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Three behaviors of epidemiological importance, namely feeding latency, feeding duration and defecation latency, for six populations of Meccus phyllosomus longipennis (Usinger) from areas of central, western and north-central Mexico with high (HP) and low (LP) prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas) human infection were evaluated in this study. The median feeding latency (the time taken to begin feeding) was highly variable between instars. Within–instar comparisons showed that at least 65% of the LP populations (N3 to adult) started to feed significantly (P < 0.05) later than the HP population, with N1 showing no difference, and N2 from LP populations feeding sooner than those from HP populations. The six populations had similar median feeding durations within instars. A higher (P < 0.05) percentage of the instars from HP populations defecated faster than the respective instars from the three LP populations. Approximately 25% of the young nymphs (N1 to N3) and females in the HP populations defecated < 2 min postfeeding, compared with 4%–6% of the young nymphs and 1.3%–3% of females in the LP populations. Moreover, 17.7%–38.8% of the older nymphs (N4 to N5) in the HP populations and 6.8%–13.4% in the LP populations defecated during or immediately after feeding. Our results indicate that the HP populations have a greater potential than the LP populations to transmit T. cruzi infections, which may underlie the differences in the prevalence of T. cruzi infection in some areas where M. p. longipennis is currently distributed.  相似文献   

Aspects related to hatching, time-lapse between presenting the blood-meal and beginning of feeding, feeding time, postfeed defecation delay, mortality, and fecundity for each stage of Meccus longipennis life-cycle were evaluated. The bugs were maintained in a dark incubator at 27 1 C and 80 5% rh, were fed weekly and checked daily for ecdysis or death. The hatching rate observed for 300 eggs was 76.7% and the average time of hatching was 19.8 days. Mean time-lapse between presentation of the blood meal and the beginning of feeding was under 5 min in nymphal stages and postfeed defecation delay was under 10 min in most stages, except in fourth and fifth stages. Mean feeding time was longer than 10 min in most stages, except in fourth stage. One hundred thirty-one nymphs (N) (65.5%) completed the cycle and the average time from NI to adult was 192.6 34.8 days. The average span in days for each stage was 18.1 for NI, 21.4 for NII, 29.5 for NIII, 45.5 for NIV and 55.9 for NV. The number of bloodmeals at each nymphal stage varied from 1 to 5. The mortality rate was 3.29 for NI, 6.8 for NII, 2.92 for NIII 3.76 for NIV, and 10.16 for NV nymphs. The average number of eggs laid per female in a 9-month period was 615.6. Based on our results, we conclude that M. longipennis has some biological and behavioral characteristics which influence its capacity of becoming infected and transmitting Trypanosoma cruzi to human populations in those areas of Mexico where it is currently present.  相似文献   

Understanding the biological parameters of some triatomine subspecies of Meccus phyllosomus (Burmeister) is a crucial first step in estimating the epidemiologic importance of this group. Biological parameters related to hatching, lifetime, number of blood meals to molt, percentage of females at the end of the cycle, number of laid eggs, and mortality for each instar of 3 M. phyllosomus subspecies [M. p. mazzottii (Usinger), M. p. pallidipennis (Stål), and M. p. phyllosomus] and their laboratory hybrids were evaluated and compared. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were found among the experimental hybrids (MaPa, MaPhy, PaPhy) and reciprocal cohorts. In 5 (hatching, number of blood meals to molt, accumulative mortality, percentage of females, and mean number of laid eggs) of the 6 studied parameters (with the exception of development time), the hybrid cohorts had better fitness results than the parental cohorts involved in each set of crosses. The increase in hybrid fitness found in our study could lead to an increase in the epidemiologic risks caused by transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi to humans.  相似文献   

Triatomine classification is based on morphological characteristics. Studies have been conducted to improve their identification by observing many characteristics. However, there are problems of differentiating among highly interrelated species and new criteria are required. The purpose of this study was to determine the morphological differences in the external female genitalia of M. pallidipennis, M. longipennis, M. picturatus, M. bassolsae, M. mazzottii, and M. phyllosomus in order to distinguish among species using scanning electron microscopy. Observations were made of the dorsal, posterior, lateral, and ventral views of the female external genitalia for each species. In the six species we studied, relevant differences were observed in the dorsal view of the X segment, as well as the IX, VIII, and VII tergites. In the posterior and lateral view, the most visible differences were registered in the gonocoxite size of the segments VIII, IX, and X. Finally, in the ventral view of the VII sternite, differences among species were observed in the size of the inflection in the top and upper corner. Our results show that it was possible to differentiate among the triatominae species for each of the four views by using a scanning electron microscope to analyze morphological characteristics of the VII, VIII, IX, and X abdomen segments.  相似文献   

Aspects related to hatching, time-lapse between presenting the blood meal and beginning of feeding, feeding time, postfeed defecation delay,life time, mortality and fecundity for each stage of Meccus picturatus, life-cycle were evaluated and compared in two cohorts of M. picturatus fed on hens or rabbits. The hatching rate observed for each of the two studied groups of eggs was 78.1% (n = 2298) on the group fed on hens and 82.1% (n = 2704) on that fed on rabbits, and the average time of hatching was 20 days. Mean time-lapse for beginning feeding was under 3 min in nymphal stages and postfeed defecation delay was under 10 min in all stages, in both cohorts. Mean feeding time was significantly (P < 0.05) shorter in triatomines fed on hens than on rabbits. A similar number of nymphs of each cohort, 69 fed on hens (34.5%) and 68 fed on rabbits (34%), completed the cycle. No significantly (P > 0.05) differences were recorded among the average times from NI to adult in the cohort fed on hens (196.8 15.8 days) and the average time in the cohort fed on rabbits (189.5 22.9). The average span in days for each stage fed on hens was not significantly different to the average span for each stage fed on rabbits. The number of blood meals at each nymphal stage varied from 1 to 6 in both cohorts. The mortality rates were higher on fifth nymphal stage, in both cohorts. No significant (P > 0.05) differences were recorded on mortality rates on most nymphal stages of both cohorts. The average number of eggs laid per female from the cohort fed on hens in a 9-month period was 791.1, whereas the average number of eggs in the cohort fed on rabbits was 928.3.  相似文献   

Aspects related to hatching, life time, mortality, feeding behaviour and fecundity for each stage of Triatoma pallidipennis life-cycle were evaluated. The hatching rate observed for 200 eggs was 60% and the average time of hatching was 18 days. Eighty nymphs (N) (40%) completed the cycle and the average time from NI to adult was 168. 7+/-11.7days. The average span in days for each stage was 18.0 for NI, 18.5 for NII, 30.0 for NIII, 35.7 for NIV and 50.1 for NV. The number of bloodmeals at each nymphal stage varied from 1 to 5. The mortality rate was 9.17 for NI, 5.5 for NII, 6.8 for NIII 4.17 for NIV and 13.04 for NV nymphs. The average number of eggs laid per female in a 9-month period was 498.6. The survival rates of adults were 357+/-217.9 and 262.53+/-167.7 for males and females respectively.  相似文献   

We studied the morphology and morphometry of scutella from six species of the hemipteran genus Meccus to identify new tools to help solve taxonomic problems in closely related insect species of epidemiological relevance. Scutellum samples were observed by scanning electron microscopy and were subjected to morphometric analysis. The results mainly show differences in central depression shape, posterior process, and vestiture. We found significant dimensional differences in scutellum morphometry and a clear sexual dimorphism among species. A combination of morphology and morphometry can be used to differentiate among species of the genus Meccus.  相似文献   

We investigated the morphology and morphometry of eggs from the colonies of the Entomology Laboratory at ENCB‐IPN belonging to six species of the genus Meccus and Triatoma recurva, using both light and scanning electron microscopy. Egg ornamentation is an important parameter to consider in the differentiation of species. Samples were observed under a scanning electron microscope. Measurements of fifty eggs per species included length, width, and opercular diameter, which were used for the morphometric analysis. The results showed that the seven species display a polygonal ornamentation dominated by hexagons; the operculum shows also a polygonal ornamental characteristic in each species. Morphometry provided valuable information for discriminating between closely related species of the genus Meccus and Triatoma recurva, a species akin to this group, thereby facilitating the complete discrimination of these species.  相似文献   

We focused on the analysis of biological parameters of two different abundant populations of Dipetalogaster maximus (Uhler) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) from northwestern Mexico. The biological parameters were related to hatching of eggs, life cycle, and meal needed for molting by each instar of two populations from environmentally similar areas (El Fandango and San Dionisio) with a similar number of available hosts as blood meal sources. The D. maximus populations from the two locations were evaluated and compared. No significant differences (P>0.05) were recorded for the average hatching time of the two cohorts. The median egg‐to‐adult development time and the number of blood meals at each nymphal group were significantly shorter (P<0.05) for the El Fandango cohort. The number of obtained females at the end of the cycles, number of eggs laid, and rate of egg hatching were significantly higher (P<0.05) for the El Fandango cohort. These results contribute to the estimation of abundances of the studied populations of D. maximus in areas where many tourists go for camping and have an increased risk of being bitten and infected by this species.  相似文献   

The biological parameters related to the life cycles of three populations of Meccus picturatus (Usinger) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), one of the main vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas (Trypanosomatida: Trypanosomatidae), were evaluated. A cohort of each of three populations from geographically isolated localities in western Mexico was maintained under similar laboratory conditions, after which all three populations were compared to each other. In each cohort, 50.9 to 72.1% of nymphs completed the cycle. The average time from N1 to adult was approximately 175 days and different for the three studied cohorts. The number of blood meals between molts varied from one to three. The hatching rates as well as the fecundity per female per day were different among the three studied populations. Our results show that the three isolated populations are statistically different in some parameters from each other, which points to the importance of studying the biological characteristics of local populations of triatomines for estimating their capacity of transmitting T. cruzi to reservoir hosts.  相似文献   

The degree of reproductive isolation between Meccus phyllosomus and the remaining five species of the genus Meccus, as well as between Meccus bassolsae and Meccus pallidipennis, Meccus longipennis and Meccus picturatus, was examined. Fertility and the segregation of morphological characteristics were examined in two generations of hybrids from crosses between these species. The percentage of couples with offspring (fertile) was high in the vast majority of sets of crosses, with the exception of that between ♀M. phyllosomus and ♂Meccus mazzottii. In sets of crosses involving M. bassolsae specimens, no first-generation (F1) individuals were morphologically similar to M. bassolsae, but instead shared the morphology of the other parental species. A similar phenomenon was observed in most sets of crosses involving M. phyllosomus. These results indicated that different degrees of reproductive isolation exist among the species of Meccus involved in this study. The biological evidence obtained in this study does not support the proposal that M. bassolsae is a full species. It could indicate that, on the contrary, it should be considered a subspecies of a single polytypic species. The biological evidence does support the proposal that M. phyllosomus is a full species.  相似文献   

Observations were made on the evolutive cycle of Triatoma vitticeps, held under laboratory conditions and fed weekly in mice. Of the 435 eggs obtained, from 4 virgin couples, 149 were purposed for the biological cycle study and 286 to evaluate their resistance to starvation, which shall be a second part of this work. Only 50 specimens reached the adult stage in a period of means (S) = 270 +/- 45 days. At the incubation time, the first and second instars were of less than a month for each, while the third, fourth and fifth instars requires approximately one, two and three months, respectively. The search for the first meal occurred clearly on the 3rd, 6th and 10th day. During all the stages, more than 50% of the specimens had only one blood-meal, except the fifth one, when two blood-meals were required. In relation to the time-lapse between the presenting of the blood-meal and the beginning of feeding, as well as the length of the blood-meal, it was observed that these increased gradually according to the stage. From the 423 blood-meals performed, 390 were not followed by defecation in the settled period of 10 min. Under this point of view, T. vitticeps seems to be a poor transmissor of T. cruzi. The experiment was carried out for 13 months and by this time the averages of minimum and maximum temperatures and the humidity were 25 +/- 2 degrees C - 28 +/- 2 degrees C and 80 +/- 2%, respectively. The material belongs to the triatomine colony held at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Department of Entomology.  相似文献   

Following the study on the biology of Triatoma vitticeps (Gon?alves et al., 1988) observations have been made on its resistance to starvation. Of the 286 eggs obtained only 201 hatched and reached the intended stage for observation. The others did not eclode, neither reached the ecdisis nor died, without explanation. The nymphs were kept, separately, in Borrel flasks and properly listed. The blood-meal was performed in mice, although the insects were kept without feeding as soon as moulted. The starvation was evaluated in two ways: the time-lapse in days between the last meal/death and between moult/death. The starvation was directly related with the developmental stage. In relation to the parameters last meal/death and moult/death, both sexes were less resistant than 3rd and 2nd stage, respectively. The experiment have been carried out for 15 months and by this time the average minimum and maximum temperatures and the humidity were 25 +/- 2 degrees C - 28 +/- 2 degrees C and 81 +/- 3% UR, respectively. The material spent belongs to the triatomine colony of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute Department of Entomology.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to analyze the morphological, morphometrical, and histological characteristics of eggs of four triatomine bugs species still not studied, in order to understand phylogenetic aspects and to facilitate parameters used in taxonomy, with the purpose of a specific and generic characterization of these vectors in public health. The eggs of each species had come from the collections of the Laboratory of Triatomine bugs and Culicid mosquitoes of the Faculdade de Saúde Pública - USP (Faculty of Public Health/USP). The morphologic studies were carried out through optic microscopy (OM) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The eggs were measured with the help of the digital paquimeter Starrett 727. In relation to histological measures, Microtome Leica RM 2145 was used. Similarities were evidenced in the exocorial architecture of the eggs when they were studied by OM and SEM. This similarity among the eggs suggests a recent speciation, probably derived from common ancestry, representing a monophyletic group. Some structures were also detected by the histological cuts. The study has contributed to the magnification and recognition in generic and specific terms of the Triatominae subfamily. These new data will be able to subsidize a better understanding to determine roles for each vector species and to facilitate parameters to be used in taxonomy.  相似文献   

The period of resistance to starvation and the loss of weight until death of Rhodnius neivai in all stages of development were studied. Work was based on experiments conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. One hundred specimens of each nymphal instar were observed: 50 were fed on chicken and 50 on rabbit. Adult females and males were kept together and fed on each host. All bugs were weighed weekly until death. Laid eggs were collected weekly and observed during five weeks to obtain hatchability. Resistance to starvation was similar with both hosts and increased with the evolutionary stage, excepting the 5th nymphal instar and adults. With both hosts, loss of weight was abrupt in the first week and steady in the following weeks. In adults, on the first weeks after eating, there was little or no mortality, after which mortality increased rapidly with the starving time. Reproductive output was higher in the bugs fed on rabbit. R. neivai is among the least resistant triatomine species.  相似文献   

The complete life cycle of Triatoma flavida, weekly fed on hens, was studied at 28+/-2 degrees C and 80+/-10% RH. Aspects related to hatching, life span, mortality and feeding behavior for each stage of its life cycle were evaluated. The hatching rate observed for 100 eggs was 93% with an average incubation period of 27.2 days. Sixty-two nymphs completed the cycle and the mean egg to adult development time was 230.4 days. Mean duration of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th instar nymphs was 22.1, 25.3, 36.7, 49.7 and 69.4 days, respectively. The number of blood meals on each nymphal stage varied from 1 to 7. The mortality rate was 6.5% for NI, 23% for NIII and 7.5% for NV nymphs. Mean number of laid eggs per female was 283.1. Adult survival rates were 344.8 +/- 256.4 days for males and 285.3 +/- 201.8 days for females.  相似文献   

Aspects related to hatching, life time, number of blood meals to molt, mortality, feeding time and postfeed defecation delay for each instar of Meccus phyllosomus, M. mazzottii, and M. bassolsae, life-cycle were evaluated and compared in two cohorts of each of those three species, fed on hens or rabbits. No significant (p > 0.05) differences were recorded among cohorts fed on hens respect to cohorts fed on rabbits in M. phyllosomus and M. mazzottii and the average time of hatching was 21.5 days for cohorts fed on hens and 22.5 for cohorts fed on rabbits. Average egg-to-adult development times were no significant (p > 0.05) different between both cohorts of M. phyllosomus and M. mazzotti, independent of the blood meal source. The average span in days for each instar fed on hens was not significantly different to the average span for each instar fed on rabbits, when comparisons were made by species. The number of blood meals at each nymphal instar varied from 1 to 6 in both cohorts of each species. The mortality rates were higher on older nymphs, in both cohorts of M. phyllosomus and M. bassolsae, whereas they were higher on first instar nymphs on M. mazzottii. Mean feeding time was no significant (p > 0.05) different in triatomines fed on hens or fed on rabbits, when each species were compared separately. A similar number of nymphs of each cohort, completed the cycle. Defecation delay was no significant (p > 0.05) different when cohorts fed on hens and fed on rabbits were compared by species. Most of the studied parameters showed no significant (p > 0.05) differences among those cohorts fed on hens and for fed on rabbits, which could mean a high degree of association of those species with birds as much as mammals, under wild conditions, increasing their capacity to colonize human dwellings.  相似文献   

The reproductive and defecating behavior of Triatoma maculata (Erichson 1848) was studied on animals from an university culture in Venezuela. This species does not reach the importance of Rhodnius prolixus Stal 1859 as Chagas disease vector in Venezuela. This study addressed the role of defecating frequency, an index of how dangerous the animals are for the human population, and its relationship with why T. maculata is a less important vector than R. prolixus. Human blood was fed to the insects through an artificial feeding device. The 2nd and 3rd instar nymphs defecated more frequently (Id= 0.6, n=40), and our Vth instar nymphs did not complete sexual differentiation. Fertility was 55% (n=865) and fecundity 8 eggs/female/week (n=26). Egg incubation lasted 22 days (n=477). Female longevity was 51 days (n=26). Intermould time grew progressively from 35 days for 1st to 40 days for 4th instar nymphs (n=40). Mould percentage varied from 0% for Vth to 63% for 3rd instar nymphs. Mortality varied from 8% for 3rd to 100% for Vth instar nymphs. These results support evidences explaining the lesser vectorial capacity and low density of T. maculata in human domiciles, including reduced reproduction and defecation when the animal feeds on human blood.  相似文献   

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