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The beneficial effect of hemodilution on cerebral blood flow (CBF) during focal cerebral ischemia is mitigated by reduced arterial oxygen content (CaO2). In anesthetized cats subjected to permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion, the time course of regional CBF was evaluated after isovolemic exchange transfusion with either albumin or a tetrameric hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier. The transfusion started 30 min after arterial occlusion. We tested the hypothesis that bulk oxygen transport (CBF x CaO2) to ischemic tissue is increased by hemoglobin transfusion at a hematocrit of 18% compared with albumin-transfused cats at a hematocrit of 18% or control cats at a hematocrit of 30% and equivalent arterial pressure. In the nonischemic hemisphere, CBF increased selectively after albumin transfusion, and oxygen transport was similar among groups. In the ischemic cortex, albumin transfusion increased CBF, but oxygen transport was not increased above that of the control group. Hemoglobin transfusion increased both CBF and oxygen transport in the ischemic cortex above values in the control group, but the increase was delayed until 4 h of ischemia. Consequently, acute injury volume measured at 6 h of ischemia was not significantly attenuated. In contrast to the cortex, CBF in the ischemic caudate nucleus was not substantially increased by either albumin or hemoglobin transfusion. Therefore, in a large animal model of permanent focal ischemia in which transfusion starts 30 min after ischemia, tetrameric cross-linked hemoglobin transfusion can augment oxygen transport to the ischemic cortex, but the increase can be delayed and not necessarily provide protection. Moreover, an end-artery region such as the caudate nucleus is less likely to benefit from hemodilution.  相似文献   

In May 1982, a questionnaire was sent to all of the 170 French Blood Transfusion Services (BTS), on behalf of the French Society of Blood Transfusion. The purpose was to determine the types of automated equipment used for immunohematological controls, the way in which they are used and the result of automation and computerization in daily laboratory operations. We received 135 replies (80%). A generalized conclusion can be drawn from the collected information. 50% of the respondents are neither automated nor computerized. 30% are both automated and computerized. 10% are automated but not computerized and 8% are not automated but are computerized. In the field of automated serology there is an increased tendency to complete the ABO/Rh testing by Cc D Ee and Kell phenotyping. The use of computers allows the current test determination to be compared with previous donation data. However, no fully automated equipment, which can conduct antibody screening, exists, cost effectively, in small or average BTS. In France, there has been a significant increase in automation between 1970 and 1980 but only the most important BTS have carried out automation at the same time as computerization. The smaller BTS have usually become automated without becoming computerized. In 1978, Codabar was first used. This has been one of the principal advances of the last 10 years, allowing all the users of automation to start moving towards complete computerization. This advance was assisted by the use of prepackaged software. This questionnaire also determined that the current emphasis is now to computerize administrative and management activities before laboratory activities. This survey has been conducted during a turning point of the automation of French BTS. It shows that they are, on the whole, satisfied with their automation. As far as the safety and the efficiency of the service are concerned, it is only fair to consider that the main purposes of the automation have been achieved. But in terms of cost, and serological accuracy for antibody screening, a new generation of automated equipment should appear to satisfy the users in the nineties.  相似文献   

Johansen, Lars Bo, Thomas Ulrik Skram Jensen, Bettina Pump,and Peter Norsk. Contribution of abdomen and legs to central bloodvolume expansion in humans during immersion. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 695-699, 1997.The hypothesis wastested that the abdominal area constitutes an important reservoir forcentral blood volume expansion (CBVE) during water immersion inhumans. Six men underwent 1) water immersion for 30 min (WI),2) water immersion for 30 min withthigh cuff inflation (250 mmHg) during initial 15 min to exclude legsfrom contributing to CBVE (WI+Occl), and3) a seated nonimmersed control with15 min of thigh cuff inflation (Occl). Plasma protein concentration andhematocrit decreased from 68 ± 1 to 64 ± 1 g/l and from 46.7 ± 0.3 to 45.5 ± 0.4%(P < 0.05), respectively, during WIbut were unchanged during WI+Occl. Left atrial diameter increased from27 ± 2 to 36 ± 1 mm (P < 0.05) during WI and increased similarly during WI+Occl from 27 ± 2 to 35 ± 1 mm (P < 0.05). Centralvenous pressure increased from 3.7 ± 1.0 to 10.4 ± 0.8 mmHg during WI (P < 0.05) butonly increased to 7.0 ± 0.8 mmHg during WI+Occl(P < 0.05). In conclusion, the dilution of blood induced by WI to the neck is caused by fluid from thelegs, whereas the CBVE is caused mainly by blood from theabdomen.


To examine the influence of an increase in central blood volume with head-out water immersion (WI) on the sympathoadrenal response to graded dynamic exercise, nine healthy men underwent upright leg cycle exercise on land and with WI. Plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine concentrations were used as indexes of overall sympathoadrenal activity. Oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and plasma concentrations of norepinephrine, epinephrine, and lactate were determined at work loads corresponding to approximately 40, 60, 80, and 100% peak VO2. Peak VO2 did not differ on land and with WI. Plasma norepinephrine concentration was reduced (P less than 0.05) at 80 and 100% peak VO2 with WI and on land, respectively. Plasma epinephrine and lactate concentrations were similar on land and with WI at the three submaximal work stages, but both were reduced (P less than 0.05) at peak exertion with WI. Heart rate was lower (P less than 0.05) at the three highest work intensities with WI. These results suggest that the central shift in blood volume with WI reduces the sympathoadrenal response to high-intensity dynamic exercise.  相似文献   

To assess the relationship between blood volume (BV) and the reduction in plasma volume (PV) during exercise in individual variations, we measured BV and changes in PV in thirteen male volunteers during treadmill exercise until exhaustion. The lactate threshold (LT), as a predictor of aerobic exercise capacity, was calculated from the exercise intensity at the point of plasma lactate concentration buildup to 4 mmol. The relationship of peak VO2 with BV indicated a significant positive correlation. The strong positive relation between the shifts in PV and total PV, and resulted in a maintenance of the circulating BV.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine whether the effect of changes in central blood volume on carotid-vasomotor baroreflex sensitivity at rest was the same during exercise. Eight men (means +/- SE: age 26 +/- 1 yr; height 180 +/- 3 cm; weight 86 +/- 6 kg) participated in the present study. Sixteen Torr of lower body negative pressure (LBNP) were applied to decrease central venous pressure (CVP) at rest and during steady-state leg cycling at 50% peak O2 uptake (104 +/- 20 W). Subsequently, infusions of 25% human serum albumin solution were administered to increase CVP at rest and during exercise. During all protocols, heart rate, arterial blood pressure, and CVP were recorded continuously. At each stage of LBNP or albumin infusion, the maximal gain (G(max)) of the carotid-vasomotor baroreflex function curve was measured using the neck pressure and neck suction technique. LBNP reduced CVP and increased the G(max) of the carotid-vasomotor baroreflex function curve at rest (+63 +/- 25%, P = 0.006) and during exercise (+69 +/- 19%, P = 0.002). In contrast to the LBNP, increases in CVP resulted in the G(max) of the carotid-vasomotor baroreflex function curve being decreased at rest -8 +/- 4% and during exercise -18 +/- 5% (P > 0.05). These findings indicate that the relationship between CVP and carotid-vasomotor baroreflex sensitivity was nonlinear at rest and during exercise and suggests a saturation load of the cardiopulmonary baroreceptors at which carotid-vasomotor baroreflex sensitivity remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Hanel, Birgitte, Inge Teunissen, Alan Rabøl,Jørgen Warberg, and Niels H. Secher. Restricted postexercisepulmonary diffusion capacity and central blood volume depletion.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1): 11-17, 1997.Pulmonary diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide(DLCO),regional electrical impedance(Z0), and the distribution oftechnetium-99m-labeled erythrocytes together with concentration ofplasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were determined before andafter a 6-min "all-out" row in nine oarsmen and in six controlsubjects. Two and one-half hours after exercise in the upright seatedposition,DLCO wasreduced by 6 (2 to 21; median and range) %, thethoracic-to-thigh electrical impedance ratio(Z0 thorax/Z0 thigh)rose by 14 (1 to 29) %, paralleled by a 7 (3 to 11) % decrease and a 3 (5 to 12) % increase in the thoracic and thighblood volume, respectively. These responses were associated with adecrease in the plasma ANP concentration from 15 (13-31) to 12 (9-27) pmol/l (P < 0.05).Similarly, in the supine position,Z0 thorax/Z0 thighincreased by 10 (5 to 28) % whenDLCO wasreduced 12 (6-26) % (P < 0.05), whereasDLCO remained stable in the control group. The increase inZ0 thorax/Z0 thigh and the corresponding redistribution of the blood volume in both bodypositions show that approximately one-half of the postexercise reduction ofDLCO isexplained by a decrease in the pulmonary blood volume. The role of areduced postexercise central blood volume is underscored by the lowerplasma ANP, which aids in upregulating the blood volume after exercisein athletes.


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