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表观遗传调控是真核生物基因表达精细调控的重要组成部分,主要包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和染色质重塑。其中,染色质重塑因子可影响组蛋白修饰酶和转录因子与特定位点的结合,在基因表达调控中占有重要地位。INO80复合物是进化上保守的染色质重塑复合物,能利用ATP水解获得的能量促进核小体的滑动和驱逐。INO80复合物除了在DNA复制、修复中发挥重要功能外,还通过改变DNA可及性调控酿酒酵母的基因表达。本文综述了染色质重塑复合物的分类及组成,重点介绍了酿酒酵母多亚基复合物INO80在基因表达调控中的重要功能,包括驱逐RNA聚合酶Ⅱ、响应信号转导途径和改变基因表达水平等,并着重总结了其在酿酒酵母环境胁迫响应机理中的研究进展。深入研究INO80染色质重塑复合物的功能,可为理解真核生物精细代谢调控的机制,并进一步开发基于染色质重塑等表观调控水平的微生物代谢工程和合成生物学改造策略,提高菌株的环境胁迫耐受性和发酵性能提供基础。  相似文献   

田瑞琴  张静  胡俊 《生物信息学》2010,8(2):127-133
真核基因的转录调控是后基因组时代研究的主要问题之一,其基础是认识DNA上转录因子结合位点(模体)及分布状况。基于马尔可夫链模型对酵母核糖体蛋白基因上游启动子序列中模体出现次数进行统计,利用Z-score统计量抽提出过表达和低表达的模体,其中95%的模体与实验得到的转录因子结合位点相符合。然后将抽提出的模体两两配对,通过与背景序列比较,找出酵母核糖体蛋白基因中出现概率及距离分布均具有统计显著性的模体对,这些非随机出现的模体对具有潜在的组合转录调控功能,其中一些模体对的组合调控作用已有实验支持。对提取出的模体对在序列中的位置分布进行分析,发现近94%的模体对位于转录起始位点上游,超过半数的模体对两模体之间的最短距离在0~100bp之间,距离小于30bp的模体对接近30%,这样的短距离间隔有利于两模体的相同作用。这些结果将有助于对酵母核糖体蛋白基因转录调控机制的深入认识。  相似文献   

We report the solution structure of the DNA binding domain of the Escherichia coli regulatory protein AraC determined in the absence of DNA. The 20 lowest energy structures, determined on the basis of 1507 unambiguous nuclear Overhauser restraints and 180 angle restraints, are well resolved with a pair wise backbone root mean square deviation of 0.7 Å. The protein, free of DNA, is well folded in solution and contains seven helices arranged in two semi‐independent sub domains, each containing one helix‐turn‐helix DNA binding motif, joined by a 19 residue central helix. This solution structure is discussed in the context of extensive biochemical and physiological data on AraC and with respect to the DNA‐bound structures of the MarA and Rob homologs. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The amino-terminal domain of yeast TATA-binding protein has been proposed to play a crucial role in the self-association mechanism(s) of the full-length protein. Here we tested the ability of this domain to self-associate under a variety of solution conditions. Escherichia coli two-hybrid assays, in vitro pull-down assays, and in vitro cross-linking provided qualitative evidence for a limited and specific self-association. Sedimentation equilibrium analysis using purified protein was consistent with a monomer-dimer equilibrium with an apparent dissociation constant of approximately 8.4 microM. Higher stoichiometry associations remain possible but could not be detected by any of these methods. These results demonstrate that the minimal structure necessary for amino-terminal domain self-association must be present even in the absence of carboxyl-terminal domain structures. On the basis of these results we propose that amino-terminal domain structures contribute to the oligomerization interface of the full-length yeast TATA-binding protein.  相似文献   

真核细胞核中转录因子与染色质模板如何相互作用调节基因转录是基因表达调控研究的一个中心问题.近来的研究表明,参与基因转录的各种调节因子在核内形成多种复合物,如RNA聚合酶Ⅱ全酶、染色质重塑复合物、核小体以及增强小体等.这些复合物之间相互作用,调节染色质结构,在染色质模板上进一步组装成转录复合物,参与转录调节的各个环节,调节转录复合物活性.这些复合物的形成,整合了转录调节的各种信息,提高了转录调节效率,是真核基因有效、严格、有序表达的基础.另一方面,这些复合物的存在给基因表达调控的研究提出了新问题,发展新的研究思路和新的研究技术具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Protein kinase A (PKA) regulatory (R) subunits dimerize through an N-terminal motif. Such dimerization is necessary for binding to PKA anchoring proteins (AKAPs) and targeting of PKA to its site of action. In the present study, we used the yeast two-hybrid system as an in vivo bio-reporter assay and analyzed the formation of homo- and heterodimeric complexes of RIalpha and RIbeta as well as AKAP binding of RI dimers. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of yeast extracts confirmed the two-hybrid data. Both RIalpha- and RIbeta homodimers as well as an RIalpha:RIbeta heterodimer were observed. Single, double and one triple mutation were introduced into the RIalpha and RIbeta subunits and dimerization properties of the mutants were analyzed. Consistent with previous reports, RIalpha(C37H) dimerized, although the disulfide bridges were disrupted, whereas the additional mutation of F47 or F52 abolished the dimerization. Corresponding mutations (C38H, F48A, F53A) in RIbeta were not sufficient to abolish the RIbeta dimerization, indicating that additional or other amino acids are important. RIalpha:RIbeta heterodimers of the mutants were formed at intermediate stringency. Analysis of ternary complexes by the yeast two-hybrid system revealed that RIalpha and RIbeta homodimers as well as an RIalpha:RIbeta heterodimer and several of the mutants were able to bind to the R-binding domain of AKAP149/D-AKAP1. Furthermore, an RIbeta:AKAP149 complex was identified following introduction of RIbeta into HEK293 cells. Importantly, RIbeta revealed AKAP binding properties similar to those of RIalpha, indicating that RIbeta holoenzymes may be anchored.  相似文献   

In this study we proposed a method for isolation of Est3p modified with various affinity tags, which is applicable for structural and functional studies, and investigated homo- and heterodimer formation with various recombinant forms of Est3p.  相似文献   

以自我失活型逆转录病毒载体pSIR为基础,构建了含有增强型绿色荧光蛋白报告基因的载体pSIR-EGFP和含有870bp p16启动子载体pSIR-EGFP-870.将两种病毒载体转染至包装细胞包装成病毒颗粒.病毒感染2BS靶细胞,病毒5′LTR在逆转录过程中自我灭活.通过该系统观察到p16启动子在2BS细胞衰老过程中,转录活性明显增强.结果表明,自我失活型逆转录病毒载体能很好地用于衰老基因转录调控的研究.  相似文献   

Electrostatic profiles for sigma70-specific promoters of T4 bacteriophage and four consensus-like synthetic promoters have been calculated. It was shown that the promoters can be classified according to the presence of some specific electrostatic elements located in the far upstream region of their DNAs. A correlation between the electrostatic elements specific for promoters and their functional behaviour was established. A general scheme of promotor activity regulation through electrostatic interactions between the upstream region of promoter DNA and the RNA-polymerase a-subunit was suggested.  相似文献   

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