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Amyloid fibrils and their oligomeric intermediates accumulate in several age-related diseases where their presence is considered to play an active role in disease progression. A common characteristic of amyloid fibril formation is an initial lag phase indicative of a nucleation-elongation mechanism for fibril assembly. We have investigated fibril formation by human apolipoprotein (apo) C-II. ApoC-II readily forms amyloid fibrils in a lipid-dependent manner via an initial nucleation step followed by fibril elongation, breaking, and joining. We used fluorescence techniques and stopped-flow analysis to identify the individual kinetic steps involved in the activation of apoC-II fibril formation by the short-chain phospholipid dihexanoyl phosphatidylcholine (DHPC). Submicellar DHPC activates fibril formation by promoting the rapid formation of a tetrameric species followed by a slow isomerisation that precedes monomer addition and fibril growth. Global fitting of the concentration dependence of apoC-II fibril formation showed that DHPC increased the overall tetramerisation constant from 7.5 × 10− 13 to 1.2 × 10− 6 μM− 3 without significantly affecting the rate of fibril elongation, breaking, or joining. Studies on the effect of DHPC on the free pool of apoC-II monomer and on fibril formation by cross-linked apoC-II dimers further demonstrate that DHPC affects nucleation but not elongation. These studies demonstrate the capacity of small lipid compounds to selectively target individual steps in the amyloid fibril forming pathway.  相似文献   

Misfolding of the natively α-helical prion protein into a β-sheet rich isoform is related to various human diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome. In humans, the disease phenotype is modified by a methionine/valine polymorphism at codon 129 of the prion protein gene. Using a combination of hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled to NMR spectroscopy, hydroxyl radical probing detected by mass spectrometry, and site-directed mutagenesis, we demonstrate that stop mutants of the human prion protein have a conserved amyloid core. The 129 residue is deeply buried in the amyloid core structure, and its mutation strongly impacts aggregation. Taken together the data support a critical role of the polymorphic residue 129 of the human prion protein in aggregation and disease.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta-protein (A) is the major constituent of amyloid fibrils composing -amyloid plaques and cerebrovascular amyloid in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We studied the effect of metal cations on preformed fibrils of synthetic A by Thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescence spectroscopy and electronmicroscopy (EM) in negative staining. The amount of cross beta-pleated sheet structure of A 1–40 fibrils was found to decrease by metal cations in a concentration-dependent manner as measured by ThT fluorescence spectroscopy. The order of defibrillization of A 1–40 fibrils by metal cations was: Ca2+ and Zn2+ (IC50 = 100 M) > Mg2+ (IC50 = 300 M) > Al3+ (IC50 =1.1 mM). EM analysis in negative staining showed that A 1–40 fibrils in the absence of cations were organized in a fine network with a little or no amorphous material. The addition of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Zn2+ to preformed A 1–40 fibrils defibrillized the fibrils or converted them into short rods or to amorphous material. Al3+ was less effective, and reduced the fibril network by about 80 % of that in the absence of any metal cation. Studies with A 1–42 showed that this peptide forms more dense network of fibrils as compared to A 1–40. Both ThT fluorescence spectroscopy and EM showed that similar to A 1–40, A 1–42 fibrils are also defibrillized in the presence of millimolar concentrations of Ca2+. These studies suggest that metal cations can defibrillize the fibrils of synthetic A.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are associated with many maladies, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The isolation of amyloids from natural materials is very challenging because the extreme structural stability of amyloid fibrils makes it difficult to apply conventional protein science protocols to their purification. A protocol to isolate and detect amyloids is desired for the diagnosis of amyloid diseases and for the identification of new functional amyloids. Our aim was to develop a protocol to purify amyloid from organisms, based on the particular characteristics of the amyloid fold, such as its resistance to proteolysis and its capacity to be recognized by specific conformational antibodies. We used a two-step strategy with proteolytic digestion as the first step followed by immunoprecipitation using the amyloid conformational antibody LOC. We tested the efficacy of this method using as models amyloid fibrils produced in vitro, tissue extracts from C. elegans that overexpress Aβ peptide, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients diagnosed with AD. We were able to immunoprecipitate Aβ1–40 amyloid fibrils, produced in vitro and then added to complex biological extracts, but not α-synuclein and gelsolin fibrils. This method was useful for isolating amyloid fibrils from tissue homogenates from a C. elegans AD model, especially from aged worms. Although we were able to capture picogram quantities of Aβ1–40 amyloid fibrils produced in vitro when added to complex biological solutions, we could not detect any Aβ amyloid aggregates in CSF from AD patients. Our results show that although immunoprecipitation using the LOC antibody is useful for isolating Aβ1–40 amyloid fibrils, it fails to capture fibrils of other amyloidogenic proteins, such as α-synuclein and gelsolin. Additional research might be needed to improve the affinity of these amyloid conformational antibodies for an array of amyloid fibrils without compromising their selectivity before application of this protocol to the isolation of amyloids.  相似文献   

Amyloids are highly ordered, cross-β-sheet-rich protein/peptide aggregates associated with both human diseases and native functions. Given the well established ability of amyloids in interacting with cell membranes, we hypothesize that amyloids can serve as universal cell-adhesive substrates. Here, we show that, similar to the extracellular matrix protein collagen, amyloids of various proteins/peptides support attachment and spreading of cells via robust stimulation of integrin expression and formation of integrin-based focal adhesions. Additionally, amyloid fibrils are also capable of immobilizing non-adherent red blood cells through charge-based interactions. Together, our results indicate that both active and passive mechanisms contribute to adhesion on amyloid fibrils. The present data may delineate the functional aspect of cell adhesion on amyloids by various organisms and its involvement in human diseases. Our results also raise the exciting possibility that cell adhesivity might be a generic property of amyloids.  相似文献   

Identifying the cause of the cytotoxicity of species populated during amyloid formation is crucial to understand the molecular basis of protein deposition diseases. We have examined different types of aggregates formed by lysozyme, a protein found as fibrillar deposits in patients with familial systemic amyloidosis, by infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and depolymerization experiments, and analyzed how they affect cell viability. We have characterized two types of human lysozyme amyloid structures formed in vitro that differ in morphology, molecular structure, stability, and size of the cross-β core. Of particular interest is that the fibrils with a smaller core generate a significant cytotoxic effect. These findings indicate that protein aggregation can give rise to species with different degree of cytotoxicity due to intrinsic differences in their physicochemical properties.  相似文献   

The process of aggregation leading to amyloid formation by peptides and proteins is associated with diseases ranging from systemic amyloidoses to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. A key question in understanding the link between amyloid formation and its pathological consequences is the ultrastructural localisation and morphological form of amyloid species within the cellular environment. The acquisition of such information has proven to be challenging, but we report here a novel approach that enables amyloid fibrils to be visualised directly within a cell. First, fibrils are assembled from selenium analogues of the sulfur-containing cysteine peptides, and then, atomic number contrast transmission electron microscopy is used to detect the selenium doped species selectively within the carbon-rich background of the cell. We demonstrate the power of this approach by imaging human monocyte-derived macrophage cells that have been exposed to fibrils from an amyloidogenic fragment of the disease-associated protein transthyretin. The ready incorporation of seleno-cysteine and methionine instead of their natural sulfur-containing analogues, a feature that is already commonly used in X-ray diffraction studies of proteins, suggests that this method can be used as a general strategy to image specific peptides and proteins within the cellular environment using electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The assembly of various proteins into fibrillar aggregates is an important phenomenon with wide implications ranging from human disease to nanoscience. Using general kinetic results of nucleation theory, we analyze the polymerization of protein into linear or helical fibrils in the framework of the Oosawa-Kasai (OK) model. We show that while within the original OK model of linear polymerization the process does not involve nucleation, within a modified OK model it is nucleation-mediated. Expressions are derived for the size of the fibril nucleus, the work for fibril formation, the nucleation barrier, the equilibrium and stationary fibril size distributions, and the stationary fibril nucleation rate. Under otherwise equal conditions, this rate decreases considerably when the short (subnucleus) fibrils lose monomers much more frequently than the long (supernucleus) fibrils, a feature that should be born in mind when designing a strategy for stymying or stimulating fibril nucleation. The obtained dependence of the nucleation rate on the concentration of monomeric protein is convenient for experimental verification and for use in rate equations accounting for nucleation-mediated fibril formation. The analysis and the results obtained for linear fibrils are fully applicable to helical fibrils whose formation is describable by a simplified OK model.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are composed of self assembled stacked peptide or protein molecules folded and trapped in a stable cross-beta-sheet conformation. The amyloid fibrillation mechanism represents an intriguing self-catalyzed process rendering replication of a molecular conformational memory of interest for prebiotic chemistry. Herein we describe how a solid surface can be rendered auto-catalytic for fibrillation of a protein solution. We have discovered that a hydrophobic silicon or glass surface can be made to continuously fibrillate solutions of insulin monomers under stressed conditions (pH 1.6, 65°C). It was found that the surface acts as a platform for the formation of nascent seeds that induce fibril replication on and at the surface. This autocatalytic effect stems from a layer a few insulin molecules thick representing an oligomeric layer of misfolded, conformationally trapped, insulin molecules that rapidly through epitaxial growth catalyze the rate determining step (nucleation) during fibril replication. This autocatalytic layer is generated by the protein-solid surface interaction and conformational changes of the adsorbed protein during exposure at the air-water interface. The resulting autocatalytic surface thus both initiates local conformational molecular self-replication and acts as a reservoir for fibril seeds budding off into solution spreading fibril replication entities to the surrounding medium. The possibility of catalysis of the conformational replication process by minute amounts of nucleation sites located on a recruiting surface can evade the issue of dramatic concentration dependence of amyloidogenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: Various data suggest that Alzheimer's disease results from the accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) peptide fibrils and the consequent formation of senile plaques in the cognitive regions of the brain. One approach to lowering senile plaque burden in Alzheimer's disease brain is to identify compounds that will increase the degradation of existing amyloid fibrils. Previous studies have shown that proteoglycans and serum amyloid P (SAP), molecules that localize to senile plaques, bind to Aβ fibrils and protect the amyloid peptide from proteolytic breakdown. Therefore, molecules that prevent the binding of SAP and/or proteoglycans to fibrillar Aβ might increase plaque degradation and prove useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The nature of SAP and proteoglycan binding to Aβ is defined further in the present study. SAP binds to both fibrillar and nonfibrillar forms of Aβ. However, only the former is rendered resistant to proteolysis after SAP association. It is interesting that both SAP and proteoglycan binding to Aβ fibrils can be inhibited by glycosaminoglycans and Congo red. Unexpectedly, Congo red protects fibrillar Aβ from breakdown, suggesting that this compound and other structurally related molecules are unlikely to be suitable for use in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy provides chemical information while raster scanning samples with topographical detail. The coupling of atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy in top illumination optical setup is a powerful configuration to resolve nanometer structures while collecting reflection mode backscattered signal. Here, we theoretically calculate the field enhancement generated by TER spectroscopy with top illumination geometry and we apply the technique to the characterization of insulin amyloid fibrils. We experimentally confirm that this technique is able to enhance the Raman signal of the polypeptide chain by a factor of 105, thus revealing details down to few molecules resolution.  相似文献   

Light chain (AL) amyloidosis is the most common form of systemic amyloid disease, and cardiomyopathy is a dire consequence, resulting in an extremely poor prognosis. AL is characterized by the production of monoclonal free light chains that deposit as amyloid fibrils principally in the heart, liver, and kidneys causing organ dysfunction. We have studied the effects of amyloid fibrils, produced from recombinant λ6 light chain variable domains, on metabolic activity of human cardiomyocytes. The data indicate that fibrils at 0.1 μM, but not monomer, significantly decrease the enzymatic activity of cellular NAD(P)H-dependent oxidoreductase, without causing significant cell death. The presence of amyloid fibrils did not affect ATP levels; however, oxygen consumption was increased and reactive oxygen species were detected. Confocal fluorescence microscopy showed that fibrils bound to and remained at the cell surface with little fibril internalization. These data indicate that AL amyloid fibrils severely impair cardiomyocyte metabolism in a dose dependent manner. These data suggest that effective therapeutic intervention for these patients should include methods for removing potentially toxic amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Using the atomic force microscope, we have investigated the nanoscale mechanical response of the attachment adhesive of the terrestrial alga Prasiola linearis (Prasiolales, Chlorophyta). We were able to locate and extend highly ordered mechanical structures directly from the natural adhesive matrix of the living plant. The in vivo mechanical response of the structured biopolymer often displayed the repetitive sawtooth force-extension characteristics of a material exhibiting high mechanical strength at the molecular level. Mechanical and histological evidence leads us to propose a mechanism for mechanical strength in our sample based on amyloid fibrils. These proteinaceous, pleated β-sheet complexes are usually associated with neurodegenerative diseases. However, we now conclude that the amyloid protein quaternary structures detected in our material should be considered as a possible generic mechanism for mechanical strength in natural adhesives.  相似文献   

Some of the lysozyme mutants in humans cause systemic amyloidosis. Hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) has been well studied as a model protein of amyloid fibrils formation. We previously identified an amyloid core region consisting of nine amino acids (designated as the K peptide), which is present at 54-62 in HEWL. The K peptide, with tryptophan at its C- terminus, has the ability of self-aggregation. In the present work we focused on its structural properties in relation to the formation of fibrils. The K peptide alone formed definite fibrils having β-sheet structures by incubation of 7 days under acidic conditions at 37°C. A substantial number of fibrils were generated under this pH condition and incubation period. Deletion and substitution of tryptophan in the K peptide resulted in no formation of fibrils. Tryptophan 62 in lysozyme was suggested to be especially crucial to forming amyloid fibrils. We also show that amyloid fibrils formation of the K peptide requires not only tryptophan 62 but also a certain length containing hydrophobic amino acids. A core region is involved in the significant formation of amyloid fibrils of lysozyme.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody 2A4 binds an epitope derived from a cleavage site of serum amyloid protein A (sAA) containing a -Glu-Asp- amino acid pairing. In addition to its reactivity with sAA amyloid deposits, the antibody was also found to bind amyloid fibrils composed of immunoglobulin light chains. The antibody binds to synthetic fibrils and human light chain (AL) amyloid extracts with high affinity even in the presence of soluble light chain proteins. Immunohistochemistry with biotinylated 2A4 demonstrated positive reaction with ALκ and ALλ human amyloid deposits in various organs. Surface plasmon resonance analyses using synthetic AL fibrils as a substrate revealed that 2A4 bound with a KD of ∼10 nM. Binding was inhibited in the presence of the –Glu-Asp- containing immunogen peptide. Radiolabeled 2A4 specifically localized with human AL amyloid extracts implanted in mice (amyloidomas) as evidenced by single photon emission (SPECT) imaging. Furthermore, co-localization of the radiolabeled mAb with amyloid was shown in biodistribution and micro-autoradiography studies. Treatment with 2A4 expedited regression of ALκ amyloidomas in mice, likely mediated by the action of macrophages and neutrophils, relative to animals that received a control antibody. These data indicate that the 2A4 mAb might be of interest for potential imaging and immunotherapy in patients with AL amyloidosis.  相似文献   

The formation of amyloid fibrils is the hallmark of more than twenty human disorders of unrelated etiology. In all these cases, ordered fibrillar protein assemblies with a diameter of 7-10 nm are being observed. In spite of the great clinical important of amyloid-associated diseases, the molecular recognition and self-assembly processes that lead to the formation of the fibrils are not fully understood. One direction to decipher the mechanism of amyloid formation is the use of short peptides fragments as model systems. Short peptide fragments, as short as pentapeptides, were shown to form typical amyloid assemblies in vitro that have ultrastructural, biophysical, and cytotoxic properties, as those of assemblies that are being formed by full length polypeptides. When we analyzed such short fragments, we identified the central role of aromatic moieties in the ability to aggregate into ordered nano-fibrillar structures. This notion allowed us to discover additional very short amyloidogenic peptides as well as other aromatic peptide motifs, which can form various assemblies at the nano-scale (including nanotubes, nanospheres, and macroscopic hydrogels with nano-scale order). Other practical utilization of this concept, together with novel β-breakage methods, is their use for the development of novel classes of amyloid formation inhibitors.  相似文献   

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