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中度嗜盐菌 Halomonas sp.BYS-1的渗透调节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Halomonassp BYS 1是一株从活性污泥中分离的中度嗜盐菌 ,它能在 0 1~ 2 6mol LNaCl的以苯乙酸为唯一碳源的基础培养基中生长。BYS 1在不同NaCl条件下生长时 ,胞内的Na 含量基本不发生变化 ;它主要通过积累K 、谷氨酸和甜菜碱来调节胞内外的渗透压平衡。当培养基中的NaCl浓度从 0 1mol L上升到 2 0mol L时 ,其胞内的K 、谷氨酸和甜菜碱分别提高了 1 9、 2 4和 1 3 6倍。  相似文献   

The ferrimagnetic mineral magnetite is biomineralized by magnetotactic microorganisms and a diverse range of animals. Here we demonstrate that confocal Raman microscopy can be used to visualize chains of magnetite crystals in magnetotactic bacteria, even though magnetite is a poor Raman scatterer and in bacteria occurs in typical grain sizes of only 35–120 nm, well below the diffraction-limited optical resolution. When using long integration times together with low laser power (<0.25 mW) to prevent laser induced damage of magnetite, we can identify and map magnetite by its characteristic Raman spectrum (303, 535, 665 ) against a large autofluorescence background in our natural magnetotactic bacteria samples. While greigite (cubic ; Raman lines of 253 and 351 ) is often found in the Deltaproteobacteria class, it is not present in our samples. In intracellular sulfur globules of Candidatus Magnetobacterium bavaricum (Nitrospirae), we identified the sole presence of cyclo-octasulfur (: 151, 219, 467 ), using green (532 nm), red (638 nm) and near-infrared excitation (785 nm). The Raman-spectra of phosphorous-rich intracellular accumulations point to orthophosphate in magnetic vibrios and to polyphosphate in magnetic cocci. Under green excitation, the cell envelopes are dominated by the resonant Raman lines of the heme cofactor of the b or c-type cytochrome, which can be used as a strong marker for label-free live-cell imaging of bacterial cytoplasmic membranes, as well as an indicator for the redox state.  相似文献   

采用正交设计实验法研究了趋磁细菌WM-1产磁性细胞的培养条件。并利用L16(44)方案,用16个实验完成了4种培养条件、4个水平的优化工作。研究结果表明,培养基的pH值是影响趋磁细菌WM-1产磁性细胞的重要因素,正交实验结果在90%的置信区间可信。在最优的培养条件下,即pH为7.0,氧气的浓度为4%,m酒石酸:m琥珀酸为1:1,NaNO3 100 mg l-1条件下,磁性细胞的浓度提高到6.5×107 cells ml-1,比优化前提高了约8.3%.趋磁细菌WM-1磁滞回线的测量表明,Hc=230 Oe,Ms=0.9 emu/g dry wt.Cells,及Mr/Ms=0.50。  相似文献   

趋磁细菌磁小体研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
趋磁细菌能在细胞内形成由膜包裹的纳米级单畴磁性颗粒——磁小体。磁小体的形成是受生物严格控制的矿化过程,包括铁离子的吸收、转运和结晶成核等。磁小体膜在磁铁矿(Fe3O4)晶体的形成中起着重要的作用。主要介绍近年来关于磁小体形成过程和参与这一过程的蛋白质等方面的一些重要研究进展。  相似文献   

Many living organisms transform inorganic atoms into highly ordered crystalline materials. An elegant example of such biomineralization processes is the production of nano-scale magnetic crystals in magnetotactic bacteria. Previous studies implicated the involvement of two putative serine proteases, MamE and MamO, during the early stages of magnetite formation in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1. Here, using genetic analysis and X-ray crystallography, we show that MamO has a degenerate active site, rendering it incapable of protease activity. Instead, MamO promotes magnetosome formation through two genetically distinct, noncatalytic activities: activation of MamE-dependent proteolysis of biomineralization factors and direct binding to transition metal ions. By solving the structure of the protease domain bound to a metal ion, we identify a surface-exposed di-histidine motif in MamO that contributes to metal binding and show that it is required to initiate biomineralization in vivo. Finally, we find that pseudoproteases are widespread in magnetotactic bacteria and that they have evolved independently in three separate taxa. Our results highlight the versatility of protein scaffolds in accommodating new biochemical activities and provide unprecedented insight into the earliest stages of biomineralization.  相似文献   

Understanding the biogeochemical cycle of the highly toxic element mercury (Hg) is necessary to predict its fate and transport. In this study, we determined that biogenic magnetite isolated from Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1 and Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum MS-1 was capable of reducing inorganic mercury [Hg(II)] to elemental mercury [Hg(0)]. These two magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) lacked mercuric resistance operons in the genomes. However, they revealed high resistance to Hg(II) under atmospheric conditions and an even higher resistance under microaerobic conditions (1% O2 and 99% N2). Neither strain reduced Hg(II) to Hg(0) under atmospheric conditions. However, a slow rate (0.05–0.21 µM·d?1) of Hg(II) loss occurred from late log phase to stationary phase in two MTBs' culture media under microaerobic conditions. Increased Hg(II) entered both cells under microaerobic conditions relative to atmospheric conditions. The majority of Hg(II) was still blocked by the cell membrane. Hg(II) reduction was more effective when biogenic magnetite was extracted out, with or without the magnetosome membrane envelope. When magnetosome membrane was present, 8.55–13.53% of 250 nM Hg(II) was reduced to Hg(0) by 250 mg/L biogenic magnetite suspension within 2 hours. This ratio increased to 55.07–64.70% while magnetosome membrane was removed. We concluded that two MTBs contributed to the reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(0) at a slow rate in vivo. Such reduction was more favorable to occur when biogenic magnetite is released from dead cells. It proposed a new biotic pathway for the formation of Hg(0) in aquatic systems.  相似文献   

何世颖  顾宁 《生物磁学》2006,6(1):19-21
趋磁性细菌是一种由于体内含有对磁场具有敏感性的磁小体,而能够沿着磁力线运动的特殊细菌,本文综述了趋磁细菌的分布、分类、特性、磁小体研究以及趋磁细菌在生物导航方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria benefit from their ability to form cellular magnetic dipoles by assembling stable single-domain ferromagnetic particles in chains as a means to navigate along Earth's magnetic field lines on their way to favorable habitats. We studied the assembly of nanosized membrane-encapsulated magnetite particles (magnetosomes) by ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy using Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense cultured in a time-resolved experimental setting. The spectroscopic data show that 1), magnetic particle growth is not synchronized; 2), the increase in particle numbers is insufficient to build up cellular magnetic dipoles; and 3), dipoles of assembled magnetosome blocks occur when the first magnetite particles reach a stable single-domain state. These stable single-domain particles can act as magnetic docks to stabilize the remaining and/or newly nucleated superparamagnetic particles in their adjacencies. We postulate that docking is a key mechanism for building the functional cellular magnetic dipole, which in turn is required for magnetotaxis in bacteria.  相似文献   

Habits of Magnetosome Crystals in Coccoid Magnetotactic Bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron holography were used to study the habits of exceptionally large magnetite crystals in coccoid magnetotactic bacteria. In addition to the crystal habits, the crystallographic positioning of successive crystals in the magnetosome chain appears to be under strict biological control.  相似文献   

Alkalophilic, nylon oligomer-degrading strains, Agromyces sp. and Kocuria sp., were isolated from the wastewater of a nylon-6 factory and from activated sludge from a sewage disposal plant. The 6-aminohexanoate oligomer hydrolases (NylC) from the alkalophilic strains had 95.8 to 98.6% similarity to the enzyme in neutrophilic Arthrobacter sp. but had superior thermostability, activity under alkaline conditions, and affinity for nylon-related substrates, which would be advantageous for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Magnetospirillum sp. strain AMB-1 is a Gram-negative -proteobacteriumthat synthesizes nano-sized magnetites, referred to as magnetosomes,aligned intracellularly in a chain. The potential of this nano-sizedmaterial is growing and will be applicable to broad researchareas. It has been expected that genome analysis would elucidatethe mechanism of magnetosome formation by magnetic bacteria.Here we describe the genome of Magnetospirillum sp. AMB-1 wildtype, which consists of a single circular chromosome of 4967148bp. For identification of genes required for magnetosome formation,transposon mutagenesis and determination of magnetosome membraneproteins were performed. Analysis of a non-magnetic transposonmutant library focused on three unknown genes from 2752 unknowngenes and three genes from 205 signal transduction genes. Partialproteome analysis of the magnetosome membrane revealed thatthe membrane contains numerous oxidation/reduction proteinsand a signal response regulator that may function in magnetotaxis.Thus, oxidation/reduction proteins and elaborate multidomainsignaling proteins were analyzed. This comprehensive genomeanalysis will enable resolution of the mechanisms of magnetosomeformation and provide a template to determine how magnetic bacteriamaintain a species-specific, nano-sized, magnetic single domainand paramagnetic morphology.  相似文献   

Phosphotriesterases catalyze the first step of organophosphorus triester degradation. The bacterial phosphotriesterases purified and characterized to date hydrolyze mainly aryl dialkyl phosphates, such as parathion, paraoxon, and chlorpyrifos. In this study, we purified and cloned two novel phosphotriesterases from Sphingomonas sp. strain TDK1 and Sphingobium sp. strain TCM1 that hydrolyze tri(haloalkyl)phosphates, and we named these enzymes haloalkylphosphorus hydrolases (TDK-HAD and TCM-HAD, respectively). Both HADs are monomeric proteins with molecular masses of 59.6 (TDK-HAD) and 58.4 kDa (TCM-HAD). The enzyme activities were affected by the addition of divalent cations, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis suggested that zinc is a native cofactor for HADs. These enzymes hydrolyzed not only chlorinated organophosphates but also a brominated organophosphate [tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate], as well as triaryl phosphates (tricresyl and triphenyl phosphates). Paraoxon-methyl and paraoxon were efficiently degraded by TCM-HAD, whereas TDK-HAD showed weak activity toward these substrates. Dichlorvos was degraded only by TCM-HAD. The enzymes displayed weak or no activity against trialkyl phosphates and organophosphorothioates. The TCM-HAD and TDK-HAD genes were cloned and found to encode proteins of 583 and 574 amino acid residues, respectively. The primary structures of TCM-HAD and TDK-HAD were very similar, and the enzymes also shared sequence similarity with fenitrothion hydrolase (FedA) of Burkholderia sp. strain NF100 and organophosphorus hydrolase (OphB) of Burkholderia sp. strain JBA3. However, the substrate specificities and quaternary structures of the HADs were largely different from those of FedA and OphB. These results show that HADs from sphingomonads are novel members of the bacterial phosphotriesterase family.  相似文献   

Several sulfate-reducing microorganisms were isolated from an anaerobic-purification plant. Four strains were classified as Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Desulfovibrio sapovorans, Desulfobulbus propionicus, and Desulfovibrio sp. The D. sapovorans strain contained poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate granules and seemed to form extracellular vesicles. A fifth isolate, Desulfovibrio sp. strain EDK82, was a gram-negative, non-spore-forming, nonmotile, curved organism. It was able to oxidize several substrates, including methanol. Sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, and sulfur were utilized as electron acceptors. Pyruvate, fumarate, malate, and glycerol could be fermented. Because strain EDK82 could not be ascribed to any of the existing species, a new species, Desulfovibrio carbinolicus, is proposed. The doubling times of the isolates were determined on several substrates. Molecular hydrogen, lactate, propionate, and ethanol yielded the shortest doubling times (3.0 to 6.3 h). Due to the presence of support material in an anaerobic filter system, these species were able to convert sulfate to sulfide very effectively at a hydraulic retention time as short as 0.5 h.  相似文献   

Sulphate-reducing bacteria isolated from submerged soil samples of paddy fields effectively precipitated copper from aqueous solution with maximum effect (75%) at 25 ppm Cu2+. As the copper concentration was increased to 100 ppm, precipitation efficiency decreased significantly. The use of bacteria to precipitate heavy metal ions from aqueous effluents is discussed.  相似文献   

Desulfovibrio strain JJ isolated from estuarine sediment differed from all other described Desulfovibrio species by the ability to degrade fructose. The oxidation was incomplete, leading to acetate production. Fructose, malate and fumarate were fermented mainly to succinate and acetate in the absence of an external electron acceptor. The pH and temperature optima for growth were 7.0 and 35° C respectively. Strain JJ was motile by means of a single polar flagellum. The DNA base composition was 64.13% G+C. Cytochrome c 3 and desulfoviridin were present. These characteristics established the isolate as a new species of the genus Desulfovibrio, and the name Desulfovibrio fructosovorans is proposed.  相似文献   

细菌的运动性是影响其生存及致病的一个关键条件,同时也为合成和开发仿生运动体、微型机器人等提供了有效的模型.趋磁细菌具有胞内磁小体从而能够感知磁场的变化,进而影响其运动行为.目前,这种外部磁场与生物体的远程响应模式已在环境、医疗、材料等领域有广泛应用.因此,聚焦于趋磁细菌的运动特性,综述了趋磁细菌运动行为的表征、运动机理...  相似文献   

In this study, the selection of bacteria on the basis of their migration via fungal hyphae in soil was investigated in microcosm experiments containing Lyophyllum sp. strain Karsten (DSM2979). One week following inoculation with a bacterial community obtained from soil, selection of a few specific bacterial types was noticed at 30 mm in the growth direction of Lyophyllum sp. strain Karsten in sterile soil. Cultivation-based analyses showed that the migration-proficient types encompassed 10 bacterial groups, as evidenced by (GTG)5 genomic fingerprinting as well as 16S rRNA gene sequencing. These were (>97% similarity) Burkholderia terrae BS001, Burkholderia sordidicola BS026, Burkholderia sediminicola BS010, and Burkholderia phenazinium BS028; Dyella japonica BS013, BS018, and BS021; “Sphingoterrabacterium pocheensis” BS024; Sphingobacterium daejeonense BS025; and Ralstonia basilensis BS017. Migration as single species was subsequently found for B. terrae BS001, D. japonica BS018 and BS021, and R. basilensis BS017. Typically, migration occurred only when these organisms were introduced at the fungal growth front and only in the direction of hyphal growth. Migration proficiency showed a one-sided correlation with the presence of the hrcR gene, used as a marker for the type III secretion system (TTSS), as all single-strain migrators were equipped with this system and most non-single-strain migrators were not. The presence of the TTSS stood in contrast to the low prevalence of TTSSs within the bacterial community used as an inoculum (<3%). Microscopic examination of B. terrae BS001 in contact with Lyophyllum sp. strain Karsten hyphae revealed the development of a biofilm surrounding the hyphae. Migration-proficient bacteria interacting with Lyophyllum sp. strain Karsten may show complex behavior (biofilm formation) at the fungal tip, leading to their translocation and growth in novel microhabitats in soil.Bacterial-fungal interactions are common in a wide variety of habitats like decaying wood, human bodies, and marine and soil environments (7, 12, 13, 15, 18). Especially in soil, interactions are likely to occur frequently, as members of both kingdoms abound in this system and depend on strategies that allow them to utilize the sparse carbonaceous nutrients that are available (6, 22, 26, 27). Interactions may be deleterious, neutral, or even beneficial for either or both of the partners. In particular, the putative beneficial effects exerted by soil fungi on associated bacteria may enhance bacterial fitness and thus provide a selective force on these (4, 5, 11, 14, 29). A range of different mechanisms is thought to play a role in the putative bacterial selection, in which particular fungus-released compounds may exert key effects in this selection (1, 10, 14, 28). In addition, changes in the structure of the local (soil) habitat effected by either of the partners (2) and/or production of antibacterial substances by the fungal partner (7, 9) may play roles.The capacity of soil bacteria to use fungal hyphae as a means to reach and colonize novel microhabitats in soil has been proposed as a mechanism for pollutant-degrading bacteria to become efficient in polluted soil (16). However, the study addressed only bacterial migration with fungi via so-called fungal highways in non-soil systems like agar plates and glass bead systems. Clearly, such fungal highways might be used by bacteria to cross air gaps (23) during growth and movement in soil, but evidence for this is lacking. Movement of the bacterial partner was probably driven by motility of the bacterial cells in the water film surrounding the fungal hyphae. The observation of bacteria moving along fungal highways was supported by an earlier study that addressed bacterial motility via dead hyphae of an oomycete in soil (32). Together, these studies suggest that bacteria can utilize the mycosphere (here defined as the fungal hyphal network) in soil to reach and colonize novel microhabitats. However, these studies do not allow an in-depth assessment of which bacteria get selected by growing fungi and how they mechanistically make use of fungal highways.In the current study, we assessed the putative selection of organisms from a soil bacterial community that was able to migrate in the mycosphere of Lyophyllum sp. strain Karsten, a close saprotrophic relative of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria proxima. We initially assessed the selection of particular bacterial species by L. proxima (29), which was an abundant ectomycorrhizal species with hazel trees. Thus, we developed a microcosm system composed of three compartments, which allowed the outgrowth of fungal hyphae from a nutrient source into sterile soil. Different aspects of bacterial migration along with the fungal front were studied. Based on these findings, a mechanism for bacterial migration in which biofilm formation plays a role is proposed.  相似文献   

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