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Entamoeba histolytica infects almost 10% of the world's population and results in about 100 000 deaths annually(1). Relatively little information is available concerning the immune response and the immunopathology elicited by this parasite, probably due in part to the lack of a truly appropriate animal model(2-4). However, there has been some progress - particularly concerning the interaction of this parasite with cells of the immune system(5,6). This review summarizes the salient features of the cellular immune response and immunopathology, largely from in vitro studies and studies using the gerbil model for invasive amoebiasis(7,8). Overall, the results suggest that invasive amoebtasis induces profound immune dysfunction both at the effector level of macrophages and on their accessory cell potential.  相似文献   

S. S. B. Gilder 《CMAJ》1968,98(18):880-881

RNA elements within flavivirus genomes are potential targets for antiviral therapy. A panel of phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers (PMOs), whose sequences are complementary to RNA elements located in the 5'- and 3'-termini of the West Nile (WN) virus genome, were designed to anneal to important cis-acting elements and potentially to inhibit WN infection. A novel Arg-rich peptide was conjugated to each PMO for efficient cellular delivery. These PMOs exhibited various degrees of antiviral activity upon incubation with a WN virus luciferase-replicon-containing cell line. Among them, PMOs targeting the 5'-terminal 20 nucleotides (5'End) or targeting the 3'-terminal element involved in a potential genome cyclizing interaction (3'CSI) exhibited the greatest potency. When cells infected with an epidemic strain of WN virus were treated with the 5'End or 3'CSI PMO, virus titers were reduced by approximately 5 to 6 logs at a 5 muM concentration without apparent cytotoxicity. The 3'CSI PMO also inhibited mosquito-borne flaviviruses other than WN virus, and the antiviral potency correlated with the conservation of the targeted 3'CSI sequences of specific viruses. Mode-of-action analyses showed that the 5'End and 3'CSI PMOs suppressed viral infection through two distinct mechanisms. The 5'End PMO inhibited viral translation, whereas the 3'CSI PMO did not significantly affect viral translation but suppressed RNA replication. The results suggest that antisense PMO-mediated blocking of cis-acting elements of flavivirus genomes can potentially be developed into an anti-flavivirus therapy. In addition, we report that although a full-length WN virus containing a luciferase reporter (engineered at the 3' untranslated region of the genome) is not stable, an early passage of this reporting virus can be used to screen for inhibitors against any step of the virus life cycle.  相似文献   

Immunopathology of aging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Immunopathology of schistosomiasis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Waterborne parasitic diseases plague tropical regions of the world with the development of water resources often increasing transmission. Skin-penetrating cercariae (infectious stages of schistosome parasites) mature within their mammalian host, form sexual pairs and produce several hundred eggs per day. Many eggs are swept within the circulation and in the case of Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum, become lodged within hepatic sinusoids, invoking a fibrotic granulomatous response. Animal studies have identified a moderate type 1 helper (Th1) response to parasite antigens; however, a robust Th2 response to egg-derived antigens dominates and propagates fibrogenesis within the liver. Elegant T helper cell polarization studies have highlighted that critical control of Th1, Th2 and interleukin (IL)-17-secreting lymphocytes is necessary to prevent severe liver pathology. Alternatively activated macrophages develop in the Th2 milieu and upregulate Fizz1, Ym-1 and Arg-1. The possible contribution of macrophages to fibrogenesis and their role in immune regulation are discussed. Within the liver, natural (CD4(+)CD25(+) Forkhead box protein 3 (Foxp3)(+)) and inducible (CD4(+)Foxp3(-)) Treg's are recruited, providing an essential regulatory arm to stabilize the immune response and limit immunopathology. This review ties together current thinking of how the granulomatous response develops, causing much of the associated immunopathology, with extensive discussions on how regulatory cells and cytokine decoy receptors serve to limit the extent of immune-mediated pathology during schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

The influence of two stress factors, sharp changes in temperature and hypokinesia, on the course of experimental tick-borne encephalitis and Langat virus infections in mice has been studied. The data obtained in this study indicate that both factors produce defects in T- and B-cell-mediated immunity, accompanied by the activation of asymptomatic infection and the decrease of the mean survival time in acute infection. These two stress factors, differing in their intensity and nature (physical and emotional), have been shown to produce the same effect on the course of acute and asymptomatic flavivirus infections. In the former case the mean survival time of the animals decreases, and in the latter case clinically manifest infection develops. Under the conditions of hypokinesia (or changes in temperature), the death rate among the animals infected with langat virus has been found to increase 3- to 4-fold in comparison with the controls, the mortality level in the groups subjected to different stress factors being the same.  相似文献   

The main clinical forms of Chagas disease (acute, indeterminate and chronic cardiac) present strong evidences for the participation of the immune system on pathogenesis. Although parasite multiplication is evident during acute infection, the intense acute myocarditis of this phase exhibits clear ultrastructural signs of cell-mediated immune damage, inflicted to parasitized and non-parasitized myocardiocytes and to the endothelium of myocardial capillaries (microangiopathy). Inflammation subsides almost completely when immunity decreases parasite load and suppressor factors modulate host reaction, but inflammation does not disappear when the disease enters the indeterminate phase. Inflammation becomes mild and focal and undergoes cyclic changes leading to complete resolution. However, the process is maintained because the disappearance of old focal lesions is balanced by the upsurge of new ones. This equilibrium allows for prolonged host survival in the absence of symptoms or signs of disease. The chronic cardiac form is represented by a delayed-type, cell-mediated diffuse myocarditis, that probably ensues when the suppressive mechanisms, operative during the indeterminate phase, become defaulted. The mechanism responsible for the transition from the indeterminate to the cardiac form, is poorly understood.  相似文献   

黄病毒是一大科人类致病性的单股正链RNA病毒。黄病毒包括登革病毒、西尼罗脑炎病毒及日本脑炎病毒等成员,主要径通过节肢动物的叮咬进行传播,即为虫媒黄病毒。研究发现,在虫媒黄病毒复制过程中,除病毒基因组正链RNA、互补的负链RNA及两者的杂合RNA分子外,在病毒感染细胞后还能产生一种病毒亚基因组RNA(subgenomic RNA,sgRNA)。近年对这种sgRNA展开了比较多的研究,结果表明,其产生机制与已知的其他病毒sgRNA产生机制并不相同。该sgRNA的产生与虫媒黄病毒基因组3’非编码区所形成的保守二级结构有关,同时宿主核酸酶对其的不完全降解亦有重要作用。虫媒黄病毒基因组3’非编码区中带有多个与病毒复制相关的RNA元件,而sgRNA的发现有助于全面地认识病毒RNA与宿主RNA代谢途径间的相互作用,为最终阐明病毒的致病机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

Structures of immature flavivirus particles   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Structures of prM-containing dengue and yellow fever virus particles were determined to 16 and 25 A resolution, respectively, by cryoelectron microscopy and image reconstruction techniques. The closely similar structures show 60 icosahedrally organized trimeric spikes on the particle surface. Each spike consists of three prM:E heterodimers, where E is an envelope glycoprotein and prM is the precursor to the membrane protein M. The pre-peptide components of the prM proteins in each spike cover the fusion peptides at the distal ends of the E glycoproteins in a manner similar to the organization of the glycoproteins in the alphavirus spikes. Each heterodimer is associated with an E and a prM transmembrane density. These transmembrane densities represent either an EE or prMprM antiparallel coiled coil by which each protein spans the membrane twice, leaving the C-terminus of each protein on the exterior of the viral membrane, consistent with the predicted membrane-spanning domains of the unprocessed polyprotein.  相似文献   

Lee CJ  Lin HR  Liao CL  Lin YL 《Journal of virology》2008,82(13):6470-6480
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and dengue virus serotype 2 (DEN-2) are enveloped flaviviruses that enter cells through receptor-mediated endocytosis and low pH-triggered membrane fusion and then replicate in intracellular membrane structures. Lipid rafts, cholesterol-enriched lipid-ordered membrane domains, are platforms for a variety of cellular functions. In this study, we found that disruption of lipid raft formation by cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin or cholesterol chelation with filipin III reduces JEV and DEN-2 infection, mainly at the intracellular replication steps and, to a lesser extent, at viral entry. Using a membrane flotation assay, we found that several flaviviral nonstructural proteins are associated with detergent-resistant membrane structures, indicating that the replication complex of JEV and DEN-2 localizes to the membranes that possess the lipid raft property. Interestingly, we also found that addition of cholesterol readily blocks flaviviral infection, a result that contrasts with previous reports of other viruses, such as Sindbis virus, whose infectivity is enhanced by cholesterol. Cholesterol mainly affected the early step of the flavivirus life cycle, because the presence of cholesterol during viral adsorption greatly blocked JEV and DEN-2 infectivity. Flavirial entry, probably at fusion and RNA uncoating steps, was hindered by cholesterol. Our results thus suggest a stringent requirement for membrane components, especially with respect to the amount of cholesterol, in various steps of the flavivirus life cycle.  相似文献   

Flaviviruses comprise a number of important human pathogens including yellow fever, dengue, West Nile, Japanese encephalitis and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. They are small enveloped viruses that enter cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis and release their nucleocapsid into the cytoplasm by fusing their membrane with the endosomal membrane. The fusion event is triggered by the acidic pH in the endosome and is mediated by the major envelope protein E. Based on the atomic structures of the pre- and post-fusion conformations of E, a fusion model has been proposed that includes several steps leading from the metastable assembly of E at the virion surface to membrane merger and fusion pore formation trough conversion of E into a stable trimeric post-fusion conformation. Using recombinant subviral particles of tick-borne encephalitis virus as a model, we have defined individual steps of the molecular processes underlying the flavivirus fusion mechanisms. This includes the identification of a conserved histidine as being part of the pH sensor in the fusion protein that responds to the acidic pH and thus initiates the structural transitions driving fusion.  相似文献   

Immunopathology of murine experimental allergic orchitis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Experimental allergic orchitis (EAO) was induced consistently in BALB/c mice by immunization with homologous testicular tissue homogenate emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) providing that the animals had received simultaneously at least 1 microgram of an extract of Bordetella pertussis rich in pertussigen. All animals thus treated developed orchitis and serum antibody to testicular antigens within 20 days after immunization. The lesions were located in testis (100%), rete testis (37%), cauda epididymis (21%), and vas deferens (37%). Ductus efferentes and caput epididymis were only rarely affected. Early lesions in the seminiferous tubules were characterized by peritubular and/or intratubular accumulation of eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages. This was followed by aspermatogenesis. Late lesions included massive necrosis and extensive fibrosis of the seminiferous tubules. Disruption of blood-testis barrier on day 20 was evidenced by the detection of 1) perfused lanthanum deposits between Sertoli cells and surrounding inflammatory cells inside the seminiferous tubules, 2) deposits of endogenous mouse IgG in germinal epithelium, and 3) probable immune complexes (granular C3) surrounding seminiferous tubules. Murine EAO differed from that of the guinea pig in the lack of involvement of the ductus efferentes, the extensive necrosis, the abundant polymorphonuclear eosinophils in the lesion, and the exquisite requirement of concomitant injection of B. pertussis extract.  相似文献   

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