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The present study compared three procedures for normalization of upper trapezius surface electromyographic (EMG) amplitudes: (a) a ramp procedure (providing data in per cent of maximal voluntary contraction, MVC); (b) a constant force procedure based on two reference contractions (two-force procedure) (%MVC) and (c) a procedure expressing muscle activation in per cent of a reference voluntary electrical activity (%RVE). The study also evaluated the repeatability of the ramp and the RVE procedures and estimated the force exertion (%MVC) corresponding to the RVE. To illustrate the ergonomic effect of different normalization procedures, trapezius EMG during two work tasks was compared after normalization by the two-force and the RVE procedures. Fifteen subjects participated in the whole study. We found that force estimates obtained by the ramp procedure equation could be translated to force estimates obtained by the two-force procedure by the equation: %MVC2force = − 0.6 + 0.9*%MVCramp, although with a considerable imprecision due to large inter-individual differences. In the ramp procedure, the intra-individual test-retest coefficient of variation (CV) depended on the force level; it was 45% at 5% MVC and 10% at 30% MVC. The CV of the RVE was 15%. The reference contraction used in the RVE procedure corresponded from 13–79% MVC (median 33%MVC). The load reducing effect of an ergonomic intervention was less obvious with the RVE procedure than with the two-force procedure due to a larger inter-individual variation. The advantages and disadvantages of the different procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

Muscle fatigue and calibration of EMG measurements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Amplitude electromyography (EMG) is often used as an estimator of muscular load. Such measurements can, however, be biased by other factors, for example muscular fatigue. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of fatigue on amplitude parameters of the EMG. The test subjects raised the arm to 909 of abduction in the plane of the scapula. The hand was loaded with 0, 1 and 2 kg during 5, 3 and 2 min respectively. EMG was recorded from the trapezius muscle, and spectral and amplitude parameters were calculated. There was a significant rise of the EMG amplitude as a sign of fatigue at all load levels: 7% min−1 at 0 kg, 15% min−1 at 1 kg, and 19% min−1 at 2 kg. At 0 kg hand load there was no change of the spectral parameters but at higher load levels there was a significant decline of mean power frequency: 3% min−1 at 1 kg and 11% at 2 kg. The amplitude rise due to muscle fatigue may seriously jeopardize calibration measurements unless the duration of the load is kept limited.  相似文献   

The electromyographic (EMG) activity pattern across the upper trapezius of 22 healthy subjects was investigated during maximal isometric contractions. Eight bipolar surface electrodes with 10 mm distance between adjacent electrode pairs were placed on a line from the clavicle to the scapula. At the region near the clavicle the highest EMG amplitudes were recorded during 90 ° arm abduction. At the more posterior parts the highest amplitudes were found both during arm abduction and shoulder elevation. A double differential recording technique which reduced the EMG cross-talk contribution supported the finding that the upper trapezius was differently activated when the arm posture was changed. The normalized EMG amplitude-force relationship during the shoulder elevation showed a curvilinear relationship on the anterior part of the upper trapezius with a slower increase in EMG amplitude than force at low force. The slope of the curve, at low force, increased gradually in the posterior direction on the upper trapezius. The EMG activity patterns across the upper trapezius indicate a flexibility in motor activation which maybe reflects a functional optimization of the contractions performed by this muscle.  相似文献   

Calculation of the EMG mean power frequency (MPF) is a common procedure applied in evaluation of the frequency shift associated with local muscle fatigue. Variations of the MPF that are unrelated to muscle fatigue may jeopardize the estimation of the frequency shift. Different kinds of variation include random variation and systematic variation due to changes in posture or load. In a previous article we have evaluated the systematic linear variation of the MPF. The aim of the present study was to examine the random variation. Data sequences of 10 s, each obtained from nonfatigued trapezius muscle of 19 healthy subjects, were examined over a functional range of load and joint angles with multiple regression analysis. The random variation was evaluated with residual analysis. The residual standard deviation within the whole group was 10% for surface recordings and 13% for intramuscular recordings. If only within-subject variation was considered, the corresponding values were 5 and 8%. Based on this, confidence and prediction intervals for the regression models were calculated. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals were ±1–3% around the regression surfaces, whereas 95% prediction intervals for single measurements were as large as ±20–26% for the whole group, and ±11–20% if only within-subject variations were considered. Assessment of localized muscle fatigue using single MPF estimates should therefore be avoided. Multiple measurements and regression analysis are discussed as methods to minimize the effects of random variations.  相似文献   

Surface electromyographic (EMG) amplitude from the upper trapezius muscle is widely used as a measure of shoulder-neck load in ergonomic studies. A variety of methods for normalizing EMG amplitude from the upper trapezius (EMGamput) have been presented in the literature. This impedes meta-analyses of, for instance, upper trapezius load in relation to development of shoulder-neck disorders. The review offers a thorough discussion of different normalization procedures for EMGamput. The following main issues are focused: output variable, location of electrodes, posture and attempted movement during normalization, load and duration of reference contractions, signal processing and test-retest repeatability. It is concluded that translations of EMGamput into biomechanical variables, for example relative force development in the shoulder or in the upper trapezius itself, suffer from low validity, especially if used in work tasks involving large and/ or fast arm movements. The review proposes a standard terminology relating to normalization of EMGamput and concludes in a concrete suggestion for a normalization procedure generating bioelectrical variables which reflect upper trapezius activation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide direct in vivo information of the physiological and structural characteristics of active muscle fibres from a large part of the upper trapezius muscle. Two-dimensional (2-D) multi-channel surface electromyography recordings were used, with 13 × 10 electrodes covering 6 × 4.5 cm of the skin’s surface. A previously developed method was applied to detect individual propagating motor unit action potentials and to estimate their corresponding muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV) and muscle fibre orientation (MFO). Using these estimates, spatial distributions of MFCV and MFO were examined for five male subjects performing isometric shoulder elevation at different force levels. The main results were: (1) the general relationship between MFCV and force generation was non-systematic, with a positive relationship at the inferior part of the muscle, (2) the spatial distribution of MFCV at different force levels and fatigue was inhomogeneous and (3) the MFO was slightly different (6°) of the muscle fibres with origin superior compared to inferior to the C7 vertebra. These findings provide new information of the MFO of contracting muscle fibres and knowledge of the physiological characteristics of a large part of the upper trapezius muscle that previously was based on observations from human cadavers only.  相似文献   

Different procedures have been used for normalization of upper trapezius electromyographic (EMG) amplitudes. This complicates comparisons between studies. The present study aimed at investigating the influence of some commonly used trapezius EMG normalization procedures on the results of ergonomic analyses, as well as the test-retest repeatability of these procedures. EMG activity from the upper trapezius was recorded during an occupational task. The EMG activity was then normalized by seven different normalization procedures. It was shown that at the group level, a unilateral shoulder elevation maximal voluntary electrical (MVE) activation procedure gave 1.2 times higher occupational load estimates than a corresponding bilateral MVE. At the group level, the median load during the occupational task was 1.6 times higher when expressed as %MVC (maximal voluntary contraction) obtained from a power regression of relative force on EMG amplitude than when expressed as %MVE determined from a single maximal shoulder elevation. Normalizations in terms of a submaximal reference voluntary electrical (RVE) activation had similar test-retest repeatability in terms of the coefficient of variation (CV: 11–13%) as normalizations in terms of an MVE (CV: 11–15%), but the power regression procedures had considerably larger CVs (21–36%). The paper provides a basis for comparing previous studies using different normalization methods, as well as a qualitative evaluation of normalization methods for future use.  相似文献   

Different behaviours of the EMG power spectrum across increasing force levels have been reported for the masseter muscle. A factor that could explain these different behaviours may be the type of contraction used, as was recently shown for certain upper limb muscles5. The purpose of this study was to compare, between two types of isometric contractions, the behaviour of EMG power spectrum statistics (median frequency (MF) and mean power frequency (MPF)) obtained across increasing force levels. Ten women exerted, while biting in the intercuspal position, three 5 s ramp contractions that increased linearly from 0 to 100% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). They also completed three step contractions (constant EMG amplitude) at each of the following levels: 20, 40, 60 and 80% MVC. EMG signals from the masseter muscle were recorded with miniature surface electrodes. The RMS, as well as the MPF and MF of the power spectrum were calculated at 20, 40, 60 and 80% MVC for each type of contraction. As expected, the RMS values showed similar increases with increasing levels of effort for both types of contractions. Different behaviours for both MPF (contraction*force interaction, ANOVA, P<0.05) and MF (contraction*force interaction, ANOVA, P>0.05) across increasing levels of effort were found between the two types of contraction. The use of step contractions gave rise to a decrease of both MPF and MF with increasing force, while the use of ramp contractions gave rise to an increase in both statistics up to at least 40% MVC followed by a decrease at higher force levels. These findings suggest that the type of contraction used does influence the behaviour of the spectral statistics across increasing force levels and that this could explain the differences obtained in previous studies for the masseter muscle.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of changing internal mechanical variables and task demands on muscle activity and torque production during high effort isometric contractions of the elbow flexors. The effect of adding a 50% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of supination to an MVC of elbow flexion was studied over a range of angles from 30° to 110° of elbow flexion. Surface EMGs were recorded from the biceps brachii (BIC), brachioradialis (BRAD) and triceps brachii (TRI) of 10 healthy subjects. BIC was the only muscle to show a consistent trend of increasing root mean square (rms) EMG with increasing elbow flexion angle. BIC activity also remained constant or increased with the addition of the supination task at all angles. In contrast, BRAD showed decreased activity when supination was added at several angular positions. Maximal flexion torque was reduced when the second task of submaximal supination was added. This torque reduction was statistically significant at all angles except 70° and appeared related to the decreased contribution from BRAD. In a small subset of subjects, however, BRAD activity did not decrease when the second degrees of freedom (df) task was added. These subjects exhibited higher flexion torques averaged over task than the majority, at all angles except 30°. These data support the view that internal mechanical considerations influence the manner in which the central nervous system (CNS) distributes activity to muscular synergists in response to altered task demands. Further, subject-specific patterns exist which must be recognized if these findings are to be incorporated in training or rehabilitation programmes.  相似文献   

Research examining the electromyographic (EMG) burst structure of rapid discrete limb movements has led to discordant findings concerning agonist burst duration. Some research has shown that duration varies as a function of movement speed while other research has shown burst constancy. Unfortunately, much of this research may be confounded by not carefully controlling movement termination accuracy and movement time (MT). Due to these potential problems, the present study was conducted to determine the effects of strict spatiotemporal constraints on EMG characteristics of a rapid elbow flexion-extension response under two movement extent conditions across five different MTs. Results revealed that a decreased MT was accompanied by a decreased agonist (biceps) burst duration and increased agonist burst amplitude. The burst duration and amplitude both increased as the movement extent increased with MT held constant. None of three current theoretical perspectives of rapid movement control (the impulse-timing model, the speed-control system hypothesis, or the speed-sensitive strategy) could fully account for these results. Instead, a control strategy was exhibited in which moving faster was accomplished by relative scaling of burst area via concomitant expansion of burst amplitude and compression of burst duration.  相似文献   

The identification of the motor unit (MU) innervation zone (IZ) using surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals detected on the skin with a linear array or a matrix of electrodes has been recently proposed in the literature. However, an analysis of the reliability of this procedure and, therefore, of the suitability of the sEMG signals for this purpose has not been reported.The purpose of this work is to describe the intra and inter-rater reliability and the suitability of surface EMG in locating the innervation zone of the upper trapezius muscle.Two operators were trained on electrode matrix positioning and sEMG signal analysis. Ten healthy subjects, instructed to perform a series of isometric contractions of the upper trapezius muscle participated in the study. The two operators collected sEMG signals and then independently estimated the IZ location through visual analysis.Results showed an almost perfect agreement for intra-rater and inter-rater reliability. The constancy of IZ location could be affected by the factors reflecting the population of active MUs and their IZs, including: the contraction intensity, the acquisition period analyzed, the contraction repetition. In almost all cases the IZ location shift due to these factors did not exceed 4 mm. Results generalization to other muscles should be made with caution.  相似文献   

Extracellular action potentials produced by a muscle fibre of finite length were calculated for recordings at the skin surface. The sensitivity of power spectra to variations in propagation velocity (ν) and intracellular action potential (IAP) duration (Tin) was studied theoretically. The magnitude and distribution of the spectral power of muscle fibre potentials depend on the electrode longitudinal position. The relative shifts of the spectra in dB induced by variation in ν or Tin hardly depend on the longitudinal position of the electrode. A variation in ν affects only the power spectrum positive slope and the initial part of the high-frequency roll-off and a variation in Tin affects only the remaining part of the high-frequency roll-off. The total spectral amplitude is practically non-sensitive to variations in the wavelength, b = ν.Tin. The total power is sensitive to variations in ν, Tin as well as in b, and its relative changes depend on the electrode longitudinal position. The whole power spectrum is shifted along the frequency axis and mode (Fmax), median (Fmed) and mean (Fmean) frequencies have practically equal percentage changes only when ν and Tin vary jointly in such a way that the product ν.Tin keeps unchanged.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on conduction velocity in human muscle fibers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of variation of intramuscular temperature (T) on conduction velocity (CV) of the action potential along single human muscle fibers of the biceps brachii was studied in situ in 15 normal volunteers (mean age 39 years, range 21–62 years). Cooling was obtained by direct application of ice over a rectangular skin region including the stimulating and recording area. The intramuscular T was monitored by a needle thermocouple (copperconstantane). In all the 24 muscle fibers studied, a linear relationship was observed between CV and T. The slopes of the regression lines, ranging between 0.190 and 0.079 m/s, were positively correlated with the starting CV at 36°C ranging between 2.2 and 5.2 m/s. If conduction changes are expressed as a percentage of the basal CV at 36°C, the CV/T coefficient is the same for all the fibers and independent of the individual CV: 3.4% of CV/°C.  相似文献   

A.  K.  P.J.  C.  J.S.  L.L.  H.B.  M.K.  G.  K.   《Journal of electromyography and kinesiology》2009,19(5):896-902
Task-dependent differences in relative activity between “functional” subdivisions within human muscles are well documented. Contrary, independent voluntary control of anatomical subdivisions, termed neuromuscular compartments is not observed in human muscles. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to investigate whether subdivisions within the human trapezius can be independently activated by voluntary command using biofeedback guidance. Bipolar electromyographical electrodes were situated on four subdivisions of the trapezius muscle. The threshold for “active” and “rest” for each subdivision was set to >12% and <1.5% of the maximal electromyographical amplitude recorded during a maximal voluntary contraction. After 1 h with biofeedback from each of the four trapezius subdivisions, 11 of 15 subjects learned selective activation of at least one of the four anatomical subdivisions of the trapezius muscle. All subjects managed to voluntarily activate the lower subdivisions independently from the upper subdivisions. Half of the subjects succeeded to voluntarily activate both upper subdivisions independently from the two lower subdivisions. These findings show that anatomical subdivisions of the human trapezius muscle can be independently activated by voluntary command, indicating neuromuscular compartmentalization of the trapezius muscle. The independent activation of the upper and lower subdivisions of the trapezius is in accordance with the selective innervation by the fine cranial and main branch of the accessory nerve to the upper and lower subdivisions. These findings provide new insight into motor control characteristics, learning possibilities, and function of the clinically relevant human trapezius muscle.  相似文献   

Average muscle fibre conduction velocity (CV) measured with multichannel surface electrodes decreases with time during sustained isometric contraction. Based on this property, CV is considered a candidate for an objective index to localized muscular fatigue. CV, however, also depends on many other factors that include muscle temperature and voluntary contraction force. In this paper, the effect of contraction force on CV was studied by defining not only the target force level but also the whole force trajectory. The contraction was isometric and lasted 14 s. The target force was set at four levels from 30% to 90% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Three typical muscles were studied in seven healthy male subjects. In the vastus lateralis, CV increased with contraction force in many cases. In the biceps brachii, CV decreased rapidly with time before the contraction force reached the target levels of 70% or 90% MVC. At these force levels, CV was smaller than that at 50% MVC. CV in the biceps consequently showed no apparent dependence on the contraction force. The tibialis anterior showed intermediate change in CV between the vastus lateralis and the biceps brachii. These results indicate that CV basically increases with contraction force, but this relationship becomes unclear when CV decreases rapidly with time.  相似文献   

Ten females (25–50 years of age) performed isometric shoulder flexions, holding the right arm straight and in a horizontal position. The subjects were able to see the rectified surface electromyogram (EMG) from either one of two electrode pairs above the upper trapezius muscle and were instructed to keep its amplitude constant for 15 min while gradually unloading the arm against a support. The EMG electrodes were placed at positions representing a “cranial” and a “caudal” region of the muscle suggested previously to possess different functional properties. During the two contractions, recordings were made of: (1) EMG root mean square-amplitude and zero crossing (ZC) frequency from both electrode pairs on the trapezius as well as from the anterior part of the deltoideus, (2) supportive force, (3) heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), and (4) perceived fatigue. The median responses during the cranial isoelectric contraction were small as compared to those reported previously in the literature: changes in exerted glenohumeral torque and ZC rate of the isoelectric EMG signal of −2.81% · min−1 (P = 0.003) and 0.03% · min−1 (P= 0.54), respectively, and increases in HR and MAP of 0.14 beats · min−2 (P= 0.10) and 0.06 mmHg · min−1 (P= 0.33), respectively. During the contraction with constant caudal EMG amplitude, the corresponding median responses were −2.51% · min−1 (torque), 0.01% · min−1 (ZC rate), 0.31 beats · min−2 (HR), and 0.93 mmHg · min−1 (MAP); P=0.001, 0.69, 0.005, and 0.003, respectively. Considerable deviations from the “isoelectric” target amplitude were common for both contractions. Individuals differed markedly in response, and three distinct subgroups of subjects were identified using cluster analysis. These groups are suggested to represent different motor control scenarios, including differential engagement of subdivisions of the upper trapezius, alternating motor unit recruitment and, in one group, a gradual transition towards a greater involvement of type II motor units. The results indicate that prolonged low-level contractions of the shoulder muscles may in general be accomplished with a moderate metabolic stress, but also that neuromuscular adaptation strategies differ significantly between individuals. These results may help to explain why occupational shoulder-neck loads of long duration cause musculoskeletal disorders in some subjects but not in others. Accepted: 1 March 1997  相似文献   

While much is known about the physiological basis of local muscular fatigue, little is known about the kinematic and electromyographic (EMG) consequences of brief fatiguing isometric contractions. Five male subjects performed a horizontal elbow flexion-extension reversal movement over 90° in 250 ms to reversal before and after one of five single maximal isometric elbow flexions ranging in duration from 15–120 s. Surface EMG signals were recorded from the biceps brachii, the long head of the triceps, the clavicular portion of the pectoralis major, and the posterior deltoid. Spatial and temporal errors were computed from potentiometer output. During the fatiguing bouts, maximum voluntary force dropped linearly an average of 4% in the 15 s condition and 58% in the 120 s condition relative to maximum force. The associated biceps rectified-integrated EMG signal increased from the onset of each fatigue bout for 15–30 s, then decreased over the remainder of the longer bouts. Following the fatigue bout, subjects undershot the target distance on the first movement trial in all conditions. Following short fatigue durations (i.e. 15–30 s), the peak biceps EMG amplitude was disrupted and movement velocity decreased, but both measures recovered within seconds. As fatigue duration increased, progressive decreases in peak velocity occurred with increased time to reversal, reduced EMG amplitude, and longer recovery times. However, the relative timing of the EMG pattern was maintained suggesting the temporal structure was not altered by fatigue. The findings suggest that even short single isometric contractions can disrupt certain elements of the motor control system.  相似文献   

To study joint contributions in manual wheelchair propulsion, we developed a three-dimensional model of the upper extremity. The model was applied to data collected in an experiment on a wheelchair ergometer in which mechanical advantage (MA) was manipulated. Five male able-bodied subjects performed two wheelchair exercise tests (external power output Pext = 0.25–0.50 W · kg−1) against increasing speeds (1.11–1.39–1.67 m.s−1), which simulated MA of 0.58–0.87. Results indicated a decrease in mechanical efficiency (ME) with increasing MA that could not be related to applied forces or joint torques. Increase in Pext was related to increases in joint torques. On the average, the highest torques were noted in shoulder flexion and adduction (35.6 and 24.6 N · m at MA = 0.58 and Pext= 0.50 W · kg−1). Peak elbow extension and flexion torques were −10.6 and 8.5 N · m. Based on the combination of torques and electromyographic (EMG) records of upper extremity muscles, anterior deltoid and pectoralis muscles are considered the prime movers in manual wheelchair propulsion. Coordinative aspects of manual wheelchair propulsion concerning the function of (biarticular) muscles in directing the propulsive forces and the redistribution of joint torques in a closed chain are discussed. We found no conclusive evidence for the role of elbow extensors in direction of propulsive forces.  相似文献   

As an alternative to a conventional endurance electromyogram (EMG) test for assessment of muscle capacity in the upper trapezius muscle (isotonic test, IT), an isoelectric test (IE) has been investigated. Nine subjects performed the two endurance tests. The tests were performed with a straight horizontal arm in the plane of the scapula. In IE, EMG amplitude was fed back to the subject and the subject was instructed to maintain a constant EMG activity equal to the level with the arm unsupported. Subjective ratings of local fatigue were obtained during the experiments. The EMG recordings from both tests were analysed for the root mean square value as well as according to the mean power frequency (MPF) technique. All the subjects endured maximal 15 min IE while in IT the median endurance was 11.9 min. Average subjective ratings of perceived fatigue increased more in IT compared to IE. The average normalised MPF curve from IT increased while that from IE was unaffected. There was a significant difference between the MPF results at 6 and 8 min. It is noteworthy that the MPF was higher in IT in spite of a higher accumulated biomechanical load. It was concluded from these studies that the interpretation of decreased MPF as an indicator of increased local muscle fatigue is doubtful at low contraction levels. It is suggested that an IE is a more appropriate method for the functional evaluation of low threshold motor units of the upper trapezius muscle in research into occupational disorders. Accepted: 15 October 1996  相似文献   



To examine the relationship between the biceps brachii muscle innervation zone (IZ) width and the mean muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) during a sustained isometric contraction.


Fifteen healthy men performed a sustained isometric elbow flexion exercise at their 60% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) until they could not maintain the target force. Mean MFCV was estimated through multichannel surface electromyographic recordings from a linear electrode array. Before exercise, IZ width was quantified. Separate non-parametric one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to examine whether there was a difference in each mean MFCV variable among groups with different IZ width. In addition, separate bivariate correlations were also performed to examine the relationships between the IZ width and the mean MFCV variables during the fatiguing exercise.


There was a significant difference in the percent decline of mean MFCV (%ΔMFCV) among groups with different IZ width (χ2 (3)=11.571, p=0.009). In addition, there was also a significant positive relationship between the IZ width and the %ΔMFCV (Kendall’s tau= 0.807; p<0.001).


We believe that such relationship is likely influenced by both muscle fiber size and the muscle fiber type composition.  相似文献   

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