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海南岛晚泥盆世—早石炭世牙形刺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者描述了海南岛昌江县石碌地区昌江组首次发现的牙形刺Palmatolepis gracilis gracilis Bransonet Me-hl,P.gracilis sigmoidalis Ziegler,Polygnathus ansatus Ziegleret Klapper,Polynodosus germanus(UlrichetBassler),Neopolygnathus dentatus(Druce)等和白沙县金波地区南好组第二段的Siphonodella levis(Ni),Polygnathus cf. inornatus Branson等,共8属20种,并据此将含化石地层分别确定为晚泥盆世法门期和早石炭世杜内期早期。指出以往认为是中泥盆统吉维特阶带化石Polygnathus ansatus Ziegleret Klapper与法门期牙形刺化石共同出现于昌江组并非构造混杂所致,但并不排除可能是化石再沉积作用的原因。同意将Polynodosus属从Polygnathus属中分离出来,在我国首次采用Polynodosus。  相似文献   

略阳组分布于南秦岭勉略缝合带附近,是略阳地区重要的岩石地层单元。本次研究在略阳灵岩寺南部剖面的略阳组获得牙形刺13枚,共识别出3属5种,包含2亚种和2未定种,分别为:Siphonodella homosimplex,Polygnathus communis communis,Po.inornatus inornatus,Po. sp.和Pseudopolygnathus sp.。该牙形刺组合可以与华南同时期牙形刺进行对比,时代为早石炭世杜内期早期,这为确定略阳组的下部层位的具体时代提供了新的牙形刺证据。略阳组中所产出的Si.homosimplex为华南地区浅水相牙形刺的典型代表,Po.inornatus inornatus广泛见于西欧的浅水相地层,这表明在早石炭世期间勉略地区为浅水碳酸盐岩台地沉积环境,且与华南地区生物区系存在紧密联系,同前人根据底栖生物化石研究得出的结论相一致。  相似文献   

云南保山—施甸地区早石炭世牙形刺序列及其地层意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
该文论述了保山—施甸地区下石炭统下部的三个牙形刺带:Pseudosemiglaber带、latus带及tex-anus带。石炭系与泥盆系呈平行不整合接触,界线位于牙形刺triangularis带与crenulata带间或ex-pansa带与sandbergi带间,各地不一;杜内阶至维宪阶地层连续,两阶界线位于牙形刺 latus带与texanus带间,也大致相当于珊瑚 Zaphrentites parallelus-Neozaphrentis subtenella-Rotiphyllum den-sum-Pentaphyllum yudongense 组合与Kueichouphyllum sinense-Siphonophyllum caninoides-HeteroPhyllia yunnanensis组合之界。  相似文献   

中国带叶蝉属四新种记述(同翅目,叶蝉科,殃叶蝉亚科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
记述带叶蝉属Scaphoideus Uhler(同翅目,叶蝉科,殃叶蝉亚科)4新种:黑瓣带叶蝉S.nigrivalveus Li et Wang,sp.nov.(内蒙古、湖北)、曲茎带叶蝉S.curvanus Li et Wang,sp.nov.(云南)、藏氏带叶蝉S.zangi Li et Liang,sp.nov.(云南)及白腹带叶蝉S.palidrentris Li et Wang,sp.nov.(贵州).模式标本分别保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所和中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

广东早石炭世植物化石新资料及其组合序列   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广东早石炭世地层中植物化石丰富,本文报道19属41种,描述了10个新种,即:翁潭亚鳞木(Sublepidodendron wengtanense sp.nov.)、槐角鳞木(Lepidodendron sophoroides sp.nov.)、连平拟铁线蕨(Adiantites lianpingensis sp.nov.)、马头拟铁线蕨(A.matouensis sp.nov.)、韶关老羊齿(Archaeopteridium shaoguanense sp.nov.)、细扇羊齿(Rhacoptcris angustasp.nov.)、披针拟须羊齿(Rhodeites lanceolata sp.nov.)、韶关脉羊齿(Neuropteris shaoguanensis sp.nov.)、总状笠囊(Potoniea racemicarpa sp.nov.)和陀螺笠囊(P.turbinata sp.nov.)。根据这些化石在剖面中的分布情况,自下而上可分为三个植物组合:1.奇异亚鳞木(Sublepidodendron mirabile)组合,代表沉积为大湖组。2.多形铲羊齿(Cardiopteridium spetsbergense)-高氏拟铁线蕨(Adiantites gothanii)组合,代表沉积为测水组下段。3.老羊齿(Archaeopter-idium)-钝楔羊齿(Sphenopteris obtusiloba)组合,代表沉积为测水组上段(粤西北)或忠信组中段(粤东)。  相似文献   

蒙古南戈壁泥盆纪(埃姆斯期-艾菲尔期)牙形刺   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在蒙古南戈壁地区丘隆组(Chuluun Formation)和查干卡勒噶组(Tsagaankhaalga Formation)发现的牙形刺证明丘隆组的时代为晚埃姆斯期,查干卡勒噶组的时代为早艾菲尔期,与以前大化石所确定的时代一致。但艾菲尔阶的底界暂时还无法准确确定,蒙古南戈壁地区艾菲尔阶牙形刺动物群与同期北美的牙形刺动物群相似.但也包含一些地方性分子,蒙古海相艾菲尔期的沉积可能不完整。本文描述了2个命名新种.Caudicriodus delicatus sp. nov. , C. paraculicellus sp. nov. ,一个未命名新种,Caudicriodus sp. nov. A和一个新亚种,Cuadicriodus angustus cauda subsp, nov.。  相似文献   

陕西凤县熊家山界河街组早石炭世牙形刺动物群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王平  王成源 《古生物学报》2005,44(3):358-375
首次描述并图示了位于华北地台和华南地台之间的秦岭山脉中的早石炭世杜内阶上部的牙形刺。这一牙形刺动物群与欧洲杜内阶的牙形刺动物群非常相似。文中描述了两个新种:Pseudopolygnathusnodosussp.nov.和Pseudopolygnathusparamultistriatussp.nov.  相似文献   

本文描述的层孔虫产自新疆南部西昆仑山北缘阿克陶地区下石炭统库山河组。经研究鉴定,计有Platiferostroma longtangshanense Wang,P.microcystosum sp.nov.,P. multibrachiatum sp.nov.,P.xinjiangense sp.nov.等。共生化石有腕足类、双壳类及四射珊瑚、床板珊瑚。这些层孔虫在新疆境内早石炭世早期地层中尚属首次发现,它增补了该区下石炭统的化石依据,对于国内外同期含层孔虫化石的地层划分和对比具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

在蒙古南部波尔海尔汗乌尔(Bor hairhan uul)剖面的塔琳波格德组下部的6个样品中发现了牙形刺,通过研究清楚地表明含牙形刺动物群的塔琳波格德组下部的时代是中洛霍考夫阶(早泥盆世)到中艾菲尔阶(中泥盆世).塔琳波格德组的牙形刺动物群更接近于北美同时期的动物群,而与欧洲同期动物群相远.这一动物群可能属于冷水动物群.作者在文中描写了一个新种:Steptotaxis mongolianus sp.nov.Wang.  相似文献   

本文首次从新疆准噶尔盆地南缘昌吉河西岸安集海河组下段下部描述了4个沟鞭藻化石新种,分别为:Muiradinium granulatum sp. nov., M. humile sp. nov., M. incurvatum sp. nov.和M. laevigatum sp. nov.,并简述了沟鞭藻的组合特征。研究认为,当前的化石组合面貌指示一种淡水湖相沉积环境,其地层时代为始新世。  相似文献   

A new conodont species, Siphonodella leiosa, is described from the lower Carboniferous pelagic limestones of the Montagne Noire (France), deposited in North Gondwana on a outer platform environment. Specimens were obtained from one level dated to the Siphonodella jii conodont Zone. The major difference from other siphonodellid conodonts known in this area is that the elements of this new species have a practically entirely smooth and unornamented platform, apart from the development of one or two low rostral ridge-like nodes. Similar morphologies were generally observed in shallow marine deposits of the same time frame from China, Russia and East and Central European areas. The new discovery reinforces the idea that ornamentation of siphonodellids is not only related to bathymetry, but that temperature could play an important role in the diversification and radiation of unornamented species during the Siphonodella jii conodont Zone.  相似文献   

滇西保山地区丁家寨组、卧牛寺组牙形刺的时代   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本首次描述了滇西保山卧牛寺组及永德丁家寨组的Rabeignathus牙形刺动物群,其中2个新种:Rabeignathus yunnanensis sp.nov.,R.ritterianus sp.nov.,并划分出3个牙形刺带,进一步确定了古生物地层工作争论已久的卧牛寺组的时代为Artinskian晚期-Kungurian早期;丁家寨组上段为Sakmarian晚期-Artinskian早期。该牙形刺动物群为暖温型动物群,结合保山地块当时的古地磁资料,丁家寨组、卧牛寺组沉积之时,应处于边缘冈瓦纳区。卧牛寺组玄武岩喷发时间的确定,预示了保山地块从边缘冈瓦纳区分离出来的时间为Artinskian晚期。  相似文献   

广西兴安早石炭世晚期三叶虫新资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了产于广西兴安早石炭世晚期大塘阶双切尾虫亚科的1新亚属-Paladinsubgen.nov.及其3新种:P.(S.)guibeiensissp.now..P.(S.)xinganensissp.nov。  相似文献   

吉林李家窑范家屯组中的二叠纪北温带牙形刺动物群   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在吉林省九台市三台乡李家窑附近的二叠系范家屯组中采到一特殊的牙形刺动物群。多数牙形刺都较小,锯齿发育,齿脊细齿不愈合。由一些未见报道的新分子组成。本文描述了4个新种(Mesogondolella changcunensis sp.nov.,M.jilinensis sp.nov.,M.multiserrata sp.nov.,M.pseudoaltudaensis sp.nov.)和3个未命名新种  相似文献   

Abstract:  Two species of a new Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) conodont genus from the Saint Chinian Formation of the southern Montagne Noire, France, are erected: Hammannodus sarae gen. et sp. nov. and Hammannodus juliae gen. et sp. nov. They were found within a single storm-induced limestone nodule interbedded with offshore shales belonging to the regional Shumardia ( C .) pusilla (trilobite) Biozone, and to the Paltodus deltifer deltifer (conodont) Subzone. This conodont record is associated with the episodic development of carbonate productivity in temperate waters of the Montagne Noire platform, a process absent in neighbouring platforms of north-west Gondwana. The apparatus is composed of five coniform pyramidal elements occupying P and S positions and one bicostate element in the M position, having three or two sharp costae, respectively, with a subtriangular basal outline.  相似文献   

苏北滨海—宝应地区石炭系牙形刺   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文记述了滨海县新港滨Ⅱ-2孔和宝应县黄浦黄10孔石炭系牙形刺13属16种5亚种和3个未定种。它们自下而上可归属4个牙形刺带和1个亚带。下石炭统的Siphonodella levis-Polyg-nathus inornatus带(含 Siphonodella eurylobata-Polygnaths streeli亚带)和 Gnathodus girtyi带;上石炭统的 Idiognathoides sulcatus带和 Idiognathodus delicatus-I.sinuosus带。  相似文献   

Abstract:  An association of a new permineralized flora with preserved anatomy and decalcified trilobite remains is described from early crenulata Zone (mid Tournaisian; Early Carboniferous) calcareous siltstones in a predominantly shale and minor limestone sequence low in the Ruxton Formation of the eastern Clarke River Basin, north-east Queensland. Whereas the trilobites belong to Linguaphillipsia , a common and diversified taxon in eastern Australia, the plants (with the exception of Stauropteris that was earlier identified from the Burdekin Basin) were known previously only from the Mississipian (Lower Carboniferous) of Western Europe. The plants represent a diverse assemblage comprising lycopsids, cladoxylaleans, a variety of fern rachises and seed plants, including stems ( Tristichia -type), Lyginorachis petioles and a new cupule, Ruxtonia minuta gen. et sp. nov., containing Hydrasperma ovules.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The modern study of fossil crinoids began with J. S. Miller who, in 1821, described specimens from southern England, nearby Wales and other regions, and named several common Early Carboniferous genera. Later, in 1950–60, James Wright monographed all known Early Carboniferous crinoids from the British Isles. In spite of such previous scrutiny, we recognize here two new genera among species already described: Glamorganocrinus gen. nov. (type species: Ophiurocrinus gowerensis Wright, 1960) from South Wales and Mendipocrinus gen. nov. (type species: Poteriocrinus latifrons Austin and Austin, 1847) from southern England. These new genera increase the number of advanced cladid genera in the Ivorian Substage of the Tournaisian in western Europe to 18, and the total number of crinoid genera to 36. A review of species assigned to Mespilocrinus has led to the recognition of M. granulifer De Koninck and LeHon, 1854 as a nomen dubium. A new species of Mespilocrinus , M. wrighti sp. nov., is described from the Ivorian of South Wales; this is the most highly derived species of the genus, as based on a phylogenetic analysis including ten species and 13 characters, with Pycnosaccus as the outgroup. A single, well-ordered tree resulted from this analysis. Interpretation of this tree suggests that the centre of evolution for Mespilocrinus was North America, where three species appeared during the Kinderhookian (early Tournaisian), rapidly achieving morphological disparity within the genus. This radiation event was part of the overall explosive radiation of crinoids following the Late Devonian mass extinction event when crinoid diversity was at a global minimum during the Frasnian. Recovery began during the Famennian, followed by an explosive radiation in the Tournaisian.  相似文献   

内蒙古达茂旗巴特敖包地区包尔汉图剖面牙形刺生物地层   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
内蒙古达茂旗(达尔罕茂明安联合旗)巴特敖包地区志留纪、泥盆纪碳酸岩相地层发育,本区珊瑚、腕足类、层孔虫等底栖大化石的研究工作已有一定基础。但志留纪、泥盆纪地层在时代确定和对比上还存在很多问题,必须用主导化石门类牙形刺加以解决。研究表明:包尔汉图剖面的顶部属泥盆系无疑,应归入阿鲁共组,而不是西别河组;巴特敖包地区的海侵,始于罗德洛统卢德福德阶(Ludfordian)早期。本剖面没有发现文洛克世和罗德洛世早期的海相沉积。本文描写了一个志留纪牙形刺新种:Ozarkodina uncrispa sp.nov.。  相似文献   

文中图示和描述了重庆城口大塘口奥陶系红花园组和湄潭组下部营盘段的几丁虫计 6属, 17种。其中包括 7个未定种和 3个新种 (Conochitinadatangkouensissp. nov., C. wengxigouensissp. nov., Rhabdochitinachenk ouensesp. nov. )。讨论了几丁虫的地理和地层分布特点及其与笔石生物带的关系,阐明了红花园组和湄潭组下部营盘段不同笔石带(A. filiformis, D. bifidus和A. suecicus笔石带)中几丁虫的组合特征,并与国外同期地层几丁虫组合进行了对比。  相似文献   

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