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We have yet to understand fully how conditions during different periods of development interact to influence life-history structure. Can the negative effects of poor juvenile nutrition be overcome by a good adult diet, or are life-history strategies set by early experience? Here, we tested the influence and interaction of different nutritional quality during juvenile and sexual development on female resource allocation physiology, life history and courtship behaviour in the cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea. Nymphs were raised on either a good-quality or poor-quality diet. After adult eclosion, females were either switched to the opposite diet or remained on their original diet. We assessed mating behaviour and lifetime reproductive success for half of the females from each treatment. We evaluated reproductive investment, somatic investment and resource reallocation from reproduction to the soma via oocyte apoptosis in the remaining females. We found that poor juvenile conditions resulted in a fat phenotype with slow juvenile growth and short reproductive lifespan that could not be retrieved with a change in diet. Good juvenile conditions resulted in the converse, but again fixed, phenotype in adulthood. Thus, juvenile nutrition sets adult patterns of resource allocation.  相似文献   

Plasticity or evolution in behavioural responses are key attributes of successful animal invasions. In northern Australia, the invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) recently invaded semi-arid regions. Here, cane toads endure repeated daily bouts of severe desiccation and thermal stress during the long dry season (April–October). We investigated whether cane toads have shifted their ancestral nocturnal rehydration behaviour to one that exploits water resources during the day. Such a shift in hydration behaviour could increase the fitness of individual toads by reducing exposure to desiccation and thermal stress suffered during the day even within terrestrial shelters. We used a novel method (acoustic tags) to monitor the daily hydration behaviour of 20 toads at two artificial reservoirs on Camfield station, Northern Territory. Remarkably, cane toads visited reservoirs to rehydrate during daylight hours, with peaks in activity between 9.00 and 17.00. This diurnal pattern of rehydration activity contrasts with nocturnal rehydration behaviour exhibited by adult toads in their native geographical range and more mesic parts of Australia. Our results demonstrate that cane toads phase shift a key behaviour to survive in a harsh semi-arid landscape. Behavioural phase shifts have rarely been reported in invasive species but could facilitate ongoing invasion success.  相似文献   

Although generalized habitat use may contribute to the success of invasive taxa, even species that are typically described as habitat generalists exhibit non‐random patterns of habitat use. We measured abiotic and biotic factors in 42 plots (each 100 × 10 m) along a 4.2‐km long unpaved road in tropical Australia, at a site that had been invaded by cane toads (Rhinella marina Bufonidae) seven years previously. We also counted anurans at night in each of these plots on 103 nights during the tropical wet season, over a five‐year period, beginning soon after the initial toad invasion. Spatial distributions differed significantly among adult male toads (n = 1047), adult female toads (n = 1222), juvenile toads (n = 342) and native frogs (Cyclorana australis Hylidae, n = 234). Adult male toads were closely associated with water bodies used as calling and/or spawning sites, whereas adult female toads and native frogs were most commonly encountered in drier forested areas on sloping ground. Juvenile toads used the margins of the floodplain more than conspecific adults did, but the floodplain itself was rarely used. Understanding which components of the habitat are most important to specific age and sex classes within a population, or how invasive species differ from native species in this respect, can clarify issues such as the spatial and temporal location of ecological impact by an invader, and the most effective places for control of the invader with minimal collateral effects on the native biota.  相似文献   

Food availability can vary widely for animals in nature and can have large effects on growth, reproduction and survival. While the consequences of food limitation for animals have been extensively studied, significant questions still remain including how ontogenetic variation in food availability contributes to lifetime reproductive success. We tested the effects of juvenile and adult food limitation on the lifetime reproductive success and lifespan of bridge spiders, Larinioides sclopetarius. Food availability was manipulated (low or high) over the entire juvenile and adult stage in a full‐factorial design and reproductive output and lifespan were measured. Juvenile and adult food limitation both reduced lifetime egg and hatchling production with effect sizes that were not significantly different from each other. Unlike some other arthropods, where juvenile food limitation reduces fecundity by reducing adult body size, body size was not affected by juvenile diet in bridge spiders. Clutch size was also significantly reduced by both juvenile and adult food limitation. The effect of adult diet on clutch size was stronger than that of juvenile diet. Juvenile and adult food limitation both extended total lifespan, and adult food limitation extended adult longevity (i.e. time from maturation to death). However, juvenile food limitation decreased adult longevity, in contrast to what would be predicted by dietary or caloric restriction. Compensatory feeding and growth are widely recognized mechanisms through which animals can ameliorate some of the negative effects of periods of food limitation. Yet our results combined with studies of a range of other species suggest that there may be lasting consequences of juvenile food limitation on lifetime reproductive success that cannot be compensated for by adult feeding in some species.  相似文献   

Social interactions with adults are often critical for the development of mating behaviours. However, the potential role of other primary social partners such as juvenile counterparts is rarely considered. Most interestingly, it is not known whether interactions with juvenile females improve males’ courtship and whether, similar to the winner and loser effects in a fighting context—outcome of these interactions shapes males’ behaviour in future encounters. We investigated the combined effects of male quality and juvenile social experience on pairing success at adulthood in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). We manipulated brood size to alter male quality and then placed males in either same- or mixed-sex juvenile dyads until adulthood. We found that males from reduced broods obtained more copulations and males from mixed-sex dyads had more complete courtships. Furthermore, independent of their quality, males that failed to pair with juvenile females, but not juvenile males, had a lower pairing success at adulthood. Our study shows that negative social experience with peers during adolescence may be a potent determinant of pairing success that can override the effects of early environmental conditions on male attractiveness and thereby supports the occurrence of an analogous process to the loser effect in a mating context.  相似文献   

Diurnal activity is characteristic of many toad species, including Bufo granulosus from the Brazilian semi-arid biome called the Caatinga. Because of their patterns of activity, juvenile toads are exposed to hot and dehydrating conditions. Our investigation focuses on temperature and water relationships, and is based on the prediction that anuran diurnal activity in a semi-arid environment must be associated with morphological, physiological and behavioral traits enhancing thermal tolerances, capacity for performance at high temperatures and water balance. To test specific hypothesis related with this prediction, we investigated postmetamorphic B. granulosus and collected data on thermal tolerances and preferences, thermal safety margins, thermal dependence of locomotor behavior, thermal and kinetic properties of citrate synthase (CS), and skin morphophysiology. This information was compared with additional data from adult conspecifics and adult toads from sympatric species or from species from more moderate environments. We found that juvenile B. granulosus exhibit the highest critical maximum temperature reported for toads (44.2 degrees C) and are well suited to move at high temperatures. However, and in contrast with juveniles of other Bufo species, they do not show thermal preferences in a gradient and appear to hydroregulate more than thermoregulate. The CS of adult and juvenile toads shows typical patterns of thermal sensibility, but the thermal stability of this enzyme is much higher in juveniles than in adult Bufo of any other species studied. The inguinal skin exhibits a complex folding pattern and seems highly specialized for capillary water uptake. Diurnal activity in juvenile B. granulosus is possible given high thermal tolerances, keen ability to detect and uptake water, and avoidance behaviors.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have demonstrated the importance of predator diet in chemically mediated antipredator behaviour. However, there are few data on responses to life-stage-specific predator diets, which could be important for animals like amphibians that undergo metamorphosis and must respond to different suites of predators at different life-history stages. In laboratory choice tests, we investigated the chemically mediated avoidance response of juvenile western toads, Bufo boreas, to four different chemical stimuli: (1) live conspecific juveniles; (2) live earthworms; (3) snakes fed juvenile conspecifics; and (4) snakes fed larval conspecifics (tadpoles). Juvenile toads avoided chemical cues from snakes that had eaten juvenile conspecifics, but did not respond to the other three stimuli, including chemical cues from snakes fed larval conspecifics. In addition, the response to cues from snakes fed juveniles differed significantly from that of snakes fed larvae. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate the importance of diet in predator avoidance of juvenile anurans and the ability of juvenile toads to distinguish between chemical cues from predators that have consumed larval versus juvenile conspecifics. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Monoamines are important neuromodulators that respond to social cues and that can, in turn, modify social responses. Yet we know very little about the ontogeny of monoaminergic systems and whether they contribute to the development of social behavior. Anurans are an excellent model for studying the development of social behavior because one of its primary components, phonotaxis, is expressed early in life. To examine the effect of social signals on monoamines early in ontogeny, we presented juvenile Mexican spadefoot toads (Spea multiplicata) with a male mating call or no sound and measured norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and a serotonin metabolite, across the brain using high-pressure liquid chromatography. Our results demonstrate that adult-like monoaminergic systems are in place shortly after metamorphosis. Perhaps more interestingly, we found that mating calls increased the level of monoamines in the juvenile tegmentum, a midbrain region involved in sensory-motor integration and that contributes to brain arousal and attention. We saw no such increase in the auditory midbrain or in forebrain regions. We suggest that changes in monoamine levels in the juvenile tegmentum may reflect the effects of social signals on arousal state and could contribute to context-dependent modulation of social behavior.  相似文献   

Environmental factors influence variation in life histories by affecting growth, development, and reproduction. We conducted an experiment in outdoor mesocosms to examine how diet and a time constraint on juvenile development (pond‐drying) influence life‐history trade‐offs (growth, development, adult body mass) in the caddis fly Limnephilus externus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). We predicted that: (1) diet supplementation would accelerate larval growth and development, and enhance survival to adulthood; (2) pond‐drying would accelerate development and increase larval mortality; and (3) the relationship between adult mass and age at maturity would be negative. Diet supplementation did lead to larger adult mass under nondrying conditions, but did not significantly alter growth or development rates. Contrary to predictions, pond‐drying reduced growth rates and delayed development. The slope (positive or negative) of the female mass–age at maturity relationship depended on interactions with diet or pond‐drying, but the male mass–age relationship was negative and independent of treatment. Our results suggest that pond‐drying can have negative effects on the future fitness of individuals by increasing the risk of desiccation‐induced, pre‐reproductive mortality and decreasing adult body size at maturity. These negative effects on life history cannot be overcome with additional nutritional resources in this species. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 495–504.  相似文献   

Juvenile population density has profound effects on subsequent adult development, morphology and reproductive investment. Yet, little is known about how the juvenile social environment affects adult investment into chemical sexual signalling. Male gumleaf skeletonizer moths, Uraba lugens, facultatively increase investment into antennae (pheromone receiving structures) when reared at low juvenile population densities, but whether there is comparable adjustment by females into pheromone investment is not known. We investigate how juvenile population density influences the ‘calling'' (pheromone-releasing) behaviour of females and the attractiveness of their pheromones. Female U. lugens adjust their calling behaviour in response to socio-sexual cues: adult females reared in high juvenile population densities called earlier and for longer than those from low juvenile densities. Juvenile density also affected female pheromonal attractiveness: Y-maze olfactometer assays revealed that males prefer pheromones produced by females reared at high juvenile densities. This strategic investment in calling behaviour by females, based on juvenile cues that anticipate the future socio-sexual environment, likely reflects a response to avoid mating failure through competition with neighbouring signallers.  相似文献   

Understanding predator-prey dynamics is an important component of management strategy development for wildlife populations that are directly affected by predation. Ungulates often serve as a significant source of prey for many large mammal predators, and patterns of predation are known to influence population dynamics. Although black bear and wolf diets have been investigated extensively, prey preference has been less commonly examined, especially in analyses that take into account age class (i.e., juvenile and adult) of the ungulate prey. We examined black bear (Ursus americanus), wolf (Canis lupus), and hybrids (Canis spp.) prey preference in Ontario based on the availability of three ungulate species—elk (Cervus elaphus), moose (Alces alces), and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). We analyzed the presence of prey items in black bear and wolf scats collected over 3 years by examining prey hair cuticular scale patterns. We applied correction factors to frequencies of occurrence of prey items found in predator scat and related diet composition to the availability of ungulates, determined by fecal pellet transect surveys. In addition, non-ungulate diet items were identified to obtain full diet composition profiles. We found that black bear diet consisted of more than 87% vegetation, and they were opportunistic, not selecting for any particular ungulate species in either adult or juvenile age class. Wolf diet was comprised mainly of ungulates (~?73.2%), muskrat (Ondatra zibethica; ~?8.5%), and beaver (Castor canadensis; ~?14.6%), and although moose were at least 1.5 times more abundant then each of the other ungulate prey species in the study area, wolves preferred elk, using moose less than expected. Although we found black bear diet to be opportunistic during the summer, wolves in our study heavily utilized both juvenile and adult ungulates, however, among ungulate species, displayed preference for elk. The preference displayed by wolves provides insight that wildlife managers can use to guide further investigation and assist with the development of strategies to ensure continued elk reintroduction success, and moose and white-tailed deer population sustainability.  相似文献   

Summary Following metamorphosis, juvenile toads form dense, heliothermic aggregations on the margins of the ponds from which they emerge. After a period of growth and development, during which body mass increases ten-fold, the juveniles disperse from the pond and assume the solitary, nocturnal habits that characterize adult toads.The dispersal of the toads coincides with the culmination of ontogenetic changes in activity metabolism. Unlike adults, juvenile toads exhaust rapidly when exercised and exhibit a low aerobic component of total metabolic scope. Values of aerobic scope for sustained activity ranged from 0.5 ml O2/(g·h) for the smallest juveniles to 1.0 ml O2/(g·h) for adults. The capacity of juveniles for oxygen consumption increases rapidly with growth, reaching the level of mature animals immediately prior to dispersal.In contrast to aerobic metabolism, anaerobic scope was independent of body size. Whole body lactate content after a 1 min bout of vigorous activity was elevated above the resting level by 0.14 mg lactate/g for both juvenile and adult animals.The elevated body temperatures that are achieved by basking juvenile toads probably hasten their physiological development and increase their capacity for aerobic metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract The introduced and highly toxic cane toad (Bufo marinus) is rapidly spreading across northern Australia where it may affect populations of large terrestrial vertebrate predators. The ecological impact of cane toads will depend upon the diets, foraging modes and habitat use of native predators, and their feeding responses to cane toads. However, intraspecific niche partitioning may influence the degree of vulnerability of predators to toxic prey, as well as the time course of the impact of alien invaders on native species. We studied the diet of the northern death adder Acanthophis praelongus and their feeding responses to cane toads. In the laboratory, death adders from all size classes and sexes readily consumed frogs and cane toads. Diets of free ranging A. praelongus from the Adelaide River floodplain were more heterogeneous. Juvenile snakes ate mainly frogs (39% of prey items) and small scincid lizards (43%). Both sexes displayed an ontogenetic dietary shift from lizards to mammals, but adult males fed on frogs (49%) and mammals (39%) whereas adult females (which grew larger than males) fed mainly on mammals (91%) and occasionally, frogs (9%). Feeding rates and body condition of adult snakes varied temporally and tracked fluctuations in prey availability. These results suggest that cane toads may negatively affect populations of northern death adders in the Darwin region. However, we predict that different size and sex classes of A. praelongus will experience differential mortality rates over different timescales. The initial invasion of large toads may affect adult males, but juveniles may be unaffected until juvenile toads appear the following year, and major affects on adult female death adders may be delayed until annual rainfall fluctuations reduce the availability of alternative (rodent) prey.  相似文献   

The relatedness of individuals can have pronounced effects on behavioural interactions, as engaging in mutually beneficial behaviours with kin can increase inclusive fitness. Parental care can be particularly important for kin discrimination in birds and mammals, but similar studies have not been conducted on species exhibiting more rudimentary forms of care. Maternal attendance of young is ubiquitous among viviparous temperate pitvipers, but the adaptive value of this behaviour has received little attention. We sought to determine if being deprived of a maternal attendance period as neonates altered how cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus Lacépède), a common North American pitviper, responded to kin vs. non‐kin. We measured the affiliative behaviour of related and unrelated juvenile–juvenile and mother–juvenile pairs that had been allowed a maternal attendance period or had been separated since birth. We found that maternal attendance was not required for sibling or mother–offspring recognition, but did enhance female affiliative behaviour overall, and particularly that of sisters. In contrast, related juveniles that were separated at birth showed a reversal of the sex‐specific affiliative behaviour observed in maternally attended juveniles. Post‐birth separation had only a modest effect on mother–juvenile affiliative behaviour, and no effect on the strong affiliation between mothers and daughters. The patterns of affiliative behaviour observed in maternally attended snakes corresponded to patterns that have emerged from previous captive and field studies of pitvipers; however, the behaviour of juveniles separated at birth was atypical. Thus, it is possible that maternal attendance plays some role in the development of adaptive sex‐specific and kin‐directed affiliative behaviour in pitvipers.  相似文献   

Population structures largely affect higher levels of organization (community structure, ecosystem functioning), especially when involving ontogenetic changes in habitat or diet. Along life cycles, partners and interaction type may change: for instance Lepidopterans are herbivores as larvae and pollinators as adults. To understand variations in diet niche from larvae to adults, we model a community of two plant species and one stage‐structured insect species consuming plants as juvenile and pollinating them as adult. We model the coevolution of juvenile and adult diet specialization using adaptive dynamics to investigate when one should expect niche partitioning or niche overlap among life stages. We consider ecological and evolutionary implications for the coexistence of species. As predicted based on indirect effects among stages, we find that juvenile diet evolution increases niche overlap and favours the coexistence of plants, while the evolution of the adult diet decreases niche overlap and reduces plant coexistence, because of positive feedbacks emerging from the mutualistic interaction.  相似文献   

Harper EB  Semlitsch RD 《Oecologia》2007,153(4):879-889
Populations of species with complex life cycles have the potential to be regulated at multiple life history stages. However, research tends to focus on single stage density-dependence, which can lead to inaccurate conclusions about population regulation and subsequently hinder conservation efforts. In amphibians, many studies have demonstrated strong effects of larval density and have often assumed that populations are regulated at this life history stage. However, studies examining density regulation in the terrestrial stages are rare, and the functional relationships between terrestrial density and vital rates in amphibians are unknown. We determined the effects of population density on survival, growth and reproductive development in the terrestrial stage of two amphibians by raising juvenile wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) and American toads (Bufo americanus) at six densities in terrestrial enclosures. Density had strong negative effects on survival, growth and reproductive development in both species. We fitted a priori recruitment functions to describe the relationship between initial density and the density of survivors after one year, and determined the functional relationship between initial density and mass after one year. Animals raised at the lowest densities experienced growth and survival rates that were over twice as great as those raised at the highest density. All female wood frogs in the lowest density treatment showed signs of reproductive development, compared to only 6% in the highest density treatment. Female American toads reached minimum reproductive size only at low densities, and male wood frogs and American toads reached maturity only in the three lowest density treatments. Our results demonstrate that in the complex life cycle of amphibians, density in the terrestrial stage can reduce growth, survival and reproductive development and may play an important role in amphibian population regulation. We discuss the implications of these results for population regulation in complex life cycles and for amphibian conservation.  相似文献   

Biological invasions can expose native predators to novel prey which may be less nutritious or detrimental to predators. The introduction and subsequent spread of cane toads (Bufo marinus) through Australia has killed many anuran-eating snakes unable to survive the toad’s toxins. However, one native species, the keelback snake (Tropidonophis mairii), is relatively resistant to toad toxins and remains common in toad-infested areas. Is the keelback’s ability to coexist with toads a function of its ancestral Asian origins, or a consequence of rapid adaptation since cane toads arrived in Australia? And does the snake’s feeding preference for frogs rather than toads reflect an innate or learned behaviour? We compared keelback populations long sympatric with toads with a population that has encountered toads only recently. Unlike toad-vulnerable snake species, sympatry with toads has not affected keelback toxin tolerances or feeding responses: T. mairii from toad-sympatric and toad-naïve populations show a similar sensitivity to toad toxin, and a similar innate preference for frogs rather than toads. Feeding responses of neonatal keelbacks demonstrate that learning plays little or no role in the snake’s aversion to toads. Thus, behavioural aversion to B. marinus as prey, and physiological tolerance to toad toxins are pre-existing innate characteristics of Australian keelbacks rather than adaptations to the cane toad’s invasion of Australia. Such traits were most likely inherited from ancestral keelbacks that adapted to the presence of bufonids in Asia. Our results suggest that the impact of invasive species on native taxa may be strongly influenced by the biogeographic histories of the species involved.  相似文献   

Mating decisions can vary considerably depending on individual experience, mate availability and nutritional status. Here, we applied short‐term dietary restrictions to adult female spiders that were well fed during the juvenile stage in an effort to understand whether and how brief periods of food shortage can influence male and female mating decisions and mating behaviour. To assess whether responses vary between closely related species, we conducted the same experiment on the dwarf spiders Oedothorax retusus and O. apicatus. During courtship and mating, males of both species offer secretion to females from glandular tissue in their prosoma. Females were subject to food shortage over a period of 3 wks (‘low‐diet’ treatment, LD) or fed regularly (‘high‐diet’ treatment, HD). We compared courtship probability, mating probability/behaviour, and reproductive output between dietary groups and species. In both Oedothorax species, females in the LD treatment were less likely to mate and more aggressive towards males. Furthermore, LD females produced egg sacs that were significantly lighter than were those of the HD females. Effects of food deprivation on copulation duration, gustatory behaviour and oviposition latency differed between species. Our study shows that short periods of dietary restriction during the adult stage can strongly affect mating behaviour and reproductive output with differences between closely related species.  相似文献   

Like many invasive species, cane toads (Rhinella marina) in Australia concentrate in the disturbed habitats created by human activity, rather than in pristine areas. We surveyed cane toads in the wet–dry tropics of the Northern Territory to assess the abundances, body sizes, sexes, behaviour, hydration state and feeding rates of toads around buildings compared to those in areas remote from buildings, and conducted experimental trials to assess the effects of building-related variables (lights and increased toad densities) on the foraging success of toads. Toads around buildings were smaller than bushland conspecifics, and adult sex-ratios were female-biased. Toads were more sedentary around buildings than in the bush, but their feeding rates (based on direct observations and faeces production post-capture) were similar. That similarity, despite twofold-higher densities of competing toads around building, reflected the strong enhancement of feeding rates due to artificial lights attracting insects (in our experimental trials, a threefold increase regardless of the number of competing toads). Toads collected from around buildings were apparently in better hydric condition. Thus, access to water also may attract toads to buildings. The relative scarcity of adult male toads around buildings likely reflects waterbody-centred reproductive activities, whereas the concentration of females and juveniles around buildings is driven largely by access to the insects attracted by artificial light. We conclude that buildings enhance the persistence of cane toad populations and may facilitate their spread.  相似文献   

Aspects of visual optics were investigated in the American toad (Bufo americanus). The development of the refractive state of the eye during metamorphosis was followed with IR photoretinoscopy. Frozen sections documented the changes in optical parameters before and after metamorphosis. There is a difference in light sensitivity between juvenile and adult toads. Binocular accommodation in adult toads was observed. 1. IR photoretinoscopic measurements showed that the refractive state of the eye changed very rapidly during metamorphosis, about 10 D/h while the animal entered the terrestrial habitat. 2. Frozen sections showed that the almost spherical lens in a tadpole eye had flattened in a just metamorphosed toad's eye while at the same time the distance of the lens to the retina had decreased. However, the morphological measurements were not sufficiently sensitive to record the relatively small changes in ocular dimensions that were responsible for the rapid changes in refractive state during metamorphosis. 3. Schematic eyes, with homogeneous and non homogeneous lenses, were constructed for tadpoles, juvenile toads, and adult toads. 4. Nonparaxial raytracing studies in schematic eyes suggested that the lenses of animals of the three developmental stages tadpole, juvenile toad, and adult are not homogeneous but have a refractive index gradient. The raytracing studies indicated that the refractive index gradient is different for the different developmental stages, being highest in the tadpole lens. 5. The observations of toads during feeding behavior at different light levels showed an increased light sensitivity in the adult nocturnal toads in contrast to the juvenile animals, which are diurnal. The increased light sensitivity could partly be explained with an increase in aperture and an increase in red rod outer segments. To fully explain the higher light sensitivity in adult toads, changes in neuronal parameters had to be assumed. 6. Retinoscopic measurements of the resting refractive state in the adult toad showed a hyperopic defocus of about +8 D. By subtracting the measurement artefact for retinoscopy, the true resting focus was found to be nearly emmetropic. 7. The amount of natural accommodation in adult toads during normal feeding behavior was investigated with IR photoretinoscopy. Binocular accommodation of about 8 D was observed.  相似文献   

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