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The primary objective was to examine mechanisms behind previously observed changes in the knee adduction moment (KAM) with rocker-soled shoes, in participants sub-grouped according to whether they experienced an immediate decrease, or increase, in peak KAM. In subgroups where frontal plane knee ground reaction force (GRF) lever-arm emerged as a significant predictor, a secondary aim was to examine biomechanical factors that contributed to change in this parameter. Thirty individuals with symptomatic, radiographic knee osteoarthritis (OA) underwent 3D gait analysis in unstable rocker-soled shoes and non-rocker-soled shoes. Multiple regression analyses, within each subgroup, examined relationships between changes in frontal plane knee-GRF lever arm and frontal plane resultant GRF magnitude and changes in peak KAM and KAM impulse between shoe conditions. In the subgroup that decreased peak KAM with rocker-soled shoes (n = 23), change in knee-GRF lever arm and frontal plane GRF magnitude at peak KAM together were significant predictors of change in peak KAM; however, only change in mean knee-GRF lever arm significantly predicted change in KAM impulse. Decreased medial GRF magnitude, increased lateral trunk lean towards the stance limb and reduced varus/increased valgus hip-knee-ankle angle were associated with a lower knee-GRF lever arm in this group, with rocker-soled shoes. In contrast, none of the independent variables predicted changes in KAM in the subgroup who increased peak KAM with rocker-soled shoes (n = 7).  相似文献   

Most work on the human fertility transition has focused on declines in mean fertility. However, understanding changes in the variance of reproductive outcomes can be equally important for evolutionary questions about the heritability of fertility, individual determinants of fertility and changing patterns of reproductive skew. Here, we document how variance in completed fertility among women (45–49 years) differs across 200 surveys in 72 low- to middle-income countries where fertility transitions are currently in progress at various stages. Nearly all (91%) of samples exhibit variance consistent with a Poisson process of fertility, which places systematic, and often severe, theoretical upper bounds on the proportion of variance that can be attributed to individual differences. In contrast to the pattern of total variance, these upper bounds increase from high- to mid-fertility samples, then decline again as samples move from mid to low fertility. Notably, the lowest fertility samples often deviate from a Poisson process. This suggests that as populations move to low fertility their reproduction shifts from a rate-based process to a focus on an ideal number of children. We discuss the implications of these findings for predicting completed fertility from individual-level variables.  相似文献   

Generalist consumers commonly coexist in many ecosystems. Yet, eco-evolutionary theory poses a problem with this observation: generalist consumers (usually) cannot coexist stably. To provide a solution to this theory-observation dissonance, we analyzed a simple eco-evolutionary consumer resource model. We modeled consumption of two nutritionally interactive resources by species which evolve their resource encounter rates subject to a tradeoff. As shown previously, consumers can ecologically coexist through tradeoffs in resource encounter rates; however, this coexistence is evolutionary unstable. Here, we find that nutritional interactions between resources and the shape of acquisition tradeoffs produce very similar evolutionary outcomes in isolation. Specifically, they produce evolutionarily stable communities composed either of two specialists (concave acquisition tradeoff or antagonistic nutrition) or a single generalist (convex acquisition tradeoff or complementary nutrition). Thus, the generalist-coexistence problem remains. However, the combination of nonlinear resource acquisition tradeoffs with nonlinear resource nutritional relationships creates selection forces that can push and pull against each other. Ultimately, this push-pull dynamic can stabilize the coexistence of two competing generalist consumers—but only when we coupled a convex acquisition tradeoff with antagonistic nutrition. Thus, our model here offers some resolution to the generalist-coexistence problem in eco-evolutionary, consumer-resource theory.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Salmon, JR, Roper, JA, and Tillman, MD. Does acute whole-body vibration training improve the physical performance of people with knee osteoarthritis? J Strength Cond Res 26(11): 2983-2989, 2012-The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a single session of whole-body vibration training (WBVT) on the physical performance of individuals with knee osteoarthritis (OA) in 3 tests designed to simulate activities of daily living (ADLs). Fifteen individuals with symptomatic knee OA completed the Timed-Up-and-Go Test, step test, 20-m walk test, and visual analog scale (VAS) recordings of knee pain intensity. A main effect was detected for time to complete the step test (F[2,28] = 6.243, p = 0.006, (Equation is included in full-text article.)). Post hoc analyses revealed that the time to complete the step test at 5 minutes after WBVT improved significantly (p = 0.042) from that of the pretest. A moderate correlation (r = 0.465, p = 0.001) was found between the VAS scores and the time to complete the step test across all trials. A main effect was found for time to complete the walk test (F[2,28] = 4.370, p = 0.022, (Equation is included in full-text article.)). Post hoc analyses did not indicate significant improvements from pretest seen at 5 minutes after WBVT (p = 0.110) and 1 hour after WBVT (p = 0.224). The WBVT was well tolerated in nearly all the participants, and we observed that an acute bout of WBVT was effective in improving the ability of individuals with knee OA to perform a step test and 20-m walk test. Our findings suggest that WBVT may be an effective nonpharmacologic modality to treat some knee OA symptoms and improve ADLs.  相似文献   

Time between meals can vary from multiple hours to days within and among species. We investigated the effects of time since feeding on lipid, protein, and carbohydrate oxidation in flying pigeons (Columba livia) by interpreting changes in blood plasma metabolite concentrations and mass during flight. Five pigeons were flown or rested for 4 h after food deprivations of 2, 12, 24, and 48 h. After flight, blood plasma concentrations of uric acid and beta-hydroxybutyrate were elevated over control and preflight values, indicating elevated protein and lipid catabolism during flight. Lipid oxidation, as indicated by changes in beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration, increased more in unfed flying pigeons compared with recently fed flying pigeons and with resting controls. Protein oxidation, as indicated by changes in uric acid concentrations, also positively covaried with feeding time; the covariation was mostly caused by increases in 48-h food-deprived pigeons. Unfed birds lost less mass during a 4-h flight than recently fed birds. We reasoned that recently fed pigeons oxidized more glycogen in flight than pigeons not recently fed; calculated glycogen stores explained 72%-117% of mass loss differences between 2- and 48-h-fed pigeons. Thus, time since feeding was an important determinant of the fuels pigeons used in flight.  相似文献   

Diet manipulation and genetic selection are two important mitigation strategies for reducing enteric methane (CH4) emissions from ruminant livestock. The aim of this study was to assess whether the diurnal pattern of CH4 emissions from individual dairy cows changes over time when cows are fed on diets varying in forage composition. Emissions of CH4 from 36 cows were measured during milking in an automatic (robotic) milking station in three consecutive feeding periods, for a total of 84 days. In Periods 1 and 2, the 36 cows were fed a high-forage partial mixed ration (PMR) containing 75% forage, with either a high grass silage or high maize silage content. In Period 3, cows were fed a commercial PMR containing 69% forage. Cows were offered PMR ad libitum plus concentrates during milking and CH4 emitted by individual cows was sampled during 8662 milkings. A linear mixed model was used to assess differences among cows, feeding periods and time of day. Considerable variation was observed among cows in daily mean and diurnal patterns of CH4 emissions. On average, cows produced less CH4 when fed on the commercial PMR in feeding Period 3 than when the same cows were fed on high-forage diets in feeding Periods 1 and 2. The average diurnal pattern for CH4 emissions did not significantly change between feeding periods and as lactation progressed. Emissions of CH4 were positively associated with dry matter (DM) intake and forage DM intake. It is concluded that if the management of feed allocation remains constant then the diurnal pattern of CH4 emissions from dairy cows will not necessarily alter over time. A change in diet composition may bring about an increase or decrease in absolute emissions over a 24-h period without significantly changing the diurnal pattern unless management of feed allocation changes. These findings are important for CH4 monitoring techniques that involve taking measurements over short periods within a day rather than complete 24-h observations.  相似文献   

Indicator species (IS) are used to monitor environmental changes, assess the efficacy of management, and provide warning signals for impending ecological shifts. Though widely adopted in recent years by ecologists, conservation biologists, and environmental practitioners, the use of IS has been criticized for several reasons, notably the lack of justification behind the choice of any given indicator. In this review, we assess how ecologists have selected, used, and evaluated the performance of the indicator species. We reviewed all articles published in Ecological Indicators (EI) between January 2001 and December 2014, focusing on the number of indicators used (one or more); common taxa employed; terminology, application, and rationale behind selection criteria; and performance assessment methods. Over the last 14 years, 1914 scientific papers were published in EI, describing studies conducted in 53 countries on six continents; of these, 817 (43%) used biological organisms as indicators. Terms used to describe organisms in IS research included “ecological index”, “environmental index”, “indicator species”, “bioindicator”, and “biomonitor,” but these and other terms often were not clearly defined. Twenty percent of IS publications used only a single species as an indicator; the remainder used groups of species as indicators. Nearly 50% of the taxa used as indicators were animals, 70% of which were invertebrates. The most common applications behind the use of IS were to: monitor ecosystem or environmental health and integrity (42%); assess habitat restoration (18%); and assess effects of pollution and contamination (18%). Indicators were chosen most frequently based on previously cited research (40%), local abundance (5%), ecological significance and/or conservation status (13%), or a combination of two or more of these reasons (25%). Surprisingly, 17% of the reviewed papers cited no clear justification for their choice of indicator. The vast majority (99%) of publications used statistical methods to assess the performance of the selected indicators. This review not only improves our understanding of the current uses and applications of IS, but will also inform practitioners about how to better select and evaluate ecological indicators when conducting future IS research.  相似文献   

Diabet. Med. 29, e369-e376 (2012) ABSTRACT: Aims To assess physical activity and fitness levels of young people with Type?1 diabetes compared with siblings without diabetes, and to investigate the association between physical activity, physical fitness and glycaemic control (HbA(1c) ) in those young people with diabetes. Methods The study consisted of 97 young people aged 8 to 16?years (62% male) from a Paediatric Diabetes Service in South West England. Sixty participants (67% male) had Type?1 diabetes and 37 participants (54% male) were siblings without diabetes (control group). We measured weight, height and waist circumference, calculated BMI and waist-height ratio and recorded pubertal status, blood pressure and current insulin regimen information. We assessed physical activity by accelerometry, from which we calculated light and moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity. We measured physical fitness by multistage sub-maximal bicycle ergometer test. We obtained HbA(1c) by venipuncture. Results There were no differences between the young people with diabetes and siblings without diabetes in body composition, blood pressure, physical activity and fitness. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was associated with better glycaemic control, accounting for 30-37% (R(2) =?0.295-0.374) of the variance for HbA(1c) . Physical fitness was not associated with HbA(1c.) Conclusions Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was associated with better glycaemic control while fitness was not. Findings suggest that developing strategies to increased moderate-to-vigorous physical activity may prove an effective method of improving glycaemic control in young people with diabetes.  相似文献   

The mesencephalic/rhombomere 1 border (isthmus) is an organizing center for early development of midbrain and cerebellum. In this review, we summarize recent progress in studies of Fgf signaling in the isthmus and discuss how the isthmus instructs the differentiation of the midbrain versus cerebellum. Fgf8 is shown to play a pivotal role in isthmic organizer activity. Only a strong Fgf signal mediated by Fgf8b activates the Ras-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway, and this is sufficient to induce cerebellar development. A lower level of signaling transduced by Fgf8a, Fgf17 and Fgf18 induce midbrain development. Numerous feedback loops then maintain appropriate mesencephalon/rhombomere1 and organizer gene expression.  相似文献   

Territory formation is ubiquitous throughout the animal kingdom. At the individuallevel, various behaviours attempt to exclude conspecifics from regions of space. Atthe population level, animals often segregate into distinct territorial areas.Consequently, it should be possible to derive territorial patterns from theunderlying behavioural processes of animal movements and interactions. Suchderivations are an important element in the development of an ecological theory thatcan predict the effects of changing conditions on territorial populations. Here, wereview the approaches developed over the past 20 years or so, which go under theumbrella of ‘mechanistic territorial models’. We detail the two mainstrands to this research: partial differential equations and individual-basedapproaches, showing what each has offered to our understanding of territoriality andhow they can be unified. We explain how they are related to other approaches tostudying territories and home ranges, and point towards possible futuredirections.  相似文献   

Cine film documenting unrestrained locomotion of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) ranging in age from 6 to greater than 48 months was analyzed to provide information on gait transitions from walking to loping. Changes in the duration of time between reciprocal footfalls were measured to determine how alternate limb movements, which occurred during walking, were converted to synchronous limb coordination characteristic of loping. Footfall pattern changes were also determined, and walk-lope transition speeds were plotted on logarithmic coordinates, as a function of body mass. Conversion from alternate to synchronous limb movement during vervet walk-lope transitions was effected by systematic decreases in the duration of time between successive footfalls. These decreases primarily affected contralateral limb pairs, RH-LH and RF-LF. Synchronous contralateral limb movement was considered to be mechanically advantageous because, when coupled with increased ranges of back motion, it provided a mechanism for increasing hindlimb step length. Intraspecific scaling of walk-lope transition speed in vervets provided support for McMahon's (1975) elastic similarity principle.  相似文献   

When dense populations of even-aged plant monocultures are subject to intense competition, mortality can occur in a process known as self-thinning, in which changes in biomass are accompanied by decreases in density. On a plot of log biomass versus log density, self-thinning populations show a linear relationship called the self-thinning line. Variations in the fertility level of the substrate are known to affect self-thinning in a number of ways. Populations from substrates with different fertility levels have been observed to self-thin along the same line, or along different lines. A review of several experiments using the one species grown at different fertility levels was undertaken to look for any mechanisms that might account for the different patterns observed. It was postulated that the critical difference between whether populations followed a common or different line was the way in which competition developed in the stands as biomass accumulated. For the common-line pattern, data on the canopy volume required to support a given biomass showed that biomass packing did not differ between fertility levels, supporting the model of a common competitive mechanism operating at all fertility levels. When different lines were observed, the development of competition differed as plants increased in size and biomass accumulated at each fertility level. Over the upper range of fertility levels, biomass packing values per plant increased as fertility declined and the position of self-thinning lines followed predictions from biomass packing data. At the low end of the fertility scale, biomass packing values still decreased with fertility level, but the position of self-thinning lines was not linked to the biomass packing of individual plants: root interactions were presumed to dominate competition and the trajectory of self-thinning lines.  相似文献   

Behavioral games predators play among themselves may have profound effects on behavioral games predators play with their prey. We studied the behavioral game between predators and prey within the framework of social foraging among predators. We tested how conspecific interactions among predators (little egret) change the predator–prey behavioral game and foraging success. To do so, we examined foraging behavior of egrets alone and in pairs (male and female) in a specially designed aviary consisting of three equally spaced pools with identical initial prey (comet goldfish) densities. Each pool was comprised of a risky microhabitat, rich with food, and a safe microhabitat with no food, forcing the fish to trade off food and safety. When faced with two versus one egret, we found that fish significantly reduced activity in the risky habitat. Egrets in pairs suffered reduced foraging success (negative intraspecific density dependence) and responded to fish behavior and to their conspecific by changing their visiting regime at the different pools—having shorter, more frequent visits. The time egret spent on each visit allowed them to match their long-term capture success rate across the environment to their capture success rate in the pool, which satisfies one aspect of optimality. Overall, egrets in pairs allocated more time for foraging and changed their foraging tactics to focus more on fish under cover and fish ‘peeping’ out from their shelter. These results suggest that both prey and predator show behavioral flexibility and can adjust to changing conditions as needed in this foraging game.  相似文献   

Lakeshore marshes around Liangzi Lake, in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China, experience annual changes of water level of c. 1.5 m. During the drawdown period, the vegetation is structured by helophytes and emergents; during the rainy season when the dams are closed (June–September) the marshes are flooded and their vegetation rapidly changes to be come dominated by submerged, floating-leaved and tall emergent species. The species composition and abundance of both the marsh seed bank and the vegetative propagule bank were compared with those of the drawdown and flooded vegetation types. These data provided a test of the predictive power of van der Valk's model of northern temperate seasonal vegetation change in a subtropical, freshwater wetland with cyclic vegetational change. The abundant species were detected in the propagule bank. The seed bank was found to determine the species richness of both types of the vegetation, whereas the vegetative propagule bank consisted of the dominants of the drawdown vegetation. Water depth conditions, and the composition of seed and vegetative propagules banks together determine the structure of the standing vegetation during drawdown and flooding. van der Valk's succession model was found to predict the seasonal vegetation change reasonably well. The Chi-square test showed no significant difference between predicted vegetation and actual vegetation in both drawdown and flooding periods.  相似文献   

Although it is widely predicted that the geographic distributions of tree species and forest types will undergo substantial shifts in future, modelling approaches used to date are largely unable to project the pace at which forest distributions will respond to environmental change. The expansion and contraction of forest distributions act against considerable demographic inertia in the present composition and size‐structure of forest stands as climate‐induced changes in growth, mortality, and recruitment alter population dynamics through time. We aimed to better understand how shifts in forest distributions reflect long‐term changes in tree demographic rates and population dynamics, and how such shifts are influenced by 1) disturbance from forest harvesting and 2) local environmental heterogeneity. Using a simple, data‐constrained gap model, we simulated regional forest dynamics in the eastern United States over the next 500 yr. We then compared the geographic distributions of five different forest types through time under present and altered climatic conditions, in scenarios that variously included and excluded forest harvesting and environmental heterogeneity. Although we held climate fixed after 100 yr, it took another 160 yr after this for these forest types to collectively experience 90% of their eventual climate‐related distribution gains and losses. Competition strongly affected the nature of responses to climate change. Harvesting accelerated and amplified gains by an early‐successional forest type at the expense of a late‐successional one, but these gains did not occur faster than those for other forest types. Environmental heterogeneity had little effect on distribution gains or losses through time. These findings indicate that forest distributions should respond quite slowly to climate change, with the leading and trailing edges of different forest types shifting over a span of centuries. Disturbances can expedite some transitions, but are unlikely to lead to wholesale changes in forest types in the coming decades.  相似文献   

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