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Dans certains gisements fossilifères, la conservation des organismes au corps mou est imputable à la prolifération de voiles microbiens. II en est ainsi des shales du Grès à Voltzia (Trias inférieur) où des méduses, des annèlides et diverses pontes sont fossilisés dans des lamines grises, d'épaisseur inframillimétrique, dont la nature bactérienne est démontrée. En recouvrant rapidement les cadavres, les voiles microbiens les protégeaient contre les animaux saprophages et les actions mécaniques. En měme temps, ils créaient un milieu clos, appauvri en oxygène, qui inhibait la décomposition de la matière organique. □ Fossilisation, voiles microbiens, cyanobactéries, Buntsandstein.
Preservation of soft-bodied organisms in some fossiliferous localities is attributable to spreading of microbial veils. This is the case of the shales of the Grès à Voltzia (Lower Triassic), where fossil medusae, worms and clutches occur in grey, less than a millimeter thick laminae, the bacterial origin of which is demonstrated. Covering the bodies rapidly, the microbial veils protected them from scavengers and physical injuries. They created enclosed spaces, with poor oxygen content, inhibiting the decay of organic matter. □ Fossilization, microbial veils, cyanobacteria, Buntsandstein.  相似文献   

The collect of the fossiliferous nodules starts in 1979 in the Saint-Louis opencast mine at Montceau-les-Mines, France. A team of amateur paleontologists excavates more than 100,000 nodules containing very well-preserved fauna and flora from the Late Carboniferous (Stephanian).  相似文献   

Marcel Otte 《L'Anthropologie》2015,119(5):508-518
From east to west, Aurignacian populations and civilizations moved into Europe during dry and cold climatic conditions. The zones of origin in the Middle East at that time had a steppic environment with large fauna that were rich caloric resources. Alongside many other examples, this new cultural unit has strict parallels that are clearly evidenced at Jabrud (Syria) and Yafteh (Iran). Now a desert region, during the Aurignacian this vast geographic and ethnic region extended on both sides of the Central Zagros Mountains, towards Central Asia where immense steppes seem having formed the epicenter.  相似文献   

Les Ahiarmiut: À Vécart des Inuit Caribous. Yvon Csonka. Neuchàtel, Switzerland: Éditions Victor Attinger, 1995. 501 pp.  相似文献   

Résumé La glande sternale de Trinervitermes geminatus correspond à un épaississement médian de la partie antérieure du cinquième sternite abdominal.Elle est bordée intérieurement par une fine basale conjonctive et extérieurement par la cuticule, quelques sensilles campaniformes sont également visibles dans la masse glandulaire. On peut y reconnaître deux types de cellules: d'abord des cellules ovalaires situées dans la partie moyenne de la glande. Elles contiennent de grosses mitochondries et des globules denses, et sont en relation avec la basale par quelques fins prolongements cellulaires. Ensuite des cellules cylindriques, bien développées, constituant toute l'épaisseur de la glande. Elles possèdent de nombreuses vésicules de reticulum lisse et une bordure en brosse formée de microvillosités et de digitations cytoplasmiques qui pénètrent dans la cuticule. Cette cuticule comprend une mésocuticule lacunaire et une fine épicuticule percée par des «canalicules épicuticulaires».Une comparaison est établie avec la glande sternale d'autres termites, en particulier celle de Kalotermes.
Exocrine glands of termites
Summary The sternal gland of Trinervitermes geminatus appears as a median thickening of the epidermis at the anterior part of the fifth abdominal sternite.It is lined internally with a thin basal lamina and externally with the cuticle. A few campaniform sensilla are also visible in the glandular mass. Two types of cells may be recognized. First, oval-shaped cells, containing numerous large mitochondria and dense globules; these cells having no contact with the cuticle are connected with the basal lamina by a few narrow cytoplasmic stems. Second, tall columnar cells, with vesicular endoplasmic reticulum and an apical brush border built up by microvilli and finger—like processes which reach into the cuticle. This cuticle is made of alveolous mesocuticle and a thin epicuticle perforated by epicuticular canals.The organ is compared with the sternal gland of other termites, particularly with the one of Kalotermes.

Until 1950, a few handaxe yielding sites were known in China. Since then, several sites were discovered, as for example Dingcun, Lantian and Bose. However, only after the publication of the discovery of handaxes at Bose in 2000, the theory of Movius, who rejected the evidence of proper handaxes in China, was really questioned. This bad understanding of the prehistory in China, would be bound to a misunderstanding of the geological Quaternary context. This article aims at improving the situation by presenting the stratigraphy of handaxe-yielding sites according to their geographical and environmental context, highly contrasted between north and south.  相似文献   

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