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Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors are used for in vivo gene transfer in a number of preclinical models of genetic diseases (including large-animal models) and are currently being tested in clinical trials for treatment of hemophilia B and cystic fibrosis. Protocols for production of AAV vectors in a helper virus-free system are available and are based on transient transfection of HEK-293 cells with multiple plasmids. Scale-up of vector production has been labor intensive and inefficient because of a lack of larger culture vessels suitable for growth of adherent cells, large-scale transfection, and vector production. Here we report efficient production of AAV vector in roller bottles, which represents a 10-fold scale-up from the conventional flask or plate method. Optimized production yielded greater than 10(13) vector genomes per bottle and was as cost effective as published protocols using plates. Successful vector production by this method was dependent on optimization of transfection by calcium phosphate precipitation, of monitoring of cell growth (by measurement of glucose consumption), of cell culture conditions, and CO2/air exchange with the culture vessel.  相似文献   

The three capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3 of the adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) are encoded by overlapping sequences of the same open reading frame. Separate expression of these proteins by recombinant baculoviruses in insect cells was achieved by mutation of the internal translation initiation codons. Coexpression of VP1 and VP2, VP2 and VP3, and all three capsid proteins and the expression of VP2 alone in Sf9 cells resulted in the production of viruslike particles resembling empty capsids generated during infection of HeLa cells with AAV-2 and adenovirus. These results suggest a requirement for VP2 in the formation of empty capsids. Individual expression of the AAV capsid proteins in HeLa cells showed that VP1 and VP2 accumulate in the cell nucleus and VP3 is distributed between nucleus and cytoplasm. Coexpression of VP3 with the other structural proteins also led to nuclear localization of VP3, indicating that the formation of a complex with VP1 or VP2 is required for accumulation of VP3 in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Vectors derived from adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) are promising gene delivery vehicles, but it is still challenging to get the large number of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) particles required for large animal and clinical studies. Current transfection technology requires adherent cultures of HEK 293 cells that can only be expanded by preparing multiple culture plates. A single large-scale suspension culture could replace these multiple culture preparations, but there is currently no effective co-transfection scheme for generating rAAV from cells in suspension culture. Here, we weaned HEK 293 cells to suspension culture using hydrogel-coated six-well culture plates and established an efficient transfection strategy suitable for these cells. Then the cultures were gradually scaled up. We used linear polyethylenimine (PEI) to mediate transfection and obtained high transfection efficiencies ranging from 54% to 99%, thereby allowing efficient generation of rAAV vectors. Up to 10(13) rAAV particles and, more importantly, up to 10(11) infectious particles were generated from a 2-L bioreactor culture. The suspension-transfection strategy of this study facilitates the homogeneous preparation of rAAV at a large scale, and holds further potential as the basis for establishing a manufacturing process in a larger bioreactor.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated viruses (AAV) have been developed and evaluated as recombinant vectors for gene therapy in many preclinical studies, as well as in clinical trials. However, only a few approaches have used recombinant AAV (rAAV) to deliver vaccine antigens. We generated an rAAV encoding the major capsid protein L1 (L1h) from the human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16), aiming to develop a prophylactic vaccine against HPV16 infections, which are the major cause of cervical cancer in women worldwide. A single dose of rAAV5 L1h administered intranasally was sufficient to induce high titers of L1-specific serum antibodies, as well as mucosal antibodies in vaginal washes. Seroconversion was maintained for at least 1 year. In addition, a cellular immune response was still detectable 60 weeks after immunization. Furthermore, lyophilized rAAV5 L1h successfully evoked a systemic and mucosal immune response in mice. These data clearly show the efficacy of a single-dose intranasal immunization against HPV16 based on the recombinant rAAV5L1h vector without the need of an adjuvant.  相似文献   

While recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors promote long-term transgene expression in the lungs and other organs, the goal of correcting chronic inherited lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis with this type of viral gene transfer vector is limited by the requirement of achieving stable potent transgene expression, potentially requiring vector readministration. Here we evaluated the abilities of rAAV type 5/5 (rAAV5/5) vectors based on the genome and capsid of AAV5 to efficiently transduce the lungs and nasal epithelium of mice after repeated administration. Transduction efficiency as judged by reporter gene expression was markedly reduced on a second rAAV5/5 administration and effectively abolished on a third. Varying the period between administrations from 8 to 36 weeks did not allow efficient repeated administration. A rapid rise in anti-AAV5 antibodies was noted after rAAV5/5 vector administration that was sustained for the entire period of investigation (in some cases exceeding 9 months). Furthermore, this antibody response and subsequent failure to repeatedly administer the vector were not rescued by the in vivo expression of CTLA4Ig from an rAAV5/5 vector. These results suggest that without the development of an effective and clinically acceptable immunosuppression strategy, treatments for chronic diseases that require repeated administration of rAAV5/5 vectors will be unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors have many advantages for gene therapeutic applications compared with other vector systems. Several methods that use plasmids or helper viruses have been reported for the generation of rAAV vectors. Unfortunately, the preparation of large-scale rAAV stocks is labor-intensive. Moreover, the biological titration of rAAV is still difficult, which may limit its preclinical and clinical applications. For this study, we developed a novel strategy to generate and biologically titrate rAAV vectors. A recombinant pseudorabies virus (PrV) with defects in its gD, gE, and thymidine kinase genes was engineered to express the AAV rep and cap genes, yielding PS virus, which served as a packaging and helper virus for the generation of rAAV vectors. PS virus was useful not only for generating high-titer rAAV vectors by cotransfection with an rAAV vector plasmid, but also for amplifying rAAV stocks. Notably, the biological titration of rAAV vectors was also feasible when cells were coinfected with rAAV and PS virus. Based on this strategy, we produced an rAAV that expresses prothymosin alpha (ProT). Expression of the ProT protein in vitro and in vivo mediated by rAAV/ProT gene transfer was detected by immunohistochemistry and a bioassay. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the PrV vector-based system is useful for generating rAAV vectors carrying various transgenes.  相似文献   

There has been much interest recently in the development of recombinant viruses as vectors for gene therapy applications. We have constructed a recombinant adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector containing the gene encoding CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane chloride regulator). This vector is currently being used in clinical trials as a treatment for cystic fibrosis. In the course of scale-up and process optimization efforts, a variety of analyses have been developed to characterize yield and quality. Although these methods produce quantitative and highly reproducible results, most are very time intensive. For example, a standard bioassay requires a 72-h incubation period followed by an additional day of analysis. Other tests such as UV spectrophotometry are fast, but unable to distinguish between whole virus, free protein, and DNA. Here, we describe an analytical cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatographic method utilizing a TSKgel SP-NPR strong cation-exchange column. Unlike the bioassay which requires a 96-h wait for information, this method yields data in less than 20 min. In addition to the quick assay turn-around, the material eluting in the single peak was found to be intact, infectious, nuclease resistant AAV particles. This offers a significant advantage over the limited information one gains from UV spectrophotometry. This demonstrates the utility of chromatography for analysis and purification of viral vectors.  相似文献   

Duan D  Li Q  Kao AW  Yue Y  Pessin JE  Engelhardt JF 《Journal of virology》1999,73(12):10371-10376
Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors for gene therapy of inherited disorders have demonstrated considerable potential for molecular medicine. Recent identification of the viral receptor and coreceptors for AAV type 2 (AAV-2) has begun to explain why certain organs may demonstrate higher efficiencies of gene transfer with this vector. However, the mechanisms by which AAV-2 enters cells remain unknown. In the present report, we have examined whether the endocytic pathways of rAAV-2 are dependent on dynamin, a GTPase protein involved in clathrin-mediated internalization of receptors and their ligands from the plasma membrane. Using a recombinant adenovirus expressing a dominant-inhibitory form of dynamin I (K44A), we have demonstrated that rAAV-2 infection is partially dependent on dynamin function. Overexpression of mutant dynamin I significantly inhibited AAV-2 internalization and gene delivery, but not viral binding. Furthermore, colocalization of rAAV and transferrin in the same endosomal compartment provides additional evidence that clathrin-coated pits are the predominant pathway for endocytosis of AAV-2 in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

腺相关病毒(adeno-associated virus, AAV)是基因治疗领域最常使用的病毒载体之一,产量低、成本高是该产业面临的关键瓶颈问题。本研究旨在基于多基因缺失型杆状病毒,建立双病毒感染昆虫细胞以生产AAV的技术体系。首先,进行AAV生产用多基因缺失型重组杆状病毒的构建和扩增,并检测杆状病毒滴度及其感染细胞的效果;然后,使用双杆状病毒共感染昆虫细胞,并优化感染条件;最后,基于优化条件进行AAV生产,并检测评估产量、质量等相关指标。结果表明,AAV生产用多基因缺失型杆状病毒滴度较野生型无差异,感染后细胞存活率下降明显减缓。使用双病毒路线进行AAV优化生产,Bac4.0-1的基因组滴度为1.63×1011 VG/mL,Bac5.0-2的基因组滴度为1.02×1011 VG/mL,较野生型产量分别提升了240%和110%。电镜下,3组均具有正常的AAV病毒形态,且转导活性相近。本研究建立了基于多基因缺失型杆状病毒感染昆虫细胞的AAV生产体系,显著提高了AAV产量,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

J A Chiorini  L Yang  Y Liu  B Safer    R M Kotin 《Journal of virology》1997,71(9):6823-6833
We have cloned and characterized the full-length genome of adeno-associated virus type 4 (AAV4). The genome of AAV4 is 4,767 nucleotides in length and contains an expanded p5 promoter region compared to AAV2 and AAV3. Within the inverted terminal repeat (ITR), several base changes were identified with respect to AAV2. However, these changes did not affect the ability of this region to fold into a hairpin structure. Within the ITR, the terminal resolution site and Rep binding sites were conserved; however, the Rep binding site was expanded from three GAGC repeats to four. The Rep gene product of AAV4 shows greater than 90% homology to the Rep products of serotypes 2 and 3, with none of the changes occurring in regions which had previously been shown to affect the known functions of Rep68 or Rep78. Most of the differences in the capsid proteins lie in regions which are thought to be on the exterior surface of the viral capsid. It is these unique regions which are most likely to be responsible for the lack of cross-reacting antibodies and the altered tissue tropism compared to AAV2. The results of our studies, performed with a recombinant version of AAV4 carrying a lacZ reporter gene, suggest that AAV4 can transduce human, monkey, and rat cells. Furthermore, comparison of transduction efficiencies in a number of cell lines, competition cotransduction experiments, and the effect of trypsin on transduction efficiency all suggest that the cellular receptor for AAV4 is distinct from that of AAV2.  相似文献   

In the presence of complementing adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) Rep proteins, AAV-2 genomes can be pseudotyped with the AAV-5 capsid to assemble infectious virions. Using this pseudotyping strategy, the involvement of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in AAV-5 and AAV-2 capsid-mediated infections was compared. A recombinant AAV-2 (rAAV-2) proviral luciferase construct was packaged into both AAV-2 and AAV-5 capsid particles, and transduction efficiencies in a number of cell lines were compared. Using luciferase expression as the end point, we demonstrated that coadministration of the viruses with proteasome inhibitors not only increased the transduction efficiency of rAAV-2, as previously reported, but also augmented rAAV-5-mediated gene transfer. Increased transgene expression was independent of viral genome stability, since there was no significant difference in the amounts of internalized viral DNA in the presence or absence of proteasome inhibitors. Western blot assays of immunoprecipitated viral capsid proteins from infected HeLa cell lysates and in vitro reconstitution experiments revealed evidence for ubiquitin conjugation of both AAV-2 and AAV-5 capsids. Interestingly, heat-denatured virus particles were preferential substrates for in vitro ubiquitination, suggesting that endosomal processing of the viral capsid proteins is a prelude to ubiquitination. Furthermore, ubiquitination may be a signal for processing of the capsid at the time of virion disassembly. These studies suggest that the previously reported influences of the ubiquitin-proteasome system on rAAV-2 transduction are also active for rAAV-5 and provide a clearer mechanistic framework for understanding the functional significance of ubiquitination.  相似文献   

Recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAVs) hold enormous potential for human gene therapy. Despite the well-established safety and efficacy of rAAVs for in vivo gene transfer, there is still little information concerning the fate of vectors in blood following systemic delivery. We screened for serum proteins interacting with different AAV serotypes in humans, macaques, dogs, and mice. We report that serotypes rAAV-1, -5, and -6 but not serotypes rAAV-2, -7, -8, -9, and -10 interact in human sera with galectin 3 binding protein (hu-G3BP), a soluble scavenger receptor. Among the three serotypes, rAAV-6 has the most important capacities for binding to G3BP. rAAV-6 also bound G3BP in dog sera but not in macaque and mouse sera. In mice, rAAV-6 interacted with another protein of the innate immune system, C-reactive protein (CRP). Furthermore, interaction of hu-G3BP with rAAV-6 led to the formation of aggregates and hampered transduction when the two were codelivered into the mouse. Based on these data, we propose that species-specific interactions of AAVs with blood proteins may differentially impact vector distribution and efficacy in different animal models.  相似文献   

Recombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors are being evaluated in animal models and humans. Pre-clinical data demonstrating vector safety, efficiency and efficacy have been used to initiate human clinical trials. The clinical manufacture of rAAV vectors has supported phase I and phase II trials, showing that adeno-associated virus serotype 2 vectors are safe when administered to humans.  相似文献   

The development of targeted vectors, capable of tissue-specific transduction, remains one of the important aspects of vector modification for gene therapy applications. Recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2 (rAAV-2)-based vectors are nonpathogenic, have relatively low immunogenicity, and are capable of long-term transgene expression. AAV-2 vectors bind primarily to heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG), a receptor that is present in many tissues and cell types. Because of the widespread expression of HSPG on many tissues, targeted transduction in vivo appears to be limited with AAV-2 vectors. Thus, development of strategies to achieve transductional targeting will have a profound benefit in the future application of these vectors. We report here a novel conjugate-based targeting method to enhance tissue-specific transduction of AAV-2-based vectors. The present report utilized a high-affinity biotin-avidin interaction as a molecular bridge to cross-link purified targeting ligands, produced genetically as fusion proteins to core-streptavidin, in a prokaryotic expression system. Conjugation of the bispecific targeting protein to the vector was achieved by biotinylating purified rAAV-2 without abolishing the capsid structure, internalization, and subsequent transgene expression. The tropism-modified vectors, targeted via epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) or fibroblast growth factor 1alpha receptor (FGFR1alpha), resulted in a significant increase in transduction efficiency of EGFR-positive SKOV3.ip1 cells and FGFR1alpha-positive M07e cells, respectively. Further optimization of this method of targeting should enhance the potential of AAV-2 vectors in ex vivo and in vivo gene therapy and may form the basis for developing targeting methods for other AAV serotype capsids.  相似文献   

Smith RH  Afione SA  Kotin RM 《BioTechniques》2002,33(1):204-6, 208, 210-1
Adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are replication-defective parvoviruses that require helper virusfunctionsfor efficient productive replication. The AAVs are currently premier candidates as vectors for human gene therapy applications. In particular; much recent interest has been expressed concerning recombinant AAV serotype 5 (rAAV-5) vectors, as they appear to utilize cellular receptors distinctfrom those of the prototypical AAV serotype (AAV-2) and have been reported to have transduction properties in vivo that differ significantly from those of the prototype. One of the most popular current methodsfor the production of rAAVs involves co-transfection of human 293 cells with three plasmids: (i) an adenovirus (Ad)-derived helper plasmid containing Ad genes required for AAV replication, (ii) an AAV-derived plasmid encoding complementing AAV genes (ie., the viral rep and cap genes), and (iii) a target plasmid containing a transgene of interestflanked by AAV inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) that confer packaging and replication capabilities upon the ITR-flanked heterologous DNA. Here we describe novel plasmid reagents designed for convenient and efficient production of rAAV-S. An integrated helper plasmid containing all Ad genes requiredfor the efficient production of recombinant AAV as well as the complementing AAV genes on the same plasmid backbone, was constructed via transposase-mediated insertion into an Ad helper plasmid of a transposable element containing the AAV-5 rep and cap genes linked to a selectable marker This simple strategy can be used in the rapid and efficient construction of integrated helper plasmids derived from any reported AAV serotype for which a molecular clone exists.  相似文献   

Recent studies have proposed that adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are not evolutionarily linked to other mammalian autonomous parvoviruses but are more closely linked to the autonomous parvoviruses of birds. To better understand the relationship between primate and avian AAVs (AAAVs), we cloned and sequenced the genome of an AAAV (ATCC VR-865) and generated recombinant AAAV particles. The genome of AAAV is 4,694 nucleotides in length and has organization similar to that of other AAVs. The entire genome of AAAV displays 56 to 65% identity at the nucleotide level with the other known AAVs. The AAAV genome has inverted terminal repeats of 142 nucleotides, with the first 122 forming the characteristic T-shaped palindromic structure. The putative Rep-binding element consists of a tandem (GAGY)(4) repeat, and the putative terminal resolution site (trs), CCGGT/CG, contains a single nucleotide substitution relative to the AAV(2) trs. The Rep open reading frame of AAAV displays 50 to 54% identity at the amino acid level with the other AAVs, with most of the diversity clustered at the carboxyl and amino termini. Comparison of the capsid proteins of AAAV and the primate dependoviruses indicate that divergent regions are localized to surface-exposed loops. Despite these sequence differences, we were able to produce recombinant AAAV particles carrying a lacZ reporter gene by cotransfection in 293T cells and were able to examine transduction efficiency in both chicken primary cells and several cell lines. Our findings indicate that AAAV is the most divergent AAV described to date but maintains all the characteristics unique to the genera of dependovirus.  相似文献   

We have investigated the biochemical properties of the rabbit ryanodine receptor type 1 (RyR1) from skeletal muscle functionally expressed in insect sf 21 cells infected with recombinant baculovirus. Equilibrium [3H]ryanodine binding assays applied to total membrane fractions from sf 21 cells expressing recombinant RyR1 showed a non-hyperbolic saturation curve (Hill coefficient = 2.1). The [3H]ryanodine binding was enhanced by 1 mM AMP-PCP and 10 mM caffeine, whereas 10 mM Mg(2+) and 5 microM ruthenium red reduced the specific binding. The dependence of [3H]ryanodine binding on ionic strength showed positive cooperativity (Hill coefficient = 2.2) with a plateau at 1 M KCl. The recombinant RyR1 showed a bell-shaped [3H]ryanodine binding curve when free [Ca(2+)] was increased, with an optimal concentration around 100 microM.Confocal microscopy studies using the Ca(2+) ATPase selective inhibitor, thapsigargin coupled to fluorescein and ryanodine coupled to Texas red demonstrated that the recombinant RyR1 and the Ca(2+) ATPase co-localize to the same intracellular membrane. No significant RyR1 fluorescence was observed at the plasma membrane.Fluo-4-loaded sf 21 cells expressing recombinant RyR1 responded to activating-low ryanodine concentrations (100 nM) or caffeine (10 mM) with a sharp rise in intracellular Ca2 followed by a sustained phase, in contrast, sf 21 cells expressing the human bradykinin type 2 receptor did not respond to ryanodine or caffeine.These results demonstrate the expression of recombinant RyR1 in sf 21 cells with functional properties similar to what has been previously reported for native RyR1 in mammalian tissues, however, some differences were observed in [3H]ryanodine binding assays compared to native rabbit RyR1. Hence, the baculovirus expression system provides a generous source of protein to accomplish structure-function studies and an excellent model to assess functional properties of wild type and mutant RyR1.  相似文献   

A recently reported system for recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) production does not require infection of a helper virus and depends on the transfection with a huge amount of three plasmids: AAV-vector, AAV-helper, and adenovirus-helper plasmids. Toward simplifying rAAV production, as a first step, we tested the use of the rAAV itself instead of the AAV-vector plasmid as a source of rAAV DNA and determined the optimal timing of infection and dose of the input rAAV. When 293 cells were infected just after transfection with 100 particles/cell of rAAV, irrespective of the purity, CsCl-purified or crude, up to 2000 particles/cell of rAAV were produced (9- to 20-fold self-amplification), a yield comparable to that obtained by an adenovirus-free transfection. These results indicate that infection of rAAV can greatly reduce the amount of plasmid DNA for a large-scale transfection. This strategy will also be useful when applied to packaging cell lines inducibly expressing Rep and Cap proteins.  相似文献   

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