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We present here the hologenome theory of evolution, which considers the holobiont (the animal or plant with all of its associated microorganisms) as a unit of selection in evolution. The hologenome is defined as the sum of the genetic information of the host and its microbiota. The theory is based on four generalizations: (1) All animals and plants establish symbiotic relationships with microorganisms. (2) Symbiotic microorganisms are transmitted between generations. (3) The association between host and symbionts affects the fitness of the holobiont within its environment. (4) Variation in the hologenome can be brought about by changes in either the host or the microbiota genomes; under environmental stress, the symbiotic microbial community can change rapidly. These points taken together suggest that the genetic wealth of diverse microbial symbionts can play an important role both in adaptation and in evolution of higher organisms. During periods of rapid changes in the environment, the diverse microbial symbiont community can aid the holobiont in surviving, multiplying and buying the time necessary for the host genome to evolve. The distinguishing feature of the hologenome theory is that it considers all of the diverse microbiota associated with the animal or the plant as part of the evolving holobiont. Thus, the hologenome theory fits within the framework of the 'superorganism' proposed by Wilson and Sober.  相似文献   

Current work in experimental biology revolves around a handful of animal species. Studying only a few organisms limits science to the answers that those organisms can provide. Nature has given us an overwhelming diversity of animals to study, and recent technological advances have greatly accelerated the ability to generate genetic and genomic tools to develop model organisms for research on host–microbe interactions. With the help of such models the authors therefore hope to construct a more complete picture of the mechanisms that underlie crucial interactions in a given metaorganism (entity consisting of a eukaryotic host with all its associated microbial partners). As reviewed here, new knowledge of the diversity of host–microbe interactions found across the animal kingdom will provide new insights into how animals develop, evolve, and succumb to the disease.  相似文献   

张其春  郗永勤 《生态学报》2017,37(11):3607-3618
挖掘城市废弃物中有价值的资源,已经成为世界各国开展废弃物开发与管理的共同选择。产业共生是推动经济绿色发展和提高资源效率的战略工具,已经成为探讨废弃物资源化利用问题的重要视角。将产业共生理论引入城市废弃物资源化利用领域,提出城市废弃物资源化共生网络的概念,并将其典型特征概括为"四个统一",即价值网络与责任网络的统一,集聚共生与虚拟共生的统一,稳健型与脆弱性的统一以及自组织性与主体建构性的统一。借鉴超网络理论构建城市废弃物资源化共生网络体系的结构模型,并从共生单元、共生模式、共生界面和共生环境4个层面对该模型进行详细解析。城市废弃物资源化共生网络可分为核心网络和外围网络,两者之间存在全方位、多层次的合作机制。在城市废弃物资源化共生网络中,共生单元具有多层次性和多样性特征,它们之间存在着不同类型、效率各异的共生关系,推动共生模式向对称互惠一体化共生进化是破解城市废弃物资源化利用难题的关键;共生界面具有物质交换、能量传递、信息共享、知识传播及利益协调等多样化功能,而共生关系的进化以及共生界面功能发挥又依赖于优越的共生环境。此外,城市废弃物资源化共生网络有依托型、平等型、嵌套型和虚拟型等4种运作模式,国内典型案例分析表明这4种运作模式将长期并存。  相似文献   

VA菌根共生的起源和进化   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
VA菌根共生的起源和进化赵之伟(云南大学生物学系,昆明650091)OriginandEvolutionoftheVAMycorrhizalSymbiosis.ZhaoZhiwei(BiologyDepartmentofYunnanUniversit...  相似文献   

1. Bacterial symbionts play a prominent role in insect nutritional ecology by aiding in digestion of food or providing nutrients that are limited or lacking in the diet. Thereby, endosymbionts open niches to their insect host that would otherwise be unavailable. 2. Currently, several other ecologically relevant traits mediated by endosymbionts are being investigated, including enhanced parasite resistance, enhanced heat tolerance, and influences on insect–plant interactions such as manipulation of plant physiology to the benefit of the insect. 3. Traits mediated by endosymbionts are often identified by correlative studies where traits are found to be altered in the presence of a particular symbiont. Recent developments in genomic tools offer the opportunity for studying the impact of bacteria–insect symbioses under natural conditions in a population and community ecology context. In vivo experiments specifically testing putative functions of endosymbionts in parallel to population‐level studies on the prevalence of endosymbionts allow disentangling host versus symbiont contribution to phenotypic variability observed in individuals. Effects of symbionts on host phenotype are often large and relevant to host fitness, e.g. by significantly enhancing survival or fecundity in a context‐dependent manner. 4. Predominantly vertically transmitted endosymbionts contribute to the heritable genetic variation present in a host species. Phenotypic variation on which selection can act may be due to differences either among host genomes, symbiont genomes, or genotype × genotype interactions. Therefore the holobiont, i.e. the host including all symbionts, should be regarded as the unit of selection as the association between host and symbionts may affect the fitness of the holobiont depending on the environment.  相似文献   

Are we in the midst of a paradigm change in biology and have animals and plants lost their individuality, i.e., are even so-called ‘typical’ organisms no longer organisms in their own right? Is the study of the holobiont—host plus its symbiotic microorganisms—no longer optional, but rather an obligatory path that must be taken for a comprehensive understanding of the ecology and evolution of the individual components that make up a holobiont? Or are associated microbes merely a component of their host’s environment, and the holobiont concept is just a beautiful idea that does not add much or anything to our understanding of evolution? This article explores different aspects of the concept of the holobiont. We focus on the aspect of functional integration, a central holobiont property, which is only rarely considered thoroughly. We conclude that the holobiont comes in degrees, i.e., we regard the property of being a holobiont as a continuous trait that we term holobiontness, and that holobiontness is differentiated in several dimensions. Although the holobiont represents yet another level of selection (different from classical individual or group selection because it acts on a system that is composed of multiple species), it depends on the grade of functional integration whether or not the holobiont concept helps to cast light on the various degrees of interactions between symbiotic partners.  相似文献   

Why bacteria matter in animal development and evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While largely studied because of their harmful effects on human health, there is growing appreciation that bacteria are important partners for invertebrates and vertebrates, including man. Epithelia in metazoans do not only select their microbiota; a coevolved consortium of microbes enables both invertebrates and vertebrates to expand the range of diet supply, to shape the complex immune system and to control pathogenic bacteria. Microbes in zebrafish and mice regulate gut epithelial homeostasis. In a squid, microbes control the development of the symbiotic light organ. These discoveries point to a key role for bacteria in any metazoan existence, and imply that beneficial bacteria‐host interactions should be considered an integral part of development and evolution.  相似文献   

肠道微生物与昆虫的共生关系   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
昆虫肠道栖息着大量的微生物。随着近年来研究肠道微生物的方法不断进步,尤其是基于16S rDNA的分子生物学方法的应用,人们对肠道微生物的了解逐渐加深。昆虫肠道对于微生物的拓殖存在一定的选择作用。肠道微生物对昆虫寄主的作用包括提供营养、利用拓殖抗性抵抗外来微生物侵袭、参与多重营养关系、引起昆虫免疫反应。长期进化过程中肠道微生物与昆虫发展出紧密的共生关系,微生物发展出一系列手段适应昆虫肠道环境。文章从以上几个方面对近年来的研究进展进行总结,并对昆虫肠道微生态学的实践意义和将来可能的研究热点进行展望。  相似文献   

D. C. Smith 《Hydrobiologia》2001,461(1-3):49-54
The development of symbiosis research over the closing 50 years of the last millenium is reviewed. At the beginning of this period, there had been very little previous research into aquatic microbial symbiosis. The advent of new experimental techniques, combined with the developing acceptance of the symbiotic origin of eukaryotic cell structure (and especially that chloroplasts evolved from a symbiosis involving photosynthetic aquatic microbes) brought symbiosis research into much greater prominence for a time in the 1970s and 1980s. Nevertheless, at the end of the millenuim, symbiosis as a subject still lacks a clear and strong identity amongst biologists in general. Three reasons are identified for this: continuing absence of a generally accepted definition of the term; little or no representation in the academic structure of biology; and the current adverse climate of research funding in many countries. However, the growing importance of symbiosis in biotechnology and in conserving biodiversity makes future prospects much brighter.  相似文献   

In addition to the strong divergent evolution and significant and episodic evolutionary transitions and speciation we previously attributed to TE‐Thrust, we have expanded the hypothesis to more fully account for the contribution of viruses to TE‐Thrust and evolution. The concept of symbiosis and holobiontic genomes is acknowledged, with particular emphasis placed on the creativity potential of the union of retroviral genomes with vertebrate genomes. Further expansions of the TE‐Thrust hypothesis are proposed regarding a fuller account of horizontal transfer of TEs, the life cycle of TEs, and also, in the case of a mammalian innovation, the contributions of retroviruses to the functions of the placenta. The possibility of drift by TE families within isolated demes or disjunct populations, is acknowledged, and in addition, we suggest the possibility of horizontal transposon transfer into such subpopulations. “Adaptive potential” and “evolutionary potential” are proposed as the extremes of a continuum of “intra‐genomic potential” due to TE‐Thrust. Specific data is given, indicating “adaptive potential” being realized with regard to insecticide resistance, and other insect adaptations. In this regard, there is agreement between TE‐Thrust and the concept of adaptation by a change in allele frequencies. Evidence on the realization of “evolutionary potential” is also presented, which is compatible with the known differential survivals, and radiations of lineages. Collectively, these data further suggest the possibility, or likelihood, of punctuated episodes of speciation events and evolutionary transitions, coinciding with, and heavily underpinned by, intermittent bursts of TE activity.  相似文献   

植物根部能够与微生物形成相互依存、互惠互利的共生关系,非豆科植物根系主要与内生真菌形成菌根的共生体。共生受体样蛋白激酶(symbiosis receptor-like kinase,SYMRK)是植物识别菌根真菌诱导而产生的特异分子,它的蛋白结构由三个部分组成,即包含3个富含亮氨酸重复序列(LRRs)的胞外受体结合域、跨膜区和胞内蛋白激酶域。Symrk是控制共生形成的一个关键组分,该基因所编码的蛋白在植物识别和应答菌根真菌早期信号转导途径中是必需的。对Symrk基因的研究为进一步弄清植物-真菌共生的功能和作用机理打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Currently, symbiotic rhizobia (sl., rhizobium) refer to the soil bacteria in α- and β-Proteobacteria that can induce root and/or stem nodules on some legumes and a few of nonlegumes. In the nodules, rhizobia convert the inert dinitrogen gas (N2) into ammonia (NH3) and supply them as nitrogen nutrient to the host plant. In general, this symbiotic association presents specificity between rhizobial and leguminous species, and most of the rhizobia use lipochitooligosaccharides, so called Nod factor (NF), for cooperating with their host plant to initiate the formation of nodule primordium and to inhibit the plant immunity. Besides NF, effectors secreted by type III secretion system (T3SS), exopolysaccharides and many microbe-associated molecular patterns in the rhizobia also play important roles in nodulation and immunity response between rhizobia and legumes. However, the promiscuous hosts like Glycine max and Sophora flavescens can nodulate with various rhizobial species harbouring diverse symbiosis genes in different soils, meaning that the nodulation specificity/efficiency might be mainly determined by the host plants and regulated by the soil conditions in a certain cases. Based on previous studies on rhizobial application, we propose a ‘1+n−N’ model to promote the function of symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) in agricultural practice, where ‘1’ refers to appreciate rhizobium; ‘+n’ means the addition of multiple trace elements and PGPR bacteria; and ‘−N’ implies the reduction of chemical nitrogen fertilizer. Finally, open questions in the SNF field are raised to future think deeply and researches.  相似文献   

Animals and plants are metaorganisms and associate with microbes that affect their physiology, stress tolerance, and fitness. Here the hypothesis that alteration of the microbiome may constitute a fast-response mechanism to environmental change is examined. This is supported by recent reciprocal transplant experiments with reef corals, which have shown that their microbiome adapts to thermally variable habitats and changes over time when transplanted into different environments. Further, inoculation of corals with beneficial bacteria increases their stress tolerance. But corals differ in their ability to flexibly associate with different bacteria. How scales of microbiome flexibility may reflect different metaorganism adaptation mechanisms is discussed and future directions for research are pinpointed. It is posited that microbiome flexibility is a broad phenomenon that contributes to the ability of organisms to respond to environmental change. Importantly, adapting with microbial help may provide an alternate route to organismal adaptation that facilitates rapid responses.  相似文献   

Given one conception of biological individuality (evolutionary, physiological, etc.), can a holobiont – that is the host + its symbiotic (mutualistic, commensalist and parasitic) microbiome – be simultaneously a biological individual and an ecological community? Herein, we support this possibility by arguing that the notion of biological individuality is part‐dependent. In our account, the individuality of a biological ensemble should not only be determined by the conception of biological individuality in use, but also by the biological characteristics of the part of the ensemble under investigation. In the specific case of holobionts, evaluations of their individuality should be made either host‐relative or microbe‐relative. We support the claim that biological individuality is part‐dependent by drawing upon recent empirical evidence regarding the physiology of hosts and microbes, and the recent characterization of the ‘demibiont’. Our account shows that contemporary disagreements about the individuality of the holobiont derive from an incorrect understanding of the ontology of biological individuality. We show that collaboration between philosophers and biologists can be very fruitful in attempts to solve some contemporary biological debates.  相似文献   

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