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Catastrophic episodes (e.g., epidemics, natural disasters) strike with only limited regard for age. A large percentage of catastrophic mortality in a population can lead to a death distribution that resembles the living distribution, which includes greater numbers of older children, adolescents, and young adults than typical mortality profiles. This paper examines both the population implications of a large catastrophic mortality event, based on the Black Death as it ravaged medieval Europe, and its long-term effects on age-at-death distributions. An increased prevalence of epidemic disease is a common feature of reconstructions of the shift to agriculture and the rise of urban centers. The model begins with a hypothetical Medieval living population. This population is stable and characterized by slow growth. It has fertility and mortality rates consistent with a natural-fertility, agrarian population. The effects of catastrophic episodes are simulated by projecting the model population and subjecting it to one large (30% mortality) catastrophic episode as part of a 100-year population projection. A pair of Leslie matrices forms the basis of the projection. The catastrophic episode has important, long-term effects on both the living population and the cumulative distribution of death. The living population fails to recover from plague losses; at the end of the projection, population is still less than 75% its pre-plague level. The age-at-death distribution takes on the juvenile-young adult-heavy profile characteristic of many archaeological samples. The cumulative death profile based on the projection differs from that produced by the stable model significantly (P < 0.05) for 25-50 years after the plague episode, depending on sample size.  相似文献   

This editorial presents our view of the status of thyroidal calcitonin (TCT) in mammalian physiology. The discovery of calcitonin (CT) enabled the development of a valuable therapeutic agent but the early experiments most likely misled us with regard to its physiological significance. These early purported roles for TCT, first as an agent important in blood calcium regulation and later as an agent to prevent hypercalcemia, are no longer considered as physiological functions. While large supraphysiological doses of CT have an effect on the morphology and function of osteoclasts, it is unlikely that these effects of CT are important in the normal physiology of osteoclasts or bone remodeling. It is surprising that 38 years after the discovery of TCT there is no consensus as to its role in normal mammalian physiology. This editorial concerns three possibilities with respect to TCT: 1) the hormone is vestigial; 2) the hormone plays a role in water metabolism, ionic concentrations, and/or acid-base balance, actions that may not involve calcium metabolism at all; and 3) TCT acts to store phosphate postprandially on bone surfaces as a labile calcium-phosphate colloid, an action that may provide calcium needed for use in non-feeding periods or to reduce postprandial loss of phosphate when dietary phosphate is limited. Also discussed are recent publications indicating that CT synthesized in non-thyroidal tissues (NTCT) may have paracrine actions.  相似文献   

Implicit God-like and ghost-in-the-machine metaphors underlie much current thinking about genomes. Although many criticisms of such views exist, none have succeeded in substituting a different, widely accepted view. Viewing the genome with its protein packaging as a brain gets rid of Gods and ghosts while plausibly integrating machine and information-based views. While the ‘wetware’ of brains and genomes are very different, many fundamental principles of how they function are similar. Eukaryotic cells are compound entities in which case the nuclear genome might best be thought of more as a government than simply as a brain.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid in the xylem: where does it come from, where does it go to?   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Abscisic acid is a hormonal stress signal that moves in the xylem from the root to the different parts of the shoot where it regulates transpirational water loss and leaf growth. The factors that modify the intensity of the ABA signal in the xylem are of particular interest because target cells recognize concentrations. ABA(xyl), will be decreased as radial water flow through the roots is increased, assuming that radial ABA transport occurs in the symplast only. Such dilutions of the plant hormone concentration can be compensated in different ways, which help to keep the ABA-concentrations in the xylem constant: (i) apoplastic bypass flows of ABA, (ii) ABA flows between the stem parenchyma and the xylem during transport and (iii) the action of beta-D-glucosidases that release free ABA from its conjugates to the root cortex and the leaf apoplast. The significance of reflection coefficients (sigma(ABA)), permeability coefficients of membranes (P(S)(ABA)) and apoplastic barriers for ABA is discussed.  相似文献   

Is it a DC, is it an NK? No, it's an IKDC   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Local adaptation of populations along elevational gradients is well known, but conclusive evidence that such divergence has resulted in the origin of distinct species in parapatry remains lacking. We integrated morphological, vocal, genetic and behavioural data to test predictions pertaining to the hypothesis of parapatric ecological speciation associated with elevation in populations of a tropical montane songbird, the Grey‐breasted Wood‐wren (Henicorhina leucophrys: Troglodytidae), from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. We confirmed that two distinct populations exist along the elevational gradient. Phylogenetic analyses tentatively indicate that the two populations are not sister taxa, suggesting they did not differentiate from a single ancestor along the gradient, but rather resulted from separate colonization events. The populations showed marked divergence in morphometrics, vocalizations and genetic variation in mitochondrial and nuclear loci, and little to no evidence of hybridization. Individuals of both populations responded more strongly to their own local songs than to songs from another elevation. Although the two forms do not appear to have differentiated locally in parapatry, morphological and vocal divergence along the elevational gradient is consistent with adaptation, suggesting a possible link between adaptive evolution in morphology and songs and the origin of reproductive isolation via a behavioural barrier to gene flow. The adaptive value of phenotypic differences between populations requires additional study.  相似文献   

Following over 20 years of research on the climatic effects on biodiversity we now have strong evidence that climate change affects phenology, fitness, and distribution ranges of different taxa, including birds. Bird phenology likely responds to changes in local weather. It is also affected by climatic year‐to‐year variations on larger scales. Although such scale‐related effects are common in ecology, most studies analyzing the effects of climate change were accomplished using climatic information on a single spatial scale. In this study, we aimed at determining the scale‐dependent sensitivity of breeding phenology and success to climate change in a migratory passerine bird, the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). For both annual broods, we investigated effects of local weather (local scale) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO, large scale) on the timing of breeding and breeding success. Consistent with previous studies in migratory birds we found that barn swallows in Eastern Germany bred progressively earlier. At the same time, they showed reduced breeding success over time in response to recent climatic changes. Responses to climatic variation were observed on both local and large climatic scales, but they differed with respect to the ecological process considered. Specifically, we found that the timing of breeding was primarily influenced by large‐scale NAO variations and to a lesser extent by local weather on the breeding grounds. Conversely, climatic conditions on the local scale affected breeding success, exclusively. The observed decrease in breeding success over years is likely a consequence of scale‐related mismatches between climatic conditions during different breeding phases. This provides further evidence that a species' response of earlier breeding may not be enough to cope with climate change. Our results emphasize the importance of considering the response of ecological processes along different climatic scales in order to better understand the complexity of climate change effects on biodiversity.  相似文献   

The size of tsetse flies is often associated with population dynamics and vectorial capacity parameters. Adult fly size is generally estimated from measurements of wing segments. To take measure of the wing, a semi-automatic software was developed by CIRAD-EMVT and IRD. It was used in wild populations of Glossina tachinoides Westwood and G. palpalis gambiensis Vanderplank (Diptera: Glossinidae) trapped near Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. From an numeric picture of the wing, the software calculates the length of vein segments, the ratios between these lengths, the surface of the tsetse characteristic "hatchet cell", and the greyness on the wings. The data were interesting at the level of taxonomy. In addition, they help specify physiological characteristics of the studied populations.  相似文献   

To fully understand how plastic is affecting the ocean, we need to understand how marine life interacts directly with it. Besides their ecological relevance, microbes can affect the distribution, degradation and transfer of plastics to the rest of the marine food web. From amplicon sequencing and scanning electron microscopy, we know that a diverse array of microorganisms rapidly associate with plastic marine debris in the form of biofouling and biofilms, also known as the “Plastisphere.” However, observation of multiple microbial interactions in situ, at small spatial scales in the Plastisphere, has been a challenge. In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Schlundt et al. apply the combination labelling and spectral imaging – fluorescence in situ hybridization to study microbial communities on plastic marine debris. The images demonstrate the colocalization of abundant bacterial groups on plastic marine debris at a relatively high taxonomic and spatial resolution while also visualizing biofouling of eukaryotes, such as diatoms and bryozoans. This modern imaging technology provides new possibilities to address questions regarding the ecology of marine microbes on plastic marine debris and describe more specific impacts of plastic pollution in the marine food webs.  相似文献   

Regeneration in the metazoans: why does it happen?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Why does regeneration occur? And why, when it manifests itself, does it do so in some but not all metazoan species? Hence, what are the permissive or inhibitory factors operating behind this phenomenon? When it comes to regeneration, many questions, such as these, remain unanswered. In fact, the problem of animal regeneration has withstood the probing of scientific inquiry for over 250 years and still awaits a satisfactory mechanistic explanation. In this essay, I will review the distribution and the modes of regeneration that are found in the different metazoan phyla. Also, I will re-examine ideas on its evolutionary origins, and discuss its possible relationship to both asexual reproduction and embryogenesis. This endeavor has two objectives. First, to bring forward an interpretation of regeneration which integrates evolutionary and developmental considerations into its discussion. And second, to suggest a comparative experimental approach to this problem that may bring us closer to understanding the molecular basis of this long-standing biological problem. BioEssays 22:578-590, 2000.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation is considered by many to be a primary cause of the current biodiversity crisis. The underlying mechanisms are poorly known, but a potentially important one is associated with altered thermal conditions within the remaining forest patches, especially at forest edges. Yet, large uncertainty remains about the effect of fragmentation on forest temperature, as it is unclear whether temperature decreases from forest edge to forest interior, and whether this local gradient scales up to an effect of fragmentation (landscape attribute) on temperature. We calculated the effect size (correlation coefficient) of distance from forest edge on air temperature, and tested for differences among forest types surrounded by different matrices using meta-analysis techniques. We found a negative edge-interior temperature gradient, but correlation coefficients were highly variable, and significant only for temperate and tropical forests surrounded by a highly contrasting open matrix. Nevertheless, it is unclear if these local-scale changes in temperature can be scaled up to an effect of fragmentation on temperature. Although it may be valid when considering “fragmentation” as forest loss only, the landscape-scale inference is not so clear when we consider the second aspect of fragmentation, where a given amount of forest is divided into a large number of small patches (fragmentation per se). Therefore, care is needed when assuming that fragmentation changes forest temperature, as thermal changes at forest edges depend on forest type and matrix composition, and it is still uncertain if this local gradient can be scaled up to the landscape.  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss is recognized as a major global threat. The European Commission has addressed this issue with vigour in its current strategy papers. Farmland birds, such as the lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), whose population has been rapidly declining in Germany, have been particularly affected. To date, the European Union has tried to tackle the problem of biodiversity loss mainly with voluntary agri-environmental schemes (AESs), which are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). However, only a small fraction of agricultural land is enrolled in such programs. We identify the possible drivers and inhibitors of farmers’ acceptance of a potential AES that, if introduced, could contribute to lapwing conservation. Our analysis is based on a discrete choice experiment conducted with 252 arable farmers in Germany. The results suggest that scheme attributes tied with EAFRD compliance, i.e., a minimum participation period of five years and the nature of the relevant sanctions regime, reduce farmers’ potential acceptance of the proposed AES. Furthermore, farmers and farm characteristics have an influence on preferences for specific AES attributes. Finally, this article outlines how the identified weaknesses of AES may be addressed in the new “Green Architecture” of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023–2027.  相似文献   

Phenological mismatch has been proposed as a key mechanism by which climate change can increase the severity of insect outbreaks. Spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) is a serious defoliator of North American conifers that feeds on buds in the early spring. Black spruce (Picea mariana) has traditionally been considered a poor-quality host plant since its buds open later than those of the preferred host, balsam fir (Abies balsamea). We hypothesize that advancing black spruce budbreak phenology under a warmer climate would improve its phenological synchrony with budworm and hence increase both its suitability as a host plant and resulting defoliation damage. We evaluated the relationship between tree phenology and both budworm performance and tree defoliation by placing seven cohorts of budworm larvae on black spruce and balsam fir branches at different lags with tree budburst. Our results show that on both host plants, spruce budworm survival and pupal mass decrease sharply when budbreak occurs prior to larval emergence. By contrast, emergence before budbreak decreases survival, but does not negatively impact growth or reproductive output. We also document phytochemical changes that occur as needles mature and define a window of opportunity for the budworm. Finally, larvae that emerged in synchrony with budbreak had the greatest defoliating effect on black spruce. Our results suggest that in the event of advanced black spruce phenology due to climate warming, this host species will support better budworm survival and suffer increased defoliation.  相似文献   

Asymmetric development of the vertebrate embryo has fascinated embryologists for over a century. Much has been learned since the asymmetric Nodal signaling cascade in the left lateral plate mesoderm was detected, and began to be unraveled over the past decade or two. When and how symmetry is initially broken, however, has remained a matter of debate. Two essentially mutually exclusive models prevail. Cilia-driven leftward flow of extracellular fluids occurs in mammalian, fish and amphibian embryos. A great deal of experimental evidence indicates that this flow is indeed required for symmetry breaking. An alternative model has argued, however, that flow simply acts as an amplification step for early asymmetric cues generated by ion flux during the first cleavage divisions. In this review we critically evaluate the experimental basis of both models. Although a number of open questions persist, the available evidence is best compatible with flow-based symmetry breakage as the archetypical mode of symmetry breakage.  相似文献   

What does it mean to identify a protein in proteomics?   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The annotation of the human genome indicates the surprisingly low number of approximately 40,000 genes. However, the estimated number of proteins encoded by these genes is two to three orders of magnitude higher. The ability to unambiguously identify the proteins is a prerequisite for their functional investigation. As proteins derived from the same gene can be largely identical, and might differ only in small but functionally relevant details, protein identification tools must not only identify a large number of proteins but also be able to differentiate between close relatives. This information can be generated by mass spectrometry, an approach that identifies proteins by partial analysis of their digestion-derived peptides. Information gleaned from databases fills in the missing sequence information. Because both sequence databases and experimental data are limited, a certain ambiguity often remains concerning which sequence variant(s) and modification(s) are present. As the common denominator of all the isoforms is a gene, in our opinion, it would be more accurate to state that a product of this particular gene rather than a certain protein has been identified by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined the potential of forest plantations to support communities of forest‐using insects when planted into an area with greatly reduced native forest cover. We surveyed the insect fauna of Eucalyptus globulus (Myrtaceae) plantations and native Eucalyptus marginata dominated remnant woodland in south‐western Australia, comparing edge to interior habitats, and plantations surrounded by a pastoral matrix to plantations adjacent to native remnants. We also surveyed insects in open pasture. Analyses focused on three major insect orders: Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera. Plantations were found to support many forest‐using insect species, but the fauna had an overall composition that was distinct from the remnant forest. The pasture fauna had more in common with plantations than forest remnants. Insect communities of plantations were different from native forest both because fewer insect species were present, and because they had a few more abundant insect species. Some of the dominant species in plantations were known forestry pests. One pest species (Gonipterus scutellatus) was also very abundant in remnant forest, although it was only recently first recorded in Western Australia. It may be that plantation forestry provided an ecological bridge that facilitated invasion of the native forest by this nonendemic pest species. Plantation communities had more leaf‐feeding moths and beetles than remnant forests. Plantations also had fewer ants, bees, evanioid wasps and predatory canopy beetles than remnants, but predatory beetles were more common in the understory of plantations than remnants. Use of broad spectrum insecticides in plantations might limit the ability of these natural enemies to regulate herbivore populations. There were only weak indications of differences in composition of the fauna at habitat edges and no consistent differences between the fauna of plantations adjacent to remnant vegetation and those surrounded by agriculture, suggesting that there is little scope for managing biodiversity outcomes by choosing different edge to interior ratios or by locating plantations near or far from remnants.  相似文献   

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