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The myosin lattice spacing of single intact muscle fibers of the frog, Rana temporaria, was studied in Ringer's solution (standard osmolarity 230 mOsm) and hyper- and hypotonic salines (1.4 and 0.8 times standard osmolarity respectively) in the relaxed state, during "fixed end" tetani, and during shortening, using synchrotron radiation. At standard tonicity, a tetanus was associated with an initial brief lattice expansion (and a small amount of sarcomere shortening), followed by a slow compression (unaccompanied by sarcomere length changes). In hypertonic saline (myosin lattice compressed by 8.1%), these spacing changes were suppressed, in hypotonic saline (lattice spacing increased by 7.5%), they were enhanced. During unloaded shortening of activated fibers, a rapid lattice expansion occurred at all tonicities, but became larger as tonicity was reduced. This expansion was caused in part by the change in length of the preparation, but also by a recoil of a stressed radial compliance associated with axial force. The lattice spacing during unloaded shortening was equal to or occasionally greater than predicted for a relaxed fiber at that sarcomere length, indicating that the lattice compression associated with activation is rapidly reversed upon loss of axial force. Lattice recompression occurred upon termination of shortening under standard and hypotonic conditions, but was almost absent under hypertonic conditions. These observations indicate that axial cross-bridge tension is associated with a compressive radial force in intact muscle fibers at full overlap; however, this radial force exhibits a much greater sensitivity to lattice spacing than does the axial force.  相似文献   

Accounts of similarities between the thick filament lattice of striated muscle and smectic liquid-crystalline structures have focused upon an equilibrium between electrostatic (repulsive) and van der Waal's (attractive) forces. In living, intact muscle the fiber volume constitutes an additional important parameter which influences the amount of interaxial separation between the filaments. This is demonstrable by comparison of the lattice behavior of living fibers with that of fibers from which the sarcolemma has either been removed or made leaky by glycerination. These comparisons were made mainly by low-angle X-ray diffraction under conditions of changes in sarcomere length, ionic strength or osmolarity, and pH. Single fibers with the sarcolemma removed and glycerinated muscle have lattices which behave in accord with equilibrium liquid-crystalline systems in which the thick filament spacing is determined by the balance between electrostatic and van der Waal's forces. Conversely, osmotic and shortening studies demonstrate that the living, intact muscle has a lattice which behaves in accord with the so-called non-equilibrium (volume-constrained) liquid-crystalline condition in which the interaxial separation between the thick filaments is solely due to the amount of volume available as determined by the Donnan steady-state across the sarcolemma.  相似文献   

The influence of geometry on the force and stiffness measured during muscle contraction at different sarcomere lengths is examined by using three specific models of muscle cross-bridge geometry which are based upon the double-hinge model of H. E. Huxley (Science [Wash. D.C.]. 1969, 164:1356-1366) extended to three dimensions. The force generated during muscle contraction depends upon the orientation of the individual cross-bridge force vectors and the distribution of the cross-bridges between various states. For the simplest models, in which filament separation has no effect upon cross-bridge distribution, it is shown that changes in force vectors accompanying changes in myofilament separation between sarcomere lengths 2.0 and 3.65 microgram in an intact frog skeletal muscle fiber have only a small effect upon axial force. The simplest models, therefore, produce a total axial force proportional to the overlap between the actin and myosin filaments and independent of filament separation. However, the analysis shows that it is possible to find assumptions that produce a cross-bridge model in which the axial force is not independent of filament spacing. It is also shown that for some modes of attachment of subfragment-1 (S1) to actin the azimuthal location of the actin site is important in determining the axial force. A mode of S1 attachment to actin similar to that deduced by Moore et al. (J. Mol. Biol., 1970, 50:279-294), however, exhibits rather constant cross-bridge behavior over a wide range of actin site location.  相似文献   

Highly purified aspartase (L-aspartate ammonia-lyase, EC from Escherichia coli, already of full activity, is further activated 3.3-fold by limited treatment with trypsin. The activation requires a few minutes to attain maximum level, and hereafter the activity gradually decreases to complete inactivation. Prior or intermediate addition of soybean trypsin inhibitor results in an immediate cessation of any further change in the enzyme activity. Upon trypsin-mediated activation no appreciable change is detected in the molecular weight of the enzyme subunits as judged from sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, nor in the pH vs. activity profile in the presence of added metal ions. However, S0.5 and hill coefficient for L-aspartate considerably increase upon activation. As the trypsin-mediated activation proceeds, a marked absorbance difference spectrum of the trypsin-treated aspartase vs. untreated aspartase appears with negative absorbance maxima at 278 and 285 nm. When the trypsin-activated enzyme is denatured in 4 M guanidine-HCl, followed by removal of the denaturant by dilution, the enzyme activity is readily restored to as much as 1.5 times that of the native enzyme, indicating that the trypsin-activated enzyme is rather a stable molecule.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of titin-based passive tension on sarcomere structure by simultaneously measuring passive tension and low-angle x-ray diffraction patterns on passive fiber bundles from rabbit skinned psoas muscle. We used a stretch-hold-release protocol with measurement of x-ray diffraction patterns at various passive tension levels during the hold phase before and after passive stress relaxation. Measurements were performed in relaxing solution without and with dextran T-500 to compress the lattice toward physiological levels. The myofilament lattice spacing was measured in the A-band (d1,0) and Z-disk (dZ) regions of the sarcomere. The axial spacing of the thick-filament backbone was determined from the sixth myosin meridional reflection (M6) and the equilibrium positions of myosin heads from the fourth myosin layer line peak position and the I1,1/I1,0 intensity ratio. Total passive tension was measured during the x-ray experiments, and a differential extraction technique was used to determine the relations between collagen- and titin-based passive tension and sarcomere length. Within the employed range of sarcomere lengths (∼2.2–3.4 μm), titin accounted for >80% of passive tension. X-ray results indicate that titin compresses both the A-band and Z-disk lattice spacing with viscoelastic behavior when fibers are swollen after skinning, and elastic behavior when the lattice is reduced with dextran. Titin also increases the axial thick-filament spacing, M6, in an elastic manner in both the presence and absence of dextran. No changes were detected in either I1,1/I1,0 or the position of peaks on the fourth myosin layer line during passive stress relaxation. Passive tension and M6 measurements were converted to thick-filament compliance, yielding a value of ∼85 m/N, which is several-fold larger than the thick-filament compliance determined by others during the tetanic tension plateau of activated intact muscle. This difference can be explained by the fact that thick filaments are more compliant at low tension (passive muscle) than at high tension (tetanic tension). The implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Sorption characteristics of a polyethoxy (EO) derivative of octylphenol (OP) were determined for enzymically isolated mature tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Sprinter) fruit cuticles at 25°C. Sorption was followed using 14C-labeled OP + 9.5EO (Triton X-100). Solution pH (2.2-6.2) did not affect surfactant sorption by tomato fruit cuticular membranes (CM). Surfactant concentration (0.001-1.0%, w/v) had a marked impact on sorption. Sorption equilibrium was reached in 24 hours for OP + 9.5EO concentrations below the critical micelle concentration (CMC), whereas 72 to 120 hours were required to reach equilibrium with concentrations greater than the CMC. Regardless of when equilibrium was attained, initial sorption of OP + 9.5EO occurred rapidly. Partition coefficients (K) of approximately 300 were obtained at pre-CMC concentrations, whereas at the highest concentration (1.0%), K values were approximately 15- to 20-fold lower. Sorption was higher for dewaxed CM (DCM) than for CM. At OP + 9.5EO concentrations below the CMC, the amount (millimoles per kilogram) sorbed by CM and DCM increased sharply as the CMC was reached. After an apparent plateau in the amount sorbed at concentrations immediately below and above the CMC, sorption by CM and DCM increased dramatically with OP + 9.5EO concentrations greater than the CMC (0.5 and 1.0%). In contrast, sorption of OP + 5EO (Triton X-45) by CM and DCM differed from one another at relatively high (0.5 and 1.0%) concentrations, where sorption by DCM increased with increasing concentration, but plateaued for the CM. Sorption of OP + 9.5EO was also related to CM concentration, with an inverse relationship existing between sorption and CM at concentrations less than 3.33 milligrams per milliliter.  相似文献   

The changes in chlorophyll and protein in senescing chloroplasts isolated from the first leaves of 7-day-old oat (Avena sativa) seedlings have been investigated. In darkness the chlorophyll in these plastids is highly stable, losing only 5 to 10% of its content after 7 days at 26 C. This result contrasts with the behavior of chlorophyll in intact leaves, in which about 80% of the pigment would have disappeared in that time. The protein is less stable than the chlorophyll, though more stable than in the leaf; probably a small amount of protease is present in the plastids. Some protein is also being synthesized in the chloroplasts along with its breakdown; gains of up to 38% in protein and 13% in chlorophyll were observed under different conditions. l-Serine, which actively promotes senescence in the leaf, has only a very slight effect on the chloroplasts, and kinetin antagonizes it. Kinetin also has a small but significant effect in preserving the protein from breakdown. Acid pH somewhat promotes the breakdown, both of chlorophyll and protein. A loss of chlorophyll and protein comparable to that occurring in the senescence of the leaf could not be induced in the chloroplasts by suspending them in malate, in cytoplasmic extract, or in any of a number of enzymes tested alone. Incubation with a mixture of four enzymes was the only treatment which approximated the senescent process in the leaf, causing 34% loss of chlorophyll at pH 5 and 40% loss of protein at pH 7.4, both in 72 hours.In white light, the chlorophyll and the carotenoids, but not the protein, disappear rapidly. This disappearance was shown to be prevented in an atmosphere of nitrogen or in air by a number of reducing agents, of which ascorbic acid was the most effective. It is, therefore, ascribed to photooxidation rather than to normal senescence.  相似文献   

The effects of acid--base alterations produced by changing bicarbonate (metabolic type), carbon dioxide tension (respiratory type), or both bicarbonate and carbon dioxide tension (compensated type) on skeletal muscle twitch tension, intracellular pH, and intracellular potassium were studied in vitro. Hemidiaphragm muscles from normal rats and rats fed a potassium-deficient diet were used. Decreasing the extracellular pH by decreasing bicarbonate or increasing CO2 in the bathing fluid produced a decrease in intracellular pH, intracellular K+, and muscle twitch tension. However, at a constant extracellular pH, an increase in CO2 (compensated by an increase in bicarbonate) produced an increase in intracellular K+ and twitch tension in spite of a decrease in intracellular pH. The effect on twitch tension of the hemidiaphragms showed a rapid onset, was reversible, persisted until the buffer composition was changed, and was independent of synaptic transmission. It is concluded that the twitch tension of the skeletal muscle decrease with a decrease in intracellular K+. The muscle tension also decreases with an increase in the ratio of intracellular and extracellular H+ concentration. However, there is no consistent relationship between muscle tension and extracellular or intracellular pH. The muscle tension of the diaphragms taken from K+-deficient rats is more sensitive to variations in CO2, PH, and bicarbonate concentration of the medium than that of the control rat diaphragms.  相似文献   

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