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The manner in which centromere regions of mitotic chromosomes are distributed with respect to the age of their DNA was studied. Cells of the Indian deer, Muntiacus muntjak, were grown in the presence of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for two generations and stained with the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33258. Chromatids containing granddaughter DNA appear dim when compared with those containing grandparental DNA. The frequencies of the various anaphase patterns of bright and dim centromere regions were binomially distributed, indicating random distribution of chromatids with respect to the age of their DNA templates.  相似文献   

This report describes the third in a series of double-blind, laboratory-based studies that were aimed at determining the effects of nocturnal exposure to power frequency magnetic fields on blood levels of melatonin in human volunteers. Our two earlier studies evaluated effects on melatonin of intermittent exposure to 60 Hz circularly polarized magnetic fields at 10 and 200 mG. No overall effects on melatonin levels were found. In the present study, men were exposed continuously rather than intermittently through the night to the same 200 mG magnetic field condition that was used previously; again, no overall effects on melatonin levels were found. We conclude that the intermittent and continuous exposure conditions used in our laboratory to date are not effective in altering nocturnal blood levels of melatonin in human volunteers. Bioelectromagnetics 18:166–171, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Continuing evidence suggests that extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF MFs) can affect animal and human behavior. We have previously demonstrated that after a 15 min exposure to a pulsed ELF MF, with most power at frequencies between 0 and 500 Hz, human brain electrical activity is affected as measured by electroencephalography (EEG), specifically within the alpha frequency (8-13 Hz). Here, we report that a pulsed ELF MF affects the human EEG during the exposure period. Twenty subjects (10 males; 10 females) received both a magnetic field and a sham session of 15 min in a counterbalanced design. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that alpha activity was significantly lower over the occipital electrodes (O1, Oz, O2) [F(1,16) = 5.376, P < .01, eta2 = 0.418] after the first 5 min of magnetic field exposure and was found to be related to the order of exposure (MF-sham vs. sham-MF). This decrease in alpha activity was no longer significant in the 1st min post-exposure, compared to sham (P > .05). This study is among the first to assess EEG frequency changes during a weak (+/-200 microTpk), pulsed ELF MF exposure.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts from 5 1/2-day-old chick embryos go through a sequential series of changes when exposed to a constant electromagnetic field (EMF) of 10 V/cm. These changes include rounding up, becoming bipolar in shape, assuming a cylindrical profile, elongating perpendicular to the EMF, and migrating to the cathode. These morphological changes are associated with changes of the cell surface, which include the formation of filopodia and extensive sheet-like contacts on the cathodic cell surface, the retraction of processes and the formation of focal contacts on the anodic cell surface.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the importance of gestational age in possible effects due to exposure to a 20 kHz sawtooth magnetic field, pregnant ICR mice at gestational 2.5-15.5 days post-coitus, which is the most sensitive stage for the induction of major congenital malformations, were exposed in a carrousel irradiator. The mice were exposed to a 20 kHz intermediate frequency (IF) sawtooth magnetic field had a 6.5 microT peak intensity for 8 h/day. The animals were sacrificed on the 18th day of gestation; and the fetuses were examined for mortality, growth retardation, changes in head size, and other morphological abnormalities. From the above conditions, it is concluded that the exposure to a 20 kHz sawtooth magnetic field with 6.5 microT peak intensity does not inflict any adverse effect on fetuses of pregnant mice.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS/rTMS) is currently being used in treatments of the central nervous system diseases, for instance, depressive states. The principles of localized magnetic stimulation are summarized and the risk and level of occupational field exposure of the therapeutic staff is analyzed with reference to ICNIRP guidelines for pulses below 100 kHz. Measurements and analysis of the occupational exposure to magnetic fields of the staff working with TMS/rTMS are presented.  相似文献   

Male C3H/He mice were sham-exposed or exposed continuously for 2 weeks to a vertical, 50-Hz, electric field at 20 kV/m rms. Densities of currents induced in the testes are estimated to be near 100 microA/m2. After the exposure, each male was mated with two different female mice each week during a period of 8 weeks. By this schedule, female mice were impregnated with sperm that had been exposed to the electric field at different stages of the spermatogenic cycle. No significant differences as a function of exposure condition were observed in pregnancy rates or in survival of embryos before or after implantation. The absence of effects was not due to insensitivity of assays; other mice that were exposed to X-rays (dose to testes = 1.5 Gy) presented reliable evidence of mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Amphibian species have experienced population declines and extinctions worldwide that are unprecedented in recent history. Many of these recent declines have been linked to a pathogenic skin fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, or to iridoviruses of the genus Ranavirus. One of the first lines of defense against pathogens that enter by way of the skin are antimicrobial peptides synthesized and stored in dermal granular glands and secreted into the mucus following alarm or injury. Here, I review what is known about the capacity of amphibian antimicrobial peptides from diverse amphibians to inhibit B. dendrobatidis or ranavirus infections. When multiple species were compared for the effectiveness of their in vitro antimicrobial peptides defenses against B. dendrobatidis, non-declining species of rainforest amphibians had more effective antimicrobial peptides than species in the same habitat that had recently experienced population declines. Further, there was a significant correlation between the effectiveness of the antimicrobial peptides and resistance of the species to experimental infection. These studies support the hypothesis that antimicrobial peptides are an important component of innate defenses against B. dendrobatidis. Some amphibian antimicrobial peptides inhibit ranavirus infections and infection of human T lymphocytes by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). An effective antimicrobial peptide defense against skin pathogens appears to depend on a diverse array of genes expressing antimicrobial peptides. The production of antimicrobial peptides may be regulated by signals from the pathogens. However, this defense must also accommodate potentially beneficial microbes on the skin that compete or inhibit growth of the pathogens. How this delicate balancing act is accomplished is an important area of future research.  相似文献   

Summary Oogenesis was studied in adult Triturus vulgaris (Urodela) with the electron microscope. The oocytes investigated ranged between 50 m and 1600 m in diameter.Two types of yolk platelet formation were found. Since both types involve the incorporation of high numbers of pinocytotic vesicles they are believed to be of an extraoocytic origin. On the basis of the order of their appearance they were named primary and secondary yolk.Five different types of vesicles were found, which participate in a variety of activities, such as yolk formation and the formation of the Golgi apparatus. They originate from four different sources, namely the nuclear membrane, the cytoplasm in connection with ribosome-like particles, the Golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane through pinocytosis. The results obtained were discussed especially with respect to differences found between the anura and the urodela, such as the presence or absence of cortical granules or equivalent structures.The authors wish to thank Prof. Dr. K.S. Ludwig for his valuable criticism and encouragement during the course of this study, Messrs. H. Boffin, C. Evers and Miss D. Lovri for their capable technical assistance.  相似文献   

Total body weight of newborns, the volume of spleen, and the number of megakaryocytes decreased following the exposure to ELF-MF (6 x 10(-3) T and 50 Hz) at 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20 days of pregnancy of mice. The complete period of gestation was sensitive to ELF-MF exposure; the initial days were more prone to exposure. The results suggest that the use of ELF-MF producing instruments should be limited during gestation.  相似文献   

Meiosis and sex-ratio of artificial interspecific triploid hybrids (3n=33) produced by mating of Odontophrynus cultripes males (2n=22) with O.americanus females (4n=44) are described. — Metaphases I from the triploids show pairing of homologues in configurations of trivalents, bivalents and univalents. Metaphases II revealed a variation of chromosome numbers in the range of 11 to 22. Buploid gametes with 11, 22 and 33 dyads were also found. The latter (3n) arose by pre-meiotic duplication of the chromosomes and/or by absence of meiotic reduction. — Sex-ratio of 11 males to females in one sample of the triploid interspecific hybrids was obtained.This work was supported by U. S. Public Health Service grant GM-14577-03 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, by the Fundo de Pesquisas de Instituto Butantan and by the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas.  相似文献   

The comparative DNA values were measured in three species of South American frogs belonging to the family Ceratophrydidae: Odontophrynus cultripes (2n=22), O. americanus (2n=44) and Ceratophrys dorsata (2n=104). Nuclei of erythrocytes, liver, kidney, pancreas and testis were used for measurements. The results obtained confirmed polyploid evolution in the family Ceratophrydidae. The relative DNA values of these three species conformed to the expected 124 ratio. — In general, the proportional increase in nuclear volume was observed in corresponding tissues of tetraploid and octoploid species.Supported by a grant (GM-14577-01) from National Institute of General Medical Sciences — U.S. Public Health Service.Supported by grants from CNPq, UFMG and Rockefeller Foundation.  相似文献   

Odontophrynus cultripes Reinhardt and Lutken, 1862 has 22 chromosomes in its diploid complement. Spermatocyte I contained 11 ring bivalents and metaphase II exhibited 11 chromosomes. Odontophrynus americanus (Duméril and Bibron) 1882 has 44 chromosomes in somatic as well as germ cells, these can be sorted into 11 groups of homologues. Metaphase I showed varying numbers of quadrivalents and metaphase II exhibited 22 dyads. Ceratophrys dorsata Wied., 1824 has 104 chromosomes in somatic and germ cells; these 104 chromosomes comprise 8 each of 13 kinds of homologues. The spermatocyte I contained ring octovalents and other multivalents, and metaphase II 52 chromosomes. The above findings indicate that evolution by polyploidization occurred in South American frogs belonging to the family Ceratophrydidae.This work was supported by a grant (GM-14577-01) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences U. S. Public Health Service.  相似文献   

The effect of microwaves of 2355 MHz and 50 microW/cm2 on rat respiratory system has been investigated. On the basis of the experimental results and a priori suggestions a mathematical model has been developed to describe the process observed. Its structural and functional block-diagram is proposed permitting to define the mechanism of action of SHF field.  相似文献   

V A Loginov 《Biofizika》1991,36(4):614-620
By means of hydrophobic anion phenyldicarbaundecaboron electrophoresis in PAA gels and filtration through "Millipore" filters an increase of the total membrane charge and decrease in the amount of membrane-bound proteins (actin, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase) after erythrocyte ghosts exposition in pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF, 1-10 Hz pulse frequency, 24 mTesla) were demonstrated. The effects of PEMF are explained by the changes in the distribution of electrostatic charges near the membrane protein-protein binding sites.  相似文献   

The recent development of superconducting magnets has resulted in a huge increase in human exposure to very large static magnetic fields of up to several teslas (T). Considering the rapid advances in applications and the great increases in the strength of magnetic fields used, especially in magnetic resonance imaging, safety concerns about magnetic field exposure have become a key issue. This paper points out some of these safety concerns and gives an overview of the findings about this theme, focusing mainly on mechanisms of magnetic field interaction with living organisms and the consequent effects.  相似文献   

The change in the membrane potential of Jurkat cells in response to nanosecond pulsed electric fields was studied for pulses with a duration of 60 ns and maximum field strengths of approximately 100 kV/cm (100 V/cell diameter). Membranes of Jurkat cells were stained with a fast voltage-sensitive dye, ANNINE-6, which has a subnanosecond voltage response time. A temporal resolution of 5 ns was achieved by the excitation of this dye with a tunable laser pulse. The laser pulse was synchronized with the applied electric field to record images at times before, during, and after exposure. When exposing the Jurkat cells to a pulse, the voltage across the membrane at the anodic pole of the cell reached values of 1.6 V after 15 ns, almost twice the voltage level generally required for electroporation. Voltages across the membrane on the side facing the cathode reached values of only 0.6 V in the same time period, indicating a strong asymmetry in conduction mechanisms in the membranes of the two opposite cell hemispheres. This small voltage drop of 0.6-1.6 V across the plasma membrane demonstrates that nearly the entire imposed electric field of 10 V/mum penetrates into the interior of the cell and every organelle.  相似文献   

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