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Identification of the resistance mechanism of insects against Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1A toxin is becoming an increasingly challenging task. This fact highlights the need for establishing new methods to further explore the molecular interactions of Cry1A toxin with insects and the receptor-binding region of Cry1A toxins for their wider application as biopesticides and a gene source for gene-modified crops. In this contribution, a quantum dot-based near-infrared fluorescence imaging method has been applied for direct dynamic tracking of the specific binding of Cry1A toxins, CrylAa and CrylAc, to the midgut tissue of silkworm. The in vitro fluorescence imaging displayed the higher binding specificity of CrylAa–QD probes compared to CrylAc–QD to the brush border membrane vesicles of midgut from silkworm. The in vivo imaging demonstrated that more CrylAa–QDs binding to silkworm midgut could be effectively and distinctly monitored in living silkworms. Furthermore, frozen section analysis clearly indicated the broader receptor-binding region of Cry1Aa compared to that of Cry1Ac in the midgut part. These observations suggest that the insecticidal activity of Cry toxins may depend on the receptor-binding sites, and this scatheless and visual near-infrared fluorescence imaging could provide a new avenue to study the resistance mechanism to maintain the insecticidal activity of B. thuringiensis toxins.  相似文献   

Research in plant biotechnology is playing a crucial role in the production and conservation of plant-based resources globally. Being a country with rich and diverse floral resources, South Africa has a genuine opportunity to develop efficient and competitive plant biotechnology sectors. South Africa has a policy framework, in the form of a National Biotechnology Strategy that supports biotechnology research. The presence of competitive research infrastructure coupled with the government's willingness to commit significant resources will certainly help realise this. South Africa's plant biotechnology research has potential to make more significant contributions to the national economy. In this review, whilst highlighting the success, the research endeavours, prospects and challenges hindering the practical application of micropropagation research outputs are discussed.  相似文献   

An in vitro and in vivo study of some copper chelating anti-inflammatory agents for alleviation of inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been conducted. Two copper chelating agents, N(1)-(2-aminoethyl)-N(2)-(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine ([555-N]) and N-(2-(2-aminoethylamino)ethyl)picolinamide ([H(555)-N]) have been synthesized as their hydrochloride salt; their protonation constants and formation constants with Cu(II), Zn(II) and Ca(II) determined by glass electrode potentiometry at 298K and an ionic strength of 0.15M. Cu(II) formed stable complexes at physiological pH while the in vivo competitors, Zn(II) and Ca(II) formed weak complexes with both chelating agents. Both [555-N] and [H(555)-N] showed better selectivity for Cu(II) than for Zn(II) and Ca(II). Electronic spectra for species formed at physiological pH suggest a square planar geometry. Speciation calculations using a blood plasma model predicted that these copper chelating agents are able to mobilize Cu(II) in vivo, while bio-distribution studies of their (64)Cu(II)-labelled complexes at physiological pH showed tissue accumulation and retention indicating an encouraging biological half life.  相似文献   

Recent researches in photodynamic therapy have focused on novel techniques to enhance tumour targeting of anticancer drugs and photosensitizers. Coupling a photosensitizer with folic acid could allow more effective targeting of folate receptors which are over-expressed on the surface of many tumour cells. In this study, different folic acid–OEG-conjugated photosensitizers were synthesized, characterized and their photophysical properties were evaluated. The introduction of an OEG does not significantly improve the hydrophilicity of the FA–porphyrin. All the FA-targeted photosensitizers present good to very good photophysical properties. The best one appears to be Ce6. Molar extinction coefficient, fluorescence and singlet oxygen quantum yields were determined and were compared to the corresponding photosensitizer alone.  相似文献   

Imaging methods can give both temporal and spatial dimensions to characterize the processes in progression of and/or treatment of specific disease Subcutaneous tumors can be cured after electrochemotherapy (ECT). Growth and reduction of tumors as a result of cytotoxic therapy can be followed by fluorescence video imaging directly on the same animal after treatment. Imaging of tumors should bring more information on the cellular effects of ECT. Green fluorescent protein (eGFP) expressing B16F10 and LPB tumors implanted in C57Bl/6 mice were treated with ECT with cisplatin. The growth or regression of the tumors was monitored either classically by using a caliper or by a manual definition of the region of interest where critical fluorescence levels were detected on the animals. A very good correlation between the two methods was observed. The eGFP mean fluorescence emission was only slightly affected by ECT with intravenously injected cisplatin. Ex vivo observations under a fluorescence microscope showed that eGFP was only detected on the outer layer of the tumor. No fluorescence was detected in the central part of the tumors, which were necrotic.  相似文献   

DNA assembly is one of the most fundamental techniques in synthetic biology. Efficient methods can turn traditional DNA cloning into time-saving and higher efficiency practice, which is a foundation to accomplish the dreams of synthetic biologists for devising cellular architectures, reprogramming cellular behaviors, or creating synthetic cells. In this review, typical strategies of DNA assembly are discussed with special emphasis on the assembly of long and multiple DNA fragments into intact plasmids or assembled compositions. Constructively, all reported strategies were categorized into in vivo and in vitro types, and protocols are presented in a functional and practice-oriented way in order to portray the general nature of DNA assembly applications. Significantly, a five-step blueprint is proposed for devising cell architectures that produce valuable chemicals.  相似文献   

Searching for agents that could be effective in the treatment of cancer, special highlight has focused on the study of numerous plant-derived compounds. We previously demonstrated that anthraquinones (AQs) isolated from a vegetal species: Heterophyllaea pustulata Hook f. (Rubiaceae), such as rubiadin, rubiadin-1-methyl ether, soranjidiol, soranjidiol-1-methyl ether exhibit photosensitizing properties without antecedents as photodynamic agents in malignant cells. In the present study, we investigated the potential role of these AQs as a phototoxic agent against human breast carcinoma using MCF-7c3 cells. All AQs exhibited significant photocytotoxicity on cancer cells at the concentration of 100 μM with 1 J/cm2 light dose, resulting soranjidiol-1-methyl ether in complete cell destruction. The observed cellular killing by photoactivated AQs exhibited close relation with singlet oxygen production, except for soranjidiol-1-methyl ether, where cell viability decrease is in relation to uptake by tumor cells.  相似文献   

The known range of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) parasite, Perkinsus marinus, expanded into the northeastern United States in the early 1990s. We used both in vitro and in vivo data to test the hypothesis that the northward expansion was associated with a low-temperature adapted strain of the parasite. In vitro proliferation of nine P. marinus isolates from three geographic sites, Massachusetts and New Jersey in the new range, and South Carolina in the historic southern range, was measured at seven temperatures (5 to 35 °C) using a tetrazolium blue dye assay. We wanted to determine if there were between- and within-geographic location differences in the P. marinus proliferation rate, and if so, whether they were associated with temperature. We found no evidence of low-temperature adaptation based on the fact that net proliferation rates for isolates from all three geographic locations were similar at temperatures from 5 to 20 °C. On the other hand, at temperatures of 25 to 35 °C, the South Carolina isolates exhibited higher proliferation rates than the northern isolates suggesting possible high-temperature adaptation of parasite strains that are routinely exposed to higher temperatures. Although there was significant within-location variation among isolates, the data tended to group together by geographic location supporting the hypothesis that there is an important regional component to the proliferation rate of P. marinus isolates. A survey of published data showed that the temperature at which in vivo proliferation was first observed in oysters at sites from the Gulf of Mexico to Massachusetts was typically between 20 and 23 °C with no evidence of a geographic cline. These results lend support to the hypothesis that the recent warming trend in the northeastern US is the most likely explanation for the P. marinus range extension.  相似文献   

The integration of semiconductor nanoparticle quantum dots (QDs) into a modular, microfluidic biosensor for the multiplexed quantitation of three important cancer markers, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), cancer antigen 125 (CA125), and Her-2/Neu (C-erbB-2) was achieved. The functionality of the integrated sample processing, analyte capture and detection modalities was demonstrated using both serum and whole saliva specimens. Here, nano-bio-chips that employed a fluorescence transduction signal with QD-labeled detecting antibody were used in combination with antigen capture by a microporous agarose bead array supported within a microfluidics ensemble so as to complete the sandwich-type immunoassay. The utilization of QD probes in this miniaturized biosensor format resulted in signal amplification 30 times relative to that of standard molecular fluorophores as well as affording a reduction in observed limits of detection by nearly 2 orders of magnitude (0.02 ng/mL CEA; 0.11 pM CEA) relative to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Assay validation studies indicate that measurements by the nano-bio-chip system correlate to standard methods at R2 = 0.94 and R2 = 0.95 for saliva and serum, respectively. This integrated nano-bio-chip assay system, in tandem with next-generation fluorophores, promises to be a sensitive, multiplexed tool for important diagnostic and prognostic applications.  相似文献   

量子点是一种半导体纳米晶体,它可发出激发荧光,具有亮度高、稳定时间长和发射光谱可调节等特性,是同时检测多信号的良好材料.这些独特性质使得它们在肿瘤诊治领域中的应用日益受到人们的重视.对量子点进行功能化修饰,如偶联抗体等活性物质后,可以对肿瘤细胞进行特异性识别及示踪,以实现对肿瘤的诊断和治疗.文中分别从分子靶向识别、淋巴结定位和药物传递等方面探讨了功能化量子点在肿瘤诊断和治疗中的最新进展.此外,还讨论了量子点的毒性以及用于肿瘤检测和治疗的多功能量子点的设计方法,并提出了其实际应用的潜在方向.  相似文献   

We have shown that gypenosides (Gyp) induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in many human cancer cell lines. However, there are no reports showing that show Gyp acts on human leukemia HL-60 cells in vitro and in a murine xenograft model in vivo. In the present study effects of Gyp on cell morphological changes and viability, cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis in vitro and effects on Gyp in an in vivo murine xenograft model. Results indicated that Gyp induced morphological changes, decreased cell viability, induced G0/G1 arrest, DNA fragmentation and apoptosis (sub-G1 phase) in HL-60 cells. Gyp increased reactive oxygen species production and Ca2+ levels but reduced mitochondrial membrane potential in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Gyp also changed one of the primary indicators of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress due to the promotion of ATF6-α and ATF4-α associated with Ca2+ release. Gyp reduced the ratio of Bcl-2 to Bax due to an increase in the pro-apoptotic protein Bax and inhibited levels of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. Oral consumption of Gyp reduced tumor size of HL-60 cell xenograft mode mice in vivo. These results provide new information on understanding mechanisms by which Gyp induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The pharmaceutical industry is committed to marketing safer drugs with fewer side effects, predictable pharmacokinetic properties and quantifiable drug-drug interactions. Drug metabolism is a major determinant of drug clearance and interindividual pharmacokinetic differences, and an indirect determinant of the clinical efficacy and toxicity of drugs. Progressive advances in the knowledge of metabolic routes and enzymes responsible for drug biotransformation have contributed to understanding the great metabolic variations existing in human beings. Phenotypic as well genotypic differences in the expression of the enzymes involved in drug metabolism are the main causes of this variability. However, only a minor part of phenotypic variability in man is attributable to gene polymorphisms, thus making the definition of a normal liver complex. At present, the use of human in vitro hepatic models at early preclinical stages means that the process of selecting drug candidates is becoming much more rational. Cultured human hepatocytes are considered to be the closest model to human liver. However, the fact that hepatocytes are located in a microenvironment that differs from that of the cell in the liver raises the question: to what extent does drug metabolism variability observed in vitro actually reflect that of the liver in vivo? By comparing the metabolism of a model compound both in vitro and in vivo in the same individual, a good correlation between the in vitro and in vivo relative abundance of oxidized metabolites and the hydrolysis of the compound was observed. Thus, it is reasonable to consider that the variability observed in human hepatocytes reflects the existing phenotypic heterogeneity of the P450 expression in human liver.  相似文献   

The uterine weight growth stimulation by equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG/PMSG) was found to occur at much lower eCG concentrations than ovarian growth. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) which has only LH activity, was found to be as active as eCG in the uterotrophic assay whereas equine Luteinizing Hormone (eLH) which has dual LH+FSH activities like eCG, exhibited a much lower potency. In contrast to hCG, porcine and ovine LH as well as pFSH and oFSH exhibited no uterotrophic activity indicating that only gonadotropins with both LH activity and long half-lives are active alone in this assay. The FSH preparations were nevertheless found to trigger a dose-dependent response, but only in the presence of a subactive dose of hCG. The uterotrophic activity of hCG was found to be suppressed in ovariectomized immature rats and to be diminished after injection of GnRH antagonist suggesting an indirect pathway implicating the hypothalamo-pituitary complex.The data in this report together with the analysis of literature suggest that choriogonadotropins exert their stimulatory role on uterine growth by an indirect mechanism involving an increase in ovarian FSH receptors and FSH release by the pituitary. At the lowest concentrations of hCG, the increase in ovarian FSH receptors without endogenous FSH release is thought to be responsible for the sensitivity of the uterotrophic assay to exogenous FSHs. In conclusion, the immature rat uterotrophic assay is a sensitive and convenient assay for eCG and hCG as well as for FSHs in the presence of a sub-active dose of hCG.  相似文献   

Protein biomarker discovery for early detection of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is a crucial unmet need to improve patient outcomes. Mass spectrometry-based proteomics has emerged as a promising tool for identification of biomarkers in different cancer types. Proteins secreted from cancer cells can serve as potential biomarkers for early diagnosis. In the current study, we have used isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) labeling methodology coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry to identify and quantitate secreted proteins from a panel of head and neck carcinoma cell lines. In all, we identified 2,472 proteins, of which 225 proteins were secreted at higher or lower abundance in HNSCC-derived cell lines. Of these, 148 were present in higher abundance and 77 were present in lower abundance in the cancer-cell derived secretome. We detected a higher abundance of some previously known markers for HNSCC including insulin like growth factor binding protein 3, IGFBP3 (11-fold) and opioid growth factor receptor, OGFR (10-fold) demonstrating the validity of our approach. We also identified several novel secreted proteins in HNSCC including olfactomedin-4, OLFM4 (12-fold) and hepatocyte growth factor activator, HGFA (5-fold). IHC-based validation was conducted in HNSCC using tissue microarrays which revealed overexpression of IGFBP3 and OLFM4 in 70% and 75% of the tested cases, respectively. Our study illustrates quantitative proteomics of secretome as a robust approach for identification of potential HNSCC biomarkers. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: An Updated Secretome.  相似文献   

As an approach to understand how translation may affect protein folding, we analyzed structural and functional properties of the human estrogen receptor alpha synthesized by different eukaryotic translation systems. A minimum of three conformations of the receptor were detected using limited proteolysis and a sterol ligand-binding assay. The receptor in vitro translated in rabbit reticulocyte lysate was rapidly degraded by protease, produced major bands of about 34 kDa and showed a high affinity for estradiol. In a wheat germ translation system, the receptor was more slowly digested. Two soluble co-existing conformations were evident by different degradation patterns and estradiol binding. Our data show that differences in the translation machinery may result in alternative conformations of the receptor with distinct sterol binding properties. These studies suggest that components of the cellular translation machinery itself might influence the protein folding pathways and the relative abundance of different receptor conformers.  相似文献   

This study reports the activity of crude extracts, fractions and parthenolide (pure compound) obtained from Tanacetum parthenium against two forms of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Feverfew is a traditional herbal medicine that has been used for the treatment of migraine, fever and arthritis. Activity against epimastigote forms was observed for crude extracts, fractions and parthenolide, and a progressive increase in the antitrypanosomal effect was observed in the course of the purification process. The pure compound showed IC50/96h and IC90/96h of 0.5 microg/ml and 1.25 microg/ml, respectively. The cytotoxic effect of parthenolide in LLMCK2 cells was 3.2 microg/ml (CC50/96h) and the selectivity index was 6.4. No hemolysis was detected for the pure compound. The internalization index of T. cruzi in LLMCK2 cells was reduced almost 51% at the concentration of 2 microg/ml of parthenolide, and 96.6% at 4 microg/ml. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy permitted observation of morphological modifications and ultrastructural alterations.  相似文献   

4-Hydroxy-6-methyl-3-pyridinecarboxylic acid (DQ6) and the new compound 2,6-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3-pyridinecarboxylic acid (DQ726) were evaluated for possible application for iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) chelation therapy. Metal/ligand solution chemistry, cytotoxicity, octanol/water partitioning (Do/w), and chelation efficiency were studied. The solution chemistry of the two ligands with Fe(III) and Al(III) was investigated in aqueous 0.6 m (Na)Cl at 25 °C by means of potentiometric titrations, UV-Vis spectrophotometry, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. DQ6 exhibited a high coordination efficiency towards Al(III). Fe(III)/DQ6, Al(III)/DQ726, and Fe(III)/DQ726 complexes were less stable. These results were confirmed by chelation efficiency measurements performed in an octanol/aqueous solution. Accordingly, the effects of the substitution at various ring positions of 4-hydroxy-3-pyridinecarboxylic acid were rationalised. Partitioning experiments at pH 7.4 showed both DQ6 and DQ726, and their Fe(III) and Al(III) complexes, to be hydrophilic. The toxicity of DQ6 and of DQ726 was investigated with human cancer cell lines and normal human primary cells: no cytotoxic effects were observed up to 0.1 mM, following a 3 days exposure. According to our results, DQ6 has the favourable properties to be a chelating agent for Al.  相似文献   

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