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为探讨全球变化温度升高对外来入侵植物薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)化感作用和入侵能力的影响,研究不同温度(22、26和30℃)处理对其种子萌发、幼苗生长、生物量分配、挥发物成分和化感作用的影响。结果表明,薇甘菊种子在温度为22、26和30℃时的萌发率分别为29.2%、52.4%和75.2%。30℃条件下薇甘菊种子萌发率最高,萌发速度快。温度升高显著增加薇甘菊茎的生长、增加对茎的生物量分配。GC-MS和GC测定显示,温度升高改变了薇甘菊挥发物的化学成分。同时,生物测定表明,温度升高增强薇甘菊挥发物对萝卜(Raphanus sativus)和油菜(Brassica campestris)的化感作用。说明温度升高促进了薇甘菊种子的萌发和生长,同时增强了该植物的化感作用,温度升高可能加速薇甘菊的生物入侵。  相似文献   

T Wang  G Chen  Q Zan  C Wang  YJ Su 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41310
Why some species become successful invaders is an important issue in invasive biology. However, limited genomic resources make it very difficult for identifying candidate genes involved in invasiveness. Mikania micrantha H.B.K. (Asteraceae), one of the world's most invasive weeds, has adapted rapidly in response to novel environments since its introduction to southern China. In its genome, we expect to find outlier loci under selection for local adaptation, critical to dissecting the molecular mechanisms of invasiveness. An explorative amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genome scan was used to detect candidate loci under selection in 28 M. micrantha populations across its entire introduced range in southern China. We also estimated population genetic parameters, bottleneck signatures, and linkage disequilibrium. In binary characters, such as presence or absence of AFLP bands, if all four character combinations are present, it is referred to as a character incompatibility. Since character incompatibility is deemed to be rare in populations with extensive asexual reproduction, a character incompatibility analysis was also performed in order to infer the predominant mating system in the introduced M. micrantha populations. Out of 483 AFLP loci examined using stringent significance criteria, 14 highly credible outlier loci were identified by Dfdist and Bayescan. Moreover, remarkable genetic variation, multiple introductions, substantial bottlenecks and character compatibility were found to occur in M. micrantha. Thus local adaptation at the genome level indeed exists in M. micrantha, and may represent a major evolutionary mechanism of successful invasion. Interactions between genetic diversity, multiple introductions, and reproductive modes contribute to increase the capacity of adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Rapid range expansion of invasive plants provides a unique opportunity to explore evolutionary changes of dispersal‐related traits during the invasion process. Increasing evidence now suggests that a higher dispersal rate is favored at the invasion front. However, little is known about the role of genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity on patterns of dispersal ability during the invasion process. In this study, we combined a field survey and a common garden transplant experiment to test for evidence of genetically based dispersal ability in Mikania micrantha, a highly invasive vine, across its invaded range in southern China. Three dispersal‐related traits, plume loading, seed mass and pappus radius, were measured in both natural and common garden populations. We found that in natural conditions, plume loading and seed mass significantly decreased with expanding distance from the source population, but in controlled conditions, these two traits exhibited a significant humped trend against percent field cover, indicating that dispersal ability of M. micrantha was selected for during range expansion and that the related traits were likely to be under genetic control. Furthermore, rebounding dispersal ability was detected in highly competitive sites in the range core, which suggested that this evolutionary process was likely partially driven by intraspecific competition. Because more and more plant species are under spatial nonequilibirum due to climate change, this study can serve to provide hints at the fate of spatially fluctuant populations.  相似文献   

Mikania micrantha is a successful invasive weed in many parts of the world. Twelve polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from an AC-enriched genomic library of this species. Twenty-eight individuals from one population in Dongguan were tested for polymorphism. The average allele number of these microsatellites was three per locus, ranging from two to five. The expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.275 to 0.742, and from 0.250 to 1.000, respectively. These microsatellite markers can be applied to study the population genetics in the native and invasive ranges of this species, and to trace its invasion history.  相似文献   

Why invasive species can rapidly adapt to novel environments is a puzzling question known as the genetic paradox of invasive species. This paradox is explainable in terms of transposable elements (TEs) activity, which are theorized to be powerful mutational forces to create genetic variation. Mikania micrantha, a noxious invasive weed, in this sense provides an excellent opportunity to test the explanation. The genetic and epigenetic variation of 21 invasive populations of M. micrantha in southern China have been examined by using transposon display (TD) and transposon methylation display (TMD) techniques to survey 12 TE superfamilies. Our results showed that M. micrantha populations maintained an almost equally high level of TE‐based genetic and epigenetic variation and they have been differentiated into subpopulations genetically and epigenetically. A similar positive spatial genetic and epigenetic structure pattern was observed within 300 m. Six and seven TE superfamilies presented significant genetic and epigenetic isolation by distance (IBD) pattern. In total, 59 genetic and 86 epigenetic adaptive TE loci were identified. Of them, 51 genetic and 44 epigenetic loci were found to correlate with 25 environmental variables (including precipitation, temperature, vegetation coverage, and soil metals). Twenty‐five transposon‐inserted genes were sequenced and homology‐based annotated, which are found to be involved in a variety of molecular and cellular functions. Our research consolidates the importance of TE‐associated genetic and epigenetic variation in the rapid adaptation and invasion of M. micrantha.  相似文献   

林业有害植物薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)的气体交换特性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对不同条件和状态下的薇甘菊叶片光合能力(Pn)、呼吸(R)、气孔导度(gs)、蒸腾(Tr)、羧化效率(CE)、最大表观量子效率(φ)及水分利用效率(WUE)进行大量测定,并与同一地区(群落)其它对照种进行对比研究,发现薇甘菊具有以下特征:(1)薇甘菊叶片CO2和水分交换参数在上述不同条件下变化范围达数倍至十几倍,显示其强可塑性.种间比较发现,营养及生殖生长季内薇甘菊Pn与当地木本植物相当,稍低于其它藤本植物,远低于草本植物,说明薇甘菊的强入侵能力可能并非依靠单位叶片的强光合能力,而是其它因素,如前所述光合作用在不同生境、不同生长状态下的光合可塑性等;(2)林下生长薇甘菊的光合能力低于林间空地,而林间空地薇甘菊低于林缘(外)生境.对照实验也证明阴生生境薇甘菊光合显著低于阳生生境.说明薇甘菊是强阳性植物,与其它因子(水分)相比,光照条件是影响其光合能力的最重要因素,可以通过改变林分群落结构、增大郁闭度等降低光照措施来进行生态防治;(3)综合所有室内和野外数据进行频率分析发现,各指标均呈现(偏)正态分布.其中Pn集中分布区在2~10 μmol·m-2s-1之间(占所测总数据的70%);gs集中分布在0.05~0.45 mol · m-2s-1之间(73%);Tr的集中分布区为1~5 mmol · m-2s-1(66%);CE分布于0.01~0.05 mol · mol-1之间数据占64%;近半的R分布在集中区域0.5~1.5 μmol · m-2s-1之间,而在0.5~2.5μmol · m-2s-1之间的数据占所测总量的66%;的集中分布区在0.04~ 0.08 mol ·mol-1之间(77%);这些数据为种间比较等统计分析比较工作奠定统计基础;(4)薇甘菊叶片对Pn和WUE的调节具有类似的方式,即光合作用最主要的调节因素是CE,其次是gs,而与φ的相关不显著;WUE主要是由Pn大小控制,Tr的影响相对较小,薇甘菊叶片WUE随gs的变化而保持恒定.上述有关薇甘菊的CO2和水分交换特性的研究,可以为这一入侵物种的防治提供基础数据支撑.  相似文献   

通过普查的方式,全面了解了薇甘菊在广西的分布、危害和防治状况.结果表明:薇甘菊在广西主要分布在东南部的玉林市、陆川县、博白县、北流市和容县,面积约582.61 hm2,并有向中部、南部地区,甚至整个广西地区扩散的趋势;薇甘菊在广西主要危害农田、果园、人工林、次生林等地方;在防治方面,目前广西主要采取人工和化学防治的方法防治薇甘菊,生物防治技术尚未开始实施.针对薇甘菊在广西的实际状况,应采取加强宣传力度,及时调查监测,选择人工、喷施化学药剂等适合的方法进行防除,开展生物防治方面的研究等措施,有效地控制薇甘菊的扩散和危害.  相似文献   

Short KH  Petren K 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26258
Processes of range expansion are increasingly important in light of current concerns about invasive species and range shifts due to climate change. Theoretical studies suggest that genetic structuring may occur during range expansion. Ephemeral genetic structure can have important evolutionary implications, such as propagating genetic changes along the wave front of expansion, yet few studies have shown evidence of such structure. We tested the hypothesis that genetic structure arises during range expansion in Hemidactylus mabouia, a nocturnal African gecko recently introduced to Florida, USA. Twelve highly variable microsatellite loci were used to screen 418 individuals collected from 43 locations from four sampling sites across Florida, representing a gradient from earlier (~1990s) to very recent colonization. We found earlier colonized locations had little detectable genetic structure and higher allelic richness than more recently colonized locations. Genetic structuring was pronounced among locations at spatial scales of tens to hundreds of meters near the leading edge of range expansion. Despite the rapid pace of range expansion in this introduced gecko, dispersal is limited among many suitable habitat patches. Fine-scale genetic structure is likely the result of founder effects during colonization of suitable habitat patches. It may be obscured over time and by scale-dependent modes of dispersal. Further studies are needed to determine if such genetic structure affects adaptation and trait evolution in range expansions and range shifts.  相似文献   

乡土草本植物对入侵植物薇甘菊的防控 薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)是在太平洋岛屿和亚洲热带亚热带发现的一种入侵植物。目前防 治薇甘菊的方法并不完善,因此亟需寻找对环境友好的、更有效的防治方法。因此,我们探究了4种草本植物对薇甘菊入侵的防御能力,以期为薇甘菊的生态可持续防治提供科学依据。 本研究选取了4种来自中国本土的多年生禾本科草本植物:藤竹草(Panicum incomtum)、象草(Pennisetum purpureum)、斑茅(Saccharum arundinaceum)和蔓生莠竹(Microstegium vagans)来构建草丛。将薇甘菊种子播种在上述草丛中,同时还将薇甘菊幼苗移栽到上述草丛中,观察草丛是否能阻止薇甘菊幼苗的生长。此外,我们还将薇甘菊移植到现有的草丛中,观察草丛是否能够阻止薇甘菊的再次入侵。最后还在野外将薇甘菊分别与藤竹草和象草一同种植,探究这两种禾本科植物是否能在竞争中胜出。研究结果表明,薇甘菊种子在上述草丛中萌发困难,所有薇甘菊幼苗在3个月内死亡,说明薇甘菊很难在现有的草丛中生存。野外实验表明,薇甘菊盖度在第一年显著低于这些草本植物,两年后全部被这些草本植物取代。据我们所知,本研究首次揭示了高大草本植物,特别是藤竹草和象草,具有作为薇甘菊生物防治的潜力。  相似文献   

Evans HC  Ellison CA 《Mycologia》2005,97(4):935-947
Three microcyclic rust species were collected during surveys of the perennial asteraceous vine Mikania micrantha (Eupatorieae: Asteraceae) throughout its native range in the Neotropics but were absent in its invasive range in Asia. The commonest species, Puccinia spegazzinii with brown telioid telia, occurred wherever M. micrantha was found in South and Central America including the Caribbean island of Trinidad. Dietelia portoricensis, with occasional vestigial spermogonia and grayish-white to pale yellow columnar aecioid telia, was collected only in Costa Rica; while D. mesoamericana sp. nov., apparently restricted to Mesoamerica, can be distinguished by its abundant, yellowish-orange, fertile spermogonia, yellow to pale brown telial columns, larger teliospores, and 4-spored rather than 2-spored metabasidia. The fact that all three species share a fundamentally similar symptomatology suggests a common origin.  相似文献   

Onyabe DY  Conn JE 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(11):2577-2591
Ten microsatellite loci, four located within and six outside chromosome inversions, were employed to study the genetic structure of Anopheles arabiensis across the ecological zones of Nigeria (arid savannah in the north gradually turns into humid forest in the south). Regardless of location within or outside inversions, genetic variability at all loci was characterized by a reduction in both the number of alleles per locus and heterozygosity from savannah to forest. Across all loci, all but one allele in the forest also occurred in the savannah, whereas at least 78 alleles in the savannah were missing in the forest. Genetic differentiation increased with geographical distance; consequently, genetic distances between zones exceeded those within zones. The largest genetic distances were between localities at the extremes of the transect (range F(ST) = 0.196-0.258 and R(ST) = 0.183-0.468) and were as large as those between A. arabiensis and Anopheles gambiae s.s. Gene flow across the country was very low, so that Nm between the extremes of the transect was < 1. These data suggest that A. arabiensis has extended its range from the savannah into the forest during which it experienced a reduction in effective population size due to sequential founder effects. Gene flow post range expansion appears too restricted by geographical distance to homogenize the gene pool of A. arabiensis across Nigeria.  相似文献   

Climbing capacity of invasive climbers is an important parameter to evaluate in the species invasive potential and processes in forests. However, this feature has not attracted the attention of invasion biologists. In the present study, we assessed the climbing traits and capacity of Mikania micrantha; a herbaceous invasive stem-twiner by supplying artificial vertical supports of different sizes ranging from 1.0 to 8.0 cm in diameter. We also calculated the theoretical maximum usable host size of a M. micrantha shoot based on confirm of the hypothesis that curvature of M. micrantha shoots will remain constant and not affected by support pole size. A total 164-tested M. micrantha shoots ascended the supports successfully. Shoot success rate declined significantly when support diameter exceeded 5.0 cm. The largest pole M. micrantha ascended successfully was 6.6 cm, while the theoretical value is 7.5 cm on average. Curvature declined significantly with increasing shoot diameter. However, no significant correlation was detected between curvature and support diameter, and most M. micrantha shoots maintained relatively constant curvature within a small fluctuation range (0.1–0.2 cm?1) near the average value (0.16 cm?1). We compared our results with the only two similar studies available, and concluded that climbing shoot ascent angle on supports decreased with increasing support diameter, while curvature remained constant, which was not affected by support size. These appear to be common attributes for herbaceous stem-twiners. Maximum usable host size was an important factor for successful M. micrantha ascent. We recommend this as a vital criterion in species management.  相似文献   

Invasive species cause extensive damage to their introduced ranges. Ocean archipelagos are particularly vulnerable to invasive taxa. In this study, we used polymorphic microsatellite markers to investigate the genetic structure of the social wasp Vespula pensylvanica in its native range of North America and its introduced range in the archipelago of Hawaii. Our goal was to gain a better understanding of the invasion dynamics of social species and the processes affecting biological invasions. We found that V. pensylvanica showed no significant genetic isolation by distance and little genetic structure over a span of 2000 km in its native range. This result suggests that V. pensylvanica can successfully disperse across large distances either through natural‐ or human‐mediated mechanisms. In contrast to the genetic patterns observed in the native range, we found substantial genetic structure in the invasive V. pensylvanica range in Hawaii. The strong patterns of genetic differentiation within and between the Hawaiian Islands may reflect the effects of geographic barriers and invasion history on gene flow. We also found some evidence for gene flow between the different islands of Hawaii which was likely mediated through human activity. Overall, this study provides insight on how geographic barriers, invasion history, and human activity can shape population genetic structure of invasive species.  相似文献   

Populations of the same species vary in their secondary metabolite content. This variation has been attributed to biotic and abiotic environmental conditions as well as to historical factors. Some studies have focused on the geographic variation of chemical diversity in plant populations, but whether this structure conforms to a central–marginal model or a mosaic pattern remains unclear. Furthermore, assessing the chemical diversity of invasive plants in their native distribution facilitates the understanding of their relationships with natural enemies. We examined the geographic variation of chemical diversity in Mexican populations of the bittervine weed Mikania micrantha and its relationship to herbivore damage. The foliar volatile terpenoid blend was analyzed in 165 individuals of 14 populations in the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico tropical watersheds. A cluster analysis grouped individuals with similar terpenoid blends into 56 compositional types. Chemical diversity was measured using the number of compounds and their concentration within the blends for individuals, and the number and frequency of compositional types for populations. A stepwise multiple regression analysis performed with geographic, climatic, and chemical diversity variables explained herbivore damage. However, population-level chemical diversity was the only variable found to be significant (β = ?0.79, P = 0.042) in the model (R 2 = 0.89). A Mantel test using Euclidean distances did not indicate any separation by geographic origin; however, four barriers were identified using Monmonier’s algorithm. We conclude that variation in population-level chemical diversity follows a mosaic pattern in which geographic factors (i.e., natural barriers) have some effect and that variation is also associated with the local intensity of herbivore attack.  相似文献   

薇甘菊萎蔫病毒寄主范围、传播媒介和危害特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha H.B.K.)是华南地区重要的外来入侵植物.本文从田间薇甘菊萎蔫病株中分离获得薇甘菊萎蔫病毒(Mikania micrantha wilt virus,MMWV).在温室中通过人工摩擦将该病毒接种到9科27种植物上,发现MMWV能侵染其中的6科12种植物.利用透射电子显微镜观察该病毒颗粒呈球状,直径约30 nm.MMWV可由桃蚜(Myzus persicae)以非持久性方式传毒.薇甘菊植株接种MMWV毒30 d后,其茎的长度、叶、茎和根的鲜重分别比健康对照植株减少了75.3%、91.6%、79.5%和75.6%,被侵染的薇甘菊出现萎蔫、皱缩、叶畸形等症状.实验室和野外条件均观察到MMWV可以严重抑制薇甘菊的生长,利用MMWV控制薇甘菊的生物入侵有待进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

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