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In this work, we describe the ability of living trophozoites of Giardia lamblia to hydrolyze extracellular ATP. In the absence of any divalent cations, a low level of ATP hydrolysis was observed (0.78 ± 0.08 nmol Pi × h−1 × 10−6 cells). The ATP hydrolysis was stimulated by MgCl2 in a dose-dependent manner. Half maximum stimulation of ATP hydrolysis was obtained with 0.53 ± 0.07 mM. ATP was the best substrate for this enzyme. The apparent Km for ATP was 0.21 ± 0.04 mM. In the pH range from 5.6 to 8.4, in which cells were viable, this activity was not modified. The Mg2+-stimulated ATPase activity was insensitive to inhibitors of intracellular ATPases such as vanadate (P-ATPases), bafilomycin A1 (V-ATPases), and oligomycin (F-ATPases). Inhibitors of acid phosphatases (molybdate, vanadate and fluoride) or alkaline phosphatases (levamizole) had no effect on the ecto-ATPase activity. The impermeant agent DIDS and suramin, an antagonist of P2 purinoreceptors and inhibitor of some ecto-ATPases, decreased the enzymatic activity in a dose-dependent manner, confirming the external localization of this enzyme. Besides ATP, trophozoites were also able to hydrolyse ADP and 5´ AMP, but the hydrolysis of these nucleotides was not stimulated by MgCl2. Our results are indicative of the occurrence of a G. lamblia ecto-ATPase activity that may have a role in parasite physiology.  相似文献   

Ecto-phosphatase activities of Giardia lamblia were characterized in intact cells, which are able to hydrolyze the artificial substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate (p-NPP) to p-nitrophenol (p-NP) at a rate of 8.4 ± 0.8 nmol p-NP/h/107 cells. The ecto-phosphatase activities were inhibited at high pH as well as by classical inhibitors of acid phosphatases, such as sodium fluoride and sodium molybdate and by inorganic phosphate, the final product of the reaction. Experiments using a classical inhibitor of phosphotyrosine phosphatase, sodium orthovanadate, also showed that the ecto-phosphatase activity was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner. Different phosphorylated amino acids were used as substrates for the G. lamblia ecto-phosphatase activities the highest rate of phosphate release was achieved using phosphotyrosine. Not only p-NPP hydrolysis but also phosphotyrosine hydrolysis was inhibited by sodium orthovanadate. Phosphotyrosine but not phospho-serine or phospho-threonine inhibited the p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity. We also observed a positive correlation between the ecto-phosphatase activity and the capacity to encystation of G. lamblia trophozoites.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase (IAP) is a marker of intestinal microvillus membrane. Changes in IAP activity have been studied as a function of Giardia lamblia (G. lamblia) infection using rat as the experimental model. At day 11 and 15 post-infection, enzyme activity was reduced (p<0.01) compared to controls. The enzyme levels were essentially similar to control values by day 30 post-infection. Analysis of the enzyme activity in cell fractions across crypt-villus axis revealed a marked decrease in enzyme activity in the villus tip and mid villus regions but a considerable increase (p<0.01) in enzyme activity in the crypt base of 11 day post-infected animals compared to that in controls. The observed changes in IAP activity were confirmed by assaying the enzyme activity in acrylamide gels using bromo-chloro-indolyl phosphate staining under non-denaturing conditions. These findings indicate differential changes across the crypt-villus axis, but impaired alkaline phosphatase levels in G. lamblia infected rat intestine.  相似文献   

In the present study it was demonstrated the existence of a new set of membrane-bounded vesicles in Giardia lamblia. They were found in dividing and non-dividing trophozoites studied by routine transmission electron microscopy, freeze-fracture and Thiéry's technique. Encysting cells were not studied. These vesicles appear different to the previously reported components of the Giardia endomembranous system, such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), lysosome-like peripheral vesicles (PV), and the encystation-specific vesicles (ESV) that appear during trophozoite differentiation into cysts. They measure 100-150 nm in diameter, and thus are smaller than the peripheral vesicles, and the encystation-specific vesicles (ESV). They were found in clusters, scattered throughout the cytoplasm, but preferentially located close to the nuclei, axonemes, median bodies, and ER profiles. These internal vesicles are roughly spherical, and their contents present different electron densities and are more electrondense than those of the peripheral vesicles. They appeared to be budding from the outer nuclear membrane envelope. These cytoplasmic vesicles were found only in cells with very good fixation. Only few cells in the same preparation exhibited these vesicles.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton of Giardia lamblia   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Giardia lamblia is a ubiquitous intestinal pathogen of mammals. Evolutionary studies have also defined it as a member of one of the earliest diverging eukaryotic lineages that we are able to cultivate and study in the laboratory. Despite early recognition of its striking structure resembling a half pear endowed with eight flagella and a unique ventral disk, a molecular understanding of the cytoskeleton of Giardia has been slow to emerge. Perhaps most importantly, although the association of Giardia with diarrhoeal disease has been known for several hundred years, little is known of the mechanism by which Giardia exacts such a toll on its host. What is clear, however, is that the flagella and disk are essential for parasite motility and attachment to host intestinal epithelial cells. Because peristaltic flow expels intestinal contents, attachment is necessary for parasites to remain in the small intestine and cause diarrhoea, underscoring the essential role of the cytoskeleton in virulence. This review presents current day knowledge of the cytoskeleton, focusing on its role in motility and attachment. As the advent of new molecular technologies in Giardia sets the stage for a renewed focus on the cytoskeleton and its role in Giardia virulence, we discuss future research directions in cytoskeletal function and regulation.  相似文献   

Inoculating of human fecal cysts to suckling Mongolian gerbils, two Giardia lamblia isolates, K1 and K2, were established as axenic cultures. Using this in vitro culture, both isolates were characterized as a "medium-rate grower" upon its growth pattern. These two Giardia isolates were grouped by using two genetic analysis. With genetic analysis of SSU-rDNA sequences, both K1 and K2 were found as members of Hopkins' group 1, despite some nucleotide differences noticed in K2 (5 differences/292 bases). The other genetic study used PCR-RFLP of the tim (triose phosphate isomerase) gene. Both of K1 and K2 were found to belong to Nash's group 2. Our results suggest that Nash's group 2 can not be a separate group, but a part of Hopkins' group 1.  相似文献   

A shuttle vector for Escherichia coli and Giardia lamblia was modified to produce a reporter plasmid, which monitors the expression of prescribed gene in G. lamblia by measuring its luciferase activity. Promoter regions of the gap2 gene, one of the genes induced during encystation, were cloned into this plasmid, and the resultant constructs were then transfected into trophozoites of G. lamblia. Transgenic trophozoites containing one of the 3 gap2-luc reporters were induced to encystation, and characterized with respect to gap2 gene expression by measuring their luciferase activities. Giardia containing a gap2-luc fusion of 112-bp upstream region showed full induction of luciferase activity during encystation.  相似文献   

Laboratory workers, in resource-poor countries, still consider PCR detection of Giardia lamblia more costly and more time-consuming than the classical parasitological techniques. Based on 2 published primers, an in-house one-round touchdown PCR-RFLP assay was developed. The assay was validated with an internal amplification control included in reactions. Performance of the assay was assessed with DNA samples of various purities, 91 control fecal samples with various parasite load, and 472 samples of unknown results. Two cysts per reaction were enough for PCR detection by the assay with exhibited specificity (Sp) and sensitivity (Se) of 100% and 93%, respectively. Taking a published small subunit rRNA reference PCR test results (6%; 29/472) as a nominated gold standard, G. lamblia was identified in 5.9% (28/472), 5.2%, (25/472), and 3.6% (17/472) by PCR assay, RIDA® Quick Giardia antigen detection test (R-Biopharm, Darmstadt, Germany), and iodine-stained smear microscopy, respectively. The percent agreements (kappa values) of 99.7% (0.745), 98.9% (0.900), and 97.7% (0.981) were exhibited between the assay results and that of the reference PCR, immunoassay, and microscopy, respectively. Restriction digestion of the 28 Giardia-positive samples revealed genotype A pattern in 12 and genotype B profile in 16 samples. The PCR assay with the described format and exhibited performance has a great potential to be adopted in basic clinical laboratories as a detection tool for G. lamblia especially in asymptomatic infections. This potential is increased more in particular situations where identification of the parasite genotype represents a major requirement as in epidemiological studies and infection outbreaks.  相似文献   

The median body of Giardia lamblia: an ultrastructural study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Giardia lamblia is an intestinal parasite of several mammals. The most striking feature of Giardia is the presence of a complex and unique cytoskeleton, and among its components the median body (MB) is the least defined microtubular structure. In the present study, we used a technique that allowed the removal of the plasma membrane and observation of cytoskeletal structures by both routine scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and field emission high resolution SEM. This technique permitted new observations such as details and insights of the median bodies, not previously described or controversial in the literature. Light microscopy after Panotic staining, immunofluorescence microscopy using several antibodies, and thin sections were also used to better characterized the Giardia MB. The new observations concerning the median bodies were : (1) they are not one or two structures, but varied in number, shape and position ; (2) they were found in mitotic and interphasic trophozoites, in disagreement with previous works ; (3) they were present in about 80 % of the cells, and not in 50 % of the cells, as previously described ; (4) they could be connected either to the plasma membrane, to the adhesive disc, and caudal flagella, and thus they are not completely free in the cells, as published before ; (5) they can protrude the cell surface ; (6) their microtubules react with several anti-tubulin and -beta giardin antibodies. These observations add new data on the scarce literature and to this largely understudied cell structure.  相似文献   

We have isolated from a Kentucky stream a bacterial strain capable of killing the cyst form of Giardia lamblia. This bacterium, designated Sun4, is a Gram-negative, aerobic rod which produces a yellow pigment, but not of the flexirubin-type. Although true gliding motility has not been observed in Sun4, this strain does exhibit a spreading colony morphology when grown on R2A agar. Strain Sun4 has been identified by 16S rRNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis as belonging to the genus Flavobacterium, and is most closely related to Cytophaga sp. strain Type 0092 and associated Flavobacterium columnare strains. Lipid analysis also identified fatty acids characteristic of the Cytophaga–Flavobacterium group of bacteria. In culture, Sun4 is able to degrade casein and cellulose, but not chitin, gelatin, starch, or agar. Degradation of Giardia cysts by Sun4 appears to require direct cellular contact as neither cell-free extracts nor cells separated from the cysts by dialysis membranes showed any activity against cysts. Activity against Giardia cysts is rapid, with Sun4 killing over 90% of cysts within 48 h. Strain Sun4 requires elevated levels of Ca2+ for optimal growth and degradative activity against Giardia cysts. We propose that bacterial strains such as Sun4 could be used as biological control agents against Giardia cysts in drinking water treatment systems.  相似文献   

Giardia trophozoites are polyploid and have five chromosomes. The chromosome homologues demonstrate considerable size heterogeneity due to variation in the subtelomeric regions. We used clones from the genome project with telomeric sequence at one end to identify six subtelomeric regions in addition to previously identified subtelomeric regions, to study the telomeric arrangement of the chromosomes. The subtelomeric regions included two retroposons, one retroposon pseudogene, and two vsp genes, in addition to the previously identified subtelomeric regions that include ribosomal DNA repeats. The presence of vsp genes in a subtelomeric region suggests that telomeric rearrangements may contribute to the generation of vsp diversity. These studies of the subtelomeric regions of Giardia may contribute to our understanding of the factors that maintain stability, while allowing diversity in chromosome structure.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is a protozoan parasite with many characteristics common among eukaryotic cells, but lacking other features found in most eukaryotes. Cardiolipin is a phospholipid located exclusively in energy transducing membranes and it was identified in mitochondria, bacteria, hydrogenosomes and chloroplasts. In eukaryotes, cardiolipin is the only lipid that is synthesized in the mitochondria. Biochemical procedures (TLC, HPLC) and fluorescent tools (NAO) were applied in order to search for cardiolipin in G. lamblia. In addition, BLAST searches were used to find homologs of enzymes that participate in the cardiolipin synthesis. Cardiolipin synthase was searched in the Giardia genome, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Mycoplasma penetrans sequences as bait. However, a good match to G. lamblia related proteins was not found. Here we show that mitosomes of G. lamblia apparently do not contain cardiolipin, which raises the discussion for its endosymbiotic origin and for the previous proposal that Giardia mitosomes are modified mitochondria.  相似文献   

From a specialized cDNA library of Giardia lamblia, 20 snoRNA-like RNAs, including 16 box C/D sRNAs and four box H/ACA sRNAs, were first identified. The sRNAs were predicted to guide a total of 11 2′-O-methylation and four pseudouridylation sites on the G. lamblia rRNAs, respectively. By using primer extension assay, seven methylation sites were precisely mapped in the G. lamblia 16S rRNA, despite its high GC content. All of the sRNA genes locate on the small intergenic regions of the G. lamblia genome and seem to be independently transcribed from their own promoters. Particularly, a cluster composed of GlsR17 and GlsR18 genes is transcribed as a dicistronic precursor, implying a mechanism of endonuclease cleavage for the maturation of the two sRNAs. The systematic identification of the sRNAs in G. lamblia has provided valuable information about the characteristics of the two major families of small guide RNAs in one of the most primitive eukaryotes and would contribute to the understanding of the evolution of small non-messenger RNA genes from prokaryotes to eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is the most commonly detected parasite in the intestinal tract of humans and other mammals causing giardiasis. Giardia presents several cytoskeletal structures with microtubules as major components such as the ventral adhesive disk, eight flagella axonemes, the median body and funis. Many drugs have already been tested as antigiardial agents, such as albendazole and mebendazole, which act by specifically inhibiting tubulin polymerization and hence microtubule assembly. In the present work, we used the microtubule inhibitors nocodazole and colchicine in order to investigate their direct and indirect effects on Giardia ultrastructure and attachment to the glass surface, respectively. Axenically grown G. lamblia trophozoites were treated with nocodazole or colchicine for different time intervals and analyzed by light and electron microscopy. It was observed that trophozoites became completely misshapen, detached from the glass surface and failed to complete cell division. The main alterations observed included disc fragmentation, presence of large vacuoles, and appearance of electrondense deposits made of tubulin. The cytokinesis was blocked, but not the karyokinesis, and membrane blebs were observed. These findings show that Giardia behavior and cytoskeleton are clearly affected by the commonly used microtubule targetting agents colchicine and nozodazole.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is recognized as one of the most prevalent parasites in dogs. The present study aimed to establish a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for rapid and specific detection of G. lamblia from dogs. The fecal samples were collected and prepared for microscopic analysis, and then the genomic DNA was extracted directly from purified cysts. The concentration of DNA samples of G. lamblia were diluted by 10-fold serially ranging from 10-1 to 10-5 ng/µl for LAMP and PCR assays. The LAMP assay allows the amplification to be finished within 60 min under isothermal conditions of 63℃ by employing 6 oligonucleotide primers designed based on G. lamblia elongation factor 1 alpha (EF1α) gene sequence. Our tests showed that the specific amplification products were obtained only with G. lamblia, while no amplification products were detected with DNA of other related protozoans. Sensitivity evaluation indicated that the LAMP assay was sensitive 10 times more than PCR. It is concluded that LAMP is a rapid, highly sensitive and specific DNA amplification technique for detection of G. lamblia, which has implications for effective control and prevention of giardiasis.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is a protozoan parasite that causes widespread gastrointestinal illness. Drugs to treat giardiasis are limited, but efforts to discover new anti-giardial compounds are constrained by the lack of a facile system for cell culture and inhibitor testing. We achieved robust and reproducible growth of G. lamblia in 384-well tissue culture plates in a modified TYI-S-33 medium. A high throughput assay for the screening of potential anti-giardial compounds was developed utilizing the WB strain of G. lamblia and automated optical detection of parasites after growth with tested inhibitors. We screened a library of 1600 known bioactive molecules and identified 12 compounds that inhibited growth of G. lamblia at low- or sub-micromolar concentrations. Our high throughput assay should facilitate evaluation of available chemical libraries for novel drugs to treat giardiasis.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is a parasite that causes giardiasis in humans and other mammals. The common treatment includes different classes of drugs, which were described to produce unpleasant side effects. Mentha x piperita, popularly known as peppermint, is a plant that is frequently used in the popular medicine to treat gastrointestinal symptoms. We examined the effects of crude extracts and fractions from peppermint against G. lamblia (ATCC 30888) on the basis of trophozoite growth, morphology and adherence studies. The methanolic, dichloromethane and hexanic extracts presented IC(50) values of 0.8, 2.5 and 9.0microg/ml after 48h of incubation, respectively. The aqueous extract showed no effect against the trophozoites with an IC(50)>100microg/ml. The aqueous fraction presented a moderate activity with an IC(50) of 45.5microg/ml. The dichloromethane fraction showed the best antigiardial activity, with an IC(50) of 0.75microg/ml after 48h of incubation. The morphological and adhesion assays showed that this fraction caused several alterations on plasma membrane surface of the parasite and inhibited the adhesion of G. lamblia trophozoites. Cytotoxic assays showed that Mentha x piperita presented no toxic effects on the intestinal cell line IEC-6. Our results demonstrated antigiardial activity of Mentha x piperita, indicating its potential value as therapeutic agent against G. lamblia infections.  相似文献   

Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) was used to localize the reactivity of a monoclonal antibody (Sv2) that binds to the subventral pharyngeal glands of preparasitic juveniles of Heterodera glycines. The greater resolution, magnification, and image analysis of LSCM compared with conventional epifluorescent microscopy enabled Sv2 binding to be localized much more precisely to the periphery of the secretory granules. A linear increase of about 55% in fluorescent intensity was found over a 23-μm length of subventral pharyngeal gland just distal to the terminal ampullae. LSCM is a rapid and effective technique for precise immunolocalization of epitopes.  相似文献   

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