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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate three methods of DNA extraction for the amplification of Chlamydia trachomatis in uterine cervical samples collected in PreservCyt solution. ThinPrep is the trade name for the slide preparation. METHODS: Thirty-eight samples collected in LCx buffer medium, which were identified as C. trachomatis infected by ligase chain reaction (LCR), were selected for this study. DNA from the PreservCyt samples was extracted by three methods: (i) QIAamp kit, (ii) boiling in Tris-EDTA buffer with Chelex purification, and (iii) Proteinase K digestion with Chelex purification. Sample DNA was tested for the presence of C. trachomatis by PCR using cryptic plasmid research (CTP) primers and major outer membrane protein research momp gene (MOMP) primers. Real-time (LightCycler) PCR for relative C. trachomatis quantification following DNA extraction was performed using primers (Hsp 60) for the 60 kDa heat-shock protein hsp60 gene. RESULTS: Amplification using CTP primers was the most successful with each of the extraction protocols. Boiling in buffer was the least successful extraction method. QIAamp was the best extraction method, yielding the most positives with both the CTP and MOMP primers. Proteinase K-Chelex extraction gave similar sensitivity to QIAamp extraction with CTP primers but lower for MOMP primers. CONCLUSIONS: The DNA extraction method must be carefully selected to ensure that larger PCR amplicons can be successfully produced by PCR and to ensure high sensitivity of detection of C. trachomatis. In this study it was found that the QIAamp extraction method followed by PCR with the CTP primers was the most successful for amplification of C. trachomatis DNA.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method has been employed to amplify a chlamydial genome encoding four variable segments of the major outer membrane protein and genotyping of different Chlamydia trachomatis serovars was successfully achieved by means of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and sequencing of amplified DNA. These methods were applied to identify the serotypes of C. trachomatis in endocervical specimens obtained from asymptomatic pregnant Japanese women at 28-30 weeks of gestation. Among the 218 specimens, 207 were serotyped 43 (19.3%) as serovar D, 53 (24.3%) as E, 24 (11.0%) as F, 39 (17.9%) as G, 15 (6. 9%) as H, 15 (6.9%) as I, five (2.3%) as J, nine (4.1%) as K and four (1.8%) as mixed. Among the 11 unclassified strains by RFLP, six (2.8%) were identified as serovar B variants and five (2.3%) were identified as D/IC-Cal-8. It was suggested that variants of endemic trachoma serovars also have affinity for the urogenital tract of Japanese pregnant women.  相似文献   

The heat shock effect on chlamydia development was studied. We report here that the reversibility of the heat shock response did not depend on the stage of chlamydial morphogenesis at which transfer to high temperature occurred, and the infectivity of the particles produced was not affected significantly, so long as the heat shock exposure was not prolonged. Exposure to heat shock for more than 9 h resulted in stagnation of the growth cycle, appearance of aberrant reticulate body particles and loss of infectivity. SDS-PAGE analysis of proteins synthesized under prolonged heat shock showed increased relative abundance of heat shock proteins in common with other procaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

【目的】对青海藏区沙眼患者标本进行沙眼衣原体分离培养与鉴定。【方法】分别采集患者的单眼结膜和结膜囊拭子标本至1 mL样本保护培养基中。取50μL样本采用离心法感染BGM细胞,37°C培养72 h,连续传代3次,相差显微镜观察衣原体包涵体。对临床样本和分离株分别进行主要外膜蛋白基因ompA序列分析。【结果】共采集了45例活动性沙眼患者的115份临床样本,其中54份样本为ompA PCR阳性,15份样本为沙眼衣原体培养阳性。ompA分析发现,青海藏区沙眼衣原体有3个不同的同源ompA变异株,均为基因B型,都包含有一个泌尿生殖道型沙眼衣原体特有密码子。分离株QH111L和QH111R分别来自编号111患者的左眼和右眼样本,它们ompA基因的可变区有一个非同义碱基差异。该碱基变异仅存在于111号患者的左眼样本中,说明QH111L可能是新出现的ompA突变体。【结论】青海藏区的眼型沙眼衣原体流行株为基因B型,至少存在3个不同的ompA变异株。从青海藏区分离培养了15株眼型沙眼衣原体,发现同一患者的左右眼样本中的沙眼衣原体有不同ompA。本研究为研制沙眼疫苗和诊断试剂奠定了基础,也将有助于理解沙眼的进化和传播。  相似文献   

A historical review is provided of the various methods used for half a century to differentiate and type Chlamydia trachomatis strains. Typing of C. trachomatis is an important tool for revealing transmission patterns in sexual networks, and enabling association with clinical manifestations and pathogenicity. Serotyping using the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) has been the mainstay of epidemiological work for several decades. However, the development of nucleic acid amplification techniques (NAAT) and easy access to sequencing have shifted the focus from MOMP serotypes to omp1 genotypes. However, insufficient epidemiological resolution is achieved by characterization of both MOMP and omp1 . This calls for new high-resolution genotyping methods applying for example a multilocus variable number tandem repeat assay (MLVA) or multilocus sequence typing (MLST). The futuristic nanotechnology already seems at hand to further simplify and automate the high-resolution genotyping method based on NAAT and sequencing of various targets in the C. trachomatis genome. Thereby, a high throughput can be achieved and more epidemiological information can be obtained. However, it is important to realize that culture of C. trachomatis may still be needed to detect and characterize new variants of C. trachomatis .  相似文献   

沙眼衣原体除含有高度保守的基因组外,也含一个7.5kb的隐蔽性质粒,隐蔽性质粒具有8个开放阅读(ORF1-8),编码8种质粒蛋白pgpl-8。质粒蛋白在沙眼衣原体致病过程中发挥重要的作用,尤其是新近发现沙眼衣原体的唯一一种分泌到胞浆中的分泌性蛋白pgp3和对毒力相关基因具有转录调节功能的pgp4。对就沙衣原体的质粒蛋白研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

为了探讨PCR-测序法在宫颈脱落细胞样品中人乳头瘤病毒 (Human papillomavirus, HPV) 临床检测中的应用价值,采用HPV通用引物PGMY09/11针对HPV L1区基因序列进行PCR扩增,并通过DNA测序法对HPV进行基因分型。对于混合感染样品,利用HPV型别特异性引物PCR的方法进行基因分型。325例临床样品中,228例为HPV阳性,其中66例为混合感染。共发现27种不同的HPV型别,其中HPV 16比例最多,其次是HPV 58和52。高危型HPV检出率随病变程度加重显著性增加  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis is an important cause of immune-mediated damage to the reproductive tract of infected patients. Certain chlamydial antigens and host genetic factors have been identified as contributing to immunopathological events, but a comprehensive understanding of specific components involved in destructive vs. protective immune responses to chlamydial infections is far from clear. In this study, it is shown that C. trachomatis-infected patients generate antibodies against an iron-responsive chlamydial protein, YtgA. The identity of YtgA was confirmed by mass spectrometry following two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot analysis. This finding underscores a necessity to examine patient sera samples to identify chlamydial antigens that are likely encountered and important to the immune response during human infections.  相似文献   

目的通过荧光定量聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测慢性阴道炎患者阴道内解脲脲原体(Uu)和沙眼衣原体(Ct)感染状况,用以指导临床正确治疗。方法应用荧光定量聚合酶链反应对380例慢性阴道炎患者的阴道分泌物进行解脲脲原体和沙眼衣原体PCR检测。结果解脲脲原体阳性率为42.9%,其阳性标本的平均拷贝数为3.4×105copies/ml,沙眼衣原体阳性率为16.6%,其阳性标本的平均拷贝数为5.8×104copies/ml,解脲脲原体和沙眼衣原体合并感染的阳性率为12.6%。结论PCR技术具有简便、快捷、准确的优点,是目前快速诊断慢性阴道炎患者Uu、Ct感染状况的可靠诊断方法之一。  相似文献   

Abstract We have studied adhesion and uptake of C. trachomatis serovar E in McCoy cells under various infection conditions. Adhesion and uptake of chlamydiae was completed about 3 h after the initiation of stationary infection at 37°C, but ingestion of cell membrane-attached organisms was finished within 0.5 h at 37°C. Reincubated chlamydiae, not attached after 3 h at 37°C, attached readily to fresh McCoy cell monolayers, but to a lesser extent than the original inoculum. Our results indicate that the lack of further attachment after 3 h incubation at 37°C under stationary infection conditions has complex causes, involving both host cell and parasite. Centrifugation did not affect the uptake of chlamydiae already bound to the cell membrane, suggesting that the uptake phase of C. trachomatis serovar E by McCoy cells is unaffected by centrifugation.  相似文献   

【背景】衣原体独特的发育周期是在包涵体内完成的,大约7%–10%的基因编码包涵体膜蛋白,由此可见包涵体膜蛋白可能在其发育和致病过程中发挥重要作用。然而,其具体功能仍有待深入研究。【目的】筛选包涵体膜蛋白CT225的互作分子,以期进一步了解其可能的生物学功能。【方法】首先表达融合蛋白GST-CT225,用亲和层析法从HeLa细胞裂解液中筛选CT225的互作分子,所得蛋白进行质谱分析。确定候选蛋白,然后通过免疫共沉淀方法(Co-Immunoprecipitation,CO-IP)、谷胱甘肽巯基转移酶(Glutathione S-Transferase,GST)下拉/沉降实验和亚细胞定位等方法进行验证。【结果】参考质谱分析得分,通过实验初步验证得出波形蛋白(Vimentin,VIM)为与CT225相互作用的蛋白。【结论】CT225与HeLa细胞的波形蛋白Vimentin互相作用,提示其功能可能与维持细胞骨架完整性、膜运输和脂质转运等有关。  相似文献   

Abstract Five proteins of Chlamydia trachomatis at the 18000 (18-kDa) molecular mass region were resolved by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Three proteins at 18.2 kDa, p I 6.9, 18.0 kDa, p I 6.3, and 17.9 kDa, p I 6.4 were shown to bind lectin. A fourth protein of 18.0 kDa at p I 10 was the histone-like protein. The fifth protein at 17.9 kDa, p I 7.0 was not characterized.  相似文献   

目的了解慢性盆腔炎患者支原体与沙眼衣原体的感染状况并对支原体的药敏试验结果进行分析,为临床防治提供依据。方法选取2011年1月至2013年12月来院就诊的慢性盆腔炎患者680例,无菌采集宫颈分泌物,培养法检测解脲支原体和人型支原体,用免疫层析法检测沙眼衣原体。结果共检出解脲支原体(Uu)290例(42.6%),人型支原体(Mh)53例(7.8%),两者混合感染(Uu+Mh)76例(11.2%),沙眼衣原体(Ct)感染58例(8.5%)。Uu感染在20~40岁年龄段阳性率最高(P〈0.05),Mh、Uu+Mh和Ct在各年龄段阳性率差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。药物敏感染性结果显示,支原体对交沙霉素、强力霉素和美满霉素的耐药率较低,对环丙沙星、左氧氟沙星和加替沙星的耐药率较高。结论解脲支原体和沙眼衣原体为慢性盆腔炎的重要致病因素,临床应重视宫颈解脲支原体和沙眼衣原体的检测。防治解脲支原体和沙眼衣原体感染,可能有益于预防慢性盆腔炎的发生。  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease fragments of DNA from Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis (mouse pneumonitis biovar) were hybridized to probes from the N-terminal and C-terminal portions of the Escherichia coli tufA gene. In common with other Gram-negative bacteria, the genome of N. gonorrhoeae was found to contain two homologous sequences (presumptive tuf genes). The C. trachomatis genome contained a single tuf sequence.  相似文献   

J.‐H. Lee, N.‐W. Lee, S.‐W. Hong, Y.‐S. Nam, J.‐W. Choi and Y.‐S. Kim Establishment of an efficient multiplex real‐time PCR assay for human papillomavirus genotyping in cervical cytology specimens: comparison with hybrid capture II Objective: To establish an efficient multiplex real‐time PCR assay for 15 human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes, we designed multiplexing parameters and compared our PCR system with the hybrid capture (HC) II test using cervical cytology samples. Methods: For preventing cross‐reactive amplifications, variable HPV genes (E1, E2, E6, E7 and L1) were targeted. The melting temperatures of all primers and probes, and the size of the PCR product were optimized for the multiplex PCR. Our PCR system was compared with the HC II assays in the detection and genotyping of HPV infection using 173 cytology smears. Discordant cases between the two assays were verified by direct HPV DNA sequencing. Results: Of 173 women, 93 (53.8%) were HPV‐positive by the HC II assay and/or the multiplex real‐time PCR assay. The HPV genotypes were determined in 92 (98.9%) of 93 cases by the multiplex real‐time PCR and/or DNA sequencing. The agreement rate between multiplex PCR and HC II methods was 91.9% (kappa = 0.84). Although the sample size of this study needs to be increased to have epidemiological significance, multiple infections and HPV 16 were the predominant type. HPV 58, 52 and 18 accounted for 25% of HPV infections. HPV 52, 58 and 31 constituted 30% of CIN 2/3. Conclusion: The multiplex real‐time PCR system shows a good and reliable clinical performance. This in house PCR assay is fast and cost‐effective for HPV genotyping and the detection of HPV co‐infection in the post‐HPV vaccination era.  相似文献   

To further characterize the chlamydial cytadhesin (CCA), we have examined it for saturability of binding to HeLa cells that were grown as monolayers and in suspension. The CCA exhibited specific cytadherence properties of binding to HeLa cells that appeared to be saturable. The CCA showed a substantial decrease in binding to trypsin-treated HeLa cells in suspension. This finding, together with the fact that the CCA itself is known to be trypsin-sensitive, suggested a protein-protein type of interaction between CCA and HeLa cells. Periodate treatment of the CCA did not result in significant reduction in cytadherence, which implies that sugar moieties were probably not involved in CCA binding to HeLa cells. Whilst attempts to produce antibodies to the CCA in rabbits was unsuccessful, the CCA reacted with antibodies in a human serum known to contain high titer antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis, suggesting it can be immunogenic, and is possibly expressed during human infection.  相似文献   

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