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Measurements of the electrical resistance and potential of thecell membranes of Chara australis have been made for over 60cells. In 17 cases the measurements extended over a period ofa few days for each cell. The most important results of theseobservations and calculations are as follows. The mean valueof the intercellular (between cells) resistance is about 1 kcm2. The transcellular (vacuole to external solution) resistanceconsists of two high-resistance layers. The mean value of theelectrical resistance of the outer layer is 7 k cm2. The capacityof the transcellular membrane equals about 2.5 µF cm–2.  相似文献   

皮层SI区伤害感受神经元膜电生理特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用细胞内记录技术, 在16只成年健康猫, 研究了皮层第一躯体感觉区(primary somatosensory cortex area,SI区)伤害感受神经元的电生理特性.SI区伤害感受神经元自发放电频率差异大,放电形式多样.极化电流绝对值≤1.0 nA时,伤害感受神经元I-V极相关(r=0.96),整流作用不明显;极化电流绝对值>1.0 nA时,在两个方向上发生整流,I-V(电流-电压)曲线表现为“S”型, 其中伤害感受神经元整流作用较非伤害感受神经元明显.伤害感受神经元Rmτ、Cm明显大于非伤害感受神经元(P<0.01或P<0.05).结果提示SI区伤害感受神经元与非伤害感受神经元可能在细胞膜结构、细胞大小等方面存在有意义的差别,从而反映其不同的生理功能.此电学参数特点也可为痛觉的特异性学说提供实验资料.  相似文献   

Studies of the effective, homogeneous, dielectric constants of bacteria are used to show that the resistances of their cytoplasmic membranes are too great to explain the low-frequency conductivities which have been observed for these organisms. This reaffirms the conclusion that at low frequencies the conductivities of bacteria reflect properties of their cell walls. In the organisms studied, the conductivities of the cell wall region are as great as the conductivities of the cytoplasm. This is true even though the ion concentration in the environment is much less than that in the cells. The mobile ions of the wall are presumed to be counterions for fixed charges in this region.  相似文献   

Rapid, short duration mechanical compression of lobster giant axons by a crystal-driven stylus produces a depolarization and an increase in membrane conductance which develop immediately with compression but take several seconds to recover. The conductance increase occurs even when the depolarization is prevented electrically. If sodium is removed from the external medium or if procaine is added to it, compression produces almost no depolarization. Small bundles of myelinated frog fibers are depolarized by rapid compression but recover very rapidly (milliseconds); "off" responses are occasionally seen. The results are discussed in terms of the mechanoelectric transducer behavior of an axon membrane.  相似文献   

The sinoatrial node (SAN) is heterogeneous in terms of cell size, ion channels, current densities, connexins and electrical coupling. For example, Nav1.5 (responsible for I Na) and Cx43 (responsible for electrical coupling) are absent from the centre of the SAN (normally the leading pacemaker site), but present in the periphery (at SAN-atrial muscle junction). To test whether the heterogeneity is important for the functioning of the SAN, one- and two-dimensional models of the SAN and surrounding atrial muscle were created. Normal functioning of the SAN (in terms of cycle length, position of leading pacemaker site, conduction times, activation and repolarization sequences and space constants) was observed when, from the centre to the periphery, (i) cell characteristics (cell size and ionic current densities) were changed in a gradient fashion from a central-type (lacking I Na) to a peripheral-type (possessing I Na) and (ii) coupling conductance was increased in a gradient fashion. We conclude that the heterogeneous nature of the node is important for its normal functioning. The presence of Nav1.5 and Cx43 in the periphery may be essential for the node to be able to drive the atrial muscle: Nav1.5 provides the necessary depolarizing current and Cx43 delivers it to the atrial muscle.  相似文献   

Periodate oxidation of some sugar alcohols, methyl glycosides and a synthetic glucan in an amount of 5 ~ 20 mg was performed in ca. 0.2 ~ 0.4 ml of D2O involving NaIO4 (1.5 ~ 2.0 moles excess) in a NMR sample tube, and the reaction products were examined in the course of oxidation by NMR spectroscopy.

In addition to proton signals of formyl and formaldehyde (in acetal), proton signals at hemiacetal carbons were identified in the periodate oxidation. Splitting and change in O-methyl and N-acetate-methyl signals indicated presence of more than one structures for each of the reaction products in the periodate oxidations of methyl α-d-glucopyranoside and methyl N-acetyl-α-d-glucosaminide. A condensation product was detected in the periodate oxidation of glycolaldehyde, d,l-glyceraldehyde and d-galactitol. A synthetic glucan was found to have a structure of 1,6-linkage in a DP = 15?17.  相似文献   

The discovery and characterization of a vibration response in a black lipid bilayer membrane is the topic of this paper. An electrical vibration response is obtained when the membrane is under voltage clamp and a weaker, but significant, response is obtained under current clamp. The effect arises from an induced variation in the membrane capacitance. It is further shown that the capacitance variation arises from a change in the membrane area as the membrane undergoes drumhead vibration. Possible physiological significance in mechanoreception is discussed.  相似文献   

These experiments were conducted to determine the membrane K+ currents and channels in human urinary bladder (HTB-9) carcinoma cells in vitro. K+ currents and channel activity were assessed by the whole-cell voltage clamp and by either inside-out or outside-out patch clamp recordings. Cell depolarization resulted in activation of a Ca2+-dependent outward K+ current, 0.57 ± 0.13 nS/pF at −70 mV holding potential and 3.10 ± 0.15 nS/pF at 30 mV holding potential. Corresponding patch clamp measurements demonstrated a Ca2+-activated, voltage-dependent K+ channel (KCa) of 214 ± 3.0 pS. Scorpion venom peptides, charybdotoxin (ChTx) and iberiotoxin (IbTx), inhibited both the activated current and the KCa activity. In addition, on-cell patch recordings demonstrated an inwardly rectifying K+ channel, 21 ± 1 pS at positive transmembrane potential (V m ) and 145 ± 13 pS at negative V m . Glibenclamide (50 μm), Ba2+ (1 mm) and quinine (100 μm) each inhibited the corresponding nonactivated, basal whole-cell current. Moreover, glibenclamide inhibited K+ channels in inside/out patches in a dose-dependent manner, and the IC50= 46 μm. The identity of this K+ channel with an ATP-sensitive K+ channel (KATP) was confirmed by its inhibition with ATP (2 mm) and by its activation with diazoxide (100 μm). We conclude that plasma membranes of HTB-9 cells contain the KCa and a lower conductance K+ channel with properties consistent with a sulfonylurea receptor-linked KATP. Received: 12 June 1997/Revised: 21 October 1997  相似文献   

By using the M-band technique we have shown that portions of the membranes of Bacillus megaterium and Escherichia coli vary in their affinity for magnesium-Sarkosyl crystals and in phospholipid composition. The portion to which deoxyribonucleic acid is attached comprises as little as 4% of the total cell membrane, has a particularly high degree of affinity for magnesium-Sarkosyl crystals, and is rich in phosphatidylethanolamine. The M-band fractionation does not depend on the use of lysozyme.  相似文献   

The electrical and active transport properties of isolated rabbit cornea are investigated by computer experimentation. The tissue is modeled as a series membrane system and the passive ion fluxes through it are described by the frictional formulation of irreversible thermodynamics. From short-circuit current (SCC) data, it is found that the epithelial sodium pump rate (P) is not appreciably changed when much of the sodium in the solution bathing the anterior corneal surface (concentration = c11) is replaced by choline, with choline-free medium posteriorly. Simulations of open-circuited corneas, using the mean P computed from the SCC data, yield corneal and stromal potentials in agreement with experiment. The stromal fluid is calculated to become more hypotonic as c11 is diminished, a result consistent with posttest measurements of the sodium content of experimental stromata. The apparent decrease in “bound sodium” which accompanies the reduction of c11 is a result of the associated changes in steady stromal hydration; the epithelial sodium pump does not contribute to corneal deturgescence. The inclusion of a simple epithelial structure in the computations changes the value of P but affects neither its constancy nor the calculated behavior of the cornea under open-circuit conditions. A general algebraic relation among pump rates and ion fluxes in short-circuited series membrane systems bathed in complex media is derived and used to construct a relation between P and SCC for the cornea. This equation yields pump rates in good agreement with the computer results and is used to show that (a) P is independent of c11 if d(SCC)/dc11 is a constant related to the over-all corneal permeability to sodium, and (b) a Lineweaver-Burke plot of 1/SCC vs. 1/c11 can appear to be linear at constant P.  相似文献   

The effect of channel opening in the tonoplast by d-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3] has been examined on red beet (Beta vulgaris) vacuoles. Patch-clamp measurements of the vacuolar potential and current were performed on vacuoles isolated in 0.1 micromolar free Ca2+ medium. With vacuoles clamped at +30 millivolts, the Ins(1,4,5)P3 induced changes in current were depending on the Ca2+ buffer strength in the external medium. The spontaneous depolarization of vacuoles in which H+-pumps were activated by 5 millimolar MgATP was increased from +6 to +18 millivolts by 1 micromolar Ins(1,4,5)P3. We have interpreted our data by assuming that even with 2 millimolar EGTA to buffer Ca2+ at 0.1 micromolar in the external medium, Ins(1,4,5)P3 released enough Ca2+ from the vacuole to produce an accumulation of this ion near the tonoplast. Apart from their dependency with free Ca2+ in the cytoplasm, the electrical properties of the tonoplast could be depending on the Ins(1,4,5)P3 and Ca2+ buffer values in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Nuclear shape changes are observed during a variety of developmental processes, pathological conditions, and ageing. The mechanisms underlying nuclear shape changes in the above-mentioned situations have mostly remained unclear. To address the molecular mechanism behind nuclear shape changes, we analyzed how the farnesylated nuclear envelope proteins Kugelkern and lamin Dm0 affect the structure of the nuclear membrane. We found that Kugelkern and lamin Dm0 affect nuclear shape without requiring filament formation or the presence of a classical nuclear lamina. We also could show that the two proteins do not depend on a group of selected inner nuclear membrane proteins for their localization to the nuclear envelope. Surprisingly, we found that farnesylated Kugelkern and lamin Dm0 protein constructs change the morphology of protein-free liposomes. Based on these findings, we propose that farnesylated proteins of the nuclear membrane induce nuclear shape changes by being asymmetrically inserted into the phospholipid bilayer via their farnesylated C-terminal part.  相似文献   

Circadian changes of three parameters of electrical properties in extensor cells of the laminar pulvini of Phaseolus coccineus L. have been recorded by standard microelectrode techniques. In the low turgor state of the cells, the resting potential and the CN (1 millimolar NaCN) induced depolarizations are large, while the K+-induced voltage changes are small, and vice versa in the high turgor state. These results demonstrate that during a circadian cycle the low turgor state of the extensor cells is correlated with the active state of an electrogenic pump. This correlation can be explained by electroosmosis.  相似文献   

The present study deals with photomodification of the electrical properties of the plasma membrane of an epithelial cell line (opossum kidney (OK) cells). The effect of photofrin II (previously investigated) is compared with that of 5 other membrane-active sensitizers: sulfonated Zn-phthalocyanine, merocyanine 540, rose bengal, methylene blue and protoporphyrin IX (an endogenous sensitizer induced by addition of its biosynthetic precursor 5-aminolaevulinic acid). The study was performed in order to investigate whether photomodification of the ion transport properties of the plasma membrane by membrane-active sensitizers is a general and early event in cellular photosensitization. The changes in the electrical properties were monitored by application of the whole-cell and the inside-out configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Illumination in the presence of the compounds (apart from merocyanine 540) gave rise to similar changes of the electrical properties of the membrane: depolarization of the membrane potential, inactivation of a large-conductance, Ca2+-dependent K+-channel (maxi-KCa), and a strong increase of the leak conductance of the membrane. This similarity indicates the general character of the functional photomodifications by membrane-active sensitizers previously reported for photofrin II. Received: 5 September 2000/Revised: 28 December 2000  相似文献   

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