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Carla A.M. Marres  E.C. Slater 《BBA》1977,462(3):531-548
1. The polypeptide composition of purified QH2:cytochrome c oxidoreductase prepared by three different methods from beef-heart mitochondria has been determined. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of dodecyl sulphate resolves eight intrinsic polypeptide bands; when, in addition, 8 M urea is present and a more highly cross-linked gel is used, the smallest polypeptide band is resolved into three different bands.

2. The identity of several polypeptide bands has been established by fractionation. The two heaviest polypeptides (bands 1 and 2) represent the so-called core proteins, band 3 the hemoprotein of cytochrome b, band 4 the hemoprotein of cytochrome c1, band 5 the Rieske Fe-S protein, band 6 a polypeptide associated with cytochrome c1 and identified with the so-called oxidation factor, and band 7 a polypeptide associated with cytochrome b.

3. The validity of molecular weight estimates for the polypeptides of the enzyme based on their mobility on dodecyl sulphate gels has been examined. The polypeptides of bands 1, 2 and 3 showed anomalous migration rates. The molecular weights of the other polypeptides have been estimated from their relative mobilities on either dodecyl sulphate gels or 8 M urea-dodecyl sulphate gels as 29 000, 24 000, 12 000, 8000, 6000, 5000 and 4000, respectively.

4. The stoicheiometry of the different polypeptides in the intact complex was determined using separate staining factors for the individual polypeptide bands.  相似文献   

Models for the interaction of the cytochrome P-450 with its substrates, namely for the type I interaction are proposed in which the molecular planes of the aromatic substrate and the porphyrins of P-450 are in parallel. Optical values such as transition energies and oscillator strengths for the isolated P-450 and P-450-substrate complex are calculated by means of molecular orbital method (ASMO SCF CI method), and they are compared with the observed values. The fact that no appreciable shift in the absorption peak of Soret band of P-450 was observed upon addition of substrate is reflected well in the calculation. Similarly, the well-known fact that the absorbance of the P-450 was decreased by mixing it with the substrate is also explained well by the calculated oscillator strength for the isolated P-450 and the stacked complexes. From the good agreement between the calculated results and the observed ones, it is suggested that the proposed models might be true reflections of the interactions between the P-450 and its substrates.  相似文献   

The hydrophobic domain of the membrane-bound enzyme yeast cytochrome c oxidase was labelled with photoactivable phosphatidylcholines.Subunits I, II and III were labelled; a minor labelling was also found on subunits V and VII.The labelling of subunit V was located in a small terminal polypeptide sequence.  相似文献   

We have identified the gene for a major component of the prohead core of bacteriophage T4, the 17K protein. The gene, which we call gene 68, lies between genes 67 and 21 in the major cluster of T4 head genes. All of the genes in this region of the T4 genome have overlapping initiation and termination codons with the sequence T-A-A-T-G. We present the DNA sequence of the gene and show that it codes for a protein containing 141 amino acids with an acidic amino-terminal half and a basic carboxyl terminus. Antibodies prepared against the 17K protein were used to show that it is cleaved by the phage-coded gp21 protease during head maturation and that most of the protein leaves the head after cleavage. A frameshift mutation of the gene was constructed in vitro and recombined back into the phage genome. The mutated phages had a drastically reduced burst size and about half of the particles produced were morphologically abnormal, having isometric rather than prolate heads. Thus, the 17K protein is involved in head shape determination but is only semi-essential for T4 growth.  相似文献   

A sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoretic procedure which allows the separation of isolated cytochrome c oxidase from different mammalian sources into 13 different polypeptides is described. Application of the silver-staining procedure results in the same protein pattern as obtained by Coomassie blue staining. From the correlation of the gel bands with 12 isolated polypeptides from which the complete amino acid sequence is known, it is concluded that mammalian cytochrome c oxidase consists of 13 different polypeptides which can all be separated by the described procedure.  相似文献   

The pigment content of a B800–850 light-harvesting pigment-protein complex isolated from three different stains of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides has been determined. In each case the ratio of carotenoid to bacteriochlorophyll present is very nearly 1 : 3 an no specificity with regard to carotenoid type was observed.The fourth derivative of the infra-red absorption bands of the complex was determined and it is concluded that the minimal functional unit of B800–850 complex consists of 1 carotenoid molecule and three bacteriochlorophyll molecules. The data presented here, together with the previous study of Austin, (Austin, L.A. (1976) Ph.D. Thesis, University of California at Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. LBL 5512) suggest that the 800 nm absorption band represents one of these bacteriochlorophyll molecules while the remaining two bacteriochlorophylls are responsible for the 850 nm band.The absorption spectra and circular dichroism spectra of the complexes suggests that their structure has not been greatly altered during the purification.  相似文献   

The two buried carboxyls (Asp-102 and Asp-194) in both chymotrypsin and chymotrypsinogen are ionized at pH values greater than 4.2 and may be ionized even as low as pH 3.This was demonstrated by coupling most of the surface carboxyis of the proteins by a carbodi-imide with glycinamide or semicarbazide to diminish the groups ionizing at low pH and then titrating the proton uptake on denaturation by sodium dodecyl sulphate between pH 3.0 and 4.6. At pH values greater than 4.2 all unblocked carboxyls are ionized. The proton uptake during the conformational change on denaturation was determined by a stopped-flow procedure and found to be about 2H+/mol between pH 3.0 and 3.6. The rate constant for the uptake of protons is the same as that for the exposure of tryptophan and lies in the tens of millisecond region.The buried negative charge at the active site appears to be mainly on Asp-102 rather than on His-57, the pKa of which must be raised by the buried charge. This enhances its efficacy as a base catalyst in the “charge relay system”.The presence of an intact charge relay system in the inactive zymogen illustrates the importance of stereochemical fit between enzyme and substrate. Enzyme catalysis could hardly be mediated by a catalyst which is uniquely reactive in the absence of correct enzyme-substrate orientation as this would be inconsistent with its specificity.  相似文献   

Exploring structural homology of proteins.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A method for systematically comparing the folding of the three-dimensional structures of proteins has been developed. A search function, plotted in terms of three Eulerian angles, represents the number of sequentially equivalenced amino acids. For each orientation one protein structure is rotated about its center of mass with respect to the other and probabilities are calculated which estimate the degree of structural parallelism. The structurally equivalent residues with highest probabilities are then selected for the best common topology. It was observed that, when structures containing about 150 residues were compared, the random background had a mean value of around 14 residues and the standard deviation was approximately nine residues. The method has been shown to be successful in determining the similarity of the NAD binding domains of lactate dehydrogenase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and in comparing the heme binding fold of cytochrome b5 with the globins.Application of the method to compare hen egg white lysozyme and T4 phage lysozyme led to a single significant peak of 62 residues. The structural homology indicated by this peak showed that the substrate, as bound to hen egg white lysozyme, has a corresponding binding site in the large cleft of the phage lysozyme. The predicted binding site of N-acetyl glucosamine at position C compares well with an N-acetyl glucosamine center observed to bind to crystalline phage lysozyme (B. W. Matthews, personal communication).Some results for the comparison of the two Fe-S cage binding domains of ferredoxin are also presented.  相似文献   

The isolation and purification of a 600,000 Mr cytosolic Mg2+ -ATPase from human erythrocytes is described. The electrophoretic properties of the native and sodium dodecyl sulphate-dissociated protein are presented and compared with those of the erythrocyte protein cylindrin . The Mg2+-ATPase has a single subunit of Mr 100,000 and it has an isoelectric point of 4.9. From transmission electron microscopy of negatively stained specimens, it is proposed that the Mg2+-ATPase is hexameric, containing two superimposed trimers of the 100,000 Mr subunit, which gives rise to a 13 nm pseudohexagonal particle with a central 3 nm cavity. Varying the orientation of the protein in the negative stain also produces images that are not hexagonal. When orientated on-edge, the protein produces a double-disc image, which is most clearly defined under acidic negative staining conditions with uranyl acetate, when some aggregation of the protein is produced. The ultrastructure of the Mg2+-ATPase is shown to be distinctly different from that of cylindrin . A comparative discussion of the negatively stained transmission electron microscopical images of the Mg2+-ATPase, mitochondrial F1-ATPase and several other oligomeric proteins and enzymes is presented.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the oxidation-reduction reactions of cytochrome c1 with ascorbate, ferricyanide, triphenanthrolinecobalt(III) and N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) have been examined using the stopped-flow technique. The reduction of ferricytochrome c1 by ascorbic acid is investigated as a function of pH. It is shown that at neutral and alkaline pH the reduction of the protein is mainly performed by the doubly deprotonated form of ascorbate. From the ionic-strength-dependence studies of the reactions of cytochrome c1 with ascorbate, ferricyanide and triphenanthrolinecobalt(III), it is demonstrated that the reaction rate is governed by electrostatic interactions. The second-order rate constants for the reaction of cytochrome c1 with ascorbate, ferricyanide, TMPD and triphenanthrolinecobalt(III) are 1.4·104, 3.2·103, 3.8·104 and 1.3·108 M?1·s?1 (pH 7.0, I = 0, 10°C), respectively. Application of the Debye-Hückel theory to the the ionic-strength-dependence studies of these redox reactions of cytochrome c1 yielded for ferrocytochrome c1 and ferricytochrome c1 a net charge of ?5 and ?4, respectively. The latter value is close to that of ?3 for the oxidized enzyme, calculated from the amino acid sequence of the protein. This implies that not a local charge on the surface of the protein, but the overall net charge of cytochrome c1 governs the reaction rate with small redox molecules.  相似文献   

The membrane ATPase (EC of Bacillus subtilis can be solubilized by a shock-wash process. Two procedures for purifying the solubilized enzyme are reported. A protease inhibitor, phenylmethane sulfonylfluoride, was introduced in the solubilization and purification step.The resultant ATPase purified by density gradient centrifugation has a molecular weight of 315 000, an s20,w of 13,4 and an ámino acid composition very similar to bacterial ATPases already studied.After exposure to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), or 8 M urea or SDS-urea, the purified ATPase can be dissociated in two non-identical subunits of molecular weights 59 000 (α) and 57 000 (β) with different charges.Kinetic studies showed that Ca2+ or Zn2+ are required for ATPase activity, although Mg2+ was uneffective. At optimal Ca2+ concentration, the Mg2+ has an inhibitory effect. The Km for ATP is 1.3 mM. Inhibitors of the oxydative phosphorylation, of the mitochondrial ATPase and of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase are studied.  相似文献   

Rough and smooth microsomes and Golgi membranes incorporate N-acetylglucosamine from UDP-N-acetylglucosamine into endogenous protein acceptors. A lipid intermediate of the dolichol phosphate type participates in this transfer reaction in the case of both microsomal subfractions, but the nature of lipid glycosylation is different in these two fractions. Glucosamine transfer in Golgi membranes does not appear to involve a lipid intermediate. In contrast to the results obtained under in vivo conditions, no glucosamine label is recovered in nascent ribosomal proteins or on luminal secretory proteins after incubation in vitro. Proteolysis of intact vesicles of the subfractions removes glycosylated dolichol phosphate and protein acceptors to various extents and interferes with transferase activities. This finding suggests the possibility that glycosylation at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum may involve a system separate from that acting at the luminal side of the same membrane.  相似文献   

All-trans retinoic acid increased the incorporation of D-[3H]galactose into particulate and soluble glycoproteins in the epidermis of cultured pig skin slices nearly two-fold. Increased incorporation of D-[3H]galactose was not blocked by tunicamycin. This effect was specific for D-[3H]galactose since the incorporation of D-[3H]glucosamine and L-[14C]leucine into epidermal glycoproteins was unaffected by all-trans retinoic acid. All-trans retinoic acid and 13-cis retinoic acid had quantitatively similar effects on D-[3H]galactose incorporation. All-trans retinyl acetate and an aromatic retinoic acid analogue (‘Etretinate’) were less effective. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography showed increased incorporation of D-[3H]galactose into all epidermal glycoproteins in the presence of all-trans retinoic acid. There was no evidence for synthesis of new glycoproteins such as mucins.  相似文献   

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