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The levels of various enzymes and components of the glycolytic and respiratory pathways of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been determined during a step-down, anaerobic-to-aerobic transition. These activities were determined as an adjunct to the respective metabolite data reported in the first paper in this series. It is clear from the data that anaerobic conditions induce an environment conducive to express glycolytic enzyme activities, while manifesting a differential induction/repression effect on oxidative enzymes. An NAD/NADH mediated mechanism is proposed to explain this difference. Of the enzymes assayed only cytochrome c oxidase shows any direct response to oxygen challenge and consequently it is suggested that the assembly of this enzyme is the trigger mechanism and rate-limiting step in aerobic adaptation.  相似文献   

Using supravital fluorescent staining of lysosomes with Euchrysine 3R, the morphology of these organelles was studied in L cells examined from cultures being at different growth phases in the course of cell cycle and after adipocyte conversion of L cells due to the 60% bovine serum administration. As cells were passing from the lag-phase to the stationary phase of culture growth, the number of lysosomes was seen to increase. The appearance of large lysosomes is characteristic of cells in confluent and senescent cultures. During G1-period, lysosomes are often confined to the perinuclear area of L-cells, to be extended later during S and G2-periods. In dividing cells, these are commonly seen scattered throughout the cell periphery, around the mitotic spindle. In cells undergoing differentiation, within 4-7 days the seeding in the medium supplemented with 60% bovine serum, the number of lysosomes became augmented to be gradually reduced during the next 10-15 days, concomittantly with the accumulation of lipid drops in the cell cytoplasm. The activity of the Golgi complex and the intensity of autophagy are discussed as possible regulation points of lysosome formation during the cell growth.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic performance and nitrogen utilization of Lemna gibba L. G3 adapted to limited nitrogen supply was studied. The plants were adapted to two levels of nitrogen limitation where the nitrogen addition rates were calculated to sustain relative growth rates (RGR) of 0.15 day?1 and 0.25 day?1, respectively. The photosynthetic performance of these cultures was compared to nitrogen-sufficient cultures with an average RGR of 0.32 day?1. Plants transferred from nitrogen-sufficient conditions attained RGR values corresponding to the nitrogen addition rates after 6 to 10 days. Light-saturated net photosynthesis declined during adaptation according to the drop in growth rate, and a concomitant decrease in the respiration rate was recorded. The efficiency of net photosynthesis on a dry weight basis increased with increased nitrogen supply, whereas it was the same in all cultures when expressed on a chlorophyll basis. The light compensation point was unaffected by the nitrogen regime. Limited nitrogen supply resulted in an increased proportion of dry matter in the roots, which led to decreased leaf area ratios. The net assimilation rates also decreased, but not to the same extent as the leaf area ratios. Growth-limiting amounts of nitrogen were added to the cultures once daily, and the net influx of N was higher than the requirement for N, also in adapted cultures with a steady growth rate. This resulted in transient, periodic fluctuations in the NO3?, NH4+ and amino acid pools. Also the rates of NO3? reduction and NH4+ assimilation fluctuated as did the amino acid assimilation which paralleled NH4+ assimilation. The role of flux rates over the plasmalemma and tonoplast for control of nitrogen assimilation rates are discussed.  相似文献   

The synthesis of cytochromes aa3, b, and c has been investigated during synchronous growth in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These cytochromes increase in concentration continuously throughout each cell cycle, with an approximate doubling in rate during successive cycles. The rates of cytochrome formation are considerably higher in galactose-grown cultures than in cells grown in glucose. Although cytochrome aa3 increases at a continuous rate, its functional counterpart, cytochrome c oxidase, increases in stepwise fashion, with the increments occurring at the beginning of each new cell cycle. Chloramphenicol, a specific inhibitor of intramitochondrial protein synthesis, inhibits the formation of cytochrome aa3 at all stages of the cell cycle, but does not inhibit cytochrome c. Chloramphenicol exhibits a somewhat intermediate effect on cytochrome b synthesis, with transient inhibition occurring only when the drug is added prior to or during the initial part of the first cell cycle. After this time, chloramphenicol had no effect on the rate of cytochrome b synthesis. The data indicate that under our conditions of cell synchrony mitochondrial membrane formation as reflected by increments in mitochondrial cytochromes occurs by continuous accretion of new material throughout the cell cycle. Intramitochondrially synthesized polypeptide products, responsible for the formation of new cytochrome aa3, appear to be synthesized throughout the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The extent of protein lysine substitution by thialysine in E. coli cells grown in media containing the analog depends on the time interval the cells are grown in the presence of analog and on the analog concentration in the medium. By calculating the percent of lysine substitution in newly synthesized proteins it was shown that this reaches, after one cell doubling in the presence of analog, a maximum which is 17% in the cells grown with 0.1 or 0.2 mM thialysine and 8% in cells grown with 0.05 mM thialysine. Proteins synthesized in the presence of analog in the concentration range 0.05-0.2 mM show similar stability to those synthesized in the absence of analog. The extent of analog incorporation into newly synthesized proteins, as regards both the time course and the dependence on analog concentration in the medium, is strictly related to the extent of the repression of AK III, the first enzyme of lysine biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the lectin, discoidin I, by vegetative cells of Dictyostelium discoideum (strain NC4) was monitored using immunoblot analysis and indirect immunofluorescence. Suspension cultures were used, so that the D. discoideum cell density and the concentration of bacteria could be controlled. Discoidin-I production was found to be a function of the relative densities of D. discoideum cells and food bacteria. Synthesis was initiated in exponentially growing D. discoideum cells approximately three generations before depletion of the food supply. In the growth medium of cells producing discoidin I, a soluble activity was detected that caused low-density cells to begin discoidin-I synthesis. This activity was not dialyzable and was destroyed by heat. A similar activity was produced by AX3 cells during axenic growth. Density-dependent induction of other 'early developmental' proteins was also detected in wild-type cells. These findings suggest that the expression of several 'early developmental' genes is regulated by a mechanism that measures cell density relative to food supply, not by starvation per se.  相似文献   

Exponentially multiplying cultures of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe were treated with a peptide factor obtained from the protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis. It was found that the rate of RNA synthesis was reduced by this factor, whereas cell multiplication and protein synthesis were unaffected. These results confirm previous results obtained with protoplasts of the same yeast.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strains were grown in batch cultures in different media, and cell size and DNA content were analyzed by flow cytometry. Steady-state growth required large dilutions and incubation for many generations at low cell concentrations. In rich media, both cell size and DNA content started to decrease at low cell concentrations, long before the cultures left the exponential growth phase. Stationary-phase cultures contained cells with several chromosomes, even after many days, and stationary-phase populations exclusively composed of cells with a single chromosome were never observed, regardless of growth medium. The cells usually contained only one nucleoid, as visualized by phase and fluorescence microscopy. The results have implications for the use of batch cultures to study steady-state and balanced growth and to determine mutation and recombination frequencies in stationary phase.  相似文献   

Yeast phosphofructokinase having a molecular weight of 750000--800000 (20 S) has been subjected to limited proteolysis by subtilisin and yeast proteases. Two steps of proteolytic degradation could be distinguished: in the first step, which is accompanied by an increase in molecular activity, the subunits alpha and beta (Mr 120000) are converted to alpha' and beta' (Mr approximately 900000), and in the second step, accompanied by a decrease in enzyme activity, alpha' is converted to alpha' (Mr 80000) and two further fragments having Mr 45000 and 35000 become detectable. In the course of the conversion the sedimentation value of the undissociated enzyme drops from 20 S to about 17 S. The two substrates fructose 6-phosphate and ATP exhibit characteristic protective effects on enzyme activity and on subunit degradation. Whereas the first step is not strongly influenced by the substrates, fructose, 6-phosphate inhibits significantly the degradation of alpha' and beta', whereas ATP prevents only degradation of beta'. When in presence of ATP alpha' is degraded to alpha', the quaternary structure of the 17-S enzyme is no longer stable and a dissociation of the molecule occurs to a 12-S form which is enzymically active and ATP-sensitive and in which the ratio of alpha' to beta' is one-to-one.  相似文献   

Natural-abundance 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has shown glycerol to be the major osmotically significant low-molecular-weight solute in exponentially growing, salt-stressed cells of the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, and Debaromyces hansenii. Measurement of the intracellular nonosmotic volume (i.e., the fraction of the cell that is osmotically unresponsive) by using the Boyle-van't Hoff relationship (for nonturgid cells, the osmotic volume is directly proportional to the reciprocal of the external osmotic pressure) showed that the nonosmotic volume represented up to 53% of the total cell volume; the highest values were recorded in media with maximum added NaCl. Determinations of intracellular glycerol levels with respect to cell osmotic volumes showed that increases in intracellular glycerol may counterbalance up to 95% of the external osmotic pressure due to added NaCl. The lack of other organic osmotica in 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectra indicates that inorganic ions may constitute the remaining component of intracellular osmotic pressure.  相似文献   

Chitin synthase of Mortierella vinacea was present in the "microsomal' fraction (100 000 g precipitate), the 'cell-wall' fraction (2000 g precipitate) and the 'mitochondrial' fraction (10 000 g precipitate). The properties of the 'microsomal' enzyme were investigated. The pH optimum was between 5-8 and 6-2, and the temperature optimum was between 31 and 33 degrees C. The Km for UDP N-acetyl-D-glucosamine was 1.8 mM. The enzyme was stimulated by Mg2+ and a slight stimulation was also effected by N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. Soluble chitodextrins were inhibitory. A pH-dependent, heat-stable inhibitor of chitin synthase activity was present in the soluble cytoplasm from the mycelium. The effects of aeration and glucose concentration on enzyme production in growing cultures were also investigated; maximum specific activity of chitin synthase was associated with the cessation of exponential growth.  相似文献   

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