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We investigated the effect of endurance training on whole body substrate, glucose, and glycerol utilization during 90 min of exercise at 60% peak O2 consumption (VO2(peak)) in males and females. Substrate oxidation was determined before and after 7 wk of endurance training on a cycle ergometer, with posttesting performed at the same absolute (ABS, W) and relative (REL, VO2(peak)) intensities. [6,6-2H]glucose and [1,1,2,3,3-2H]glycerol tracers were used to calculate the respective substrate tracee flux. Endurance training resulted in an increase in VO2(peak) for both males and females of 17 and 22%, respectively (P < 0.001). Females demonstrated a lower respiratory exchange ratio (RER) both pretraining and posttraining compared with males during exercise (P < 0.001). Glucose rate of appearance (R(a)) and rate of disappearance (R(d)) were not different between males and females. Glucose metabolic clearance rate (MCR) was lower at 75 and 90 min of exercise for females compared with males (P < 0.05). Glucose R(a) and R(d) were lower during exercise at both ABS and REL posttraining exercise intensities compared with pretraining (P < 0.001). Females had a higher exercise glycerol R(a) and R(d) compared with males both pre- and posttraining (P < 0.001). Glycerol R(a) was not different at either the ABS or REL posttraining exercise intensities compared with pretraining. We concluded that females oxidize proportionately more lipid and less carbohydrate during exercise compared with males both pre- and posttraining, which was cotemporal with a higher glycerol R(a) in females. Furthermore, endurance training resulted in a decrease in glucose flux at both ABS and REL exercise intensities after endurance exercise training.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether a 6-wk intermittent hypoxia training (IHT), designed to avoid reductions in training loads and intensities, improves the endurance performance capacity of competitive distance runners. Eighteen athletes were randomly assigned to train in normoxia [Nor group; n = 9; maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) = 61.5 +/- 1.1 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)] or intermittently in hypoxia (Hyp group; n = 9; VO2 max = 64.2 +/- 1.2 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)). Into their usual normoxic training schedule, athletes included two weekly high-intensity (second ventilatory threshold) and moderate-duration (24-40 min) training sessions, performed either in normoxia [inspired O2 fraction (FiO2) = 20.9%] or in normobaric hypoxia (FiO2) = 14.5%). Before and after training, all athletes realized 1) a normoxic and hypoxic incremental test to determine VO2 max and ventilatory thresholds (first and second ventilatory threshold), and 2) an all-out test at the pretraining minimal velocity eliciting VO2 max to determine their time to exhaustion (T(lim)) and the parameters of O2 uptake (VO2) kinetics. Only the Hyp group significantly improved VO2 max (+5% at both FiO2, P < 0.05), without changes in blood O2-carrying capacity. Moreover, T(lim) lengthened in the Hyp group only (+35%, P < 0.001), without significant modifications of VO2 kinetics. Despite similar training load, the Nor group displayed no such improvements, with unchanged VO2 max (+1%, nonsignificant), T(lim) (+10%, nonsignificant), and VO2 kinetics. In addition, T(lim) improvements in the Hyp group were not correlated with concomitant modifications of other parameters, including VO2 max or VO2 kinetics. The present IHT model, involving specific high-intensity and moderate-duration hypoxic sessions, may potentialize the metabolic stimuli of training in already trained athletes and elicit peripheral muscle adaptations, resulting in increased endurance performance capacity.  相似文献   

The clinical and serologic features of 36 patients with polymyositis (PM) or dermatomyositis (DM) were observed over a 5-year period. The mean age of the patients at the time of diagnosis was 48.5 years, and 61% were female. According to widely accepted diagnostic criteria 50% had PM (group I), 14% DM (group II), 11% PM or DM associated with malignant disease (group III) and 25% PM or DM associated with a connective tissue disorder (group V). None of the patients had childhood PM or DM associated with vasculitis (group IV). All the patients had muscle weakness, and 94% of the patients tested had an elevated serum level of creatine kinase. The average delay from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis was 14 months overall but only 2.3 months for the DM patients. Of the 30 patients whose serum was tested, 73% had antinuclear antibodies, with antibodies to nuclear ribonucleoprotein being most common in group V patients and antibodies directed against the Jo-1 antigen being restricted to patients with PM alone (group I).  相似文献   

Objective: Obesity is associated with lower rates of skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation (FAO), which is linked to insulin resistance. FAO is reduced further in obese African‐American (AAW) vs. white women (CW) and may also be lower in lean AAW vs. CW. In lean CW, endurance exercise training (EET) elevates the oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle. Therefore, we determined whether EET would elevate skeletal muscle FAO similarly in AAW and CW with a lower lipid oxidative capacity. Research Methods and Procedures: In vitro rates of FAO were assessed in rectus abdominus muscle strips using [1‐14C] palmitate (Pal) from lean AAW [BMI = 24.2 ± 0.9 (standard error) kg/m2] and CW (23.6 ± 0.8 kg/m2) undergoing voluntary abdominal surgery. Lean AAW (22 ± 0.9 kg/m2) and CW (24 ± 0.8 kg/m2) and obese AAW (36 ± 1.2 kg/m2) and CW (40 ± 1.3 kg/m2) underwent 10 consecutive days of EET on a cycle ergometer (60 min/d, 75% peak oxygen uptake). FAO was measured in vastus lateralis homogenates as captured 14CO2 using [1‐14C] Pal, palmitoyl‐CoA (Pal‐CoA), and palmityl‐carnitine (Pal‐Car). Results: Muscle strip experiments showed suppressed rates of FAO (p = 0.03) in lean AAW vs. CW. EET increased the rates of skeletal muscle Pal oxidation (p = 0.05) in both lean AAW and CW. In obese subjects, Pre‐EET Pal (but not Pal‐CoA or Pal‐Car) oxidation was lower (p = 0.05) in AAW vs. CW. EET increased Pal oxidation 100% in obese AAW (p < 0.05) and 59% (p < 0.05) in obese CW. Similar increases (p < 0.05) in post‐EET FAO were observed for Pal‐CoA and Pal‐Car in both groups. Discussion: Both lean and obese AAW possess a lower capacity for skeletal muscle FAO, but EET increases FAO similarly in both AAW and CW. These data suggest the use of EET for treatment against obesity and diabetes for both AAW and CW.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism by which ventilatory (VE) demand is modulated by endurance training, 10 normal subjects performed cycle ergometer exercise of 15 min duration at each of four constant work rates. These work rates represented 90% of the anaerobic threshold (AT) work rate and 25, 50, and 75% of the difference between maximum O2 consumption and AT work rates for that subject (as determined from previous incremental exercise tests). Subjects then underwent 8 wk of strenuous cycle ergometer exercise for 45 min/day. They then repeated the four constant work rate tests at work rates identical to those used before training. During tests before and after training, VE and gas exchange were measured breath by breath and rectal temperature (Tre) was measured continuously. A venous blood sample was drawn at the end of each test and assayed for lactate (La), epinephrine (EPI), and norepinephrine (NE). We found that the VE for below AT work was reduced minimally by training (averaging 3 l/min). For the above AT tests, however, training reduced VE markedly, by an average of 7, 23, and 37 l/min for progressively higher work rates. End-exercise La, NE, EPI, and Tre were all lower for identical work rates after training. Importantly, the magnitude of the reduction in VE was well correlated with the reduction in end-exercise La (r = 0.69) with an average decrease of 5.8 l/min of VE per milliequivalent per liter decrease in La. Correlations of VE with NE, EPI, and Tre were much less strong (r = 0.49, 0.43, and 0.15, respectively).  相似文献   

This study compared a carbohydrate-, protein-, and ribose-containing repletion drink vs. carbohydrates alone during 8 weeks of aerobic training. Thirty-two men (age, mean ± SD = 23 ± 3 years) performed tests for aerobic capacity (V(O2)peak), time to exhaustion (TTE) at 90% V(O2)peak, and percent body fat (%fat), and fat-free mass (FFM). Testing was conducted at pre-training (PRE), mid-training at 3 weeks (MID3), mid-training at 6 weeks (MID6), and post-training (POST). Cycle ergometry training was performed at 70% V(O2)peak for 1 hours per day, 5 days per week for 8 weeks. Participants were assigned to a test drink (TEST; 370 kcal, 76 g carbohydrate, 14 g protein, 2.2 g d-ribose; n = 15) or control drink (CON; 370 kcal, 93 g carbohydrate; n = 17) ingested immediately after training. Body weight (BW; 1.8% decrease CON; 1.3% decrease TEST from PRE to POST), %fat (5.5% decrease CON; 3.9% decrease TEST), and FFM (0.1% decrease CON; 0.6% decrease TEST) decreased (p ≤ 0.05), whereas V(O2)peak (19.1% increase CON; 15.8% increase TEST) and TTE (239.1% increase CON; 377.3% increase TEST) increased (p ≤ 0.05) throughout the 8 weeks of training. Percent decreases in %fat from PRE to MID3 and percent increases in FFM from PRE to MID3 and MID6 were greater (p ≤ 0.05) for TEST than CON. Overall, even though the TEST drink did not augment BW, V(O2)peak, or TTE beyond carbohydrates alone, it did improve body composition (%fat and FFM) within the first 3-6 weeks of supplementation, which may be helpful for practitioners to understand how carbohydrate-protein recovery drinks can and cannot improve performance in their athletes.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary supplementation of dihydroxyacetone and pyruvate (DHAP) on endurance capacity and metabolic responses during arm exercise were determined in 10 untrained males (20-26 yr). Subjects performed arm ergometer exercise (60% peak O2 consumption) to exhaustion after consumption of standard diets (55% carbohydrate, 15% protein, 30% fat; 35 kcal/kg) containing either 100 g of Polycose (placebo, P) or DHAP (3:1, treatment) substituted for a portion of carbohydrate. The two diets were administered in a random order, and each was consumed for a 7-day period. Biopsy of the triceps muscle was obtained immediately before and after exercise. Blood samples were drawn through radial artery and axillary vein catheters at rest, after 60 min of exercise, and at exercise termination. Arm endurance was 133 +/- 20 min after P and 160 +/- 22 min after DHAP (P less than 0.01). Triceps glycogen at rest was 88 +/- 8 (P) and 130 +/- 19 mmol/kg (DHAP) (P less than 0.05). Whole arm arteriovenous glucose difference (mmol/l) was greater (P less than 0.05) for DHAP than P at rest (0.60 +/- 0.12 vs. 0.05 +/- 0.09) and after 60 min of exercise (1.00 +/- 0.12 vs. 0.36 +/- 0.11), but it did not differ at exhaustion. Neither respiratory exchange ratio nor respiratory quotient differed between trials at rest, after 60 min of exercise, or at exhaustion. Plasma free fatty acid, glycerol, beta-hydroxybutyrate, catecholamines, and insulin were similar during rest and exercise for both diets. Feeding DHAP for 7 days increased arm muscle glucose extraction before and during exercise, thereby enhancing submaximal arm endurance capacity.  相似文献   

Aerobic exercise training combined with resistance training (RT) might prevent the deterioration of vascular function. However, how aerobic exercise performed before or after a bout of RT affects vascular function is unknown. The present study investigates the effect of aerobic exercise before and after RT on vascular function. Thirty-three young, healthy subjects were randomly assigned to groups that ran before RT (BRT: 4 male, 7 female), ran after RT (ART: 4 male, 7 female), or remained sedentary (SED: 3 male, 8 female). The BRT and ART groups performed RT at 80% of one repetition maximum and ran at 60% of the targeted heart rate twice each week for 8 wk. Both brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) and flow-mediated dilation (FMD) after combined training in the BRT group did not change from baseline. In contrast, baPWV after combined training in the ART group reduced from baseline (from 1,025 +/- 43 to 910 +/- 33 cm/s, P < 0.01). Moreover, brachial artery FMD after combined training in the ART group increased from baseline (from 7.3 +/- 0.8 to 9.6 +/- 0.8%, P < 0.01). Brachial artery diameter, mean blood velocity, and blood flow in the BRT and ART groups after combined training increased from baseline (P < 0.05, P < 0.01, and P < 0.001, respectively). These values returned to the baseline during the detraining period. These values did not change in the SED group. These results suggest that although vascular function is not improved by aerobic exercise before RT, performing aerobic exercise thereafter can prevent the deteriorating of vascular function.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of the NADPH oxidase p22phox C242T polymorphism on endurance exercise performance and oxidative DNA damage in response to acute and chronic exercises. One hundred three subjects were recruited, among which 26 healthy subjects (CC: 12, TC: 12, and TT: 2) were studied during rest, exercise at 85% VO2max, and recovery before and after 8 weeks of tread-mill running. Lymphocyte DNA damage increased significantly in response to exercise (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in plasma MDA, SOD concentrations and lymphocyte DNA damage between CC genotype and T allele group, but significant endurance training differences were observed. Endurance training increased exercise time to exhaustion in both the CC genotype and T allele groups (p < 0.05) but no significant difference was found between groups. The results of the current study with young, healthy, Korean men are interpreted to mean that 1) the majority had the CC genotype of the NADPH oxidase p22phox C242T polymorphism (82.5%: CC, 15.5%: TC, 1.9%: TT), 2) acute exercise increased lymphocyte DNA damage, 3) endurance training significantly increased exercise time to exhaustion, and alleviated lymphocyte DNA damage, and 4) The NADPH oxidase p22phox C242T polymorphism, however, did not alter lymphocyte DNA damage or exercise performance at rest, immediately after exercise, or during recovery.  相似文献   

It is welldocumented that endurance exercise training results in a bluntednorepinephrine (NE) response to exercise of a given absolute exerciseintensity. However, it is not clear what effect traininghas on the catecholamine response to exercise of the same relativeintensity because previous studies have provided conflicting results.The purpose of the present study was, therefore, to determine thecatecholamine response to exercise of the same relative exerciseintensity before and after endurance exercise training. Six women andthree men [age 28 ± 8 (SD) yr] performed 10 wk oftraining. Maximal O2 uptake(O2 max) wasdetermined during treadmill exercise. Fifteen-minute treadmill exercisebouts were performed at 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, and 85% ofO2 max before andafter training.O2 max was increasedby 20% (from 39.2 ± 7.7 to 46.9 ± 8.1 ml · kg1 · min1;P < 0.05) in response to training.Plasma NE concentrations were higher(P < 0.05) during exercise at thesame relative intensity after, compared with before, training at65-85% ofO2 max.Differences between heart rates and plasma epinephrine concentrationsafter, compared with before, training were not statisticallysignificant. These results provide evidence that the NE response toexercise is dependent on the absolute as well as the relative intensity of the exercise.  相似文献   

For many years, it was believed that ventilation does not limit performance in healthy humans. Recently, however, it has been shown that inspiratory muscles can become fatigued during intense endurance exercise and decrease their exercise performance. Therefore, it is not surprising that respiratory endurance training can prolong intense constant-intensity cycling exercise. To investigate the effects of respiratory endurance training on blood lactate concentration and oxygen consumption (VO2) during exercise and their relationship to performance, 20 healthy, active subjects underwent 30 min of voluntary, isocapnic hyperpnoea 5 days a week, for 4 weeks. Respiratory endurance tests, as well as incremental and constant-intensity exercise tests on a cycle ergometer, were performed before and after the 4-week period. Respiratory endurance increased from 4.6 (SD 2.5) to 29.1 (SD 4.0) min (P < 0.001) and cycling endurance time was prolonged from 20.9 (SD 5.5) to 26.6 (SD 11.8) min (P < 0.01) after respiratory training. The VO2 did not change at any exercise intensity whereas blood lactate concentration was lower at the end of the incremental [10.4 (SD 2.1) vs 8.8 (SD 1.9) mmol x l(-1), P < 0.001] as well as at the end of the endurance exercise [10.4 (SD 3.6) vs 9.6 (SD 2.7) mmol x l(-1), P < 0.01] test after respiratory training. We speculate that the reduction in blood lactate concentration was most likely caused by an improved lactate uptake by the trained respiratory muscles. However, reduced exercise blood lactate concentrations per se are unlikely to explain the improved cycling performance after respiratory endurance training.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of preexercise mealcomposition on metabolic and performance-related variables duringendurance exercise. Eight well-trained cyclists (maximal oxygen uptake65.0 to 83.5 ml · kg1 · min1)were studied on three occasions after an overnight fast. They weregiven isoenergetic meals containing carbohydrate (CHO), protein (P),and fat (F) in the following amounts (g/70 kg body wt):high-carbohydrate meal, 215 CHO, 26 P, 3 F; high-fat meal, 50 CHO, 14 P, 80 F. On the third occasion subjects were studied after an overnightfast. Four hours after consumption of the meal, subjects startedexercise for 90 min at 70% of their maximal oxygen uptake, followed by a 10-km time trial. The high-carbohydrate meal compared with the high-fat meal resulted in significant decreases(P < 0.05) in blood glucose, plasmanonesterified fatty acids, plasma glycerol, plasmachylomicron-triacylglycerol, and plasma 3-hydroxybutyrate concentrations during exercise. This was accompanied by anincrease in plasma insulin (P < 0.01 vs. no meal), plasma epinephrine, and plasma growth hormoneconcentrations (each P < 0.05 vs.either of the other conditions) during exercise. Despite these large differences in substrate and hormone concentrations in plasma, substrate oxidation during the 90-min exercise period was similar inthe three trials, and there were no differences in performance on thetime trial. These results suggest that, although the availability offatty acids and other substrates in plasma can be markedly altered bydietary means, the pattern of substrate oxidation during enduranceexercise is remarkably resistant to alteration.


Plasma volume (PV) expansion by endurance training and/or heat acclimatization is known to increase aerobic and thermoregulatory capacities in humans. Also, higher erythrocyte volume (EV) fractions in blood are known to improve these capacities. We tested the hypothesis that training in a hypobaric hypoxic and warm environment would increase peak aerobic power (VO(2)(peak)) and forearm skin vascular conductance (FVC) response to increased esophageal temperature (T(es)) more than training in either environment alone, by increasing both PV and EV. Twenty men were divided into four training regimens (n = 5 each): low-altitude cool (610-m altitude, 20 degrees C ambient temperature, 50% relative humidity), high-altitude cool (2,000 m, 20 degrees C), low-altitude warm (610 m, 30 degrees C), and high-altitude warm (HW; 2,000 m, 30 degrees C). They exercised on a cycle ergometer at 60% VO(2)(peak) for 1 h/day for 10 days in a climate chamber. After training, PV increased in all trials, but EV increased in only high-altitude trials (both P < 0.05). VO(2)(peak) increased in all trials (P < 0.05) but without any significant differences among trials. FVC response to increased T(es) was measured during exercise at 60% of the pretraining VO(2)(peak) at 610 m and 30 degrees C. After the training, T(es) threshold for increasing FVC decreased in warm trials (P < 0.05) but not in cool trials and was significantly lower in HW than in cool trials (P < 0.05). The slope of FVC increase/T(es) increase increased in all trials (P < 0.05) except for high-altitude cool (P > 0.4) and was significantly higher in HW than in cool trials (P < 0.05). Thus, against our hypothesis, the VO(2)(peak) for HW did not increase more than in other trials. Moreover, slope of FVC increase/T(es) increase in HW increased most, despite the similar increase in blood volume, suggesting that factors other than blood volume were involved in the highest FVC response in HW.  相似文献   

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