotides of the codon for 108th amino acid. The presence of Ala instead of Val as the 21st amino acid of the N-terminal domain indicates that the exon encodes nonspecific crossreacting antigen (NCA).  相似文献   

A long-range physical map of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family cluster, which is located on the long arm of chromosome 19, has been constructed. This was achieved by hybridization analysis of large DNA fragments separated by pulse-field gel electrophoresis and of DNA from human/rodent somatic cell hybrids, as well as the assembly of ordered sets of cosmids for this gene region into contigs. The different approaches yielded very similar results and indicate that the entire gene family is contained within a region located at position 19q13.1-q13.2 between the CYP2A and the D19S15/D19S8 markers. The physical linkage of nine genes belonging to the CEA subgroup and their location with respect to the pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) subgroup genes have been determined, and the latter are located closer to the telomere. From large groups of ordered cosmid clones, the identity of all known CEA subgroup genes has been confirmed either by hybridization using gene-specific probes or by DNA sequencing. These studies have identified a new member of the CEA subgroup (CGM8), which probably represents a pseudogene due to the existence of two stop codons, one in the leader and one in the N-terminal domain exons. The gene order and orientation, which were determined by hybridization with probes from the 5' and 3' regions of the genes, are as follows: cen/3'-CGM7-5'/3'-CGM2-5'/5'-CEA-3'/5'-NCA-3'/5'-CGM1- 3'/3'-BGP-5'/3'- CGM9-5'/3'-CGM6-5'/5'-CGM8-3'/PSGcluster/qter.  相似文献   

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and asialo CEA were subjected to multiple Smith-degradation (i.e., for each degradation, application in sequence of periodate oxidation, borohydride reduction, and mild hydrolysis with acid; borohydride-t was substituted for unlabelled borohydride). High yields of modified glycoproteins were obtained at each stage. After three complete degradations and a further periodate-borohydride-t treatment, the carbohydrate content of CEA and of asialo CEA had decreased from 45–50% to 11–12% (i.e., 90% removal of carbohydrate). Glycerol was always one of the products obtained after each degradation, but threitol and erythritol were not detected. The second degradation caused a substantial loss of 2-acetamido-2-deoxyglucose, which is consistent with the location of some of this monosaccharide towards the terminal (non-reducing) end of the oligosaccharides. The “core” region of the oligosaccharides is composed of galactose, mannose, and 2-acetamido-2-deoxyglucose. After the fourth oxidation, 2-acetamido-2-deoxyglucose was 50–60% of the total content of residual carbohydrate. After the first degradation, there was a progressive loss in antigenic activity, but this was associated with a small amount of hydrolysis of the protein moiety of CEA.  相似文献   

Summary Various rodent and primate DNAs exhibit a stronger intra- than interspecies cross-hybridization with probes derived from the N-terminal domain exons of human and rat carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-like genes. Southern analyses also reveal that the human and rat CEA gene families are of similar complexity. We counted at least 10 different genes per human haploid genome. In the rat, approximately seven to nine different N-terminal domain exons that presumably represent different genes appear to be present. We were able to assign the corresponding genomic restriction endonuclease fragments to already isolated CEA gene family members of both human and rat. Highly similar subgroups, as found within the human CEA gene family, seem to be absent from the rat genome. Hybridization with an intron probe from the human nonspecific cross-reacting antigen (NCA) gene and analysis of DNA sequence data indicate the conservation of noncoding regions among CEA-like genes within primates, implicating that whole gene units may have been duplicated. With the help of a computer program and by calculating the rate of synonymous substitutions, evolutionary trees have been derived. From this, we propose that an independent parallel evolution, leading to different CEA gene families, must have taken place in, at least, the primate and rodent orders.  相似文献   

The reactivities of eight purified preparations of carcinoembryonic antigen with monoclonal antibodies directed to tumor-associated carbohydrate determinants have been studied. All eight preparations showed strong reactivities with AH6, which defines Y structure (Fuc alpha 1----2Gal beta 1----4[Fuc alpha 1----3] GlcNAc beta 1----R), whereas only a few preparations showed reactivity with FH4-defining dimeric X determinants, (Gal beta 1----4 [Fuc alpha 1----3]GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal beta 1----4 [Fuc alpha 1----3]GlcNA beta 1----3Gal beta 1----R). No other antibodies tested showed any reactivity with these preparations. These carbohydrate markers associated with carcinoembryonic antigen will be useful to enhance the diagnostic value of the antigen.  相似文献   

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a glycoprotein antigen generally used for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment monitoring of several types of tumors, including colorectal cancer. Nucleic acid aptamers are DNA or RNA oligonucleotides capable of binding with high specificity and affinity to a molecular target. The aim of this study was to obtain aptamers specific to CEA for use as radiopharmaceuticals in colorectal cancer diagnosis. Five aptamers were selected through the Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponencial Enrichment (SELEX) and tested using T84 (CEA+) and Hela (CEA−) cells. Apta 3 and Apta 5 showed the best results presenting high specificity and affinity for T84 cells, with dissociation constants (Kd) of 60.4 ± 5.7 nM and 37.8 ± 5.8 nM, respectively. These results indicate that Apta 3 and Apta 5 are promising candidates for identifying tumor cells that overexpress CEA.  相似文献   

A cDNA containing the entire coding region for a member of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family has been cloned from cDNA library of HLC-1 cells by immunochemical screening with the antibody specific to nonspecific crossreacting antigen (NCA). The cDNA encodes a precursor form of a polypeptide consisting of a 34-residue signal sequence, a 108-residue N-terminal (N-) domain, a 178-residue domain (NCA-I domain) and a 24-residue domain rich in hydrophobic amino acids (M-domain). Each domain has a distinct but homologous amino acid sequence to that of the corresponding domain of CEA. Unlike the coding sequences, the 3'-untranslated sequences differ markedly in the NCA and CEA cDNAs facilitating the preparation of probes that will discriminate between nucleotide sequences for CEA and NCA.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization was used to establish the order of, and to estimate genomic distances among, members of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) subgroups on chromosome 19. Fluorescence in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes localized the PSG subgroup telomeric to the CEA subgroup. Cosmid clones containing sequences for individual genes in the CEA and PSG subgroups were also hybridized to human sperm pronuclear and somatic interphase nuclear chromatin targets. The mapping results lead to the gene order cen-CGM7-CEA-NCA-CGM1-BGP-CGM9-CGM8-PSG-te l. The genomic distances between selected pairs of gene family members were estimated from the physical distances between hybridization sites measured in pronuclei. The CEA-PSG gene family region is estimated to span 1.1 to 1.2 Mb.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of human carcinoembryonic antigen deduced from the cDNA sequences have been analysed. This antigen contains seven extracellular domains (previously recognized three highly repetitive domains are further divided into A and B subdomains each) which are strikingly homologous to each other and to immunoglobulin variable regions, poly-Ig receptor and Thy 1.1. The N-terminal domain lacks immunoglobulin-like fold but the other six domains have, suggesting that the CEA belongs to immunoglobulin superfamily.  相似文献   

Human melanomas are known to contain vimentin intermediate filaments but there has been some dispute about their expression of cytokeratins. The cytoplasm of human M21 melanoma cells maintained in culture reacted with a rabbit anti-keratin antibody and two monoclonal anti-keratin antibodies AE1 and AE2. Cells derived directly from subcutaneous xenografts of M21 melanoma in nude mice, however, failed to express cytokeratins. The presence of keratin filaments in cultured M21 cells was confirmed by electronmicroscopic and immuno-electronmicroscopic examinations of cell extracts. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), revealed 46 KD keratin proteins in cultured M21 cells. Small amounts of these low molecular weight keratins were detected by PAGE in M21 melanoma xenografts even though immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase assays failed to demonstrate keratin at the light microscopic level. Immunofluorescence revealed keratin and carcinoembryonic antigen (hitherto undetected in human melanomas) first on the 9th day of culture of xenograft-derived M21 cells. The appearance of keratin and CEA in M21 melanoma cells in vitro was not affected by inhibition of cellular proliferation or as a result of exposure to methotrexate or adriamycin. However, adriamycin altered the cytoplasmic distribution of keratin.  相似文献   

CEA and CEACAM6 are immunoglobulin family intercellular adhesion molecules that are up-regulated without structural mutations in approximately 70% of human cancers. Results in in vitro systems showing tumorigenic effects for these molecules suggest that this correlation could indicate an instrumental role in tumorigenesis. To test whether this applies in vivo, transgenic mice harboring 187 kb of the human genome containing four CEA family member genes including the CEA and CEACAM6 genes were created and their copy numbers increased by mating until colonocyte expression levels reached levels seen in human colorectal carcinomas. The colonocyte surface level of integrin alpha5 and the activation of AKT increased progressively with the expression levels of CEA/CEACAM6. Colonic crypts showed a progressive increase in colonocyte proliferation, an increase in crypt fission, and a strong inhibition of both differentiation and anoikis/apoptosis. All transgenic mice showed massively enlarged colons comprising a continuous mosaic of severe hyperplasia, dysplasia and serrated adenomatous morphology. These results suggest that up-regulated non-mutated adhesion molecules could have a significant instrumental role in human cancer.  相似文献   

A variant of CEA which is less readily endocytosed by macrophages has been isolated from malignant ascites. In vivo, CEA is cleared more slowly by the liver (t1/2 = 15.1 minutes) than CEAs isolated from hepatic metastases (t1/2 = 3.1 minutes). In vitro, rat and human Kupffer cells and rat alveolar macrophages endocytose this CEA less effectively. This slow clearing form of CEA is associated with a smaller (45kD) acidic glycoprotein (CORA) with which it forms a stable complex. CORA can be visualized on reducing gels but not on non reducing gels or by HPLC run under non reducing conditions. This suggests a non-covalent complex between the two glycoproteins. Analysis of protein conformation by circular dichroism revealed changes in the ascites CEA consistent with binding of CORA to the molecule. Western blot showed that CORA crossreacts with antisera to alpha 1-acid glycoprotein and double immunodiffusion demonstrated cross-reactivity but not identify. Sequencing of CNBr peptides showed sequence homology with alpha 1-acid glycoprotein but areas of unique sequence were also found. It is suggested that binding of CORA to CEA blocks the macrophage receptor binding of CEA.  相似文献   

Four hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) of the IgG1 subclass against human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were obtained from fusion of P3-NS1/1-Ag4 myeloma cells with splenic cells from mice immunized with purified CEA. None of the MAbs showed cross-reactivity to perchloric acid extractable antigens from the normal human colon by an inhibition radioimmunoassay. However, MAb C27 showed the highest affinity to CEA. The intensity of immunofluorescence staining of human colorectal cancer cells with MAb C27 correlates well to the cellular CEA content of cancer cells. LS174T showed the highest intensity of fluorescence (95%) while COLO320DM and COLO320HRS were the lowest (0.5%). None of the normal human organs - colon, lungs, liver, spleen or kidneys-showed positive staining by immunoperoxidase anti-peroxidase (PA) techniques, while tissues from colorectal carcinoma (CRC), gastric carcinoma, hepatoma and lung cancer gave a positive rate of 100% (30/30), 96.6% (28/29), 32.1% (9/28) and 82.1% (69/84) respectively. Results suggest that MAb C27 can be used in immunodetection and radiolocalization of colorectal carcinoma.  相似文献   

Immobilized carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and non-specific crossreacting antigen (NCA) bound 3 strains of E. coli of human origin. The binding was dose dependent, saturable, and of high avidity. Binding of the bacteria to CEA and NCA was completely abolished in the presence of 10 mM alpha-methyl D-mannopyranoside. Bacteria did not bind to concanavalin A. In addition, binding to deglycosylated CEA was either absent or significantly reduced. These findings indicate that the E. coli strains bind to D-mannosyl residues in CEA and NCA. Considering the tissue distribution of CEA (brush border of colonic epithelium) and NCA (granulocytes), these glycoproteins may be involved in the recognition of bacteria.  相似文献   

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