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采用菌丝生长速率法对引起石榴枯萎病和甘薯黑斑病的甘薯长喙壳菌的形态特征,及其在不同培养基、光照、温度、pH值等基本培养条件下菌丝的生长速率等生物学特性的差异进行了比较研究。结果表明,在不同处理培养条件下,石榴枯萎病菌生长速度均快于甘薯黑斑病菌,其菌落形态存在较大差异。二者在甘薯葡萄糖培养基(SPDA)上生长速率最快。在黑暗条件下的生长速率比12h光暗交替、光照处理显著增大。二者最适生长温度皆为25℃,石榴枯萎病菌菌丝生长温度范围为10-36℃,而甘薯黑斑病菌的菌丝生长温度范围为10-33℃。二者菌丝在pH4-12范围内均能生长,最适pH值为6。石榴枯萎病菌菌丝的致死温度为50℃处理10min或52℃处理5min,甘薯黑斑病菌菌丝的致死温度为48℃处理10min或50℃处理5min。二者在完全培养液中产孢量最大,菌丝生长速率随培养基中葡萄糖浓度的减小而增大。  相似文献   

不同寄主来源的灰葡萄孢对番茄的致病力分化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从安徽合肥、蚌埠、长丰、和县等市、县的番茄、辣椒、草莓、葡萄等发病寄主上分离鉴定获得18个灰葡萄孢Botrytis cinerea菌株,采用菌丝块创伤接种法,分别测定了上述不同寄主来源的灰葡萄孢菌对番茄果实和叶片的致病力.结果表明,所有供试菌株接种番茄果实后均引起发病,但不同菌株所致病斑的平均直径有显著差异,显示灰葡萄孢菌株间对番茄果实的致病力存在明显分化.按照在番茄果实上所致病斑的平均直径大小可将供试菌株致病力划分为较强、中等和较弱3种类型.总体来说,来自番茄的菌株对番茄果实的致病力较强,来自草莓、葡萄和辣椒的菌株对番茄果实的致病力较弱,但来自相同寄主的菌株间致病力也存在差异,菌株致病力差异与菌株地域来源无明显相关.供试灰葡萄孢菌株接种番茄叶片后,除CF1外,均可引起番茄叶片发病,但不同菌株所致番茄叶片病斑的平均直径也有显著差异;供试菌株对番茄叶片的致病力差异与菌株的寄主和地域来源无显著相关.  相似文献   

4株海生毛壳菌生物学特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了营养、温度、光照和pH值对4株海生毛壳菌(Chaetomium spp.)的生长及孢子形成和萌发的影响,为进一步利用海洋真菌提供理论依据。结果表明:4株毛壳菌在10~35℃均能生长,WHM12、WHM33和WHM34的生长适温为20~30℃,WHM41的生长适温为15~25℃;4株菌在燕麦片琼脂(OA)培养基和YGA培养基上生长最好;在pH值5~10均能生长,但喜中性及偏碱性的环境;全黑暗处理有利于4株菌的生长;除光照外,营养、温度和pH值对其产孢均有影响。  相似文献   

对栎链蚧Asterodiaspis variabile Russell的座壳孢菌Aschersonta sp.进行了菌落形态持征观察、菌落生长速度、产孢特性观察以及孢子萌发等试验,结果表明,菌落生长及产孢最佳条件为:PDA培养基和玉米粉琼胶培养基,25℃,pH6~7,12L:12D;孢子萌发最佳条件为:25℃,pH6~7,1%蔗糖、葡萄糖溶液,为24h光照.  相似文献   

自安徽、山东、湖北、江苏等地多点采集棉花红腐病、水稻恶苗病、玉米穗腐病的病组织,经分离、鉴定和纯化,获得107个串珠镰孢(Fusarium monilifoFine)菌株。对上述来源于棉花、水稻、玉米的串珠镰孢的菌落形态、生长速率和产孢量等生物学性状及其在无性后代的遗传与变异进行了研究。结果表明,不同寄主来源的串珠镰孢菌株的菌丝生长温度范围和最适温度大致相同,但在菌落形态特别是色素方面存在明显差异,生长速率和产孢量也存在显著差异。棉花菌株的平均生长速率最大,玉米菌株生长速率最小,水稻菌株生长速率居中,相同群体的不同菌株间生长速率有极显著差异;玉米菌株产孢量最大,棉花菌株产孢量最小,水稻菌株产孢量居中。方差分析显示,不同寄主菌株群体间产孢量存在显著差异,而同一寄主群体的不同菌株间产孢量均无显著差异,说明菌株产孢量大小主要与其寄主种类有关,而与地区来源关系不大。遗传测定结果表明,分离自棉花、玉米和水稻的串珠镰孢的菌落形态和生长速率在单分生孢子后代均可稳定遗传;产孢量性状遗传有两种情况:分离自棉花和水稻的串珠镰孢菌株Fm1和Fm31的产孢量性状在单分生孢子后代均可稳定遗传,而分离白玉米的串珠镰孢菌株Fm19的产孢量性状在单分生孢子第一代(CG1)发生变异。  相似文献   

蚧镰孢菌孢子萌发及产孢的最适温度是 2 8℃ ,菌生长的适温是 2 4℃~ 2 6℃。孢子萌发受 pH值影响较小 ,菌生长以 pH6.5~ 8.5为最适 ,而 pH8.5时产孢最多。菌的生长也可以调节培养液的pH值 ,使其达到最适生长的 pH范围。光照对该菌的生长及产孢也有一定影响。蚧镰孢菌能利用多种碳源和氮源 ,也能以几丁质为唯一碳源和氮源生长 ,但生长很差。Ca2 、Fe2 等金属离子以及硫胺素、核黄素、叶酸等维生素的加入可使产孢量增加 ,而维生素的作用更明显。该菌的产孢高峰期一般在 2 1天左右 ,而且在相同条件下 ,接种量越大 ,产生最大量孢子所需的时间越短。  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病菌单孢分离物生物学特性的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了马铃薯晚疫病菌单游动孢子分离的方法,并对其单游动孢子分离物菌落生长直径、产孢量以及对甲霜灵的敏感性进行了初步研究。结果表明同一菌株的不同单游动孢子菌落生长直径和产孢量有显著差异,但不同游动孢子分离物对甲霜灵敏感性没有显著差异。  相似文献   

长蠕孢菌产孢条件的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对番茄褐斑病原菌—长蠕孢菌产孢条件进行了研究,结果表明燕麦片琼胶培养基、Czapek培养基和PDA+番茄叶片能促进产孢子,V8汁、PSA和番茄汁培养基抑制产孢;碳源果糖明显促进产孢,甘露醇抑制产孢子;氮源氯化铵促进产孢,蛋白胨和硫酸铵抑制产孢;光照和紫外线照射对长蠕孢菌产孢有明显促进作用,特别是紫外线照射60~80min时产孢量达到最大;偏低温或偏高温以及微碱性环境能促进长蠕孢菌产孢,温度为15℃或30℃,pH8~9时最有利于产孢。  相似文献   

芸苔链格孢菌丝生长温度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李明远  柯常取 《真菌学报》1991,10(3):246-251

通过对芸苔链格孢[Alternaria brassicae(Berk.)Sacc.]17个单孢系菌丝在PDA培养基上生长温度的研究,结果表明各菌系在相同的温度下,菌丝生长的速度存在着明显的差异。经新复极差分析,其速度可分为三个等级。其间最高与最低可相差4.7倍。对该菌菌丝最适生长温度的研究表明,17个菌系的平均最适温度为25℃。但各菌株间有着明显的差异。作者根据其最适温度的高低及其对温度的敏感性,将这17个单孢系划分为6个温度型。即:不敏感低温型、敏感亚低温型、不敏感亚低温型、敏感中温型、不敏感中温型及不敏感亚高温型等。病菌温度型的划分可作为使用该类病菌进行抗病筛选时确定最适温度的参考。  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea (teleomorph Botryotinia fuckeliana) is a necrotrophic plant pathogenic fungus that causes grey mould and enormous economic losses worldwide in different crops. Control of B. cinerea is difficult due to the appearance of fungicide‐resistant isolates, and the diversity in virulence due to genetic variability and, perhaps, the infection with mycoviruses or fungal viruses. The discovery of mycoviruses and their possible application as biocontrol agents, as well as their use as tools to study the plant–pathogen interaction, has encouraged their study in B. cinerea. Herein, we have analysed the occurrence of mycoviruses in Spanish B. cinerea isolates to approach a better understanding of the interactions among viruses, fungi and plants in this pathosystem. Fifty‐five percent of the B. cinerea isolates analysed contained double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA) elements, and the number of dsRNA elements, their relative concentration and size were variable among isolates. Some of these dsRNAs were related to the presence of virus like rod or isometric particles, and to cellular degeneration and malformed mitochondria. We have also demonstrated that a 3 kb dsRNA present in 55% of the isolates having dsRNA elements was a mycovirus genome. Partial sequence of that mycovirus presented high identity in nucleotide and amino acid sequence with Botrytis cinerea mitovirus 1 (BcMV1). Analysis of the genetic distance within Spanish BcMV1 sequences showed the existence of different isolates of this mitovirus inside the Spanish B. cinerea population analysed. This is the first report of the variability of dsRNA elements and the partial genome sequence of a mitovirus associated with Spanish B. cinerea isolates and the genetic diversity within Spanish isolates of BcMV1.  相似文献   

Eighteen isolates of Botrytis cinerea were obtained from the diseased plant tissue collected in Hefei, Bengbu, Changfeng and Hexian in Anhui province, by means of tissue isolating method. The pathogenicity of the isolates of B. cinerea from different hosts to the fruits and leaves of tomato were investigated by applying wound inoculation with mycelial blocks. The results showed that all of the tested isolates caused grey mould on tomato fruits, but there was significant difference in the average diameters of the lesions caused by different isolates, suggesting that there was significant differentiation in pathogenicity of B. cinerea strains to tomato fruits among isolates. According to the average diameters of the lesions on tomato fruits, the pathogenicity of the all isolates was classified into three categories: strong, intermediate and weak. In general, the isolates from tomato were more strongly pathogenic to tomato fruits than the isolates from strawberry, grape and capsicum. However, there was difference in pathogenicity among the different isolates from the same host, and the pathogenicity difference was not obviously related to the localities of isolates. After inoculating of tomato leaves, all of the tested isolates except CF3 caused grey mould on tomato leaves, but there was significant difference in the average diameters of the lesions caused by different isolates; and the difference in pathogenicity to tomato leaves was not obviously related to the host and locality of isolates.  相似文献   

BackgroundBotrytis cinerea is an ascomycete with a high genetic diversity and complex population structure, as reported from several hosts and sites. However, nothing is known about its genetic diversity in Argentina.AimsThe aim of this work is to estimate the genetic diversity of a local population of B. cinerea isolates obtained from grapevine in Argentina.MethodsIn this work, 35 strains that had been isolated from grapevines were genotyped for the presence of transposable elements and PCR-based RFLP molecular markers. The obtained results were compared with those from a large French population of the fungus, and used to perform a population genetics analysis using the Genepop software.ResultsAll the analysed isolates were classified as Group II (according to the most recent proposed classification) and showed a high degree of genetic diversity, with 14 different haplotypes. A significant difference in allele frequency was recorded between the local and French populations.ConclusionsThese comparisons between fungal populations, led to the detection of a high level of diversity and the differentiation between local and French groups of isolates. This was confirmed by an Fst value of 0.3332, which was higher than that reported for other pairwise comparisons of populations. This work constitutes the first report on the genetic diversity of B. cinerea isolates and their population structure in Argentina.  相似文献   

Benomyl tolerance in isolates of Botrytis cinerea from tomato plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three hundred and forty-nine isolates of Botrytis cinerea were collected from tomato crops on forty-one nurseries and 173 (40/6 %) were found to be tolerant to benomyl. There was no obvious association between disease incidence and the occurrence of tolerance. In a fungicide comparison experiment on tomatoes in 1973, twenty of the sixty-four (31 %) isolates examined were benomyl tolerant, the majority of these were from benomyl sprayed plants. In 1974 in a similar experiment, 384 of the 394 (97-5 %) isolates examined were tolerant. Tolerance was monitored in two tomato experiments in relation to a spray programme in which benomyl and dichlofluanid were used in various combinations. There was no marked effect of the spray programmes on the incidence of tolerance on either site. In the experiments B. cinerea was controlled and significant increases in yield were obtained with benomyl in 1973 but not in 1974. This difference is attributed to the change in the pathogen population with a large increase in the incidence of tolerance on the experimental site in 1974.  相似文献   

The growth of different isolates of Botrytis cinerea, collected from potted plants affected by Botrytis blight in southern Spain during recent years, was studied. These isolates, which show wide phenotypic differences when grown in vitro, are differentially affected by growth temperature, gibberellic acid, and paclobutrazol--an efficient plant growth retardant used widely in nursery potted plants to reduce plant size, favouring compactness, a more intense green foliage and increased stress tolerance to maintain quality prior to sale. In addition, paclobutrazol may have a fungicidal effect since it belongs to the triazole chemical group. However, paclobutrazol is only used as a plant growth retardant in Spain. In this work, we evaluate the effect of paclobutrazol dose (0, 0.05, 0.25, 1.25, and 6.25 mg/plate) on the growth of a collection of different B. cinerea isolates obtained from the following potted plants: Cyclamen persicum, Hydrangea macrophylla, Lantana camara and Lonicera japonica. Mycelial growth curves and growth rates assessed from difference in colony areas during the linear phase, conidiation (measured as time of appearance), conidial length (microm), and sclerotia production (number/plate) were evaluated in the isolates, which were grown at 26 degrees C on Petri dishes containing potato dextrose agar for up to 36 days. Mycelial growth curves fitted a typical kinetic equation of fungus grown on solid media. The B. cinerea isolates showed a high degree of variability in their growth kinetics, depending on the isolate and paclobutrazol dose. This triazole delayed mycelial growth during the linear phase in an isolate-dependent manner, and isolates from C. persicum and L. japonica were more affected by paclobutrazol than H. macrophylla. On the other hand, 0.25 mg of paclobutrazol was the critical dose to significantly reduce the growth rate in all isolates. 6.25 mg paclobutrazol inhibited conidiation in isolates from C. persicum, and reduced the conidial length in isolates from H. macrophylla and L. camara. The sclerotia production process was blocked at paclobutrazol doses higher than 1.25 mg, while no sclerotia were produced in isolates from C. persicum and L. japonica with 0.25 mg. H. macrophylla was the isolate in which sclerotia production was most influenced by paclobutrazol. It was concluded that the exact effect of paclobutrazol on B. cinerea growth depends on the isolate, and new strategies should be considered for evaluating its use as retardant and fungicide.  相似文献   

Yeasts, isolated from different sources, were identified and tested for inhibition using YMA-MB plates seeded with Botrytis cinerea strains. A total of 42 yeast strains of 20 different species were tested in vitro for antagonism against 18 pathogenic B. cinerea strains. Pichia membranifaciens, P. anomala and Debaryomyces hansenii displayed the most important inhibitory effect against Botrytis strains. In small-scale trials, post-harvest application of P. membranifaciens CYC 1106 to apple wounds inhibited B. cinerea CYC 20010. Purified killer toxin from P. membranifaciens CYC 1106 inhibited B. cinerea CYC 20010. Results indicated that certain yeasts, or their toxins such us P. membranifaciens CYC 1106 killer toxin, might have potential as novel agents to control B. cinerea.  相似文献   

《Microbiological research》2014,169(11):862-872
Seventy nine isolates of Botrytis cinerea were collected from different host plants and different locations of India and Nepal. All the isolates were identified as B. cinerea based on morphological features and were confirmed using B. cinerea specific primers. Differentiation among the isolates was assessed using morphological, genetic and biochemical approaches. To analyze morphological variability, differences in conidial size, presence or absence of sclerotia and their arrangement were observed. Genetic variability was characterized using RAPD analysis, presence or absence of transposons and mating type genes. Cluster analysis based on RAPD markers was used for defining groups on the basis of geographical region and host. The biochemical approach included determining differences in concentration of oxalic acid and activity of lytic enzymes. All the isolates were categorized into different pathogenic groups on the basis their variable reaction towards chickpea plants. Isolates with higher concentration of oxalic acid and greater activity of lytic enzymes were generally more pathogenic. Pathogenicity was also correlated to transposons. Isolates containing transposa group showed some degree of correlation with pathogenic behavior. However, isolates could not be grouped on the basis of a single approach which provides evidence of their wide diversity and high evolution potential. Sensitivity of sampled isolates was also tested against five botryticides. Most of the isolates from same region were inhibited by a particular fungicide. This feature provided interesting cues and would assist in devising novel and more effective measures for managing the disease.  相似文献   

We study the growth of different isolates of Botrytis cinerea collected from potted plants which were affected by Botrytis blight in southern Spain during recent years. These isolates, which show widely phenotypic differences when grown in vitro, are differentially affected by growth temperature, gibberellic acid applications and paclobutrazol, an efficient plant growth retardant and fungicide at the same time. In this work, we have evaluated the effect of the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) dose (0, 1, 10, and 100 mg/plate) on the growth of the collection of B. cinerea isolates obtained from the following potted plants: Cyclamen persicum, Hydrangea macrophylla, Lantona camara, and Lonicera japonica. B. cinerea produces indolacetic acid, but so far the precise biosynthetic pathway and some effects on this fungal species are still unclear, although recent studies have revealed an antifungal activity of IAA on several fungi, including B. cinerea isolated from harvested fruits. Mycelial growth curves and growth rates assessed from difference in colony areas during the both linear and deceleration phase, conidiation (measured as time of appearance), conidia length (microm), and sclerotia production (number/plate) were evaluated in the isolates, which were grown at 26 degrees C on Petri dishes containing potato dextrose agar for up to 35 days. Mycelial growth curves fitted a typical kinetic equation of fungi grown on solid media. B. cinerea isolates showed a high degree of variability in their growth kinetics, depending on the isolate and auxin dose. This plant growth substance delayed mycelial growth during the linear phase in an isolate-dependent manner, thus isolates from C. persicum, H. macrophylla and L. camara were more affected by IAA than L. japonica. On the other hand, 100 mg of IAA was the critical dose to significantly reduce the growth rate in all isolates and to promote brown-striped hyphae development, especially in isolate from C. persicum. 10 and 100 mg IAA delayed conidiation in isolates from H. macrophylla but scarcely effects were found in the conidia length. The sclerotia production process was blocked at IAA doses of 100 mg in isolates from L. camara and L. japonica, and was reduced in isolate from H. macrophylla. However, dose of 100 mg IAA had no effect on sclerotia production in isolate from C. persicum. It was concluded that the effect of IAA on B. cinerea growth depends on the isolate, thus isolates from H. macrophylla and L. camara were the most affected by IAA. B. cinerea reduced its development under IAA applications, depending on the isolate and dose. These results confirm those recently published on the inhibitory effect of IAA on Botrytris species growth.  相似文献   

To estimate the genetic diversity and population structure for a better understanding of the spread of Botrytis cinerea, we genotyped with nine microsatellite markers 174 isolates collected from four greenhouses during three growing seasons in the region of Bejaia. Four of these isolates were detected as Botrytis pseudocinerea according to the allele size at locus Bc6. For all other isolates further studied, all loci were polymorphic, with the mean number of alleles per locus ranging from 2.77 to 5.22. Considerable genetic variability was detected in all subpopulations (D* > 0.87; Hnb > 0.40). Based on the standardized index of association analysis, significant but low levels of clonality occurred, not excluding the possibility of recombination (rD = 0.07, P < 0.001). A total of 109 haplotypes were characterized among the isolates, few of which were shared between subpopulations. This, together with moderate genetic differentiation among subpopulations according to the geographical origin (0.080 < FST < 0.167), suggested a low level of inoculum exchange among greenhouses and little carry‐over of inoculum from one sampling season to the next. The importance of genetic structure of B. cinerea populations is discussed and should be taken into consideration for the management of grey mould.  相似文献   

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