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High levels of spontaneous physical activity in lean people and the nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) derived from that activity appear to protect lean people from obesity during caloric challenge, while obesity in humans is characterized by dramatically reduced spontaneous physical activity. We have similarly demonstrated that obesity-resistant rats have significantly greater spontaneous physical activity than obesity-prone rats, and that spontaneous physical activity predicts body weight gain. Although the energetic cost of activity varies between types of activity and may be regulated, individual level of spontaneous physical activity is important in determining propensity for obesity. We review the current status of knowledge about the brain mechanisms involved in controlling the level of spontaneous physical activity and the NEAT so generated. Focus is on potential neural mediators of spontaneous physical activity and NEAT, including orexin A (also known as hypocretin 1), agouti-related protein, ghrelin, and neuromedin U, in addition to brief mention of neuropeptide Y, corticotrophin releasing hormone, cholecystokinin, estrogen, leptin, and dopamine effects on spontaneous physical activity. We further review evidence that strain differences in orexin stimulation pathways for spontaneous physical activity and NEAT appear to track with the body weight phenotype, thus providing a potential mechanistic explanation for reduced activity and weight gain.  相似文献   

We wanted to examine if spontaneous physical activity contributes to non-shivering thermogenesis. Ten lean, healthy male subjects wore a physical activity, micro-measurement system while the room temperature was randomly altered at two hourly intervals between thermoneutral (72 °F), cool (62 °F) and warm (82 °F) temperatures. Physical activity measured during the thermoneutral, cooling and warming periods was not significantly different. Cooling increased energy expenditure above basal and thermoneutral values 2061±344 kcal/day (p<0.01). Thus, the increase in energy expenditure associated with short-term environmental cooling in lean, healthy males does not appear to be due to increased spontaneous physical activity or fidgeting.  相似文献   

Adenosine has been shown in vitro to be a potent antilipolytic agent and an inhibitor of insulin-stimulated glucose utilization in skeletal muscle. To test whether endogenously produced adenosine (e.g., from ATP hydrolysis) shares these deleterious effects on substrate mobilization and utilization and thus limits maximum thermogenesis in vivo, adenosine deaminase (converts adenosine to inosine) was given to rats 15 min before cold exposure. Significant (P less than 0.05) increases in thermogenesis were observed under both well-fed (100 units/kg ip) and food-rationed (200 units/kg ip) states. Significant (P less than 0.05) increases in thermogenesis and cold resistance were also observed after pretreatment with selective adenosine receptor antagonists [8-cyclopentyltheophylline (1 microgram/kg ip) greater than 1,3-dipropyl-8-p-sulfophenylxanthine (1.25 mg/kg ip) greater than aminophylline (18.7 mg/kg ip)], indicating an A1-receptor-mediated effect. These results indicate that endogenously released adenosine can indeed attenuate the thermogenic capacity in severe cold and that adenosine antagonists, especially those selective for A1-receptor, are useful in improving cold resistance under varying nutritional states.  相似文献   

A technique is proposed for continuous measurements of heat production and solved oxygen during the cultivation of bacteria and production of (purple membranes). Interrelationship between heat production and pO2 during the cultivation of halophile is investigated.  相似文献   

Resting skeletal muscle is a major contributor to adaptive thermogenesis, i.e., the thermogenesis that changes in response to exposure to cold or to overfeeding. The identification of the "furnace" that is responsible for increased heat generation in resting muscle has been the subject of a number of investigations. A new state of myosin, the super relaxed state (SRX), with a very slow ATP turnover rate has recently been observed in skeletal muscle (Stewart et al. in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:430-435, 2010). Inhibition of the myosin ATPase activity in the SRX was suggested to be caused by binding of the myosin head to the core of the thick filament in a structural motif identified earlier by electron microscopy. To be compatible with the basal metabolic rate observed in vivo for resting muscle, most myosin heads would have to be in the SRX. Modulation of the population of this state, relative to the normal relaxed state, was proposed to be a major contributor to adaptive thermogenesis in resting muscle. Transfer of only 20% of myosin heads from the SRX into the normal relaxed state would cause muscle thermogenesis to double. Phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain was shown to transfer myosin heads from the SRX into the relaxed state, which would increase thermogenesis. In particular, thermogenesis by myosin has been proposed to play a role in the dissipation of calories during overfeeding. Up-regulation of muscle thermogenesis by pharmaceuticals that target the SRX would provide new approaches to the treatment of obesity or high blood sugar levels.  相似文献   

Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything that is not sleeping, eating, or sports-like exercise. It includes the energy expended walking to work, typing, performing yard work, undertaking agricultural tasks, and fidgeting. NEAT can be measured by one of two approaches. The first is to measure or estimate total NEAT. Here, total daily energy expenditure is measured, and from it "basal metabolic rate-plus-thermic effect of food" is subtracted. The second is the factoral approach, whereby the components of NEAT are quantified, and total NEAT is calculated by summing these components. The amount of NEAT that humans perform represents the product of the amount and types of physical activities and the thermogenic cost of each activity. The factors that impact a human's NEAT are readily divisible into environmental factors, such as occupation or dwelling within a "concrete jungle," and biological factors such as weight, gender, and body composition. The combined impact of these factors explains the substantial variance in human NEAT. The variability in NEAT might be viewed as random, but human and animal data contradict this. It appears that changes in NEAT subtly accompany experimentally induced changes in energy balance and are important in the physiology of weight change. Inadequate modulation of NEAT plus a sedentary lifestyle may thus be important in obesity. It then becomes intriguing to dissect mechanistic studies that delineate how NEAT is regulated into neural, peripheral, and humoral factors. A scheme is described in this review in which NEAT corresponds to a carefully regulated "tank" of physical activity that is crucial for weight control.  相似文献   

Bilateral adrenalectomy markedly reduced body weight and energy gain and energetic efficiency of adult cafeteria-fed rats but enhanced the thermogenic response to food and stimulated brown fat activity. These changes were totally prevented by replacement of the animals with corticosterone (1 mg/rat/day). Unilateral denervation of the sympathetic nerves supplying the interscapular brown adipose tissue abolished the enhanced activity resulting from adrenalectomy and inhibited thermogenic activity in brown fat from cafeteria rats with intact adrenals, but had no effect in adrenalectomised animals treated with a high dose of corticosterone.  相似文献   

Measurement of arginase activity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Ricquier D 《Comptes rendus biologies》2006,329(8):578-86; discussion 653-5
Thermogenesis is an obligatory consequence of cellular metabolism and is identified as a unique property of homeotherms which have to maintain constant their body temperature in a cold environment. Physiologically, thermogenesis is made of basal metabolism, post-prandial thermogenesis, exercise-induced thermogenesis and adaptive thermogenesis induced by changes in the environmental temperature. Biochemically, thermogenesis comes from exergonic reactions from a loose coupling between endergonic and exergonic reactions. In cells, respiration and oxidations occur in mitochondria which ensure the coupling of oxidative energy to ATP synthesis. Identification of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins UCP allowed further understanding of the mechanism of coupling or uncoupling of respiration to ADP phosphorylation. Such data maybe of help in the understanding, or possible treatment, of certain types of obesity.  相似文献   

Caries is the most common oral infectious disease in the world. Its development is influenced also by diet components that interfere with pathogen mutans group Streptococci (MGS) activity. A very active research to identify functional foods and their components that are generally recognised as safe has been ongoing, with the aim of developing alternative approaches, to the use of synthetic chlorhexidine, and at the reduction or prevention of caries. Until now convincing evidence exists only for green tea as a functional food for oral health, partly owing to its high content of catechins, especially epigallocatechin-gallate. A number of other foods showed potential anticaries activity. Some other foods able to act against MGS growth and/or their virulence factors in in vitro tests are: apple, red grape seeds, red wine (proanthocyanidins), nutmeg (macelignan), ajowan caraway (nafthalen-derivative), coffee (trigonelline, nicotinic and chlorogenic acids, melanoidins), barley coffee (melanoidins), chicory and mushroom (quinic acid). In vivo anticaries activity has been shown by cranberry (procyanidins), glycyrrhiza root (glycyrrhizol-A), myrtus ethanolic extract, garlic aqueous extract, cocoa extracts (procyanidins), and propolis (apigenin, tt-farnesol).  相似文献   

Non-shivering thermogenesis in the golden hamster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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