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It is widely hypothesized that the evolution of female extra-pair reproduction in socially monogamous species reflects indirect genetic benefits to females. However, a critical prediction of this hypothesis, that extra-pair young (EPY) are fitter than within-pair young (WPY), has rarely been rigorously tested. We used 18 years of data from free-living song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, to test whether survival through major life-history stages differed between EPY and WPY maternal half-siblings. On average, survival of hatched chicks to independence from parental care and recruitment, and their total lifespan, did not differ significantly between EPY and WPY. However, EPY consistently tended to be less likely to survive, and recruited EPY survived for significantly fewer years than recruited WPY. Furthermore, the survival difference between EPY and WPY was sex-specific; female EPY were less likely to survive to independence and recruitment and lived fewer years than female WPY, whereas male EPY were similarly or slightly more likely to survive and to live more years than male WPY. These data indicate that extra-pair paternity may impose an indirect cost on females via their female offspring and that sex-specific genetic, environmental or maternal effects may shape extra-pair reproduction.  相似文献   

Scelza BA 《Biology letters》2011,7(6):889-891
Seeking out extra-pair paternity (EPP) is a viable reproductive strategy for females in many pair-bonded species. Across human societies, women commonly engage in extra-marital affairs, suggesting this strategy may also be an important part of women's reproductive decision-making. Here, I show that among the Himba 17 per cent of all recorded marital births are attributed by women to EPP, and EPP is associated with significant increases in women's reproductive success. In contrast, there are no cases of EPP among children born into 'love match' marriages. This rate of EPP is higher than has been recorded in any other small-scale society. These results illustrate the importance of seeking EPP as a mechanism of female choice in humans, while simultaneously showing it to be highly variable and context-dependent.  相似文献   

1. In many animals immunity is not fully developed until adulthood but the young still need protection against various sets of pathogens. Thus, bird nestlings are highly dependent on antibodies received from their mother (in the eggs) during their rapid early growth period. The relationship between maternal immunity and the development of neonates' own immunity has been poorly studied. 2. It has been suggested that immune function plays an important part in mediating resource competition between different life-history traits, e.g. growth and reproduction. Maternal investment of antibodies has potentially permanent effects on offspring phenotype. Thus, the trade-offs between the immune function and other important life-history traits in the offspring will also affect the fitness of the mother. 3. Our supplemental feeding experiment in the magpie Pica pica indicates that the immunoglobulin levels of offspring at hatching are dependent on a mother's nutritional condition. In addition, the amount of maternal immunoglobulins transferred to offspring increases along the laying order within a nest. 4. We also found that at the age of 8-10 days the immunoglobulin production of the offspring has already begun. Furthermore, the maternal immunoglobulin levels of the offspring at hatching were positively related to their immunoglobulin levels on day 10. 5. Maternal immunoglobulins did not significantly affect offspring growth, but there was a negative relationship between self-produced immunoglobulins and growth over the first 10 days, indicating a trade-off between these traits. Nestlings' weight, however, had a positive relationship with immunoglobulin production suggesting that the observed trade-off between growth and immunoglobulin production is due to catch-up growth of nestlings with a low hatching weight. We found that within nests nestlings with higher maternal antibody levels had higher survival rate until day 20, but between nests there was an opposite relationship. 6. Evidently, there is a trade-off, in magpies, between maternal resources, immune function and growth, shaping the evolution of maternal investment in offspring immunity.  相似文献   

The adult sex ratio (ASR, the proportion of males in the adult population) is an emerging predictor of reproductive behaviour, and recent studies in birds and humans suggest it is a major driver of social mating systems and parental care. ASR may also influence genetic mating systems. For instance male-skewed ASRs are expected to increase the frequency of multiple paternity (defined here as a clutch or litter sired by two or more males) due to higher rates of coercive copulations by males, and/or due to females exploiting the opportunity of copulation with multiple males to increase genetic diversity of their offspring. Here, we evaluate this hypothesis in reptiles that often exhibit high frequency of multiple paternity although its ecological and life-history predictors have remained controversial. Using a comprehensive dataset of 81 species representing all four non-avian reptile orders, we show that increased frequency of multiple paternity is predicted by more male-skewed ASR, and this relationship is robust to simultaneous effects of several life-history predictors. Additionally, we show that the frequency of multiple paternity varies with the sex determination system: species with female heterogamety (ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes) exhibit higher levels of multiple paternity than species with male heterogamety (XY/XX) or temperature-dependent sex determination. Thus, our across-species comparative study provides the first evidence that genetic mating system depends on ASR in reptiles. We call for further investigations to uncover the complex evolutionary associations between mating systems, sex determination systems and ASR.  相似文献   

Abstract When costs and benefits of raising sons and daughters differ between environments, parents may be selected to modify their investment into male and female offspring. In two recently colonized environments, breeding female house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) modified the sex and growth of their offspring in relation to the order in which eggs were laid in a clutch. Here we show that, in both populations, these maternal effects strongly biased frequency distribution of tarsus size of fully grown males and females and ultimately produced population divergence in this trait. Although in each population, male and female offspring show a wide range of growth patterns, maternal modifications of sex‐ratio in relation to egg‐laying order resulted in under‐representation of the morphologies that were selected against and over‐representation of morphologies that were favoured by the local selection on juveniles. The result of these maternal adjustments was fast phenotypic change in sexual size dimorphism within and between populations. Maternal manipulations of offspring morphologies may be especially important at the initial stages of population establishment in the novel environments and may have facilitated recent colonization of much of North America by the house finch.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that females of socially monogamous species obtain indirect benefits (good or compatible genes) from extra-pair mating behaviour has received enormous attention but much less generally accepted support. Here we ask whether selection for adult survival and fecundity or sexual selection contribute to indirect selection of the extra-pair mating behaviour in socially monogamous coal tits (Periparus ater). We tracked locally recruited individuals with known paternity status through their lives predicting that the extra-pair offspring (EPO) would outperform the within-pair offspring (WPO). No differences between the WPO and EPO recruits were detected in lifespan or age of first reproduction. However, the male WPO had a higher lifetime number of broods and higher lifetime number of social offspring compared with male EPO recruits, while no such differences were evident for female recruits. Male EPO recruits did not compensate for their lower social reproductive success by higher fertilization success within their social pair bonds. Thus, our results do not support the idea that enhanced adult survival, fecundity or within-pair fertilization success are manifestations of the genetic benefits of extra-pair matings. But we emphasize that a crucial fitness component, the extra-pair fertilization success of male recruits, has yet  相似文献   

When individuals mate outside the pair bond, males should employ behaviours such as aggression or vocal displays (e.g. duetting) that help assure paternity of the offspring they care for. We tested whether male paternity was associated with aggression or duetting in the red-backed fairy-wren, a species exhibiting high rates of extra-pair paternity. During simulated territorial intrusions, aggression and duetting were variable among and repeatable within males, suggesting behavioural consistency of individuals. Males with quicker and stronger duet responses were cuckolded less often than males with slower and weaker responses. In contrast, physical aggression was not correlated with male paternity. These results suggest that either acoustic mate guarding or male–female vocal negotiations via duetting lead to increased paternity assurance, whereas physical aggression does not.  相似文献   

When females mate multiply, postcopulatory sexual selection can occur via sperm competition and cryptic female choice. Although postcopulatory selection has the potential to be a major force in driving evolution, few studies have estimated its strength in natural populations. Likewise, although polyandry is widespread across taxa and is the focus of a growing body of research, estimates of natural female mating rates are still limited in number. Microsatellites can be used to estimate the number of mates represented in females' sperm stores and the number of sires contributing to their offspring, enabling comparisons both of polyandry and of two components of postcopulatory selection: the proportion of males that mate but fail to sire offspring, and the degree of paternity skew among the males that do sire offspring. Here, we estimate the number of mates and sires among wild females in the Hawaiian swordtail cricket Laupala cerasina. We compare these estimates to the actual mating rates and paternity shares we observed in a semi‐natural population. Our results show that postcopulatory sexual selection operates strongly in this species: wild females mated with an average minimum of 3.6 males but used the sperm from only 58% of them. Furthermore, among the males that did sire offspring, paternity was significantly skewed. These patterns were similar to those observed in the field enclosure, where females mated with an average of 5.7 males and used the sperm from 62% of their mates, with paternity significantly skewed among the sires.  相似文献   

Males exhibit striking variation in the degree to which they invest in offspring, from merely provisioning females with sperm, to providing exclusive post-zygotic care. Paternity assurance is often invoked to explain this variation: the greater a male's confidence of paternity, the more he should be willing to provide care. Here, we report a striking exception to expectations based on paternity assurance: despite high levels of female promiscuity, males of a marine snail provide exclusive, and costly, care of offspring. Remarkably, genetic paternity analyses reveal cuckoldry in all broods, with fewer than 25% of offspring being sired by the caring male, although caring males sired proportionally more offspring in a given clutch than any other fathers did individually. This system presents the most extreme example of the coexistence of high levels of female promiscuity, low paternity, and costly male care, and emphasises the still unresolved roles of natural and sexual selection in the evolution of male parental care.  相似文献   

The timing of breeding may not only affect breeding patterns such as the overlap of chick rearing period with the peak in food availability but also the opportunity for extra-pair mating. A negative relationship has been predicted between extra-pair paternity and breeding synchrony, assuming that male extra-pair activity is traded against mate guarding and parenting duties. In contrast, if female ability to assess male quality is temporally constrained, sperm competition might be a positive function of breeding synchrony. Here we manipulated the progress of nesting by nest material exchange within nesting aggregations to see whether the timing of breeding affects extra-pair paternity in house sparrows. We found that late broods within nesting clusters contained extra-pair young more often than early broods, but breeding synchrony did not turn out to be a significant predictor of extra-pair paternity. Our study indicates that temporal constraints of male extra-pair activity may account for extra-pair paternity levels, but it is also possible that late-breeding females may accept extra-pair copulations to ensure egg fertilization.  相似文献   

Nielsen R  Tarpy DR  Reeve HK 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(11):3157-3164
Estimating paternity and genetic relatedness is central to many empirical and theoretical studies of social insects. The two important measures of a queen's mating number are her actual number of mates and her effective number of mates. Estimating the effective number of mates is mathematically identical to the problem of estimating the effective number of alleles in population genetics, a common measure of genetic variability introduced by Kimura & Crow (1964). We derive a new bias-corrected estimator of effective number of types (mates or alleles) and compare this new method to previous methods for estimating true and effective numbers of types using Monte Carlo simulations. Our simulation results suggest that the examined estimators of the true number of types have very similar statistical properties, whereas the estimators of effective number of types have quite different statistical properties. Moreover, our new proposed estimator of effective number of types is approximately unbiased, and has considerably lower variance than the original estimator. Our new method will help researchers more accurately estimate intracolony genetic relatedness of social insects, which is an important measure in understanding their ecology and social behaviour. It should also be of use in population genetic studies in which the effective number of alleles is of interest.  相似文献   

Parents should bias sex allocation toward offspring of the sex most likely to provide higher fitness returns. Trivers and Willard proposed that for polygynous mammals, females should adjust sex‐ratio at conception or bias allocation of resources toward the most profitable sex, according to their own body condition. However, the possibility that mammalian fathers may influence sex allocation has seldom been considered. Here, we show that the probability of having a son increased from 0.31 to 0.60 with sire reproductive success in wild bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Furthermore, our results suggest that females fertilized by relatively unsuccessful sires allocated more energy during lactation to daughters than to sons, while the opposite occurred for females fertilized by successful sires. The pattern of sex‐biased offspring production appears adaptive because paternal reproductive success reduced the fitness of daughters and increased the average annual weaning success of sons, independently of maternal allocation to the offspring. Our results illustrate that sex allocation can be driven by paternal phenotype, with profound influences on the strength of sexual selection and on conflicts of interest between parents.  相似文献   

Sperm displacement and sperm competition prove difficult tomeasure, but are crucial elements in predicting sex allocationstrategies of sperm-storing hermaphrodites. Body size is predictedto affect sex allocation so that within a population, largeanimals invest a greater proportion of resources in female functionthan do small animals. These mating strategies depend on spermdisplacement abilities and lead to similar levels of paternityacross body sizes despite differences in resource level. Thepresent study investigated mating patterns, multiple paternity,and sperm competition in a field population of a simultaneouslyhermaphroditic sea slug, Aplysia californica (California seahare). Animals mating in the female role were larger than themean for the population, indirectly supporting theoretical predictionsfor increased investment in female function with body size.However, contrary to predictions, animals mating in the malerole were not different in size from the population mean orthe animals they inseminated. Individual tagging revealed thatsea slugs are capable of moving across distances that allowfor the sampling of many potential mates, and that they materepeatedly in both sexual roles. Microsatellite paternity analysisdemonstrated that multiple mating in the field leads to multiplepaternity, and last-sperm donors achieve high levels of paternity.There was no effect of body size on paternity. Further paternitystudies are needed to reveal the mechanisms of sperm precedencepatterns in A. californica.  相似文献   

Females can benefit from mate choice for male traits (e.g. sexual ornaments or body condition) that reliably signal the effect that mating will have on mean offspring fitness. These male‐derived benefits can be due to material and/or genetic effects. The latter include an increase in the attractiveness, hence likely mating success, of sons. Females can potentially enhance any sex‐biased benefits of mating with certain males by adjusting the offspring sex ratio depending on their mate's phenotype. One hypothesis is that females should produce mainly sons when mating with more attractive or higher quality males. Here we perform a meta‐analysis of the empirical literature that has accumulated to test this hypothesis. The mean effect size was small (r = 0.064–0.095; i.e. explaining <1% of variation in offspring sex ratios) but statistically significant in the predicted direction. It was, however, not robust to correction for an apparent publication bias towards significantly positive results. We also examined the strength of the relationship using different indices of male attractiveness/quality that have been invoked by researchers (ornaments, behavioural displays, female preference scores, body condition, male age, body size, and whether a male is a within‐pair or extra‐pair mate). Only ornamentation and body size significantly predicted the proportion of sons produced. We obtained similar results regardless of whether we ran a standard random‐effects meta‐analysis, or a multi‐level, Bayesian model that included a correction for phylogenetic non‐independence. A moderate proportion of the variance in effect sizes (51.6–56.2%) was due to variation that was not attributable to sampling error (i.e. sample size). Much of this non‐sampling error variance was not attributable to phylogenetic effects or high repeatability of effect sizes among species. It was approximately equally attributable to differences (occurring for unknown reasons) in effect sizes among and within studies (25.3, 22.9% of the total variance). There were no significant effects of year of publication or two aspects of study design (experimental/observational or field/laboratory) on reported effect sizes. We discuss various practical reasons and theoretical arguments as to why small effect sizes should be expected, and why there might be relatively high variation among studies. Currently, there are no species where replicated, experimental studies show that mothers adjust the offspring sex ratio in response to a generally preferred male phenotype. Ultimately, we need more experimental studies that test directly whether females produce more sons when mated to relatively more attractive males, and that provide the requisite evidence that their sons have higher mean fitness than their daughters.  相似文献   

In chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), high-ranking males are expected to have high reproductive success and females typically emigrate upon reaching maturity. Although high average relatedness among males in the same social groups has been assumed, previous reports have indicated that relatedness among males is not necessarily significantly higher than that among females. The paternity of 11 offspring and the relatedness of 50 individuals in the M group of chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, were investigated using DNA analyses. We determined the fathers of 10 offspring. Two different alpha males sired a total of five offspring, whereas the other males had low reproductive success. The proportion of paternal half-sibling pairs among the 10 offspring was 15.6%. The average relatedness among mature males was significantly higher than that among mature females. The existence of an old male and the long tenure of one alpha male may have contributed to this significant difference. The average dyadic relatedness among mature natal individuals was significantly higher than that in natal-immigrant pairs in which the individuals came from different groups. The average relatedness among immigrant females was similar to that in pairs of natal and immigrant females, suggesting that the immigrants came from various groups. Thus, female transfer acts to maintain low average relatedness within the group. A comparison of our results to those from other study sites suggests that although the average relatedness among adult males does not reach the level of half-siblings, under some circumstances it can exceed the relatedness of females.  相似文献   

According to theory, in species in which male variance in reproductive success exceeds that of the females, sons are more costly to produce; females mated with high quality males or those in better condition should produce more sons. In monogamous species, however, the variance in the reproductive success of the two sexes is often similar and mate choice is often mutual, making predictions regarding sex allocation more difficult. In the rock sparrow Petronia petronia, both males and females have a sexually selected yellow patch on the breast, whose size correlates with individual body condition. We investigated whether the brood sex ratio co‐varies with the size of the yellow patch of the father and the mother in a sample of 173 broods (818 chicks) over 8 breeding seasons. While the size of the yellow patch of the mother and the father did not predict per se a deviation from the expected 1:1 sex ratio, brood sex ratios were predicted by the interaction of male and female yellow patch size. This result is surprising, as the ornament is sexually selected by both males and females as an indicator of quality in both sexes and should therefore be inherited by all offspring irrespective of their sex. It indirectly suggests that other sex‐specific traits associated with patch size (e.g. polygyny in males and fecundity in females) may explain the sex allocation bias observed in rock sparrows. Thus, female individual quality alone, as expressed through the size of the yellow patch, was not associated with the biases in sex ratios reported in this study. Our results rather suggest that sex allocation occurs in response to male attractiveness in interaction with female attractiveness. In other words, females tend to preferentially allocate towards the sex of the parent with more developed ornament within the pair.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The sex ratios of offspring are targets of natural selection that can affect parental energy expenditure and fitness, adult sex ratios, and population dynamics. Parents may manipulate offspring sex ratios based on sex differences in their offsprings' potential for reproductive success. In Lincoln's Sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii), male bill shape is associated with the quality of songs, and song quality predicts female preferences in a reproductive context. Males and females that hatch later relative to brood mates or later in the breeding season tend to develop bill shapes that are, for males, associated with low‐quality song. Because females do not sing and do not experience this selection pressure, we predicted that the sex of offspring produced late relative to their brood mates or relative to the season should be biased toward females. Using a molecular technique to sex nestlings, we found no effects of hatching order or any interaction between date of clutch initiation (season) and hatching order on offspring sex. However, we found a seasonal decline in the proportion of male offspring, from approximately 0.8 at the beginning to 0.4 at the end of a clutch initiation season only 19 d in duration. To our knowledge, this is the shortest period over which the offspring sex ratio has been shown to change in a bird population. Moreover, these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that sex differences in the potential attractiveness of offspring ultimately influence offspring sex ratios.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction are expected to be ubiquitous in wild animal populations and understanding the drivers of variation in these costs is an important aspect of life-history evolution theory. We use a 43 year dataset from a wild population of red deer to examine the relative importance of two factors that influence the costs of reproduction to mothers, and to test whether these costs vary with changing ecological conditions. Like previous studies, our analyses indicate fitness costs of lactation: mothers whose calves survived the summer subsequently showed lower survival and fecundity than those whose calves died soon after birth, accounting for 5% and 14% of the variation in mothers'' survival and fecundity, respectively. The production of a male calf depressed maternal survival and fecundity more than production of a female, but accounted for less than 1% of the variation in either fitness component. There was no evidence for any change in the effect of calf survival or sex with increasing population density.  相似文献   

Investigating the mating system of a population provides insight into the evolution of reproductive patterns, and can inform conservation management of threatened or endangered species. Combining behavioural and genetic data is necessary to fully understand the mating system and factors affecting male reproductive success, yet behavioural data are often difficult to collect for threatened species. In the present study, we use behavioural data and paternity analyses to characterize the mating system of a high density population of a long-lived, ancient reptile (tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus ). We further investigate the phenotypic traits (including body size, body condition, tail length, and ectoparasite load) that affect male reproductive success. Our behavioural data reflect a seasonally monogamous system with low levels of polyandry and polygyny that are consistent with male mate guarding. Male reproduction is highly skewed (only 25–30% of males are successful), and body size is the primary predictor of male reproductive success. Based on the genetic data, multiple paternity was found in only 8% of clutches, and the results of the paternity analyses showed monandrous clutches from socially polyandrous females. Our behavioural and genetic results revealed complexities in female mating patterns that support the potential for cryptic female choice or sperm competition. This warrants further experimental investigation into the mechanisms underlying reptile fertilization and the disparities between social and genetic polyandry in wild populations.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 161–170.  相似文献   

In a number of insects, fishes and birds, the conventional sex roles are reversed: males are the main care provider, whereas females focus on matings. The reversal of typical sex roles is an evolutionary puzzle, because it challenges the foundations of sex roles, sexual selection and parental investment theory. Recent theoretical models predict that biased parental care may be a response to biased adult sex ratios (ASRs). However, estimating ASR is challenging in natural populations, because males and females often have different detectabilities. Here, we use demographic modelling with field data from 2101 individuals, including 579 molecularly sexed offspring, to provide evidence that ASR is strongly male biased in a polyandrous bird with male-biased care. The model predicts 6.1 times more adult males than females (ASR=0.860, proportion of males) in the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus. The extreme male bias is consistent between years and concordant with experimental results showing strongly biased mating opportunity towards females. Based on these results, we conjecture that parental sex-role reversal may occur in populations that exhibit extreme male-biased ASR.  相似文献   

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