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Collagen-related peptide (CRP), a collagen homologue, induces platelet activation through a tyrosine kinase-dependent pathway, leading to sequential tyrosine phosphorylation of Fc receptor (FcR) gamma-chain, Syk, and phospholipase C-gamma2. Here we report that CRP and the platelet low affinity immune receptor FcgammaRIIA stimulate tyrosine phosphorylation of the T cell adapter SLP-76, whereas the G protein-coupled receptor agonist thrombin induces only minor tyrosine phosphorylation. This suggests that SLP-76 has a specific role downstream of receptors that signal via an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif. Immunoprecipitation studies demonstrate association of SLP-76 with SLAP-130, Vav, Fyn, Lyn, and the FcR gamma-chain in CRP-stimulated platelets. Several of these proteins, including SLP-76, undergo tyrosine phosphorylation in in vitro kinase assays performed on SLP-76 immunoprecipitates. Tyrosine phosphorylation of all of these proteins in the in vitro kinase assay was abrogated by the Src family kinase inhibitor PP1, suggesting that it is mediated by either Fyn or Lyn. The physiological significance of this is uncertain, however, since tyrosine phosphorylation of SLP-76 in vivo is not altered in either Fyn- or Lyn-deficient platelets. CRP stimulation of Syk-deficient platelets demonstrated that in vivo tyrosine phosphorylation of SLP-76 is downstream of Syk. The absence of Syk in the SLP-76 immunoprecipitates raises the possibility that another protein is responsible for bringing SLP-76 to Syk. Candidates for this include those proteins that co-immunoprecipitate with SLP-76, including the FcR gamma-chain. Tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC-gamma2 and Ca2+ mobilization is markedly attenuated in SLP-76-deficient platelets following CRP stimulation, suggesting that the adapter plays a critical role in the regulation of the phospholipase. The increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of SLAP-130 in response to CRP is also inhibited in SLP-76-deficient platelets, placing it downstream of SLP-76. This work identifies SLP-76 as an important adapter molecule that is regulated by Syk and lies upstream of SLAP-130 and PLC-gamma2 in CRP-stimulated platelets.  相似文献   

Activation of mouse platelets by collagen is associated with tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple proteins including the Fc receptor gamma-chain, the tyrosine kinase Syk and phospholipase Cgamma2, suggesting that collagen signals in a manner similar to that of immune receptors. This hypothesis has been tested using platelets from mice lacking the Fc receptor gamma-chain or Syk. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk and phospholipase Cgamma2 by collagen stimulation is absent in mice lacking the Fc receptor gamma-chain. Tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase Cgamma2 by collagen stimulation is also absent in mice platelets which lack Syk, although phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain is maintained. In contrast, tyrosine phosphorylation of platelet proteins by the G protein-coupled receptor agonist thrombin is maintained in mouse platelets deficient in Fc receptor gamma-chain or Syk. The absence of Fc receptor gamma-chain or Syk is accompanied by a loss of secretion and aggregation responses in collagen- but not thrombin-stimulated platelets. These observations provide the first direct evidence of an essential role for the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) in signalling by a non-immune receptor stimulus.  相似文献   

The glycoprotein VI (GPVI).Fc receptor gamma-chain (FcRgamma-chain) complex is the major activation receptor for collagen on platelets. GPVI cross-linking mediates activation through tyrosine phosphorylation of an ITAM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif) in the FcR gamma-chain by Src family kinases. It has been previously shown that a transmembrane arginine and the cytoplasmic domain of GPVI are required for association with the FcR gamma-chain in immortalized cell lines. In this study, we have delineated the regions in the GPVI tail that promote binding to FcR gamma-chain and mediate functional responses to the snake venom convulxin by reconstitution of mutant forms of GPVI in RBL-2H3 cells. Sequential truncation of the cytoplasmic tail of GPVI revealed a major role for the basic region and a minor role for the juxtamembrane six amino acids in the association with FcR gamma-chain and functional responses to convulxin. Analysis of selective deletions in the GPVI tail supported this conclusion. In addition, we show that the proline-rich domain is required for optimal Ca2+ release, whereas it is dispensable for FcR gamma-chain association.  相似文献   

Hitomi T  Yanagi S  Inatome R  Yamamura H 《FEBS letters》1999,445(2-3):371-374
Phospholipase D (PLD) has been proposed to play a key role in the signal transduction of cellular responses to various extracellular signals. Herein we provide biochemical and genetic evidence that cross-linking of the B cell receptor (BCR) induces rapid activation of PLD through a Syk-, Btk- and phospholipase C (PLC)-gamma2-dependent pathway in DT40 cells. Activation of PLD upon BCR engagement is completely blocked in Syk- or Btk-deficient cells, but unaffected in Lyn-deficient cells. Furthermore, in PLC-gamma2-deficient cells, BCR engagement failed to activate PLD. These results demonstrate that Syk, Btk and PLC-gamma2 are essential for BCR-induced PLD activation.  相似文献   

Recent studies implicate the collagen receptor, glycoprotein VI (GPVI) in activation of platelet 12-lipoxygenase (p12-LOX). Herein, we show that GPVI-stimulated 12-hydro(peroxy)eicosatetraenoic acid (H(P)ETE) synthesis is inhibited by palmityl trifluromethyl ketone or oleyloxyethylphosphocholine , but not bromoenol lactone, implicating secretory and cytosolic, but not calcium-independent phospholipase A2 (PLA2) isoforms. Also, following GPVI activation, 12-LOX co-immunoprecipitates with both cytosolic and secretory PLA2 (sPLA2). Finally, venoms containing sPLA2 acutely activate p12-LOX in a dose-dependent manner. This study shows that platelet 12-H(P)ETE generation utilizes arachidonate substrate from both c- and sPLA2 and that 12-LOX functionally associates with both PLA2 isoforms.  相似文献   

GRB2, a 25-kDa protein comprising a single SH2 domain flanked by two SH3 domains, has been implicated in linking receptor protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) to the Ras pathway by interacting with the guanine nucleotide exchange protein SOS. Previous studies have demonstrated that GRB2 directly interacts with Shc, a proto-oncogene product that is tyrosine phosphorylated upon receptor and nonreceptor PTK activation. In this report, we detected low levels of tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc and induced association with GRB2 upon T-cell receptor (TCR) stimulation. Instead, a prominent 36- to 38-kDa tyrosine phosphoprotein (pp36-38) associated with the SH2 domain of GRB2 and formed a stable complex with GRB2/SOS upon TCR stimulation. Cellular fractionation studies showed that whereas both GRB2 and SOS partitioned to the soluble and particulate fractions, pp36-38 was present exclusively in the particulate fraction. This phosphoprotein had the same apparent mobility in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as the phosphoprotein that associates with phospholipase C-gamma 1 (PLC-gamma 1). Furthermore, following partial immunodepletion of GRB2 and of the associated pp36-38, there was a significant reduction in the amount of the 36-kDa phosphoprotein associated with PLC-gamma 1, suggesting that a trimeric PLC-gamma 1/pp36-38/GRB2 complex could form. In support of this notion, we have also been able to detect low levels of PLC-gamma 1 in GRB2 immunoprecipitates. We suggest that pp36-38 may be a bridging protein, coupling different signalling molecules to cytoplasmic PTKs regulated by the TCR.  相似文献   

There is extensive evidence that FcR gamma-chain couples to the collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) and becomes phosphorylated on tyrosines upon receptor cross-linking. However, it is not established whether this receptor complex is sufficient to initiate the signalling cascade. We transfected GPVI and the FcR gamma-chain into the human erythroleukaemia cell line K562, which lacks detectable expression of GPVI and the FcR gamma-chain. The results show that GPVI is unable to signal when expressed alone, despite its surface expression, upon stimulation with the snake C-type lectin, convulxin. Coexpression of the FcR gamma-chain confers signalling properties on the receptor. Furthermore, cotransfection of the FcR gamma-chain and two mutant versions of GPVI shows that the transmembrane arginine and cytoplasmic tail of GPVI are necessary for association with the FcR gamma-chain. These results demonstrate that reconstitution of the GPVI-FcR gamma-chain complex in cells expressing the necessary signalling network is sufficient to initiate signalling events in response to convulxin and collagen-related peptide.  相似文献   

The linker for activation of T cells (LAT) is a critical adaptor molecule required for T cell antigen receptor (TCR)-mediated signaling and thymocyte development. Upon T cell activation, LAT becomes highly phosphorylated on tyrosine residues, and Grb2, Gads, and phospholipase C (PLC)-gamma1 bind LAT via Src homology-2 domains. In LAT-deficient mutant Jurkat cells, TCR engagement fails to induce ERK activation, Ca(2+) flux, and activation of AP-1 and NF-AT. We mapped the tyrosine residues in LAT responsible for interaction with these specific signaling molecules by expressing LAT mutants with tyrosine to phenylalanine mutations in LAT-deficient cells. Our results showed that three distal tyrosines, Tyr(171), Tyr(191), and Tyr(226), are responsible for Grb2-binding; Tyr(171), and Tyr(191), but not Tyr(226), are necessary for Gads binding. Mutation of Tyr(132) alone abolished PLC-gamma1 binding. Mutation of all three distal tyrosines also abolished PLC-gamma1 binding, suggesting there might be multiple binding sites for PLC-gamma1. Mutation of Tyr(132) affected calcium flux and blocked Erk and NF-AT activation. Since Grb2 binding is not affected by this mutation, these results strongly suggest that PLC-gamma activation regulates Ras activation in these cells. Mutation of individual Grb2 binding sites had no functional effect, but mutation of two or three of these sites, in combination, also affected Erk and NF-AT activation.  相似文献   

We reported that protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors increase the release of arachidonic acid induced by fluoroaluminate (AlF4-), an unspecific G-protein activator, in intact human platelets. Now we demonstrate that this effect is independent of the extracellular Ca2+ concentration and that AlF4(-)-induced release of AA is abolished by BAPTA, an intracellular Ca2+ chelator, even in the presence of GF 109203X, a specific and potent PKC inhibitor. This compound also blocks the liberation of the secretory phospholipase A2 in the extracellular medium, indicating that this enzyme is not involved in the potentiation of arachidonic acid by PKC inhibitors. On the other hand, the latter effect is completely abolished by treatment of platelets with AACOCF3, a specific inhibitor of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2). These observations indicate that cPLA2 is responsible for the AlF4(-)-induced release of arachidonic acid by a mechanism that is down-regulated by PKC.  相似文献   

Pollen germination and pollen tube growth are thought to require extracellular cues, but how these cues are perceived and transduced remains largely unknown. Pollen receptor kinases are plausible candidates for this role; they might bind extracellular ligands and thereby mediate cytoplasmic events required for pollen germination and pollen tube growth. To search for pollen-expressed ligands for pollen receptor kinases, we used the extracellular domains of three pollen-specific receptor kinases of tomato (LePRK1, LePRK2, and LePRK3) as baits in a yeast two-hybrid screen. We identified numerous secreted or plasma membrane-bound candidate ligands. One of these, the Cys-rich protein LAT52, was known to be essential during pollen hydration and pollen tube growth. We used in vivo coimmunoprecipitation to demonstrate that LAT52 was capable of forming a complex with LePRK2 in pollen and to show that the extracellular domain of LePRK2 was sufficient for the interaction. Soluble LAT52 can exist in differently sized forms, but only the larger form can interact with LePRK2. We propose that LAT52 might be a ligand for LePRK2.  相似文献   

The two SH2 (Src homology domain 2) domains present in phospholipase C-gamma1 (PLC-gamma1) were assayed for their capacities to recognize the five autophosphorylation sites in the epidermal growth factor receptor. Plasmon resonance and immunological techniques were employed to measure interactions between SH2 fusion proteins and phosphotyrosine-containing peptides. The N-SH2 domain recognized peptides in the order of pY1173 > pY992 > pY1068 > pY1148 > pY1086, while the C-SH2 domain recognized peptides in the order of pY992 > pY1068 > pY1148 > pY1086 and pY1173. The major autophosphorylation site, pY1173, was recognized only by the N-SH2 domain. Contributions of the N-SH2 and C-SH2 domains to the association of the intact PLC-gamma1 molecule with the activated epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor were assessed in vivo. Loss of function mutants of each SH2 domain were produced in a full-length epitope-tagged PLC-gamma1. After expression of the mutants, cells were treated with EGF and association of exogenous PLC-gamma1 with EGF receptors was measured. In this context the N-SH2 is the primary contributor to PLC-gamma1 association with the EGF receptor. The combined results suggest an association mechanism involving the N-SH2 domain and the pY1173 autophosphorylation site as a primary event and the C-SH2 domain and the pY992 autophosphorylation site as a secondary event.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein VI (GPVI) is a platelet-specific glycoprotein that has been indicated to react with collagen and activate platelets. Its structure was recently identified by cDNA cloning (Clemetson, J. M., Polgar, J., Magnenat, E., Wells, T. N., and Clemetson, K. J. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 29019-29024). However, the mechanism of the interaction between collagen and GPVI has not been analyzed in detail because both collagen and GPVI are insoluble molecules. In this study, we expressed the extracellular domain of GPVI as soluble forms as follows: the monomeric form (GPVIex) and the dimeric form of GPVI fused with the human immunoglobulin Fc domain (GPVI-Fc(2)). Purified GPVIex strongly inhibited convulxin (Cvx)-induced platelet aggregation but only weakly inhibited that induced by collagen-related peptide. However, only GPVI-Fc(2), and not GPVIex, inhibited collagen-induced platelet aggregation. The dimeric form of GPVI exhibits high affinity for collagen, as concluded from measurements of GPVI binding to immobilized collagen by both the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and surface plasmon resonance methods. GPVI-Fc(2) bound to the surface of immobilized collagen with a dissociation constant (K(D)) of 5.76 x 10(-7) m, but the binding of GPVIex was too weak to allow estimation of this parameter. Cvx did not inhibit the binding of dimeric GPVI to collagen, indicating that the binding site of GPVI to collagen was different from that to Cvx. Taken together, our data indicate that the high affinity binding site for collagen is composed from two chains of GPVI. Furthermore, they suggest that the binding sites for Cvx are different from the collagen-binding sites and do not need to be formed by two GPVI molecules. Because dimeric GPVI is the only form that shows high affinity to fibrous collagen, our results indicate that GPVI would be present as a dimeric form on the platelet. Moreover, surface plasmon resonance indicated that there is no detectable interaction between soluble collagen and GPVI, supporting our previous observation that GPVI only reacts with fibrous collagen.  相似文献   

In a number of mammals, including mouse and man, it has been shown that at equivalent gestational ages, males are developmentally more advanced than females, even before the gonads form. In mice, although some strains of Y chromosome exert a minor accelerating effect in pre-implantation development, it is a post-implantation effect of the difference in X chromosome constitution that is the major cause of the male/female developmental difference. Thus XX females are retarded in their development by about 1.5 h relative to X(M)O females or XY males; however, they are more advanced than X(P)O females by about 4 h. It has been suggested that this early developmental difference between XX and XY embryos may "weight the dice" in favour of ovarian and testicular development, respectively, although expression of Sry will normally overcome any such bias. Here we test this proposal by comparing the relative frequencies of female, hermaphrodite and male development in X(P)O, XX and X(M)O mice that carry an incompletely penetrant Sry transgene. The results show that testicular tissue develops more frequently in XX,Sry transgenics than in either of the two types of XO transgenics. Thus the incidence of testicular development is affected by X dosage rather than by the developmental hierarchy. This implies there is a non-dosage compensated gene (or genes) on the X chromosome, which interacts with the testis-determining pathway. Since the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) is known to escape X-inactivation, penetrance of the Sry transgene was also assessed in X(M)Y(*X) mice that have two doses of the PAR but have a single dose of all genes proximal to the distal X marker Amel. These mice showed similar levels of testicular development to X(M)O mice with the transgene; thus the non-dosage compensated X gene maps outside the PAR.  相似文献   

In neutrophils and several other phagocytic cell types, a pertussis- and cholera-toxin-sensitive form of the guanine-nucleotide-binding protein (G-protein) Gp couples receptors for N-formylmethionine-containing chemotactic peptides to stimulation of phospholipase C. Using membranes of myeloid differentiated HL 60 cells, we have examined the role of Mg2+ and guanine nucleotides in regulating (a) the interaction of the formyl-peptide receptor with the chemotactic agonist N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMet-Leu-Phe) and (b) the receptor-mediated activation of Gp. Mg2+ markedly enhanced the number of receptors with high affinity for the radiolabeled oligopeptide fMet-Leu-[3H]Phe. At the same time, Mg2+ largely increased the potency of guanosine-5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate, but not of GDP or guanosine-5'-(2-O-thio)diphosphate, to inhibit binding of the peptide. Comparison of the potency of Mg2+ in eliciting these two effects and analysis of the specificities of the relevant divalent cation sites revealed that Mg2+ interacts with at least two independent sites on the receptor-Gp complex. One site is specific for Mg2+ and exhibits affinity in the micromolar range, the other site interacts with millimolar concentrations of several divalent cations in a non-selective fashion. It is suggested that the former site is located on Gp and that interaction of Mg2+ with this site is necessary for the receptor-mediated G-protein activation, whereas interaction of divalent cations with the latter site is necessary for high affinity agonist binding. The regulation of the formyl-peptide receptor binding properties by guanine nucleotides is independent of Gp activation, since inhibition of peptide binding is achieved by addition of both guanine nucleoside diphosphates and triphosphates and is readily seen both in the presence and in the absence of Mg2+. The latter finding, together with the observation that, at micromolar concentrations of Mg2+, high-affinity GTPase activity is stimulated by fMet-Leu-Phe primarily via low affinity receptors, suggests that, contrary to widely held opinions, (a) divalent cations are not required for a functional receptor--G-protein interaction and (b) high-affinity agonist binding is not a prerequisite for the receptor-mediated activation of the G-protein.  相似文献   

The 39-kDa receptor-associated protein (RAP) binds to the alpha 2-macroglobulin receptor/low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (alpha 2MR/LRP) and inhibits binding of ligands to this receptor. The in vivo function of RAP may be to regulate ligand binding and/or assist in the correct biosynthetic processing or trafficking of the alpha 2MR/LRP. Here we show that RAP binds another putative receptor, the kidney glycoprotein 330 (gp330). Gp330 is a high molecular weight glycoprotein that is structurally similar to both the alpha 2MR/LRP and low density lipoprotein receptor. The ability of RAP to bind to gp330 was demonstrated by ligand blotting and solid phase binding assays, which showed that RAP binds to gp330 with high affinity (Kd = 8 nM). Exploiting the interaction of gp330 and RAP, we purified gp330 by affinity chromatography with a column of RAP coupled to Sepharose. Gp330 preparations obtained by this procedure were notably more homogeneous than those obtained by conventional methods. Immunocytochemical staining of human kidney sections localized RAP to the brush-border epithelium of proximal tubules. The fact that gp330 is also primarily expressed by proximal tubule epithelial cells strengthens the likelihood that the interaction between gp330 and RAP occurs in vivo. The functional significance of RAP binding to gp330 may be to antagonize ligand binding as has been demonstrated for the alpha 2MR/LRP or to assist in the biosynthetic processing and/or trafficking of this receptor.  相似文献   

Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) forms a tetrameric complex with its receptor, comprising two G-CSF and two receptor molecules. The structure of the complex is unknown, and it is unclear whether there are one or two binding sites on G-CSF and the receptor. The immunoglobulin-like domain and the cytokine receptor homologous module of the receptor are involved in G-CSF binding, and Arg288 in the cytokine receptor homologous module is particularly important. To identify residues in G-CSF that interact with Arg288, selected charged residues in G-CSF were mutated to Ala. To clarify whether there are two binding sites, a chimeric receptor was created in which the Ig domain was replaced with that of the related receptor gp130. This chimera bound G-CSF but could not transduce a signal, consistent with failure of dimerization and loss of one binding site. The G-CSF mutants had reduced mitogenic activity on cells expressing wild-type receptor. When tested with the chimeric receptor, all G-CSF mutants except one (E46A) showed reduced binding, suggesting that Glu46 is important for interaction with the Ig domain. On cells expressing R288A receptor, all the G-CSF mutants except E19A showed reduced mitogenic activity, indicating that Glu19 of G-CSF interacts with Arg288 of the receptor.  相似文献   

A variety of data support the existence of an opioid receptor complex composed of distinct but interacting mu cx and delta cx binding sites, where "cx" indicates "in the complex." The ability of subantinociceptive doses of [Leu5]enkephalin and [Met5]enkephalin to potentiate and attenuate morphine-induced antinociception, respectively, is thought to be mediated via their binding to the delta cx binding site. [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]Enkephalin also modulates morphine-induced antinociception, but has very low affinity for the delta cx binding site in vitro. In the present study, membranes were depleted of their delta ncx binding sites by pretreatment with the site-directed acylating agent, (3S,4S)-(+)-trans-N-[1-[2-(4-isothiocyanato)phenyl)-ethyl]-3-methy l-4- piperidyl]-N-phenylpropaneamide hydrochloride, which permits selective labeling of the delta cx binding site with [3H][D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin. The major findings of this study are that with this preparation of rat brain membranes: a) there are striking differences between the delta cx and mu binding sites; and b) both [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin and [D-Pen2,L-Pen5]enkephalin exhibit high affinity for the delta cx binding site.  相似文献   

Mutations in the phosphotyrosine binding domain protein ARH cause autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia, a disorder caused by defective internalization of low density lipoprotein receptors (LDLR) in the liver. To examine the function of ARH, we used pull-down experiments to test for interactions between ARH, the LDLR, and proteins involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. The phosphotyrosine binding domain of ARH interacted with the internalization sequence (NPVY) in the cytoplasmic tail of LDLR in a sequence-specific manner. Mutations in the NPVY sequence that were previously shown to decrease LDLR internalization abolished in vitro binding to ARH. Recombinant ARH bound purified bovine clathrin with high affinity (K(D), approximately 44 nm). The interaction between ARH and clathrin was mapped to a canonical clathrin box sequence (LLDLE) in ARH and to the N-terminal domain of the clathrin heavy chain. A highly conserved 20-amino acid sequence in the C-terminal region of ARH bound the beta(2)-adaptin subunit of AP-2. Mutation of a glutamic acid residue in the appendage domain of beta(2)-adaptin that is required for interaction with the adapter protein beta-arrestin markedly reduced binding to ARH. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that ARH functions as an adaptor protein that couples LDLR to the endocytic machinery.  相似文献   

Alloantisera to H-2K, H-2D, and Ia antigens markedly inhibited the binding of EA but not FITC-IgG by the B cell Fc receptor. EA rosette formation approached normal levels when masked H-2 but not Ia specificities were allowed to cap on the membranes of B cells. beta2-mu coated SRBC were bound by the Fc receptor, and high concentrations of soluble beta2-mu were found to moderately inhibit EA rosette formation while lower concentrations enhanced binding. The data support the concept of Fc/Ia identity, and they suggest that H-2K, H-2D, and the Fc receptor may be closely grouped on the membranes of B cells. Further, these observations suggest that the beta2-microglobulin associated with H-2 could serve to link T cells with the Fc receptor of B cells during the inductive phase of antibody synthesis.  相似文献   

Several receptors for the extracellular matrix protein collagen have been described which belong to the superfamily of receptors collectively known as integrins. Although several integrins have been shown to interact with extracellular matrix molecules via a common recognition site, arginine-glycine-aspartic Acid (RGD), within the beta 1 integrin subfamily, only the fibronectin receptor (alpha 5 beta 1) has been convincingly shown to interact with RGD. In the present study, we tested whether a collagen receptor could interact with RGD. Adhesion of an osteosarcoma cell line, MG-63, to immobilized collagen I was inhibited by the cyclic RGD-containing peptide, C*GRGDSPC* (where C* indicates that Cys participates in disulfide), and not by the linear GRGDSP or the non-RGD-containing cyclic peptide, C*GKGESPC*. Similarly, using collagen-Sepharose affinity chromatography, a heterodimeric protein could be specifically eluted from the column by the cyclic RGD peptide. Immunoprecipitations of the eluted material with monoclonal antibodies showed reactivity with the collagen receptor alpha 2 beta 1 and not alpha 3 beta 1. Our data demonstrate that RGD peptides can interact with the collagen receptor, and the differences seen with the linear and cyclic peptide suggest that the cyclic C*GRGDSPC* has a higher avidity for the receptor than the more flexible linear GRGDSP. In this paper, we provide supportive evidence that one possible mode of collagen interaction with alpha 2 beta 1 is via the RGD recognition sequence.  相似文献   

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