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The mechanism responsible for active sodium transport in the urinary bladder of the toad appears to be located at the serosal boundary of the epithelial cell layer of the bladder. Studies of the potential step observed at the serosal boundary in the open-circuited state were undertaken in an attempt to define the factors responsible for its production. Glass micropipettes were used to measure the serosal potential step in bladders exposed on the serosal side to solutions of high potassium or of high potassium and low chloride concentration. Observed potentials exceed the maximum values which would have been expected if the serosal potential step were a potassium or chloride diffusion potential. Measurements of net cation flux exclude the possibility of a diffusion potential at this border due to the passive movement of any anionic species. The observed independence of transbladder potential and short-circuit current from the pH of the serosal medium over a wide range of pH makes it unlikely that the observed serosal potential step is a hydrogen ion diffusion potential. We conclude that the active sodium transport mechanism in toad bladder is "electrogenic."  相似文献   

Active Transport     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1964,1(5379):322-323

Transport Equations and Criteria for Active Transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relation between driving forces and the flux of solutesthat would be expected in a passive system is derived. Thisrelation is a differential equation and different solutionsare obtained which apply to different experimental conditions.Solutions are given for the cases of pure convective flow, diffusion,electrophoretic mobility, balance between diffusive and electricalforces, and transport in the presence of both concentrationand voltage differences.  相似文献   

There is no unanimous agreement about a definition of active water transport. The following definition was accepted: During an active transport or process, the water potential must increase and this gain must depend on the decrease in free energy in some metabolic process (5, 10). The passage of water from soil through plants to atmosphere can involve several active steps. A removal of solutes from the water represents a gain of osmotic water potential and this gain can exceed concurrent losses of other water potential components, resulting in a net gain of water potential. An increase of water potential was demonstrated in barley seedlings. Bleeding and guttation liquids were usually found to be more dilute than the external solution. Osmotic and gravitational potential components in exudates, thus, increased while other components remained virtually constant relative to the external solutions. The gain in osmotic potential depends most likely on a metabolic removal of salts: hence, the requirements for an active transport are satisfied. Active water transports, however, are not dependent or connected with the development of root pressure. The existence of active water transports disproves the rule that water flows only along water potential gradients (only against diffusion pressure deficit gradients). A gain in leaf water potential has a physiological significance since the range of soil water potentials a plant can withstand without wilting is extended.  相似文献   

The active transport process, so important in cell function, has been studied in the past with intact cells. Models which have arisen from this work all depend on: first, a specific protein to recognize the substrate; second, translocation of the substrate across the cell membrane; third, release of substrate within the cell and restoration of the system to its initial state. These steps are adequate for facilitated transport, but in active transport an energy input is required to maintain a concentration gradient. Parts of transport systems have been isolated recently. A protein which specifically recognizes β-galactosides has been partially purified. In another case, a protein that appears to be the recognition part of the sulfate transport system of Salmonella typhimurium has been crystallized, and many of its properties have been described. The role of this protein in recognition and in translocation is discussed. Also proteins that phosphorylate a variety of sugars as they enter the cell''s interior provide a mechanism for concentrating sugars as their phosphates, against a gradient.  相似文献   

Energetics of Active Transport Processes   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Discussions of active transport usually assume stoichiometry between the rate of transport J+ and the metabolic rate Jr. However, the observation of a linear relationship between J+ and Jr does not imply a stoichiometric relationship, i.e., complete coupling. Since coupling may possibly be incomplete, we examine systems of an arbitrary degree of coupling q, regarding stoichiometry as a limiting case. We consider a sodium pump, with J+ and Jr linear functions of the electrochemical potential difference, -X+, and the chemical affinity of the metabolic driving reaction, A. The affinity is well defined even for various complex reaction pathways. Incorporation of a series barrier and a parallel leak does not affect the linearity of the composite observable system. The affinity of some region of the metabolic chain may be maintained constant, either by large pools of reactants or by regulation. If so, this affinity can be evaluated by two independent methods. Sodium transport is conveniently characterized by the open-circuit potential (Δψ)I=0 and the natural limits, level flow (J+)X+=0, and static head X0+ = (X+)J+=0. With high degrees of coupling -X0+/F approaches the electromotive force ENa (Ussing); -X0+/F cannot be identified with ((RT/F) ln f)X+=0, where f is the flux ratio. The efficiency η = -J+X+/JrA is of significance only when appreciable energy is being converted from one form to another. When either J+ or -X+ is small η is low; the significant parameters are then the efficacies εJ+ = J+/JrA and εX+ = -X+/JrA, respectively maximal at level flow and static head. Leak increases both J+ and εJ+ for isotonic saline reabsorption, but diminishes -X0+ and εX. Electrical resistance reflects both passive parameters and metabolism. Various fundamental relations are preserved despite coupling of passive ion and water flows.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs) are dynamic protein polymers that change their length by switching between growing and shrinking states in a process termed dynamic instability. It has been suggested that the dynamic properties of MTs are central to the organization of the eukaryotic intracellular space, and that they are involved in the control of cell morphology, but the actual mechanisms are not well understood. Here, we present a theoretical analysis in which we explore the possibility that a system of dynamic MTs and MT end-tracking molecular motors is providing specific positional information inside cells. We compute the MT length distribution for the case of MT-length-dependent switching between growing and shrinking states, and analyze the accumulation of molecular motors at the tips of growing MTs. Using these results, we show that a transport system consisting of dynamic MTs and associated motor proteins can deliver cargo proteins preferentially to specific positions within the cell. Comparing our results with experimental data in the model organism fission yeast, we propose that the suggested mechanisms could play important roles in setting length scales during cellular morphogenesis.  相似文献   


Accumulation of deoxyadenosine (or possibly adenosine) is thought to mediate the immune defect associated with adenosine deaminase deficiency. It is postulated that deoxyadenosine is particularly immunosuppressive in the neonate due to an undeveloped renal secretory mechanism.  相似文献   

Manganese was accumulated by cells of Escherichia coli by means of an active transport system quite independent of the magnesium transport system. When the radioisotope (54)Mn was used, manganese transport showed saturation kinetics with a K(m) of 2 x 10(-7)m and a V(max) of 1 to 4 nmoles/min per 10(12) cells at 25 C. The manganese transport system is highly specific; magnesium and calcium did not stimulate, inhibit, or compete with manganese for cellular uptake. Cobalt and iron specifically interfered with (54)Mn uptake, but only when added at concentrations 100 times higher than the K(m) for manganese. Active transport of manganese is temperature- and energy-dependent: uptake of (54)Mn was inhibited by cyanide, dinitrophenol, and m-chlorophenyl carbonylcyanide hydrazone (CCCP). Furthermore, the turnover or exit of manganese from intact cells was inhibited by energy poisons such as dinitrophenol and CCCP.  相似文献   

许多物质在人体中的吸收,不仅以单纯扩散以及易化扩散这些不消耗能量的方式来进行。而且消耗能量的主动运输也起了很大的作用。以Na-K泵为例综述了原发性主动运输的特点,对物质运输的作用机理,影响因素以及在人体中的作用。  相似文献   

Relations describing threshold fluctuation phenomena in nerves are derived by calculating the approximate response of the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) axon to electrical noise. We use FitzHugh's reduced phase space approximation and describe the dynamics of a noisy nerve by a two-dimensional brownian motion. The theory predicts the functional form and parametric dependence of the relation between probability of firing and stimulus strength. Expressions are also obtained for the firing probability as a function of stimulus duration and for the distribution of latency times as a function of stimulus strength.  相似文献   

Eggshell mechanical property traits such as eggshell breaking strength (ESS), eggshell thickness (EST) and eggshell weight (ESW) are most common and important indexes to evaluate eggshell quality in poultry industry. Uterine ion transporters involve in eggshell formation and might be associated with eggshell mechanical property traits. In this study, 99 SNPs in 15 ion transport genes were selected to genotype 976 pedigreed hens of Rhode Island Red. ESS, EST and ESW were measured for each bird at 55 weeks of age. The association study showed that 14 SNPs in 8 genes were significantly related (p < 0.05) with at least one trait, and their contributions to phenotypic variance ranged from 0.23% to 4.14%. Both ATP2A3 and SLC4A5 had a significant effect on all the three traits. Strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) was detected among SNPs in four genes: ATP2A3, ITPR1, SLC8A3, SCNN1a. The significant effects of those diplotypes on eggshell mechanical property traits were found, and their contributions to phenotypic variance ranged from 0.50% to 0.70%. It was concluded that the identified SNPs and diplotypes in this study were potential markers influencing the eggshell mechanical properties, which could contribute to the genetic improvement of eggshell quality.  相似文献   

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is the most frequent pulmonary complication in preterm infants. RDS incidence differs between genders, which has been called the male disadvantage. Besides maturation of the surfactant system, Na+ transport driven alveolar fluid clearance is crucial for the prevention of RDS. Na+ transport is mediated by the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) and the Na,K-ATPase, therefore potential differences in their expression or activity possibly contribute to the gender imbalance observed in RDS. Fetal distal lung epithelial (FDLE) cells of rat fetuses were separated by sex and analyzed regarding expression and activity of the Na+ transporters. Ussing chamber experiments showed a higher baseline short-circuit current (ISC) and amiloride-sensitive ΔISC in FDLE cells of female origin. In addition, maximal amiloride-sensitive ΔISC and maximal ouabain-sensitive ΔISC of female cells were higher when measured in the presence of a permeabilized basolateral or apical membrane, respectively. The number of FDLE cells per fetus recoverable during cell isolation was also significantly higher in females. In addition, lung wet-to-dry weight ratio was lower in fetal and newborn female pups. Female derived FDLE cells had higher mRNA levels of the ENaC- and Na,K-ATPase subunits. Furthermore, estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) mRNA levels were higher in female cells, which might render female cells more responsive, while concentrations of placenta-derived sex steroids do not differ between both genders during fetal life. Inhibition of ER-β abolished the sex differences in Na+ transport and female cells were more responsive to estradiol stimulation. In conclusion, a higher alveolar Na+ transport, possibly attributable to a higher expression of hormone receptors in female FDLE cells, provides an explanation for the well known sex-related difference in RDS occurrence and outcome.  相似文献   

Active Calcium Transport by Plant Cell Membranes   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
The cytosolic free calcium concentration of higher plant cellsis maintained at about 01 µM by the action of membranecalcium transporters. These act to remove calcium from the cytosoland expel it to the apoplast or accumulate it in intracellularstores. In this review, the properties and subcellular localizationsof these systems are described. The major calcium transporterof the plasma membrane is a calcium pumping ATPase which showsmany similarities to its equivalent in mammalian cells. Thetransporter has been purified from maize coleoptiles and isof Mr 140 000, binds (and is activated by) calmodulin and showscommon antigenicity with the mammalian protein. Higher plantendoplasmic reticulum also contains a calcium pumping ATPasewhich transports calcium from the cytoplasm and its role andproperties, together with those of the tonoplast calcium/protonantiporter are presented. Evidence for calcium accumulationby chloroplasts and mitochondria is considered. The review alsodeals with the regulation of plant cell membrane calcium transportand its role in providing intracellular pools of calcium forsignal transduction. Key words: Plant, calcium transport, ATPase, cell membrane, calmodulin  相似文献   

HYDROLYSIS of ATP by the cell membrane cation transport system seems to involve a sodium-dependent phosphorylation of an intermediate followed by a potassium-activated release of inorganic phosphate1. The K-activated and glycoside-sensitive phosphatase activity found in most cell membranes may be the expression of the ability of the cation transport system to hydrolyse phosphate esters other than the phosphorylated intermediate formed from ATP.  相似文献   

Active Transport of Alcohol in Corynebacterium acetophilum   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The transport of alcohols was studied in Corynebacterium acetophilum, which was isolated as a strain growing well on acetate and ethanol. The transport of ethanol was found to be inducible by ethanol, n-propanol, n-butanol, and acetate, whereas transport of methanol occurred by noninducible passive diffusion. The entry of ethanol into the cells occurred against a concentration gradient and showed saturation kinetics with two K(m) values of 2.4 x 10(-5) M and 6.0 x 10(-5) M. Uptake of ethanol was inhibited by sodium azide, sodium cyanide, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and p-chloromercuribenzoate. The transport of ethanol was competitively inhibited by normal alcohols, but not by iso- or tert-alcohols. From these studies, we concluded that an inducible active alcohol transport system mediates the entry of ethanol, n-propanol, or n-butanol into the cells of C. acetophilum.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated ion channels in neuronal membranes fluctuate randomly between different conformational states due to thermal agitation. Fluctuations between conducting and nonconducting states give rise to noisy membrane currents and subthreshold voltage fluctuations and may contribute to variability in spike timing. Here we study subthreshold voltage fluctuations due to active voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels as predicted by two commonly used kinetic schemes: the Mainen et al. (1995) (MJHS) kinetic scheme, which has been used to model dendritic channels in cortical neurons, and the classical Hodgkin-Huxley (1952) (HH) kinetic scheme for the squid giant axon. We compute the magnitudes, amplitude distributions, and power spectral densities of the voltage noise in isopotential membrane patches predicted by these kinetic schemes. For both schemes, noise magnitudes increase rapidly with depolarization from rest. Noise is larger for smaller patch areas but is smaller for increased model temperatures. We contrast the results from Monte Carlo simulations of the stochastic nonlinear kinetic schemes with analytical, closed-form expressions derived using passive and quasi-active linear approximations to the kinetic schemes. For all subthreshold voltage ranges, the quasi-active linearized approximation is accurate within 8% and may thus be used in large-scale simulations of realistic neuronal geometries.  相似文献   

Smoking and COPD are associated with decreased mucociliary clearance, and healthy smokers have shorter cilia in the large airway than nonsmokers. We hypothesized that changes in cilia length are consistent throughout the airway, and we further hypothesized that smokers with COPD have shorter cilia than healthy smokers. Because intraflagellar transport (IFT) is the process by which cilia of normal length are produced and maintained, and alterations in IFT lead to short cilia in model organisms, we also hypothesized that smoking induces changes in the expression of IFT-related genes in the airway epithelium of smokers and smokers with COPD. To assess these hypotheses, airway epithelium was obtained via bronchoscopic brushing. Cilia length was assessed by measuring 100 cilia (10 cilia on each of 10 cells) per subject and Affymetrix microarrays were used to evaluate IFT gene expression in nonsmokers and healthy smokers in 2 independent data sets from large and small airway as well as in COPD smokers in a data set from the small airway. In the large and small airway epithelium, cilia were significantly shorter in healthy smokers than nonsmokers, and significantly shorter in COPD smokers than in both healthy smokers and nonsmokers. The gene expression data confirmed that a set of 8 IFT genes were down-regulated in smokers in both data sets; however, no differences were seen in COPD smokers compared to healthy smokers. These results support the concept that loss of cilia length contributes to defective mucociliary clearance in COPD, and that smoking-induced changes in expression of IFT genes may be one mechanism of abnormally short cilia in smokers. Strategies to normalize cilia length may be an important avenue for novel COPD therapies.  相似文献   

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