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Microbial fermentation is emerging as an increasingly important resource for the production of fatty acids to serve as precursors for renewable diesel as well as detergents, lubricants and other industrial chemicals, as an alternative to traditional sources of reduced carbon such as petroleum. A major disadvantage of fuels derived from biological sources is their undesirable physical properties such as high cloud and pour points, and high viscosity. Here we report the development of an Escherichia coli strain that efficiently produces anteiso-branched fatty acids, which can be converted into downstream products with lower cloud and pour points than the mixtures of compounds produced via the native metabolism of the cell. This work addresses a serious limitation that must be overcome in order to produce renewable biodiesel and oleochemicals that perform as well as their petroleum-based counterparts.  相似文献   

The direct conversion of carbon dioxide into biofuels by photosynthetic microorganisms is a promising alternative energy solution. In this study, a model cyanobacterium, Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942, is engineered to produce free fatty acids (FFA), potential biodiesel precursors, via gene knockout of the FFA-recycling acyl-ACP synthetase and expression of a thioesterase for release of the FFA. Similar to previous efforts, the engineered strains produce and excrete FFA, but the yields are too low for large-scale production. While other efforts have applied additional metabolic engineering strategies in an attempt to boost FFA production, we focus on characterizing the engineered strains to identify the physiological effects that limit cell growth and FFA synthesis. The strains engineered for FFA-production show reduced photosynthetic yields, chlorophyll-a degradation, and changes in the cellular localization of the light-harvesting pigments, phycocyanin and allophycocyanin. Possible causes of these physiological effects are also identified. The addition of exogenous linolenic acid, a polyunsaturated FFA, to cultures of S. elongatus 7942 yielded a physiological response similar to that observed in the FFA-producing strains with only one notable difference. In addition, the lipid constituents of the cell and thylakoid membranes in the FFA-producing strains show changes in both the relative amounts of lipid components and the degree of saturation of the fatty acid side chains. These changes in lipid composition may affect membrane integrity and structure, the binding and diffusion of phycobilisomes, and the activity of membrane-bound enzymes including those involved in photosynthesis. Thus, the toxicity of unsaturated FFA and changes in membrane composition may be responsible for the physiological effects observed in FFA-producing S. elongatus 7942. These issues must be addressed to enable the high yields of FFA synthesis necessary for large-scale biofuel production.  相似文献   

The principal existing real-world application of synthetic biology is biofuels. Several ‘next generation biofuel’ companies—Synthetic Genomics, Amyris and Joule Unlimited Technologies—claim to be using synthetic biology to make biofuels. The irony of this is that highly advanced science and engineering serves the very mundane and familiar realm of transport. Despite their rather prosaic nature, biofuels could offer an interesting way to highlight the novelty of synthetic biology from several angles at once. Drawing on the French philosopher of technology and biology Gilbert Simondon, we can understand biofuels as technical objects whose genesis involves processes of concretisation that negotiate between heterogeneous geographical, biological, technical, scientific and commercial realities. Simondon’s notion of technicity, the degree of concretisation of a technical object, usefully conceptualises this relationality. Viewed in terms of technicity, we might understand better how technical entities, elements, and ensembles are coming into being in the name of synthetic biology. The broader argument here is that when we seek to identify the newness of disciplines, their newness might be less epistemic and more logistic.  相似文献   

Here we report recombinant expression and activity of several type I fatty acid synthases that can function in parallel with the native Escherichia coli fatty acid synthase. Corynebacterium glutamicum FAS1A was the most active in E. coli and this fatty acid synthase was leveraged to produce oleochemicals including fatty alcohols and methyl ketones. Coexpression of FAS1A with the ACP/CoA-reductase Maqu2220 from Marinobacter aquaeolei shifted the chain length distribution of fatty alcohols produced. Coexpression of FAS1A with FadM, FadB, and an acyl-CoA-oxidase from Micrococcus luteus resulted in the production of methyl ketones, although at a lower level than cells using the native FAS. This work, to our knowledge, is the first example of in vivo function of a heterologous fatty acid synthase in E. coli. Using FAS1 enzymes for oleochemical production have several potential advantages, and further optimization of this system could lead to strains with more efficient conversion to desired products. Finally, functional expression of these large enzyme complexes in E. coli will enable their study without culturing the native organisms.  相似文献   

糖类物质在食品、医药、日化、发酵领域有着广泛应用,对人类健康和社会发展有着重要意义。发展新型糖类物质合成技术有利于解决传统植物生物质“采集-炼制”产糖模式所面临的高成本、长周期、时空限制等风险和问题。蓝藻是一类重要的光自养微生物,也是极具潜力的新型微生物光合平台,发展蓝藻光驱固碳产糖技术有望实现二氧化碳向特定糖类产物的一站式定向转化,实现糖类物质合成的模式变革。糖类物质本身在蓝藻天然光合代谢网络中发挥重要作用,特别是卡尔文循环、糖原代谢、相容性物质代谢等几个重要生理模块的运转都是以不同糖类物质的转化来驱动的;而合成生物技术的发展又为光合产糖网络重塑和扩展注入了新的驱动力,在产品类型、合成模式及生产效率上显著提升了蓝藻光驱固碳产糖技术的发展和应用潜力。针对蓝藻光驱固碳产糖技术的发展应用,从模式、策略、产物等不同维度总结了相关进展和风险挑战,并对其未来前景和方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs, 6–10 carbons) are valuable precursors to many industrial biofuels and chemicals, recently engineered reversal of the β-oxidation (r-BOX) cycle has been proposed as a potential platform for efficient synthesis of MCFAs. Previous studies have made many exciting achievements on functionally characterizing four core enzymes of this r-BOX cycle. However, the information about bottleneck nodes in this cycle is elusive. Here, a quantitative assessment of the inherent limitations of this cycle was conducted to capitalize on its potential. The selection of the core β-oxidation reversal enzymes in conjunction with acetyl-CoA synthetase endowed the ability to synthesize about 1 g/L MCFAs. Furthermore, a gene dosage experiment was developed to identify two rate-limiting enzymes (acetyl-CoA synthetase and thiolase). The de novo pathway was then separated into two modules at thiolase and MCFA production titer increased to 2.8 g/L after evaluating different construct environments. Additionally, the metabolism of host organism was reprogrammed to the desired biochemical product by the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats interference system, resulted in a final MCFA production of 3.8 g/L. These findings described here identified the inherent limitations of r-BOX cycle and further unleashed the lipogenic potential of this cycle, thus paving the way for the development of a bacterial platform for microbial production of high-value oleo-chemicals from low-value carbons in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.  相似文献   

With the depletion of the nonrenewable petrochemical resources and the increasing concerns of environmental pollution globally, biofuels and biobased chemicals produced from the renewable resources appear to be of great strategic significance. The present review described the progress in the biosynthesis of fatty acid and its derivatives from renewable biomass and emphasized the importance of fatty acid serving as the platform chemical and feedstock for a variety of chemicals. Due to the low efficient conversions of lignocellulosic biomass or carbon dioxide to fatty acid, we also put forward that rational strategies for the production of fatty acid and its derivatives should further derive from the consideration of whole bioprocess (pretreatment, saccharification, fermentation, separation), multiscale analysis and interdisciplinary combinations (omics, kinetics, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, fermentation and so on).  相似文献   

A lot of research has been performed on Cyanobacteria and microalgae with the aim to produce numerous biotechnological products. However, native strains have a few shortcomings, like limitations in cultivation, harvesting and product extraction, which prevents reaching optimal production value at lowest costs. Such limitations require the intervention of genetic engineering to produce strains with superior properties. Promising advancements in the cultivation of Cyanobacteria and microalgae have been achieved by improving photosynthetic efficiency through increasing RuBisCO activity and truncation of light‐harvesting antennae. Genetic engineering has also contributed to final product extraction by inducing autolysis and product secretory systems, to enable direct product recovery without going through costly extraction steps. In this review, we summarize the different enzymes and pathways that have been targeted thus far for improving cultivation aspects, harvesting and product extraction in Cyanobacteria and microalgae. With synthetic biology advancements, genetically engineered strains can be generated to resolve demanding process issues and achieve economic practicality. This comprehensive overview of gene modifications will be useful to researchers in the field to employ on their strains to increase their yields and improve the economic feasibility of the production process.  相似文献   

Diminishing fossil fuel reserves and mounting environmental concerns associated with petrochemical manufacturing practices have generated significant interests in developing whole-cell biocatalytic systems for the production of value-added chemicals and biofuels. Although acetyl-CoA is a common natural biogenic precursor for the biosynthesis of numerous metabolites, propionyl-CoA is unpopular and non-native to most organisms. Nevertheless, with its C3-acyl moiety as a discrete building block, propionyl-CoA can serve as another key biogenic precursor to several biological products of industrial importance. As a result, engineering propionyl-CoA metabolism, particularly in genetically tractable hosts with the use of inexpensive feedstocks, has paved an avenue for novel biomanufacturing. Herein, we present a systematic review on manipulation of propionyl-CoA metabolism as well as relevant genetic and metabolic engineering strategies for microbial production of value-added chemicals and biofuels, including odd-chain alcohols and organic acids, bio(co)polymers and polyketides.


Environmental changes that have occurred due to the use of fossil fuels have driven the search for alternative sources that have a lower environmental impact. First-generation biofuels were derived from crops such as sugar cane, corn and soybean, which contribute to water scarcity and deforestation. Second-generation biofuels originated from lignocellulose agriculture and forest residues, however these needed large areas of land that could be used for food production. Based on technology projections, the third generation of biofuels will be derived from microalgae. Microalgae are considered to be an alternative energy source without the drawbacks of the first- and second-generation biofuels. Depending upon the growing conditions, microalgae can produce biocompounds that are easily converted into biofuels. The biofuels from microalgae are an alternative that can keep the development of human activity in harmony with the environment. This study aimed to present the main biofuels that can be derived from microalgae.  相似文献   



Direct conversion of solar energy and carbon dioxide to drop in fuel molecules in a single biological system can be achieved from fatty acid-based biofuels such as fatty alcohols and alkanes. These molecules have similar properties to fossil fuels but can be produced by photosynthetic cyanobacteria.


Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 mutant strains containing either overexpression or deletion of the slr1609 gene, which encodes an acyl-ACP synthetase (AAS), have been constructed. The complete segregation and deletion in all mutant strains was confirmed by PCR analysis. Blocking fatty acid activation by deleting slr1609 gene in wild-type Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 led to a doubling of the amount of free fatty acids and a decrease of alkane production by up to 90 percent. Overexpression of slr1609 gene in the wild-type Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 had no effect on the production of either free fatty acids or alkanes. Overexpression or deletion of slr1609 gene in the Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 mutant strain with the capability of making fatty alcohols by genetically introducing fatty acyl-CoA reductase respectively enhanced or reduced fatty alcohol production by 60 percent.


Fatty acid activation functionalized by the slr1609 gene is metabolically crucial for biosynthesis of fatty acid derivatives in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. It is necessary but not sufficient for efficient production of alkanes. Fatty alcohol production can be significantly improved by the overexpression of slr1609 gene.  相似文献   

张嵩元  汪卫东 《微生物学报》2021,61(10):3059-3075
鼠李糖脂是一类重要的生物表面活性剂。相比于化学合成的表面活性剂,其具有更优秀的理化性质及环境友好等特点,被广泛应用于微生物采油、环境污染修复等工程中。目前,鼠李糖脂的工业生产主要采用铜绿假单胞菌这一具有致病性的天然合成菌株,与此同时,受菌株遗传背景的限制,优化发酵过程等方法在产量提升方面遇到了一些瓶颈问题。利用基因工程方法对菌株进行改良有望进一步提高鼠李糖脂生产的安全性、产量、产物性能等多项指标,因此受到了越来越广泛的关注。本文综述了近年来利用基因工程方法优化鼠李糖脂生物合成的最新进展,讨论了异源合成、代谢通路改造、基因表达优化、蛋白质工程、底盘工程等多种策略的应用,并展望了一系列可行的研究方向。  相似文献   

The increasing oil price and environmental concerns caused by the use of fossil fuel have renewed our interest in utilizing biomass as a sustainable resource for the production of biofuel. It is however essential to develop high performance microbes that are capable of producing biofuels with very high efficiency in order to compete with the fossil fuel. Recently, the strategies for developing microbial strains by systems metabolic engineering, which can be considered as metabolic engineering integrated with systems biology and synthetic biology, have been developed. Systems metabolic engineering allows successful development of microbes that are capable of producing several different biofuels including bioethanol, biobutanol, alkane, and biodiesel, and even hydrogen. In this review, the approaches employed to develop efficient biofuel producers by metabolic engineering and systems metabolic engineering approaches are reviewed with relevant example cases. It is expected that systems metabolic engineering will be employed as an essential strategy for the development of microbial strains for industrial applications.  相似文献   

国际基因工程机器大赛在中国   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合成生物学是一门新兴的交叉学科,为培养合成生物学后备人才,国际基因工程机器(iGEM)大赛应运而生。2007年中国首次有5支队伍参加iGEM大赛,至今已经有11年的历史。然而,目前尚无全面总结中国iGEM队伍的相关文献。文中全面梳理和总结了iGEM大赛在中国的发展历程,包括参赛队伍的数量、地理分布、竞赛成绩、中国iGEM社群CCiC的发展情况,以及iGEM大赛对中国高等教育的促进和借鉴作用,并深度思考了iGEM大赛在中国的发展前景,提出了发展建议。随着我国高等教育"双一流"战略的实施,iGEM大赛在我国的发展具有光明的前景,可为培养新一代科学家作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of two motile (strains WH 8113 and WH 8103) and one nonmotile (strain WH 7803) marine cyanobacteria has been determined and compared with two freshwater unicellular Synechocystis species (strain PCC 6308 and PCC 6803). The fatty acid composition of lipid extracts of isolated membranes from Synechocystis PCC 6803 was found to be identical to that of whole cells. All the marine strains contained myristic acid (14:0) as the major fatty acid, with only traces of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This composition is similar to Synechocystis PCC 6308. The major lipid classes of the nonmotile marine strain were identified as digalactosyl diacylglycerol, monogalactosyl diacylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, and sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol, identical to those found in other cyanobacteria.Abbreviations DGDG Digalactosyl diacylglycerol - MGDG Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol - PG Phosphatidylglycerol - SGDG sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol - gc gas chromatography - ms mass spectrometry  相似文献   

With the aim of understanding the contribution of enzymes to the cost of lignocellulosic biofuels, we constructed a techno-economic model for the production of fungal cellulases. We found that the cost of producing enzymes was much higher than that commonly assumed in the literature. For example, the cost contribution of enzymes to ethanol produced by the conversion of corn stover was found to be $0.68/gal if the sugars in the biomass could be converted at maximum theoretical yields, and $1.47/gal if the yields were based on saccharification and fermentation yields that have been previously reported in the scientific literature. We performed a sensitivity analysis to study the effect of feedstock prices and fermentation times on the cost contribution of enzymes to ethanol price. We conclude that a significant effort is still required to lower the contribution of enzymes to biofuel production costs.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology provides a significant platform in creating novel pathways/organisms for producing useful compounds, while it remains a challenge to enhance the production efficiency. Recently we constructed a recombinant Escherichia coli for glutarate production using a synthetic α-ketoacid reduction pathway, in which α-ketoglutarate is reduced to 2-hydroxyglutarate then converted to glutarate. However, the production titer was low, which may be due to 1) oxygen-sensitive nature of 2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA dehydratase (HgdABC) and 2) limited cell growth in anaerobic cultivation. Therefore, we developed an aerobic-anaerobic two-stage strategy by growing more cells aerobically, then shifting to anaerobic cultivation to ensure the functional HgdABC for glutarate biosynthesis. The two-stage cultivation resulted in higher production of glutarate and other two C5 dicarboxylic acids – glutaconate and 2-hydroxylglutarate than the original anaerobic process. Furthermore, we used an anaerobically-inducible nar promoter to improve the hgdABC expression responding to aerobic-anaerobic shift. Finally, the glutarate, glutaconate and 2-hydroxyglutarate titer was increased about 2, 5 and 3 times, reaching 11.6, 108.8 and 399.5 mg/L, respectively. The work demonstrated an effective strategy for ameliorating α-ketoacid reduction pathway to produce C5 dicarboxylic acids, as well as the potential of integration of bioprocess and metabolic engineering for enhancing chemicals production by an engineered microorganism.  相似文献   

Culturing of microalgae as an alternative feedstock for biofuel production has received a lot of attention in recent years due to their fast growth rate and ability to accumulate high quantity of lipid and carbohydrate inside their cells for biodiesel and bioethanol production, respectively. In addition, this superior feedstock offers several environmental benefits, such as effective land utilization, CO(2) sequestration, self-purification if coupled with wastewater treatment and does not trigger food versus fuel feud. Despite having all these 'theoretical' advantages, review on problems and issues related to energy balance in microalgae biofuel are not clearly addressed until now. Base on the maturity of current technology, the true potential of microalgae biofuel towards energy security and its feasibility for commercialization are still questionable. Thus, this review is aimed to depict the practical problems that are facing the microalgae biofuel industry, covering upstream to downstream activities by accessing the latest research reports and critical data analysis. Apart from that, several interlink solutions to the problems will be suggested with the purpose to bring current microalgae biofuel research into a new dimension and consequently, to revolutionize the entire microalgae biofuel industry towards long-term sustainability.  相似文献   

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