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Microscopic calculation of ion-transport rates in membrane channels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A method, based on rate theory, is described by which transport rates in ion channels can be calculated using only microscopic parameters, such as atomic coordinates, force constants and intermolecular energy parameters. The channel is treated as a system of elastically bound ligands interacting with the ion by coulombic and Lennard-Jones forces. Jump frequencies of the ion are obtained from the potential mean force which represents a thermal average over the different configurations of the ligand system. The method is illustrated by application to a special channel model, helical arrangement of dipolar ligands, which can be tilted toward the channel axis against harmonic restoring force. The jump frequency is found to be a non-monotonous function of ion radius. Furthermore, the ion specificity of the channel strongly depends on whether the ligand system is 'hard' or 'soft', i.e., on the extent to which the interaction with the ion can lead to a reorientation of the ligand groups.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a multilayer membrane amperometric glucose sensor fabricated using planar techniques. It is characterized by good reproducibility and suitable for large-scale production. The glucose sensor has 82 electrode sets formed on a single glass substrate, each with a platinum working electrode (WE), a platinum counter electrode (CE) and an Ag/AgCl reference electrode (RE). The electrode sets are coated with a membrane consisting of five layers: gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (gamma-APTES), Nafion, glucose oxidase (GOX), gamma-APTES and perfluorocarbon polymer (PFCP), in that order. Tests have shown that the sensor has acceptably low dispersion (relative standard deviation, R.S.D.=42.9%, n=82), a wide measurement range (1.11-111 mM) and measurement stability over a 27-day period. Measurements of the glucose concentration in a control human urine sample demonstrated that the sensor has very low dispersion (R.S.D.=2.49%, n=10).  相似文献   

Fusion of multilamellar phospholipid vesicles with planar phospholipid bilayer membranes was monitored by the rate of appearance in the planar membrane of an intrinsic membrane protein present in the vesicle membranes. An essential requirement for fusion is an osmotic gradient across the planar membrane, with the cis side (the side containing the vesicles) hyperosmotic to the opposite (trans) side; for substantial fusion rates, divalent cation must also be present on the cis side. Thus, the low fusion rates obtained with 100 mM excess glucose in the cis compartment are enhanced orders of magnitude by the addition of 5-10 mM CaCl2 to the cis compartment. Conversely, the rapid fusion rates induced by 40 mM CaCl2 in the cis compartment are completely suppressed when the osmotic gradient (created by the 40 mM CaCl2) is abolished by addition of an equivalent amount of either CaCl2, NaCl, urea, or glucose to the trans compartment. We propose that fusion occurs by the osmotic swelling of vesicles in contact with the planar membrane, with subsequent rupture of the vesicular and planar membranes in the region of contact. Divalent cations catalyze this process by increasing the frequency and duration of vesicle-planar membrane contact. We argue that essentially this same osmotic mechanism drives biological fusion processes, such as exocytosis. Our fusion procedure provides a general method for incorporating and reconstituting transport proteins into planar phospholipid bilayer membranes.  相似文献   

The orientation of membrane fragments into a lamellar array by a flat surface is analyzed. This analysis includes processes such as centrifugation and drying and physical effects due to membrane fragment steric interactions, finite size, elasticity, and thermal fluctuations. Several model calculations of optimal orientational order in multilayer membrane arrays are presented. The predictions of a smectic A model agree quantitatively with the measured spatial dependence of the fluctuations in layer orientation in a multilamellar arrays. A new technique, based in part on this analysis, for the preparation of well-oriented multilamellar arrays of natural and artificial membranes, isopotential spin-dry centrifugation, is described. The method involves the use of specially designed inserts for the buckets of a standard vacuum ultracentrifuge. The membrane fragments to be oriented are sedimented from solution or suspension onto a substrate of a convenient material which forms a gravitational isopotential surface at high g. Sedimentation is accompanied by removal of the suspending medium at high g to produce oriented films with a selected degree of solvation. In addition, a method is described whereby small solute molecules can be maintained in constant concentration with the membrane fragments during this process. Initial application of the method to the orientation of purple membrane fragments is described. The degree of orientation obtained in this system is evaluated using freeze-fracture and scanning electron microscopy, optical birefringence, linear dichroism, and microscopy.  相似文献   

A procedure for the rapid identification of glutathione S-transferase isozymes from rat liver in polyacrylamide gels is described. The isozymes are separated by electrofocusing and then identified by bathing the gels in a solution containing substrates and scanning the gels at the appropriate wavelength for the appearance of product. Increase in absorbance as a function of time delineates areas containing enzyme from artifacts within the gel. This technique should be useful for the identification of isozymes of glutathione S-transferase in other tissues and also other species. Also, the technique provides for rapid confirmation of homogeneity of the isozymes of glutathione S-transferase.  相似文献   

Membrane bilayers of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE) adsorbed to a freshly cleaved mica substrate have been imaged by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The membranes were mounted for imaging by two methods: (a) by dialysis of a detergent solution of the lipid in the presence of the substrate material, and (b) by adsorption of lipid vesicles onto the substrate surface from a vesicle suspension. The images were taken in air, and show lipid bilayers adhering to the surface either in isolated patches or in continuous sheets, depending on the deposition conditions. Epifluorescence light-microscopy shows that the lipid is distributed on the substrate surfaces as seen in the AFM images. In some instances, when DPPE was used, whole, unfused vesicles, which were bound to the substrate, could be imaged by the AFM. Such membranes should be capable of acting as natural anchors for imaging membrane proteins by AFM.  相似文献   

Summary Bilayer membranes formed from lipids dissolved in decane were exposed to glycophorin, a sialoglycoprotein which had been extracted from human red cell membranes. The interaction with the bilayer produced an increase in the steady state electrical conductance of the membrane proportional to the amount added. Fluctuations in membrane current when the electrical potential difference was constant were observed concommitantly with this increase in membrane conductance. The minimum size of the fluctuations corresponds to a conductance of 10–10 mho. The increase in conductance as well as the current fluctuations persisted after extensive washout of the chamber containing the protein (cisside). Subsequent addition of lectins (wheat germ agglutinin and phytohemoagglutinin) to the cis-side produced rupture of the membranes, whilst these hemoagglutinins added to the trans-side failed to produce an effect. Measurements of changes in surface potential using K+ nonactin as a probe indicated that glycophorin induces a negative surface charge. At high protein concentrations, the magnitude of the induced surface potential became independent of glycophorin concentration. The maximum number of charges introduced onto the membrane under these conditions was 1.4×105/m2. Cis (but not trans)-side addition of neuraminidase abolished these charges, indicating that they can be ascribed to the sialic acid residues that the protein bears. These results suggest that glycophorin incorporates into bilayer membranes with its N-terminal end (where the sialic acid and carbohydrates are located) facing the cis-side. Spectrin reversibly lowered the glycophorin-induced membrane conductance when added to the trans-side. Cis-side additions failed to produce an effect. Trypsin present on the trans-side irreversibly lowered the membrane conductance. These results indicate that parts of the glycophorin molecule, probably the C-terminal end, are accessible to reagents in the solution bathing the trans-side of the membrane. Thus glycophorin spans the planar bilayer in much the same way as it spans the red cell membrane.  相似文献   

The effect of alamethicin and its derivatives on the voltage-dependent capacitance of phosphatidylethanolamine (squalane) membranes was measured using two different methods: lock-in detection and voltage pulse. Alamethicin and its derivatives modulate the voltage-dependent capacitance at voltages lower than the voltage at which alamethicin-induced conductance is detected. The magnitude and sign of this alamethicin-induced capacitance change depends on the aqueous alamethicin concentration and the kind of alamethicin used. Our experimental data can be interpreted as a potential-dependent pseudocapacitance associated with adsorbed alamethicin. Pseudocapacitance is expressed as a function of alamethicin charge, its concentration in the bathing solution and the applied electric field. The theory describes the dependence of the capacitance on applied voltage and alamethicin concentration. When alamethicin is neutral the theory predicts no change of the voltage-dependent capacitance with either sign of applied voltage. Experimental data are consistent with the model in which alamethicin molecules interact with each other while being adsorbed to the membrane surface. The energy of this interaction depends on the alamethicin concentration.  相似文献   

A liquid scintillation counting method for simultaneous determination of three radioactive nuclides (3H, 14C, and 22Na) of biological interest was studied. By comparing the beta spectra of the three nuclides, their counting energy ranges, A, B, and C, were determined. 22NA was set high enough to avoid any spillover counts from lower-energy nuclides. Region A for 3H was set to maximize the counting efficiency. A good correlation between the counting efficiency for 22Na in region C and the counting efficiency of other nuclides in all regions was obtained. Prior to 3H and 14C dpm calculations, the 22Na counts spilled down in regions A and B were subtracted from the total counts in regions A and B. A simple linear equation was then used to compute 3H and 14C dpm. Findings show that the method presented is adaptable for highly quenched samples up to quenching indices of tSIE = 100. The method is useful for studying the biological transport coupled to Na+.  相似文献   

Multilamellar phospholipid vesicles are introduced into the cis compartment on one side of a planar phospholipid bilayer membrane. The vesicles contain a water-soluble fluorescent dye trapped in the aqueous phases between the lamellae. If a vesicle containing n lamellae fuses with a planar membrane, an n-1 lamellar vesicle should be discharged into the opposite trans compartment, where it would appear as a discernible fluorescent particle. Thus, fusion events can be assayed by counting the number of fluorescent particles appearing in the trans compartment. In the absence of divalent cation, fusion does not occur, even after vesicles have been in the cis compartment for 40 min. When CaCl2 is introduced into the cis compartment to a concentration of greater than or equal to 20 mM, fusion occurs within the next 20 min; it generally ceases thereafter because of vesicle aggregation in the cis compartment. With approximately 3 x 10(8) vesicles/cm3 in the cis compartment, about 25-50 fusion events occur following CaCl2 addition. The discharge of vesicular contents across the planar membrane is the most convincing evidence of vesicle-membrane fusion and serves as a model for that ubiquitous biological phenomenon--exocytosis.  相似文献   

J C Selser  Y Yeh    R J Baskin 《Biophysical journal》1976,16(12):1357-1371
Light-scattering/intensity autocorrelation measurements of vesicle diffusivity were used to follow the time course of the osmotic response of lobster abdominal sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles to five lipophobic nonelectrolytes. Steady-state portions of the resulting time traces show these vesicles to be permeable to ethylene glycol and glycerol and impermeable to erythritol, glucose, and sucrose. Using measured values of the hydrodynamic radii of these nonelectrolytes, it is concluded that under passive transport conditions, these vesicles may be thought of as having pores whose radii lie between 3.1 and 3.5 A. In addition, the results presented here indicated that above a certain impermeable nonelectrolyte concentration, vesicles did not respond osmotically even though they had not collapsed. This suggests that at least under the experimental conditions reported here, vesicles behaved as if rigid when their average volume had decreased to about 50% of its original isotonic value.  相似文献   

Lipid vesicles with incorporated ion channels from polyene antibiotic amphotericin B were used to investigate structures of planar membranes formed by Shindler's techniques. A planar membrane assembled on the aperture in a lavsan film from two layers generated at the air-aqueous liposome suspension interface is not a simple bilayer but a bimolecular membrane containing numerous partly fused liposomes. A complete fusion of liposomal membranes with the planar bilayer is an unlikely event during membrane formation. A planar bimolecular lipid membrane without incorporated liposomes can be made by a method consisting of three stages: formation of a lipid layer on the air-water interface of a suspension containing liposomes, transfer of this layer along the surface of the solution into a chamber containing a solution without liposomes where a lipid monomolecular layer forms gradually (within about 20 min) at the air-water interface, assembling of the planar bilayer membrane from this monolayer. The knowledge of the planar membrane structure may be useful in experiments on incorporation of membrane proteins into a planar lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion plays a fundamental role in the organization of cells in differentiated organs, cell motility, and immune response. A novel micromanipulation method is employed to quantify the direct contribution of surface adhesion receptors to the physical strength of cell adhesion. In this technique, a cell is brought into contact with a glass-supported planar membrane reconstituted with a known concentration of a given type of adhesion molecules. After a period of incubation (5-10 min), the cell is detached from the planar bilayer by pulling away the pipette holding the cell in the direction perpendicular to the glass-supported planar bilayer. In particular, we investigated the adhesion between a Jurkat cell expressing CD2 and a glass-supported planar bilayer containing either the glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) or the transmembrane (TM) isoform of the counter-receptor lymphocyte function-associated antigen 3 (LFA-3) at a concentration of 1,000 molecules/microns 2. In response to the pipette force the Jurkat cells that adhered to the planar bilayer containing the GPI isoform of LFA-3 underwent extensive elongation. When the contact radius was reduced by approximately 50%, the cell then detached quickly from its substrate. The aspiration pressure required to detach a Jurkat cell from its substrate was comparable to that required to detach a cytotoxic T cell from its target cell. Jurkat cells that had been separated from the substrate again adhered strongly to the planar bilayer when brought to proximity by micromanipulation. In experiments using the planar bilayer containing the TM isoform of LFA-3, Jurkat cells detached with little resistance to micromanipulation and without changing their round shape.  相似文献   

Interaction of DNA with planar bilayer phosphatidylcholine membrane in the presence of CaCl2 increases electric conductance of the membrane several times as a result of the formation of DNA-membrane complex. The same effect was observed in the cases of ribosomal RNA and synthetic homopolymers polyA, polyU and polyA X polyU double helix.  相似文献   

S Toyama  A Nakamura    F Toda 《Biophysical journal》1991,59(4):939-944
The voltage dependence of capacitance was measured by using the setup which was almost the same as that for the study of ion channels. The coefficient which represents the voltage dependence of capacitance itself also changes as a function of the duration of voltage application if hexadecane is contained in bilayer lipid membrane (BLM). The method of Alvarez, O., and R. Latorre (1978. Biophys. J. 21:1-17) was extended to treat BLM with hexadecane.  相似文献   

Controversy concerning acetylcholine-ATP interaction and the possible role of such binding for acetylcholine storage in synaptic vesicles has been resolved by direct binding measurements using an acetylcholine selective membrane electrode. At pH 7.4, acetylcholine was found to bind ATP?4 with a 1:1 stoichiometry and a thermodynamic formation constant of 175M?1. The interaction of acetylcholine with HATP?3 and MgATP?2 was found to be much weaker with formation constants of approximately 20M?1 and 25M?1, respectively. The data indicate that ATP binding could not account for more than 20% of acetylcholine storage under the conditions known to exist in synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   

Phospholipid vesicles fuse with a planar membrane when they are osmotically swollen. Channels in the vesicle membrane are required for swelling to occur when the vesicle-containing compartment is made hyperosmotic by adding a solute (termed an osmoticant). We have studied fusion using two different channels, porin, a highly permeable channel, and nystatin, a much less permeable channel. We report that an osmoticant's ability to support fusion (defined as the magnitude of osmotic gradient necessary to obtain sustained fusion) depends on both its permeability through lipid bilayer as well as its permeability through the channel by which it enters the vesicle interior. With porin as the channel, formamide requires an osmotic gradient about ten times that required with urea, which is approximately 1/40th as permeant as formamide through bare lipid membrane. When nystatin is the channel, however, fusion rates sustained by osmotic gradients of formamide are within a factor of two of those obtained with urea. Vesicles containing a porin-impermeant solute can be induced to swell and fuse with a planar membrane when the impermeant bathing the vesicles is replaced by an isosmotic quantity of a porin-permeant solute. With this method of swelling, formamide is as effective as urea in obtaining fusion. In addition, we report that binding of vesicles to the planar membrane does not make the contact region more permeable to the osmoticant than is bare lipid bilayer. In the companion paper, we quantitatively account for the observation that the ability of a solute to promote fusion depends on its permeability properties and the method of swelling. We show that the intravesicular pressure developed drives fusion.  相似文献   

A new method is described for the measurement of hormone bound to membrane receptors. Antibodies specific for the C-terminal and N-terminal regions of parathyroid hormone were labelled with 125I and incubated with renal membranes which had been previously incubated with unlabelled hormone. The uptake of hormone demonstrated pH and time dependence and was a saturable process. Treatment of the membranes with acid or heating to 100°C, or inactivation of the hormone with hydrogen peroxide, completely abolished detectable hormone uptake to the membranes.  相似文献   

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