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A novel bioreactor system developed for high-density cultures of suspended mammalian cells is described using a tangential-flow filtration device outside the culture vessel to separate viable cells from spent medium. The filtration device is based on thin porous microfiltration membranes with a pore size of 0.20–0.65 m. Because cells have a diameter of about 10–20 m, they cannot permeate these membranes with the spent medium. So, allowing a perfusion culture to be created using this system. In most membrane filtration systems, clogging of the membranes has made long-term operation difficult. In this system, however, high pressure is not applied directly to the membrane, thus minimizing clogging. Also, clogging of the membrane was prevented by washing the membrane surface once a day, and increasing the membrane surface are. With this system, FM-3A cells were cultured and maintained at a high density of 3.0×107 cells/ml for two weeks, and a continuous culture was supported for as long as 34 days.Abbreviation DO dissolved oxygen - PVDF polyvinylidene di-fluoride  相似文献   

超声强化生化分离技术应用进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将超声波的空化作用、热效应、机械作用应用于生化分离技术中,可提高分离效率、缩短时间、简化操作过程。综述了超声波在生化分离如天然成分提取、沉淀、萃取、结晶等各种分离方法中的应用现状,并探讨了超声波与分离方法结合的发展前景。  相似文献   

Increasing economic pressure is the main driving force to enhance the efficiency of existing processes. We developed a perfusion strategy for a seed train reactor to generate a higher inoculum density for a subsequent fed batch production culture. A higher inoculum density can reduce culture duration without compromising product titers. Hence, a better capacity utilization can be achieved. The perfusion strategy was planned to be implemented in an existing large scale antibody production process. Therefore, facility and process constraints had to be considered. This article describes the initial development steps. Using a proprietary medium and a Chinese hamster ovary cell line expressing an IgG antibody, four different cell retention devices were compared in regard to retention efficiency and reliability. Two devices were selected for further process refinement, a centrifuge and an inclined gravitational settler. A concentrated feed medium was developed to meet facility constraints regarding maximum accumulated perfundate volume. A 2‐day batch phase followed by 5 days of perfusion resulted in cell densities of 1.6 × 1010 cells L?1, a 3.5 fold increase compared to batch cultivations. Two reactor volumes of concentrated feed medium were needed to achieve this goal. Eleven cultivations were carried out in bench and 50 L reactors showing acceptable reproducibility and ease of scale up. In addition, it was shown that at least three perfusion phases can be combined within a repeated perfusion strategy. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:607–615, 2014  相似文献   

The steady-state metabolic parameters for a hybridoma cell line have been determined in continuous suspension-perfusion culture over a wide range of perfusion rates and cell bleed rates. Significant increases in viable cell concentrations and volumetric productivities were achieved at high perfusion rates and low cell bleed rates. At the low growth rates examined in this study, cellular metabolism shifted to become more oxidative, and as a result, the fraction of consumed substrate converted to inhibitory metabolic by-products was reduced. Specific antibody productivity was found to be non-growth associated. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Cell isolation by eliminating undesirable cell aggregations or colonies with low activity is essential to improve cell culture efficiency. Moreover, when creating tissues from induced pluripotent stem cells, residual undifferentiated cells must be removed to prevent tumor formation in vivo. Here, we evaluated the use of ultrasonic irradiation, which can apply energy locally without contact, and proposed a method to eliminate cells in a small area of culture by ultrasonic irradiation from a Langevin transducer. We constructed a device that incorporated a bolt‐clamped 19.84 kHz Langevin transducer with an ultrasonic horn and determined the optimal conditions for stable elimination of cells in small areas of a 35‐mm culture dish. The optimal conditions were as follows: number of cycles = 400, clearance distance = 1 mm, volume of medium = 4 mL, and distance from the center of culture surface = 0 mm. The mean cell elimination area under these conditions was 0.097 mm2. We also evaluated the viability of neighboring cells after ultrasonic irradiation by fluorescent staining and found that most cells around the elimination area survived. These findings suggest that the proposed method has potential for localized elimination of cells without the need for contact with the cell surface.  相似文献   

This review focuses on cultivation of mammalian cells in a suspended perfusion mode. The major technological limitation in the scaling-up of these systems is the need for robust retention devices to enable perfusion of medium as needed. For this, cell retention techniques available to date are presented, namely, cross-flow filters, hollow fibers, controlled-shear filters, vortex-flow filters, spin-filters, gravity settlers, centrifuges, acoustic settlers, and hydrocyclones. These retention techniques are compared and evaluated for their respective advantages and potential for large-scale utilization in the context of industrial manufacturing processes. This analysis shows certain techniques have a limited range of perfusion rate where they can be implemented (most microfiltration techniques). On the other hand, techniques were identified that have shown high perfusion capacity (centrifuges and spin-filters), or have a good potential for scale-up (acoustic settlers and inclined settlers). The literature clearly shows that reasonable solutions exist to develop large-scale perfusion processes.  相似文献   

A novel system useful for aeration and cell retention in continuous perfused microcarrier cultures is described. The system is based on a vibrating cage that separates cells and microcarriers from the oxygenation chamber and allows gas bubble free oxygen transfer. In the cultivation of monkey kidney cells (VERO) on gelatin coated microcarriers, using different concentrations (5, 10 and 15 g Cytodex 3/liter) cell densities up to 107 cells per ml were obtained. The described system is scaleable.  相似文献   

利用CHO细胞能在培养过程中自然结团的特性,采用超声—沉降柱二合一灌流系统能促进细胞结团和加强截留的特性,我们用无血清培养基连续灌流培养基因重组CHO细胞MK3-A2株,分泌表达rhTNK-tPA获得了成功。培养周期为77-110天,细胞结团率为90%左右,直径在285~570μm之间,细胞截留率保持在95%左右,成活率为85%以上,细胞密度达到2×107/ml左右,rhTNK-tPA生产率平均为89 mg/L/d,最高时达216mg/L/d。 结果表明,使用该灌流系统进行细胞结团培养可以取代微载体培养用于动物细胞制药的规模化生产。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a novel method for the external attachment of ultrasonic transmitters on hard fin-spines fish (Sparidae). Acanthopagrus latus, one of the main stocking Sparidae fishes in the northern South China Sea, was employed to conduct the 40-day tank experiment by using dummy ultrasonic transmitters. The experiment consisted of 3 treatment groups, i.e., drilling on dorsal fin-spine (DD) group, drilling on anal fin-spine (DA) group, and control (C) group, with each group having 3 replicates and 30 fish per replicate. The feasibilities of DD and DA for the external attachment of ultrasonic transmitters were tested and evaluated using parameters: the specific growth rate, survival rate, and tag retention rate of each group. And the tagging procedures for the external attachment of hard fin-spines fish were also proposed. The results showed that there were no significant differences in the specific growth rate of fish between groups. Both the survival rates of DD group (96.67%) and DA group (94.44%) were less (but not significant) than C group (97.78%), while the tag retention rate of DA group (100%) was higher (but not significant) than DD group (98.89%). These results demonstrate that drilling on dorsal or anal fin-spines is feasible as an external attachment method of ultrasonic transmitters on Sparidae fishes. In addition, considering the friction between the tagged transmitters and rocks at the bottom of natural waters, which possibly affect the fish behaviors such as swimming, feeding, etc., or lead to tag loss, so drilling on the dorsal fin-spine is preferred for rocky-bottom Sparidae fishes like A. latus as small as 14 cm body length.  相似文献   

Since 1969 much attention has been devoted to the useof spinfilter systems for retention of mammalian cellsin continuous perfusion cultivations. Previousinvestigations dealt with hydrodynamic conditions,fouling processes and upscaling. But hydrodynamicconditions and fouling processes seem to have asecondary importance in spinfilter performance duringauthentic perfusion cultivations. Obviously,alterations in culture condition are more relevantespecially during long-term processes. Therefore, ourpratical approach focussed on the performance qualityof a commercially available 20 m spinfilterduring a perfusion cultivation of a recombinant CHOcell line in pilot scale regarding the followingissues: 1) retention of viable cells in thebioreactor; 2) removal of dead cells and cell debrisfrom the bioreactor; 3) alterations in culturecondition; and 4) changes in perfusion mode.Furthermore, we tested the performance of 20 mspinfilters in 2 and 100 l pilot scale using solidmodel particles instead of cells. Our investigationsshowed that retention of viable cells in pilot scalewas independent of spinfilter rotation velocity andperfusion rate; the retention increased from 75 to 95%corresponding to operation time, enlarging celldiameter and enhanced formation of aggregates in theculture during the perfusion cultivation. By means ofthe Cell Counter and Analyzer System (CASY) anoperation cut off of 13 m was determined forthis spinfilter. Using solid model particles in 2 lscale, optimal retention was achieved at a tip speedof 0.43 m s-1 (141 rpm) – furtherenhancement of spinfilter rotation velocity up to0.56 m s-1 (185 rpm) decreased the retentionrapidly. In pilot scale best retention performance wasobtained with tip speeds of 0.37 m s-1(35 rpm) and 1.26 m s-1 (120 rpm). Hence,significant retention in pilot scale could already beachieved with low agitation. Therefore, the additionof shear force protectives could be avoided so thatthe purification of the target protein from thesupernatant would be facilitated.  相似文献   

Some physiological/morphological changes have been reported before, when suspended yeasts have been irradiated with well-defined ultrasonic standing, as well as propagating, plane waves around 2.2 MHz, as used in ultrasonic coagulation, e.g., for cell filtering. Thus we used yeast as a biological model to explore the reasons for both those morphology changes and some unusual macroscopic behaviour in the case of water-rich ethanol mixtures when used as carrier liquid. When the cells were suspended in 12% (v/v) ethanol–water mixture separation was greatly reduced; the yeast cells were not retained in the pressure nodal planes of the standing wave, but mixed turbulently through the separation system. How this behaviour alters the efficiency of retention/immobilisation was measured. As the viability of the yeast was decreased as well the morphology of the cells was examined using transmission electron microscopy. Two effects, according to the type of assessment, were evident; a disruption of the cells vacuole and also damage to the cell wall/membrane complex. The extent of the alterations in vacuole structure with sonication time, utilising a fluorescent vacuole membrane dye, was measured. Transient cavitation was not detected and thus could be excluded as being responsible for the observed effects. Other possible reasons for the disruption of the intracellular compartments may be acoustic pressure, displacement or other, secondary effects like (sub) harmonic cavitation. The investigations contribute to a better understanding of the physical conditions experienced when a cell is stressed in a high-frequency ultrasonic wave in the MHz range.  相似文献   

由于各种疾病在全球范围内的肆虐,国际市场对重组腺病毒载体(adenoviral vector,Adv)疫苗的需求量急剧增加,而工艺研究是解决这一问题的有效手段之一。在细胞接毒前施加高渗胁迫可以提高分批培养模式下的Adv产量,新兴的灌流培养也可以显著提高Adv的产量。将高渗胁迫工艺与灌流培养相结合,有望进一步提升高细胞密度生产过程中的Adv产量。本研究利用摇瓶结合拟灌流培养作为生物反应器灌流培养的缩小模型,使用渗透压为300–405 mOsm的培养基研究了高渗胁迫对细胞生长和Adv生产的影响。结果显示,在细胞生长阶段使用370 mOsm的高渗透压培养基,在病毒生产阶段使用300 mOsm的等渗透压培养基的灌流培养工艺有效地提高了Adv的产量。进一步研究发现这可能归因于病毒复制后期HSP70蛋白的表达量增加。将这种工艺放大至生物反应器中,Adv的产量达到3.2×1010 IFU/mL,是传统灌流培养工艺的3倍。本研究首次将高渗胁迫工艺与灌流培养相结合的策略应用于HEK 293细胞生产Adv,同时揭示了高渗胁迫工艺增产Adv的可能原因,为HEK 293细胞生产其他类型Adv的工艺优化提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

A new system for the perfusion culture of animal cells in suspension is described. It consists of an airlift loop reactor and a settling tank for cell retention. Insufficient nutrient and oxygen supply of the cells in the settling tank was prevented by cooling the cell suspension before entering the settler. As a result, the catabolic activity of the cells in the settler was reversibly reduced. Furthermore, the density gradient induced by cooling caused a liquid motion through the settler. Thus, it was not necessary to pump medium containing shear, sensitive cells. With this simple system, it was possible to prduce 2 to 5 g of antibodies in a 5.4-L reactor in continuous runs of 400 to 600 h. The productivity was increased by a factor of 17 and the cell density was 4 times higher in comparison with the corresponding batch system. The cell retention system was found to have the property of separating viable and nonviable cells. With the increasing perfusion rate, dead cells and debris were preferably washed out. For perfusion rates up to 1.3 d(-1), the retention efficiency of the settler was nearly 100% for viable cells; hence, this system may show advantages at the industrial scale.  相似文献   

Recombinant CHO cells of DG44 origin (CS*13-1.00), expressing a chimeric antibody against the S surface antigen of the Hepatitis B virus, were cultivated in single-stage and two-stage depth filter perfusion systems (DFPS) under varying temperature, pH, and oxygen tension conditions to determine their effects on recombinant antibody production. A long-term culture was carried out in a single-stage depth filter for 81 days, during which an occasional clog interrupted the experiment. However, this problem was solved via trypsin injection. The DFPS showed a steady production of monoclonal antibody at a concentration of 100∼150 mg/L. As the cultivation temperature was increased from 33 to 37°C, the monoclonal antibody (Mab) concentration increased from 80.33 to 133.47 mg/L. Likewise, the glucose uptake rate (GUR) and lactate production rate (LPR) also increased. With an increase in pH from 6.95 to 7.61, the Mab concentration increased from 61.64 to 94.31 mg/L. When the oxygen tension was increased from 60 to 80%, the Mab concentration increased from 93.78 to 128.30 mg/L.  相似文献   

A novel, h-shaped ultrasonic resonator was used to separate biological particulates. The effectiveness of the resonator was demonstrated using suspensions of the cyanobacterium, Spirulina platensis. The key advantages of this approach were improved acoustic field homogeneity, flow characteristics, and overall separation efficiency (sigma = 1 - ratio of concentration in cleared phase to input), monitored using a turbidity sensor. The novel separation concept was also effective under microgravity conditions; gravitational forces influenced overall efficiency. Separation of Spirulina at cleared flow rates of 14 to 58 L/day, as assessed by remote video recording, was evaluated under both microgravity (相似文献   

The serum-free medium MDSS2 (Merten et al., 1994), was used for cultivating Vero cells as well as for producing poliovirus (Sabin type 1) in static and in perfused micro-carrier cultures. At slightly different growth rates of 0.0120/h and 0.0106/h, respectively, static cultures in serum-containing (SCM) and serum-free (SFM) medium produced titers of 106.75 and 106.67 TCID50 per 50 μl; signifying a specific productivity of 0.89 and 1.07 TCID50/c. Serum-free bioreactor cultures of Vero cells on DEAE-dextran microcarriers at 6.25 g/l produced cell densities of about 1.5×106c/ml. After infection with virus (multiplicity of infection (MOI) 0.1–0.3) titers of about 6.3×108 TCID50/ml were obtained, signifying an average specific productivity of 7.1 TCID50/c.h. Although these values were 4 and 2 fold, respectively, higher than in classical resum-based production processes (Montagnon et al. Dev. biol. Stand. 1981, 47, 55), a reference culture, for which cell growth was done in SCM and only virus production was done in SFM, produced 2×109 TCID/ml with an average specific virus production rate of 18.9 TCID50/c.h. The differences between the fully serum-free and our reference process were mainly due to physiological differences of cells grown in SCM and SFM and also due to strongly modified consumption kinetics after virus infection leading to limitations of one or several essential medium compounds, like glucose and amino acids. Avoiding these limitations by increasing the residual concentration of glucose, glutamine, histidine, and SH-amino acids, led to specific virus production rates (of about 17.9 TCID59/c.h.) comparable to those found in the reference virus production process. The optimisation of the production of the poliovirus (Sabin 1) will be described with respect to the modification of the medium composition. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Dielectrophoresis is a well established and effective means for the manipulation of viable cells. However, its effectiveness greatly depends upon the utilization of very low electrical conductivity media. High conductivity media, as in the case of cell culture media, result only in the induction of weaker repulsive forces (negative dielectrophoresis) and excessive medium heating. A dielectrophoresis-based cell separation device (DEP-filter) has been recently developed for perfusion cultures that successfully overcomes these obstacles and provides a very high degree of viable cell separation while most of the nonviable cells are removed from the bioreactor by the effluent stream. The latter results in high viabilities throughout the culture period and minimization of lysed cell proteases in the bioreactor. However, an important question that remains to be answered is whether we have any adverse effects by exposing the cultured cells to high frequency electric fields for extended periods of time. A special chamber was constructed to quantitate the effect under several operational conditions. Cell growth, glucose uptake, lactate and monoclonal antibody production data suggest that there is no appreciable effect and hence, operation over long periods of time of the DEP-filter should not have any adverse effect on the cultured cells. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The development of mammalian cell perfusion cultures is still laborious and complex to perform due to the limited availability of scale-down models and limited knowledge of time- and cost-effective procedures. The maximum achievable viable cell density (VCDmax), minimum cell-specific perfusion rate (CSPRmin), cellular growth characteristics, and resulting bleed rate at steady-state operation are key variables for the effective development of perfusion cultures. In this study, we developed a stepwise procedure to use shake tubes (ST) in combination with benchtop (BR) bioreactors for the design of a mammalian cell perfusion culture at high productivity (23 pg·cell−1·day−1) and low product loss in the bleed (around 10%) for a given expression system. In a first experiment, we investigated peak VCDs in STs by the daily discontinuous medium exchange of 1 reactor volume (RV) without additional bleeding. Based on this knowledge, we performed steady-state cultures in the ST system using a working volume of 10 ml. The evaluation of the steady-state cultures allowed performing a perfusion bioreactor run at 20 × 106 cells/ml at a perfusion rate of 1 RV/day. Constant cellular environment and metabolism resulted in stable product quality patterns. This study presents a promising strategy for the effective design and development of perfusion cultures for a given expression system and underlines the potential of the ST system as a valuable scale-down tool for perfusion cultures.  相似文献   

A perfusion culture system was developed to investigate the oxygenation of high-density hybridoma cell cultures. The culture system was composed of a stirred-tank bioreactor and an external microfiltration hollow fiber cartridge for medium perfusion. Cell growth and antibody production were examined with large bubble ( approximately 5 mm in diameter), micron-sized bubble ( approximately 80 mum in diameter), and silicone tubing oxygenation techniques. Comparable cell growth and monoclonal antibody (MAb) production were found for both the micron-sized and large oxygenation methods, provided that large bubbles were enriched with pure oxygen. Relatively low cell growth and MAb production were attained with the bubble-free silicone tubing oxygenation. It is concluded that direct bubble oxygenation can be applied successfully in high-density animal cell cultures, provided that the culture medium is supplemented with Pluronic F-68. The accumulation of ammonia in the culture medium rather than oxygen limitation was found to be one of the possible problems that eventually inhibited cell growth. This and the fouling of the filtration cartridge during long-term cultivation were found to be more problematic than simple bubble oxygenation of high-density cell culture. The micron-sized bubble oxygenation method is highly recommended for high-density animal cell cultures, provided that Pluronic F-68 is supplemented into the culture medium. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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