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Picosecond laser spectroscopic analysis was applied to determine how many intermediates existed in the primary photochemical process of trans-bacteriorhodopsin (light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin) at room temperature (18°C) and to calculate their absorption spectra. Irradiation of bacteriorhodopsin with a laser pulse (wavelength, 532 nm; pulse width, 25 ps) yielded the K intermediate (K) which was produced through a precursor, having an absorption maximum (λmax) longer than that of K. K was stable during a picosecond time range (50–900 ps). The λmax was located at 610 nm and the extinction coefficient (?max) was 0.92-times that of bacteriorhodopsin. The same K intermediate was produced from bacteriorhodopsin even when it was excited with a high-energy pulse by which a saturation effect was induced. A transient difference spectrum measured at 150 ns after the excitation of bacteriorhodopsin was different in shape from that of the K intermediate, suggesting that an intermediate was formed by thermal decay of K. This intermediate, tentatively called the KL intermediate (KL), had a λmax at 596 nm and an ?max 0.80-times that of bacteriorhodopsin. KL decayed to the L intermediate (L) with a time constant of 2.2 μs. L has a λmax at 543 nm and an ?max 0.66-times that of bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

The primary stage of photoexcitation of bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium halobium upon the action of ultrashort (tau equal to 25 ps) laser impulse of 530 nm wavelength and of energy 2.5.10(-3) J has been studied. The primary photoproduct with a maximum of 630 nm is shown to occur in the differential spectrum in a time less than 25 ps both at room temperature (+20 degrees C) and at a low temperature (-150 degrees C).  相似文献   

We have used single-photon timing with picosecond resolution to investigate the effect of phosphorylation on the fluorescence decay from broken spinach chloroplasts. Phosphorylation of spinach thylakoids causes a quenching of the slow decay phase (equivalent to a quenching of variable fluorescence) and an increase in the yield of the middle phase decay component. In addition, phosphorylation alters the intensity dependence of fluorescence in a manner which indicates a decreased antenna size of Photosystem II. The observed changes are indicative of a State 1-State 2 transition and show a clear reversal when the membranes are dephosphorylated.  相似文献   

Single-photon timing with picosecond resolution is used to investigate the effect of Mg2+ on the room-temperature fluorescence decay kinetics in broken spinach chloroplasts. In agreement with an earlier paper (Haehnel, W., Nairn, J.A., Reisberg, P. and Sauer, K. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 680, 161–173), we find three components in the fluorescence decay both in the presence and in the absence of Mg2+. The behavior of these components is examined as a function of Mg2+ concentration at both the F0 and the Fmax fluorescence levels, and as a function of the excitation intensity for thylakoids from spinach chloroplasts isolated in the absence of added Mg2+. Analysis of the results indicates that the subsequent addition of Mg2+ has effects which occur at different levels of added cation. At low levels of Mg2+ (less than 0.75 mM), there appears to be a decrease in communication between Photosystem (PS) II and PS I, which amounts to a decrease in the spillover rate between PS II and PS I. At higher levels of Mg2+ (about 2 mM), there appears to be an increase in communication between PS II units and an increase in the effective absorption cross-section of PS II, probably both of these involving the chlorophyll light-harvesting antenna.  相似文献   

Pierre Sebban  Ismaël Moya 《BBA》1983,722(3):436-442
Fluorescence lifetime spectra of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides chromatophores have been measured at room temperature by phase fluorimetry at 82 MHz in order to investigate the heterogeneity of the emission. The total fluorescence was decomposed into two main components. A constant component, Fc, centered at 865 nm, represents about 50% of the total emission from dark-adapted chromatophores (Fo) and has a lifetime of 0.55 ns. A variable component is centered at 890 nm. Upon closing the reaction centers, 5-fold increases take place in both emission yield and lifetime of this component. In the dark-adapted state, its lifetime is about 50 ps and its contribution to the total fluorescence is 70% at 890 nm. In the presence of sodium dithionite, a long-lifetime component (τD ? 4 ns) is observed. This probably arises from radical pair recombination between P+ and I? (P, the primary electron donor, is a dimer of bacteriochlorophyll; I, the primary electron acceptor, is a molecule of bacteriopheophytin). Its spectrum is nearly identical to that of the variable component. This emission seems to be present also under nonreducing conditions, although with a much weaker intensity than when the electron acceptor quinone is prereduced.  相似文献   

Picosecond absorption spectroscopy is used to examine the position and band shape of the near infrared absorption band of hemoglobin as a function of time after the photodissociation of CO from carbonmonoxyhemoglobin. For the earliest delay time probed, 35 ps, the peak of the transient spectrum is at 765 nm, red shifted by 6 nm from that characteristic of equilibrium deoxyhemoglobin. No evolution in either the peak position or band shape is observed for time delays up to 60 ns. In addition, the position and shape of the spectrum are independent of photolysis energies ranging from 15 microJ/pulse to 150 microJ/pulse, spanning conditions under which the photon/heme ratio is varied from 0.01 to 2.0. This indicates that the geometry in the heme group is unrelaxed and that equilibration of the surrounding protein structure occurs on a time scale longer than 60 ns.  相似文献   

Enthalpy changes (Delta H) of the photointermediates that appear in the photolysis of octopus rhodopsin were measured at physiological temperatures by the laser-induced transient grating method. The enthalpy from the initial state, rhodopsin, to bathorhodopsin, lumirhodopsin, mesorhodopsin, transient acid metarhodopsin, and acid metarhodopsin were 146 +/- 15 kJ/mol, 122 +/- 17 kJ/mol, 38 +/- 8 kJ/mol, 12 +/- 5 kJ/mol, and 12 +/- 5 kJ/mol, respectively. These values, except for lumirhodopsin, are similar to those obtained for the cryogenically trapped intermediate species by direct calorimetric measurements. However, the Delta H of lumirhodopsin at physiological temperatures is quite different from that at low temperature. The reaction volume changes of these processes were determined by the pulsed laser-induced photoacoustic method along with the above Delta H values. Initially, in the transformation between rhodopsin and bathorhodopsin, a large volume expansion of +32 +/- 3 ml/mol was obtained. The volume changes of the subsequent reaction steps were rather small. These results are compared with the structural changes of the chromophore, peptide backbone, and water molecules within the membrane helixes reported previously.  相似文献   

Single-photon timing with picosecond resolution is used to investigate the effect of Mg2+ on the room-temperature fluorescence decay kinetics in broken spinach chloroplasts. In agreement with an earlier paper (Haehnel, W., Nairn, J.A., Reisberg, P. and Sauer, K. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 680, 161–173), we find three components in the fluorescence decay both in the presence and in the absence of Mg2+. The behavior of these components is examined as a function of Mg2+ concentration at both the F0 and the Fmax fluorescence levels, and as a function of the excitation intensity for thylakoids from spinach chloroplasts isolated in the absence of added Mg2+. Analysis of the results indicates that the subsequent addition of Mg2+ has effects which occur at different levels of added cation. At low levels of Mg2+ (less than 0.75 mM), there appears to be a decrease in communication between Photosystem (PS) II and PS I, which amounts to a decrease in the spillover rate between PS II and PS I. At higher levels of Mg2+ (about 2 mM), there appears to be an increase in communication between PS II units and an increase in the effective absorption cross-section of PS II, probably both of these involving the chlorophyll ab light-harvesting antenna.  相似文献   

A synthetic retinal having a fixed 11-cis geometry has been used to prepare a nonbleachable analogue of bovine rhodopsin. Marked differences in the picosecond absorption and fluorescence behavior of this analogue at room temperature, compared with that of natural rhodopsin, were observed. This not only indicates that the 11-cis to trans isomerization of the retinal moiety is the crucial primary event in the photolysis of rhodopsin, but also it establishes that this isomerization must occur on the picosecond time scale or faster.  相似文献   

Nonbleachable rhodopsins containing retinal moieties with fixed 11-ene structures have been prepared. When the nonbleachable rhodopsin analogue corresponding to the natural pigment was flash-photolysed at 20.8 degrees C, no absorption changes occurred at the monitoring wavelengths of 380, 480, and 580 nm for the time range of 2 microseconds--10 s. This observation is in contrast to that of natural rhodopsin which showed the formation of metarhodopsin I and its decay to meta II. Irradiation of the artificial rhodopsin, 77 K, with light of 460 and 540 nm, also gave no spectral changes; in the case of natural rhodopsin, however, the irradiation leads to formation of the red-shifted intermediate bathorhodopsin. The absence of photochemistry in the artificial pigment shows that an 11-cis to trans photoisomerization of the retinal moiety is a crucial step in inducing the chain of events in te photolysis of rhodopsin.  相似文献   

L Ujj  F Jger    G H Atkinson 《Biophysical journal》1998,74(3):1492-1501
The vibrational spectrum (650-1750 cm(-1)) of the lumi-rhodopsin (lumi) intermediate formed in the microsecond time regime of the room-temperature rhodopsin (RhRT) photoreaction is measured for the first time using picosecond time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (PTR/CARS). The vibrational spectrum of lumi is recorded 2.5 micros after the 3-ps, 500-nm excitation of RhRT. Complementary to Fourier transform infrared spectra recorded at Rh sample temperatures low enough to freeze lumi, these PTR/CARS results provide the first detailed view of the vibrational degrees of freedom of room-temperature lumi (lumiRT) through the identification of 21 bands. The exceptionally low intensity (compared to those observed in bathoRT) of the hydrogen out-of-plane (HOOP) bands, the moderate intensity and absolute positions of C-C stretching bands, and the presence of high-intensity C==C stretching bands suggest that lumiRT contains an almost planar (nontwisting), all-trans retinal geometry. Independently, the 944-cm(-1) position of the most intense HOOP band implies that a resonance coupling exists between the out-of-plane retinal vibrations and at least one group among the amino acids comprising the retinal binding pocket. The formation of lumiRT, monitored via PTR/CARS spectra recorded on the nanosecond time scale, can be associated with the decay of the blue-shifted intermediate (BSI(RT)) formed in equilibrium with the bathoRT intermediate. PTR/CARS spectra measured at a 210-ns delay contain distinct vibrational features attributable to BSI(RT), which suggest that the all-trans retinal in both BSI(RT) and lumiRT is strongly coupled to part of the retinal binding pocket. With regard to the energy storage/transduction mechanism in RhRT, these results support the hypothesis that during the formation of lumiRT, the majority of the photon energy absorbed by RhRT transfers to the apoprotein opsin.  相似文献   

The primary stages of rhodopsin photolysis were studied with the low temperature absorption spectroscopy technique. Digitonin extract of bovine rhodopsin was irradiated at -155 degrees C with blue light (436 nm). The following changes of the dark spectrum were recorded in the course of slow rise of the temperature in 1-3 degrees C steps. Simultaneous appearance of more than one spectral product was revealed throughout the batho- to lumirhodopsin transition. An intermediate product transformed along with bathorhodopsin to a next product known as a "blue-shifted intermediate", was observed. The data suggest that appearance of more than one intermediate at each stage of the rhodopsin photolysis reflects existence of multiple conformation states of the rhodopsin molecule in the course of its photoconversion.  相似文献   

Flash photolysis of rhodopsin in rabbit's retina has been analysed theoretically, and the results are found to be in good agreement with the experimental results of Hagins (1957). We have also obtained the variation of relative concentrations of rhodopsin, lumirhodopsin, isorhodopsin and metarhodopsin I during the period of the flash corresponding to two different intensities of the flash. It has been found that the quantum efficiencies of conversion of lumirhodopsin into rhodopsin and isorhodopsin will lie in the range 0.24–0.45 and 0.20–0.44 respectively; quantum efficiencies of conversion of metarhodopsin I into rhodopsin and isorhodopsin are found to have values greater than 0.52 and 0.45 respectively and the quantum efficiency of conversion of isorhodopsin into lumirhodopsin has been found to be approximately 0.865. Also the maximum value of the rate constant of the reaction metarhodopsin Imetarhodopsin II at 37 C has been determined in decerebrated eye and it has been found that it is of the same order as found by Pugh (1975) in the case of human eye.Work partially supported by Department of Science and Technology  相似文献   

M Nakagawa  S Kikkawa  T Iwasa    M Tsuda 《Biophysical journal》1997,72(5):2320-2328
Light-induced protein conformational changes in the photolysis of octopus rhodopsin were measured with a highly sensitive time-resolved transient UV absorption spectrophotometer with nanosecond time resolution. A negative band around 280 nm in the lumirhodopsin minus rhodopsin spectra suggests that alteration of the environment of some of the tryptophan residues has taken place before the formation of lumirhodopsin. A small recovery of the absorbance at 280 nm was observed in the transformation of lumirhodopsin to mesorhodopsin. Kinetic parameters suggest that major conformational changes have taken place in the transformation of mesorhodopsin to acid metarhodopsin. In this transformation, drastic changes of amplitude and a shift of a difference absorption band around 280 nm take place, which suggest that some of the tryptophan residues of rhodopsin become exposed to a hydrophilic environment.  相似文献   

The linear dichroism spectrum of rhodopsin in sonicated bovine disk membranes was measured 30, 60, 170, and 600 ns after room temperature photolysis with a linearly polarized, 7-ns laser pulse (lambda = 355 or 477 nm). A global exponential fitting procedure based on singular value decomposition was used to fit the linear dichroism data to two exponential processes which differed spectrally from one another and whose lifetimes were 42 +/- 7 ns and 225 +/- 40 ns. These results are interpreted in terms of a sequential model where bathorhodopsin (BATHO, lambda max = 543 nm) decays toward equilibrium with a blue shifted intermediate (BSI, lambda max = 478 nm). BSI then decays to lumirhodopsin (LUMI, lambda max = 492 nm). It has been suggested that two bathorhodopsins decay in parallel to their products. However, a Monte Carlo simulation of partial photolysis of solid-state visual pigment samples shows that one mechanism which creates populations of BATHO having different photolysis rates at 77 K may not be responsible for the two decay rates reported here at room temperature. The angle between the cis band and 498-nm band transition dipoles of rhodopsin is determined to be 38 degrees. The angles between both these transition dipoles and those of the long-wave-length bands of BATHO, BSI, and LUMI are also determined. It is shown that when BATHO is formed its transition dipole moves away from the original cis band transition dipole direction. The transition dipole then moves roughly twice as much towards the original cis band direction when BSI appears. Production of LUMI is associated with return of the transition dipole almost to the original orientation relative to the cis band, but with some displacement normal to the plane which contains the previous motions. The correlation between the lambda max of an intermediate and its transition dipole direction is discussed.  相似文献   

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