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The crystal structure refinement of the synthetic dodecamer d(CGCGAASSCGCG), where S = 4'-thio-2'-deoxythymidine, has converged at R=0.201 for 2605 reflections with F > 2sigma(F) in the resolution range 8.0-2.4 A for a model consisting of the dodecamer duplex and 66 water molecules. A comparison of its structure with that of the native dodecamer d(CGCGAATTCGCG) has revealed that the major differences between the two structures is a change in the conformation of the sugar-phosphate backbone in the regions at and adjacent to the positions of the modified nucleosides. Examination of the fine structural parameters for each of the structures reveals that the thiosugars adopt a C3'-exo conformation in d(CGCGAASSCGCG), rather than the approximate C1'-exo conformation found for the analogous sugars in the structure of d(CGCGAATTCGCG). The observed differences in structure between the two duplexes may help to explain the enhanced resistance to nuclease digestion of synthetic oligonucleotides containing 4'-thio-2'-deoxynucleotides.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of the self-complementary DNA dodecamer (CGT_GACGT_TACG above GCAT_TGCAG_TGC] which contains the thermodynamically destabilizing [TG_A above AT_T] motif was determined using two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and simulated annealing protocols. Relaxation matrix analysis methods were used to yield accurate NOE derived distance restraints. Scalar coupling constants for the sugar protons were determined by quantitative simulations of DQF-COSY cross-peaks and used to determine sugar pucker populations. Twenty refined structures starting from random geometries converged to an average pairwise root mean square deviation of 0.49 A. Back calculated NOEs give Rc and Rx factors of 0.38 and 0.088, respectively. The final structure shows that each of the single G@T mismatches form a wobble pair with two hydrogen bonds where the guanine projects into the minor groove and the thymine projects into the major groove. The incorporation of the destabilizing [TG_A above AT_T] motif has little effect on the backbone torsion angles and helical parameters compared to standard B-form duplexes, which may explain why G.T mismatches are among the most commonly observed in DNA. The structure shows that perturbations caused by a G.T mismatch extend only to its neighboring Watson-Crick base pair, thus providing a structural basis for the applicability of the nearest-neighbor model to the thermodynamics of internal G.T mismatches.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of divalent cations in crystal packing, a Dickerson-Drew-type dodecamer with the sequence d(CGCGAATXCGCG), containing 2'-deoxy-5-formyluridine at X, was crystallized under several conditions with Ba(2+) ion instead of Mg(2+) ion. The crystal structure is isomorphous with the original Dickerson-type crystal containing Mg(2+) ion. In the Mg(2+)-free crystals, however, a five-membered ring of water molecules occupies the same position as the magnesium site found in the Mg(2+)-containing crystals, and connects the two duplexes similarly to the hydrated Mg(2+) ion. It has been concluded that the five-membered water molecules can take the place of the hydrated magnesium cation in crystallization. The 5-formyluracil residues form the canonical Watson-Crick pair with the opposite adenine residues.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotides are frequently incorporated into DNA during replication. They are recognized and processed by several cellular enzymes, and their continued presence in the yeast nuclear genome results in replicative stress and genome instability. Thus, it is important to understand the effects of isolated ribonucleotide incorporation on DNA structure. With this goal in mind, we describe the nuclear magnetic resonance structure of the self-complementary Dickerson dodecamer sequence [d(CGC)rGd(AATTCGCG)](2) containing two symmetrically positioned riboguanosines. The absence of an observable H(1)-H(2) scalar coupling interaction indicates a C3'-endo conformation for the ribose. Longer-range structural perturbations resulting from the presence of the ribonucleotide are limited to the adjacent and transhelical nucleotides, while the global B-form DNA structure is maintained. Because crystallographic studies have indicated that isolated ribonucleotides promote global B → A transitions, we also performed molecular modeling analyses to evaluate the structural consequences of higher ribonucleotide substitution levels. Increasing the ribonucleotide content increased the minor groove width toward values more similar to that of A-DNA, but even 50% ribonucleotide substitution did not fully convert the B-DNA to A-DNA. Comparing our structure with the structure of an RNase H2-bound DNA supports the conclusion that, as with other DNA-protein complexes, the DNA conformation is strongly influenced by the interaction with the protein.  相似文献   

The DNA duplex d(CTCTCG*AGTCTC).d(GAGAC-TC*GAGAG) containing a single trans- diammine-dichloroplatinum(II) interstrand cross-link (where G* and C* represent the platinated bases) has been studied by two-dimensional NMR. All the exchangeable and non-exchangeable proton resonance lines were assigned (except H5'/H5") and the NOE intensities were transformed into distances via the RELAZ program. By combining the NOESY and COSY data (330 constraints) and NMR-constrained molecular mechanics using JUMNA, a solution structure of the cross-linked duplex has been determined. The duplex is distorted over two base pairs on each side of the interstrand cross-link and exhibits a slight bending of its axis ( approximately 20 degrees ) towards the minor groove. The platinated guanine G* adopts a syn conformation. The rotation results in a Hoogsteen-type pairing between the complementary G(6)* and C(19)* residues which is mediated by the platinum moiety and is stabilized by a hydrogen bond between O6(G(6)*) and N4H(C(19)*). The rise between the cross-linked residues and the adjacent residues is increased owing to the interaction between these adjacent residues and the ammine groups of the platinum moiety. These results are discussed in relation to the slow rate of closure of the monofunctional adducts into interstrand cross-links.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to characterize the kinetics and energetics of opening of base pairs in the DNA dodecamer [d(CGCAAATTTGCG)]2. The dodecamer contains an A3T3 tract that induces intrinsic curvature of the helix axis. Previous studies from this and other laboratories have shown that the kinetics of base pair opening in AnTn tracts is unique: the opening rates of the A.T base pairs in the interior of the tract are much lower than that of the A.T base pair at the 5'-end of the tract. In the present work, we have investigated the energetics of the pathways for opening of the A.T base pairs in the A3T3 tract. The energetic parameters of the activated state(s) are obtained from the temperature dependence of the opening rate constants. The lower opening rates for the A.T base pairs situated in the interior of the tract are shown to originate from higher activation enthalpies which are compensated, in part, by increases in the activation entropies. We have also obtained an energetic characterization of the open state(s) of the A.T base pairs in the dodecamer by measuring the equilibrium constants for base pair opening and their temperature dependence. The results suggest that the transitions from closed to open state(s) in the A.T base pairs of the A3T3 tract are energetically similar.  相似文献   

The conformation of the self-complimentary DNA dodecamer d(br5CGbr5CGAATTbr5CGbr5CG) has been investigated in a variety of salt and solvent conditions by one and two-dimensional 1H NMR. In low salt aqueous solutions, the molecule forms a regular B-DNA structure similar to the unmodified dodecamer. However, in aqueous solution containing high salt concentration and methanol, the dodecamer adopts a structure in which the br5CGbr5CG ends of the molecule are in a Z-DNA like conformation and the AATT region is neither standard B-DNA nor Z-DNA. The implications of these results for the structure of junctions between B and Z-DNA and the sequence specificity of Z-DNA are discussed.  相似文献   

A non-self-complementary dodecamer duplex d(CCTAAATTTGCC).d(GGCAAATTTAGG) has been investigated in solution by high resolution 1H NMR. Almost complete resonance assignment of both non-exchangeable and exchangeable protons, has been achieved. The duplex is essentially B-type, with distortions apparent at the AT and TA steps. These distortions and their affects on dynamics have been probed by the measurement of base-pair lifetimes, and observation of water of hydration. Base-pair opening rates were derived from measurements of T1's and effects on linewidths of the T and G imino protons on addition of an exchange catalyst. Our results are generally in line with observations reported for other systems, but we see only a slight drop in the A.T base-pair lifetime on moving out from the central region. This observation is reinforced by the detection of DNA-water nOe's for residues distributed throughout the dodecamer sequence.  相似文献   

Summary [13C5]-2-Deoxy-d-ribose, synthesized from [13C6]-d-glucose (98% 13C), was coupled with thymine to give [1,2,3,4,5-13C5]-thymidine (T) in an 18% overall yield. The thymidine was converted to the 3-phosphoramidite derivative and was then incorporated into a dodecamer 5-d(CGCGAATTCGCG)-3 by solid-phase DNA synthesis. Preparation of 0.24 mole of the labeled dodecamer, which is sufficient for a single NMR sample, consumed only 25 mg of glucose. By virtue of the 13C labels, all of the 1H-1H vicinal coupling constants in the sugar moieties were accurately determined by HCCH-E.COSY.  相似文献   

W N Hunter  T Brown    O Kennard 《Nucleic acids research》1987,15(16):6589-6606
X-ray diffraction techniques have been used to characterise the crystal and molecular structure of the deoxyoligomer d(C-G-C-A-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G) at 2.5A resolution. The final R factor is 0.19 with the location of 78 solvent molecules. The oligomer crystallises in a B-DNA type conformation with two strands coiled about each other to produce a duplex. This double helix consists of four A.T and six G.C Watson-Crick base pairs and two C.A mispairs. The mismatched base pairs adopt a "wobble" type structure with the cytosine displaced laterally into the major groove, the adenine into the minor groove. We have proposed that the two close contacts observed in the C.A pairing represent two hydrogen bonds one of which results from protonation of adenine. The mispairs are accommodated in the double helix with small adjustments in the conformation of the sugar-phosphate backbone. Details of the backbone conformation, base stacking interactions, thermal parameters and the hydration are now presented and compared with those of the native oligomer d(C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G) and with variations of this sequence containing G.T and G.A mispairs.  相似文献   

To investigate mismatch of base-pairings in relation to mutagenesis by oxyamines, crystal structures of two DNA dodecamers with the sequence d(CGCZAA TTmo4CGCG) (Z = A or G), containing N4-methoxy-cytosine (mo4C), have been determined by X-ray analysis. These dodecamers essentially form right-handed B-form duplexes, respectively. In the dodecamer with Z = A, the two mo4C residues are adapted in imino form with the anti methoxyl group to form pairs with A on the opposite strand in a manner of Watson-Crick fashion. While in the dodecamer with Z = G, one mo4C in amino form with the anti methoxyl group forms a normal Watson-Crick pair with G, but the other one in imino form with syn methoxyl conformation wobbles with G. Based on these results, possible mutation mechanism has been proposed.  相似文献   

A crystal structure analysis of the synthetic deoxydodecamer d(CGCAAATTIGCG) which contains two adenosine.inosine (A.I) mispairs has revealed that, in this sequence, the A.I base-pairs adopt a A(anti).I(syn) configuration. The refinement converged at R = 0.158 for 2004 reflections with F greater than or equal to 2 sigma(F) in the range 7.0-2.5A for a model consisting of the DNA duplex and 71 water molecules. A notable feature of the structure is the presence of an almost complete spine of hydration spanning the minor groove of the whole of the (AAATTI)2 core region of the duplex. pH-dependent ultraviolet melting studies have suggested that the base-pair observed in the crystal structure is, in fact, a protonated AH+ (anti).I(syn) species and that the A.I base-pairs in the sequence studied display the same conformational variability as A.G mispairs in the sequence d(CGCAAATTGGCG). The AH+(anti).I(syn) base-pair predominates below pH 6.5 and an A(anti).I(anti) mispair is the major species present between pH 6.5 and 8.0. The protonated base-pairs are held together by two hydrogen bonds one between N6(A) and O6(I) and the other between N1(A) and N7(I). This second hydrogen bond is a direct result of the protonation of the N1 of adenosine. The ultraviolet melting studies indicate that the A(anti).I(anti) base-pair is more stable than the A(anti).G(anti) base-pair but that the AH+(anti).I(syn) base pair is less stable than its AH+(anti).G(syn) analogue. Possible reasons for this observation are discussed.  相似文献   

Y Jing  J F Kao    J S Taylor 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(16):3845-3853
Cis-syn dimers, (6-4) products and their Dewar valence isomers are the major photoproducts of DNA and have different mutagenic properties and rates of repair. To begin to understand the physical basis for these differences, the thermal stability and base pairing properties of the corresponding photoproducts of the TT site in d(GAGTATTATGAG) were investigated. The (6-4) and Dewar products destabilize the duplex form by approximately 6 kcal/mol of free energy at 37 degreesC relative to the parent, whereas a cis-syn dimer only destabilizes the duplex form by 1.5 kcal/mol. Duplexes with G opposite the 3'-T of the (6-4) and Dewar products are more stable than those with A by approximately 0.4 kcal/mol, whereas the cis-syn dimer prefers A over G by 0.7 kcal/mol. Proton NMR suggests that wobble base pairing takes place between the 3'-T of the cis-syn dimer and an opposed G, whereas there is no evidence of significant H-bonding between these two bases in the (6-4) product. The thermodynamic and H-bonding data for the (6-4) product are consistent with a 4 nt interior loop structure which may facilitate flipping of the photoproduct in and out of the helix.  相似文献   

Structure and energy of a DNA dodecamer under tensile load   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Piana S 《Nucleic acids research》2005,33(22):7029-7038

4'-Thio-2'-deoxycytidine was synthesized as a 5'- protected phosphoramidite compatible with solid phase DNA synthesis. When incorporated as the target cytosine (C*) in the GC*GC recognition sequence for the DNA methyltransferase M. HhaI, methyl transfer was strongly inhibited. In contrast, these same oligonucleotides were normal substrates for the cognate restriction endonuclease R. HhaI and its isoschizomer R. Hin P1I. M. HhaI was able to bind both 4'-thio-modified DNA and unmodified DNA to equivalent extents under equilibrium conditions. However, the presence of 4'-thio-2'-deoxycytidine decreased the half-life of the complex by >10-fold. The crystal structure of a ternary complex of M. HhaI, AdoMet and DNA containing 4'-thio-2'-deoxycytidine was solved at 2.05 A resolution with a crystallographic R-factor of 0.186 and R-free of 0.231. The structure is not grossly different from previously solved ternary complexes containing M. HhaI, DNA and AdoHcy. The difference electron density suggests partial methylation at C5 of the flipped target 4'-thio-2'-deoxycytidine. The inhibitory effect of the 4'sulfur atom on enzymatic activity may be traced to perturbation of a step in the methylation reaction after DNA binding but prior to methyl transfer. This inhibitory effect can be partially overcome after a considerably long time in the crystal environment where the packing prevents complex dissociation and the target is accurately positioned within the active site.  相似文献   

Crystal structure analysis of the B-DNA dodecamer CGTGAATTCACG.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The crystal structure of the DNA dodecamer C-G-T-G-A-A-T-T-C-A-C-G has been determined at a resolution of 2.5 A, with a final R factor of 15.8% for 1475 nonzero reflections measured at 0 degrees C. The structure is isomorphous with that of the Drew dodecamer, with the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and cell dimensions of a = 24.94 A, b = 40.78 A, and c = 66.13 A. The asymmetric unit contains all 12 base pairs of the B-DNA double helix and 36 water molecules. The structure of C-G-T-G-A-A-T-T-C-A-C-G is very similar to that of C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G, with no major alterations in helix parameters. Water peaks in the refined structure appear to represent a selection of peaks that were observed in the Drew dodecamer. The minor-groove spine of hydration at 2.5 A is fragmentary, but as Narendra et al. (1991) [Biochemistry (following paper in this issue)] have observed, lowering the temperature leads to a more complete representation of the spine.  相似文献   

The nucleoside 2'-deoxyzebularine (K) was incorporated into the self-complementary dodecamer 5'-CGTACGKGTACG-3' by solid-phase 2-cyanoethylphosphoramidite chemistry using dimethoxytrityl (DMT) as the 5'-hydroxyl protecting group. Standard synthesis cycles using trichloroacetic acid and short ammonia treatment (50 degrees C for 30 min) were found to be the optimal conditions to obtain the desired dodecamer with minimum acid and basic degradation of the acid- and base-sensitive 2-pyrimidinone residue. The protonation equilibria of the K nucleoside and of the dodecamer at 37 degrees C were studied by means of spectroscopically monitored titrations. For the K nucleoside, a pK(a) value of 3.13 +/- 0.09 was obtained. For the dodecamer, four acid-base species were found in the pH range 2-12, with pK(a) values of 9.60 +/- 0.07, 4.46 +/- 0.16, and 2.87 +/- 0.19. Melting experiments were carried out to confirm the proposed acid-base concentration profiles. Finally, kinetic experiments were also carried out at several pH values to evaluate the stability of the K nucleoside and of the dodecamer. An increased stability was shown by the K nucleoside when incorporated into the dodecamer. Multivariate methods based on both hard- and soft-modeling were applied for the analysis of spectroscopic data, allowing the estimation of concentration profiles and pure spectra.  相似文献   

Isolation and analysis of recombinant DNA molecules containing yeast DNA.   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
2500 recombinant plasmids containing insertions of yeast nuclear DNA have been cloned in Escherichia coli. It can be calculated that about 85% of the yeast genome is represented in this collection. The clones have been characterized by hybridization to purified RNA species. Of the 2000 clones examined, 75 contain insertions of yeast ribosomal DNA, 201 contain insertions of yeast tRNA genes, and 26 contain DNA sequences that are complementary to abundant mRNA species.  相似文献   

Cytosine-containing DNA of bacteriophage T4 was digested with three restriction endonucleases: endo R · EcoRI, endo R · HindIII and endo R · PstI, and each digestion ligated with a cloning vector to generate three independent collections of T4 DNA-containing clones. The T4 clones were screened for their T4 genetic content by recombinational analysis using amber mutants of T4. Complementation of T4 amber mutant growth and labeling of proteins in vivo provided evidence of expression of specific (g30, g39, g44 and g46) cloned T4 genes.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotides containing 4'-C-aminomethyl-2'-O-methyl or 4'-C-aminomethyl-2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro modified thymidines have been synthesized. Compared with the corresponding oligodeoxynucleotide reference these novel oligonucleotide analogues display increased binding affinity towards complementary single stranded DNA as well as RNA. The possible effect of the positively charged 4'-C-aminomethyl group has been investigated.  相似文献   

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