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In Bangladesh little leaf disease was observed in brinjal ( Solanum melongena L.) and in periwinkle ( Catharanthus roseus ). Phloem-inhabiting phytoplasmas were consistently detected in both species of diseased plants using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. The shape, size and within-tissue distribution of phytoplasmas appears to be similar in both hosts. Furthermore, the molecular characterization and identifications of observed phytoplasmas were carried out based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns of PCR-amplified products (1200 bp) using phytoplasma-specific universal primers and sequencing analysis of both 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and intergenic spacer region (ISR) of 16S-23S rDNA phytoplasma genes. The patterns of RFLP analysis with seven restriction enzymes exhibited a similar pattern for both phytoplasma strains. The sequence homology between these two strains showed 100% similarity based on 16S rDNA and 16S-23S ISR. Therefore, in Bangladesh the causal agents of brinjal little leaf (BLL-Bd) and periwinkle little leaf (PLL-Bd) are probably the same or closely related phytoplasma strains. These strains, are very close or identical to the strain of brinjal little leaf phytoplasma in India (BLL-In), belonging to the clover proliferation group (Lee et al., Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 48, 1153–1169, 1998; Seemuller et al., J. Plant Pathol. 80, 3–26, 1998).  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Macronuclei of Paramecium primaurelia were isolated and examined by scanning electron microscopy. These nuclei consisted of a closely packed array of chromatin bodies measuring ~ 0.2 μm in diameter. We estimated there were ~ 30,000 such bodies/macronucleus, 20 times more than the number of unit genome equivalents. This suggests that a unit genome is physically shared by several chromatin bodies.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Developing 2nd- and 3rd-generation schizonts of Eimeria tenella were found in the ceca of chicks infected orally with sporulated oocysts. Several free 2nd-generation schizonts, which varied in diameter from 11 to 21.6 μm, were found on the epithelial surface of the cecum. Some schizonts appeared to have lost merozoites. Other schizonts were intact, one of which was surrounded by an unbroken membrane that followed the contours of the merozoites. Third-generation schizonts, much smaller than 2nd-generation schizonts and with fewer merozoites, were found only on cut or fractured surfaces of the cecal tissue. Third-generation merozoites appeared shorter and thicker than those of the 2nd-generation and were attached to the schizont residuum. A form with conical protuberances and another with 4 triangular segments were found; they were believed to be developing stages 3rd-generation schizonts.  相似文献   

采用脂质体技术包裹中华眼镜蛇膜毒素(CT)并与抗人T细胞单克隆抗体结合制备成pH敏感型免疫脂质体.它在pH8.0~7.0间十分稳定,但在接近细胞浆微酸性环境(pH<6.0)时很容易破裂而释出包裹之内容物.用这一免疫脂质体处理人白血病T淋巴细胞系CEM细胞并用扫描电镜观察脂质体对靶细胞的作用,显示这一免疫脂质体可特异性杀灭靶细胞而对抗原阴性细胞影响不大.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Budding and metamorphosis in the suctorian ciliate, Discophrya collini, have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The adult body form, tentacles, stalk, and attachment disk are described. A field of depressions or small pits was observed in the pellicle of adult suctorians in the early stages of bud formation. These pits deepen and coalesce until one large pore, the birth pore, remains. Cilia protrude through the pore, and as eversion of the bud proceeds the meridional arrangement of the larval ciliation is evident. After eversion is completed, a pronounced division furrow is found between the adult and soon-to-be-released swarmer. The stalk-forming region is seen on swarmers. Metamorphosing swarmers produce tentacles upon settling before any indication of ciliary resorption. Resorption of cilia and change in body form occur progressively with the production of the attachment disk and stalk.  相似文献   

The initial infection stages of Phyllosticta maculata on banana were studied using scanning electron microscopy. Conidial germination on the banana leaf surface commenced within 3 h postinoculation to produce a long and slender germ tube. The hyphae developed secondary branches and mostly grew randomly across the leaf surface. Appressoria were formed at the apex of the germ tubes within 18 h postinoculation and were variable in shape. A layer of an extracellular matrix surrounded the appressoria at the pathogen–host interface. On the fruit surface, conidia germinated to produce predominantly swollen germ tubes which functioned as lateral appressoria together with some slender ones. These germ tubes were formed within 3 h postinoculation. There was no stomatal penetration apparent on the leaf; instead, direct penetration through the cuticle with and without the formation of appressoria was observed. Cuticular degradation on the leaf surface was evident with a circular, darkened area around the point of penetration by hyphae or appressoria. The significant role of pycnidia and conidia in the epidemiology of the disease was further demonstrated in naturally infected leaf samples.  相似文献   

It is known that physicochemical conditions (e.g., pH, temperature, and ionic strength) affect the size of trichomonads. In this study, the sizes of 4 isolates of Trichomonas vaginalis cultured for more than a year (called "old T") and 3 isolates freshly isolated from vaginitis cases (called "fresh T") were compared by scanning electron microscopy. Although the fresh T had shorter body length, body width, and flagellar length than old T, total length (about 26 µm), including body length, flagella length, and axostyle length was almost the same in the 2 groups. A striking difference was observed between the axostyles of the 2 groups; the axostyle length of the fresh T (8.2 µm) was more than twice as long as that of the old T (4.0 µm). However, in several parasitology textbooks, the length of T. vaginalis is said to vary widely from 7 to 32 µm, and its undulating membrane is said to extend about half way (53.5%) to the posterior end of the body. On the other hand, in our study, the undulating membrane was observed to extend more than 3/4 of the body length (72.1%) in old T, whereas in fresh T it could not be measured. Taken together, we suggest that T. vaginalis averages 26 (21-32) µm in total length, with 9.5 (7.4-11.4) µm of body length and 6.8 (5.3-7.7) µm of width, and its undulating membrane extending 3/4 of its body length. Therefore, these findings may provide useful information for morphological characteristics of T. vaginalis.  相似文献   

Light and transmission electron microscopy of phloem sieve-tube elements, companion cells, and parenchymal cells in thin and ultrathin sections of small and medium rachises and small, medium and large leaflets of a black locust tree, Robinia pseudoacacia L., affected by witches'-broom disease revealed (in the small and medium rachises and leaflets) structures that were characteristic of phytoplasmas, and crystal-like inclusions in the phloem sieve-tube members. A crystal-like inclusion was also seen in a companion cell. Paracrystalline arrays were seen only (and very rarely) in phloem sieve-tube elements of medium rachises. Some elements contained several crystal-like inclusions and each inclusion had fracture planes. The crystal-like inclusions and paracrystalline arrays apparently have not been previously reported in the black locust. The paracrystalline arrays and crystal-like inclusions may merely be by-products of the plant's metabolic activity. Extensive additional work would be required to establish the precise relationship (if any) of the arrays and inclusions to the black locust, witches'-brooming and/or phytoplasmas. Results from analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences amplified by the polymerase chain reaction indicated for the first time that the phytoplasma associated with black locust witches'-broom is a member of group 16 SrIII (peach X-disease) phytoplasma group. This raised the question of whether black locust may be a significant source of the phytoplasma for infection of other plants, especially agricultural crops.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Lorica building was studied experimentally for Tintinnopsis parva Merkle, an agglutinated tintinnid. This species incorporated either siliceous or Ca-rich particles. Evidence of agglutination was seen within 30 min after the addition of particles to cultures of the protozoa. Fully agglutinated loricae were produced by the proter; partially incrusted loricae attributed to an opisthe were also recovered. The cytoplasmic evaginations of unknown function called striae were seen in the scanning electron microscope in better relief than ever before. They may provide the mechanism whereby the enclosed capsules are brought into contact with prey organisms.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The succession of morphologic changes in the feeding apparatus (peristome) accompanying conjugation and postconjugant development in the hypotrich Euplotes aediculatus has been examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The details of stomatogenesis inferred from earlier light-microscopic studies of silver-stained preparations have been confirmed and extended. The elaborate peristome is the dominant surface feature of vegetative Euplotes. In conjugation, the ciliates are joined in their peristomial regions; as the conjugants separate, the old feeding apparatus is seen to be disrupted and partially resorbed. In its place is the crescent-shaped primordium of a new peristome, which develops as part of a general cortical reorganization. This primordium expands anteriorly, unfurling a new crown of ciliary membranelles that soon replaces the remaining preconjugant membranellar band. The resulting “exconjugant peristome'’is characterized by a greatly reduced number of adoral membranelles and the absence of paroral membranelles, buccal cavity, and cytostome. Exconjugants thus cannot feed for 2–3 days, until the missing peristomial components are replaced. This occurs by means of a 2nd cortical reorganization, during which new membranelles, developing from another peristomial rudiment, are added directly to the abbreviated exconjugant set. A new buccal cavity is concurrently sculpted as the primordial depression enlarges, and the cells can resume feeding sometime during the 4th day after separation. The implications of this mode of stomatogenesis and the nonfeeding condition are discussed, as are the advantages of SEM for studies of ciliate morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) spontaneously formed on anode surfaces as a passivation layer plays a critical role in the lithium dissolution and deposition upon discharge/charge in lithium ion batteries and lithium‐metal batteries. The formation kinetics and failure of the SEI films are the key factors determining the safety, power capability, and cycle life of lithium ion and lithium‐metal batteries. Since SEI films evolve with the volumetric and interfacial changes of anodes, it is technically challenging in experimental study of SEI kinetics. Here operando observations are reported of SEI formation, growth, and failure at a high current density by utilizing a mass‐sensitive Cs‐corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy. The sub‐nano‐scale observations reveal a bilayer hybrid structure of SEI films and demonstrate the radical assisted SEI growth after the SEI thickness beyond the electron tunneling regime. The failure of SEI films is associated with rapid dissolution of inorganic layers when they directly contact with the electrolyte in broken SEI films. The initiation of cracks in SEI films is caused by heterogeneous volume changes of the electrodes during delithiation. These microscopic insights have important implications in understanding SEI kinetics and in developing high‐performance anodes with the formation of robust SEI films.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to enable correlative light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on the same section of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves infested by greenbug aphids (Schizaphis gra-minum Rondani). Segments of infested leaf tissue were fixed, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and affixed to slides by standard histological techniques. Serial sections were viewed by LM as temporary mounts in xylene. Sections of interest were identified and re-embedded in fingernail polish, affixed to aluminum stubs, freed of polish with ethyl acetate or acetone, and sputter-coated for SEM. SEM of re-embedded leaf sections showed excellent preservation of leaf anatomy. The same aphid tracks and regions of cell damage identified by LM were visible. SEM increased resolution and provided a much clearer sense of the three-dimensional relations involved in the interaction between plant and insect.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to enable correlative light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on the same section of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves infested by greenbug aphids (Schizaphis gra-minum Rondani). Segments of infested leaf tissue were fixed, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and affixed to slides by standard histological techniques. Serial sections were viewed by LM as temporary mounts in xylene. Sections of interest were identified and re-embedded in fingernail polish, affixed to aluminum stubs, freed of polish with ethyl acetate or acetone, and sputter-coated for SEM. SEM of re-embedded leaf sections showed excellent preservation of leaf anatomy. The same aphid tracks and regions of cell damage identified by LM were visible. SEM increased resolution and provided a much clearer sense of the three-dimensional relations involved in the interaction between plant and insect.  相似文献   

红肉小果型番木瓜品种'美中红'体胚的诱导   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用红肉小果型番木瓜品种‘美中红’为外植体,探讨不同成熟度的幼胚、不同浓度2,4-D和培养条件对其体胚的诱导以及体胚形成过程的结果表明:以子叶和内外种皮都为白色且个体较大的番木瓜幼胚(90~120d)在含10mg·L-12,4-D的培养基中和黑暗条件下诱导愈伤组织的效果最佳,愈伤组织的诱导率随着2,4-D浓度的增加而增加。番木瓜愈伤组织最先发生于形态学上的胚根下端,体胚多发生于形态学上的胚芽上端。  相似文献   

The effects of various handling procedures used in preparing specimens of human and pig respiratory mucosa for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were studied. Using five different washing methods, the percentage area of mucosa covered with extracellular material varied from 1.5 to 53.1%. The best results were achieved when specimens were washed by gently inverting a sample 30 times in a container filled with physiological saline. Fixation and drying of the surface layer caused disorientation of cilia and made examination difficult. Mechanical damage caused loss of cilia and rupture of the cell membrane. For SEM of respiratory cilia it is important to wash the specimen in saline before fixation and to use biopsy forceps as little as possible.  相似文献   

食蚜瘿蚊触角的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张洁  杨茂发 《动物学研究》2008,29(1):108-112
用扫描电子显微镜对食蚜瘿蚊角角进行了观察.结果显示,雌雄触角都为14节,其中雄性约为2000μm,雌性约为1 050μm.电镜下可观察到食蚜瘿蚊触角有6种类型的感受器,即:刺形感受器、毛形感受器、锥形感受器、腔形感受器、柱形感受器和环丝.刺形感受器较长,约67.5μm,基部有膜状的窝.毛形感受器长约61μm,末端弯曲.锥形感受器呈钉状着生在表皮上,长约4.7μm.腔形感受器呈凹陷状,腔的直径约为1.2μm.柱形感受器着生在雄虫鞭节的第二亚节,长约21μm,直径约为1.5μm.环丝,是瘿蚊类昆虫触角中特殊的结构,它通过着生在一系列腔中的的短梗,连结成环状附着在触角各亚节的表面.刺形和锥形感受器在数量上,雌雄之间差别不大;柱形感受器只在雄虫中发现;雄虫触角上的腔形感受器在数量上要比雌虫多.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A microdissection procedure was developed which permits the viewing of the inside surface of the cortex of Stentor coeruleus with scanning electron microscopy. Parallel bands of myonemes cover the entire inner surface of the cortex. The myonemes of the stalk region are ribbon-shaped and lack cross connections. The myonemes of the anterior cortex are flattened against the surface and are interconnected by an extensive system of cross branches. The inner surface of the frontal field is covered with a regularly cross-branched myoneme system which follows the curved pattern of frontal field kinety. The observed branching patterns and shapes of the myonemes support the hypothesis that they cause contraction of the cell. The membranellar root system was examined. Each membranellar root makes a 90° counterclockwise twist along its vertical axis (viewed from the inside) as it descends into the cell. The outer edge of each root fuses with the inner edge of the adjacent one, forming a continuous fiber sheet linking the roots together.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) study of Hypotrichomonas acosta (Moskowitz), Trichomonas vaginalis Donné. Pentatrichomonas hominis (Davaine), and Tritrichomonas foetus (Riedmüller) provided new information about the structure of the periflagellar canal: emergence of the flagella from the cell body; structure of the undulating membrane; and position, shape, and size of the pelta. Of special interest were the spatial relationships of the attached part of the recurrent flagellum and the accessory filament in Hypotrichomonas and in the members of Trichomonadinae, i.e. Trichomonas and Pentatrichomonas.  相似文献   

Although the osmium maceration method has been used to observe three-dimensional (3D) structures of membranous cell organelles with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the use of osmium tetroxide for membrane fixation and the removal of cytosolic soluble proteins largely impairs the antigenicity of molecules in the specimens. In the present study, we developed a novel method to combine cryosectioning with the maceration method for correlative immunocytochemical analysis. We first immunocytochemically stained a semi-thin cryosection cut from a pituitary tissue block with a cryo-ultramicrotome, according to the Tokuyasu method, before preparing an osmium-macerated specimen from the remaining tissue block. Correlative microscopy was performed by observing the same area between the immunostained section and the adjacent face of the tissue block. Using this correlative method, we could accurately identify the gonadotropes of pituitary glands in various experimental conditions with SEM. At 4 weeks after castration, dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) were distributed throughout the cytoplasm. On the other hand, an extremely dilated cisterna of the RER occupied the large region of the cytoplasm at 12 weeks after castration. This novel method has the potential to analyze the relationship between the distribution of functional molecules and the 3D ultrastructure in different composite tissues.  相似文献   

The effects of water stress and subsequent re-hydration on growth, leaf abscission, photosynthetic activity, leaf water potential and ion content were investigated in papaya seedlings (Carica papaya L.) cv. “Baixinho de Santa Amalia”. Water stress was imposed by suspending irrigation during 34 days. Thereafter, plants were regularly re-watered. Drought arrested plant growth, induced leaf abscission and drastically decreased photosynthetic rate. However, leaf water potential was hardly reduced. Water deficit also induced sodium, potassium and chloride accumulation in leaves and roots, and did not modify nitrogen levels in both organs. Re-hydration stimulated growth, promoted emergence of new leaves, reactivated photosynthetic machinery function and reduced ion content to control levels. The results indicated that the ability of papaya plants to improve drought tolerance is not mediated through the reduction of leaf abscission, the detention of growth or the decrease of net CO2 assimilation. In contrast, the data suggested that under water stress conditions these plants appear to posses a certain capacity to increase ion content, which might contribute to osmotic adjustment.  相似文献   

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