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Upon cardiolipin (CL) liposomes binding, horse heart cytochrome c (cytc) changes its tertiary structure disrupting the heme-Fe-Met80 distal bond, reduces drastically the midpoint potential, binds CO and NO with high affinity, displays peroxidase activity, and facilitates peroxynitrite isomerization. Here, the effect of CL liposomes on the nitrite reductase activity of ferrous cytc (cytc-Fe(II)) is reported. In the absence of CL liposomes, hexa-coordinated cytc-Fe(II) displays a very low value of the apparent second-order rate constant for the NO2 ?-mediated conversion of cytc-Fe(II) to cytc-Fe(II)-NO (k on = (7.3 ± 0.7) × 10?2 M?1 s?1; at pH 7.4 and 20.0 °C). However, CL liposomes facilitate the NO2 ?-mediated nitrosylation of cytc-Fe(II) in a dose-dependent manner inducing the penta-coordination of the heme-Fe(II) atom. The value of k on for the NO2 ?-mediated conversion of CL-cytc-Fe(II) to CL-cytc-Fe(II)-NO is 2.6 ± 0.3 M?1 s?1 (at pH 7.4 and 20.0 °C). Values of the apparent dissociation equilibrium constant for CL liposomes binding to cytc-Fe(II) are (2.2 ± 0.2) × 10?6 M, (1.8 ± 0.2) × 10?6 M, and (1.4 ± 0.2) × 10?6 M at pH 6.5, 7.4, and 8.1, respectively, and 20.0 °C. These results suggest that the NO2 ?-mediated conversion of CL-cytc-Fe(II) to CL-cytc-Fe(II)-NO could play anti-apoptotic effects impairing lipid peroxidation and therefore the initiation of the cell death program by the release of pro-apoptotic factors (including cytc) in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

By the use of infrared spectroscopy it has been shown that the configurational heat capacity of hydrogen bonds represents the principal contribution into the denaturational change of heat capacity of proteins.  相似文献   

Upon heating cytochrome c peroxidase (ferrocytochrome c: hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase, EC at pH 4 and 5, the enzyme precipitates at 41 degrees C and 51 degrees C, respectively. Incubating the enzyme at lower temperatures causes a slow dissociation of the heme from the protein. The heme precipitates, while the apoprotein remains soluble. Between pH 6 and 8, the native enzyme is converted to a low-spin ferric form upon heating. The Soret maximum shifts from 408 to 414 nm. The midpoint of this transition is pH-dependent, with a value of 46 degrees C at pH 6 decreasing to 29 degrees C at pH 8. At high temperatures the 414 nm form is converted to a species which has a 'free heme' spectrum with low absorptivity and Soret maximum at 390 nm. The midpoint temperature of this latter transition is 62 degrees C and 57 degrees C at pH 7 and 8, respectively.  相似文献   

G C Kresheck  J E Erman 《Biochemistry》1988,27(7):2490-2496
Two endotherms are observed by differential scanning calorimetry during the thermal denaturation of cytochrome c peroxidase at pH 7.0. The transition midpoint temperatures (tm) were 43.9 +/- 1.4 and 63.3 +/- 1.6 degrees C, independent of concentration. The two endotherms were observed at all pH values between 4 and 8, with the transition temperatures varying with pH. Precipitation was observed between pH 4 and 6, and only qualitative data are presented for this region. The thermal unfolding of cytochrome c peroxidase was sensitive to the presence and ligation state of the heme. Only a single endotherm was observed for the unfolding of the apoprotein, and this transition was similar to the high-temperature transition in the holoenzyme. Addition of KCN to the holoenzyme increases the midpoint of the high-temperature transition whereas the low-temperature transition was increased upon addition of KF. Binding of the natural substrate ferricytochrome c to the enzyme increases the low-temperature transition by 4.8 +/- 1.3 degrees C but has no effect on the high-temperature transition at pH 7. The presence of cytochrome c peroxidase decreases the stability of cytochrome c, and both proteins appear to unfold simultaneously. The results are discussed in terms of the two domains evident in the X-ray crystallographic structure of cytochrome c peroxidase.  相似文献   

The alkaline denaturation of cytochrome c peroxidase and apocytochrome c peroxidase was investigated by analytical ultracentrifugation, gel-filtration chromatography, and circular dichroism. The results indicate that both cytochrome c peroxidase and the apoenzyme undergo extensive structural modifications upon exposure to alkaline pH, including dimer formation. The midpoint of the transition for dimer formation in the native enzyme occurs at pH 9.6 +/- 0.1, while loss of tertiary and secondary structure occurs with transition midpoints at pH 10.3 +/- 0.1 and pH 11.3 +/- 0.1, respectively. Studies performed in the presence of dithiothreitol and with carboxymethylated cytochrome c peroxidase indicate that dimer formation occurs via a disulfide crosslink involving the single cysteine residue in the enzyme. Denaturation of cytochrome c peroxidase in the presence of guanidine hydrochloride gave results similar to those obtained for the alkaline denaturation.  相似文献   

Considerable thermostable, very probably nonenzymatic, cytochrome c reducing activities are present in all plant extracts studied. These interfere with the assays of NADH- and NADPH-cytochrome c reductases. Since this could be a widespread, but scarcely considered phenomenon, a method was looked for to avoid this problem. Because of the low-molecular-weight nature of the compounds exhibiting the thermostable activity, separation of enzymatic and nonenzymatic activities is achieved by Sephadex G-25 filtration. This separation allows the optimization of the assay of antimycin A-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase of maize root tips. The enzymatic and nonenzymatic activities are shown to differ in many respects (the nonenzymatic activity is not significantly NADH-dependent), but even in the optimized conditions, the nonenzymatic activity is not eliminated totally if homogenates are tested without previous Sephadex filtration. So the separation of the different active compounds on Sephadex G-25 seems to be a prerequisite for obtaining exact data on enzymatic cytochrome c reducing activities in plant extracts.  相似文献   

Pentaheme cytochrome c nitrite reductase (ccNiR) catalyzes the six-electron reduction of nitrite to ammonia as the final step in the dissimilatory pathway of nitrate ammonification. It has also been shown to reduce sulfite to sulfide, thus forming the only known link between the biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen and of sulfur. We have found the sulfite reductase activity of ccNiR from Wolinella succinogenes to be significantly smaller than its nitrite reductase activity but still several times higher than the one described for dissimilatory, siroheme-containing sulfite reductases. To compare the sulfite reductase activity of ccNiR with our previous data on nitrite reduction, we determined the binding mode of sulfite to the catalytic heme center of ccNiR from W. succinogenes at a resolution of 1.7 A. Sulfite and nitrite both provide a pair of electrons to form the coordinative bond to the Fe(III) active site of the enzyme, and the oxygen atoms of sulfite are found to interact with the three active site protein residues conserved within the enzyme family. Furthermore, we have characterized the active site variant Y218F of ccNiR that exhibited an almost complete loss of nitrite reductase activity, while sulfite reduction remained unaffected. These data provide a first direct insight into the role of the first sphere of protein ligands at the active site in ccNiR catalysis.  相似文献   

Citrate and other polyanion binding to ferricytochrome c partially blocks reduction by ascorbate, but at constant ionic strength the citrate-cytochrome c complex remains reducible; reduction by TMPD is unaffected. At a constant high ionic strength citrate inhibits the cytochrome c oxidase reaction competitively with respect to cytochrome c, indicating that ferrocytochrome c also binds citrate, and that the citrate-ferrocytochrome c complex is rejected by the binding site at high ionic strength. At lower ionic strengths, citrate and other polyanions change the kinetic pattern of ferrocytochrome c oxidation from first-order towards zero-order, indicating preferential binding of the ferric species, followed by its exclusion from the binding site. The turnover at low cytochrome c concentrations is diminished by citrate but not the Km (apparent non-competitive inhibition) or the rate of cytochrome a reduction by bound cytochrome c. Small effects of anions are seen in direct measurements of binding to the primary site on the enzyme, and larger effects upon secondary site binding. It is concluded that anion-cytochrome c complexes may be catalytically competent but that the redox potentials and/or intramolecular behaviour of such complexes may be affected when enzyme-bound. Increasing ionic strength diminishes cytochrome c binding not only by decreasing the 'association' rate but also by increasing the 'dissociation' rate for bound cytochrome c converting the 'primary' (T) site at high salt concentrations into a site similar kinetically to the 'secondary' (L) site at low ionic strength. A finite Km of 170 microM at very high ionic strength indicates a ratio of K infinity m/K 0 M of about 5000. It is proposed that anions either modify the E10 of cytochrome C bound at the primary (T) site of that they perturb an equilibrium between two forms of bound c in favour of a less active form.  相似文献   

Small increases in physiological nitrite concentrations have now been shown to mediate a number of biological responses, including hypoxic vasodilation, cytoprotection after ischemia/reperfusion, and regulation of gene and protein expression. Thus, while nitrite was until recently believed to be biologically inert, it is now recognized as a potentially important hypoxic signaling molecule and therapeutic agent. Nitrite mediates signaling through its reduction to nitric oxide, via reactions with several heme-containing proteins. In this report, we show for the first time that the mitochondrial electron carrier cytochrome c can also effectively reduce nitrite to NO. This nitrite reductase activity is highly regulated as it is dependent on pentacoordination of the heme iron in the protein and occurs under anoxic and acidic conditions. Further, we demonstrate that in the presence of nitrite, pentacoordinate cytochrome c generates bioavailable NO that is able to inhibit mitochondrial respiration. These data suggest an additional role for cytochrome c as a nitrite reductase that may play an important role in regulating mitochondrial function and contributing to hypoxic, redox, and apoptotic signaling within the cell.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4):439-444

The peroxidase-type reactivity of cytochrome c is proposed to play a role in free radical production and/or apoptosis. This study describes cytochrome c catalysis of peroxide consumption by ascorbate. Under conditions where the sixth coordination position at the cytochrome c heme iron becomes more accessible for exogenous ligands (by carboxymethylation, cardiolipin addition or by partial denaturation with guanidinium hydrochloride) this peroxidase activity is enhanced. A reaction intermediate is detected by stopped-flow UV-vis spectroscopy upon reaction of guanidine-treated cytochrome c with peroxide, which resembles the spectrum of globin Compound II species and is thus proposed to be a ferryl species. The ability of physiological levels of ascorbate (10–60 µM) to interact with this species may have implications for mechanisms of cell signalling or damage that are based on cytochrome c/peroxide interactions.  相似文献   

The appearance of NO2 ? reducing activity of cytochrome c (Cyt c) upon heat denaturation was investigated with equine heart Cyt c. Denatured equine heart Cyt c (dCyt c), which was treated at 100°C for 30 min, had NO2 ? reducing activity in the presence of dithionite and methylviologen in an aqueous solution under anaerobic conditions. In contrast, hemoglobin and myoglobin had no such activity under the same conditions. Using spectroscopic methods, we found that the appearance of this activity in the Cyt c was due to the following intramolecular changes: unfolding of the peptide chain, exposure of the heme, dissociation of the sixth ligand methionine sulfur, and appearance of autoxidizability. The dCyt c catalyzed NO2 ? reduction to NH4 + via ferrous-NO complexes, and this reaction was a 6-electron and 8-proton reduction. Sepharose-immobilized dCyt c had activity similar strength to that in solution. The resin retained the activity after five uses and even after storage for 1 year. On the basis of these results, we concluded that Cyt c acquired a new catalytic activity upon heat treatment, unlike to other familiar biological molecules.  相似文献   

Herein, the interaction of iron nanoparticle (Fe-NP) with cytochrome c (Cyt c) was investigated, and a range of techniques such as dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta potential measurements, static and synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy, near and far circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, and ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) spectroscopy were used to analyze the interaction between Cyt c and Fe-NP. DLS and zeta potential measurements showed that the values of hydrodynamic radius and charge distribution of Fe-NP are 83.95 ± 3.7 nm and 4.5 ± .8 mV, respectively. The fluorescence spectroscopy results demonstrated that the binding of Fe-NP with Cyt c is mediated by hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions. Also Fe-NP induced conformational changes in Cyt c and reduced the melting temperature value of Cyt c from 79.18 to 71.33°C. CD experiments of interaction between Fe-NP and Cyt c revealed that the secondary structure of Cyt c with the dominant α-helix structures remained unchanged whereas the tertiary structure and heme position of Cyt c are subjected to remarkable changes. Absorption spectroscopy at 695 nm revealed that Fe-NP considerably disrupt the Fe…S(Met80) bond. In addition, the UV–vis experiment showed the peroxidase-like activity of Cyt c upon interaction with Fe-NP. Hence, the data indicate the Fe-NP results in unfolding of Cyt c and subsequent peroxidase-like activity of denatured species. It was concluded that a comprehensive study of the interaction of Fe-NP with biological system is a crucial step for their potential application as intracellular delivery carriers and medicinal agents.  相似文献   

To investigate the nitrite reducing activity of microperoxidases (mps) in the presence of methyl viologen and dithionite, the fragments C14-K22 (mp9), V11-L32 (mp22), and G1-M65 (mp65) containing heme were prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis of commercially equine heart cytochrome c (Cyt c), in which His is axially coordinated to heme iron, and acts as its fifth ligand. The nitrite reducing activity of mps was measured under anaerobic condition, and the nitrite reducing activity of mps increased with the cutting of the peptide chain. The activity of the shortest nonapeptide mp9 was approximately 120-fold that of Cyt c (104 amino acid residues) and 3.2-fold that of nitrite reductase (EC from Escherichia coli. In the nitrite reduction by mp, nitrite was completely reduced to ammonia. We presumed that ferrous mps reduced NO2- to NO by donating one electron, the NO was completely reduced to NH4+ under anaerobic condition via ferrous-NO complexes as a reaction intermediate using visible spectra and ESR spectra, and this overall reaction was a 6-electron and 8-proton reduction. Sepharose-immobilized mp9 had a nitrite reducing activity similar to that of mp9 in solution, and the resin retained the activity after five uses and even 1-year storage. The mp will be able to use as a substitute for nitrite reductase.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c nitrite reductase catalyzes the six-electron reduction of nitrite to ammonia as a key step within the biological nitrogen cycle. Most recently, the crystal structure of the soluble enzyme from Sulfurospirillum deleyianum could be solved to 1.9 A resolution. This set the basis for new experiments on structural and functional aspects of the pentaheme protein which carries a Ca(2+) ion close to the active site heme. In the crystal, the protein was a homodimer with ten hemes in very close packing. The strong interaction between the nitrite reductase monomers also occurred in solution according to the dependence of the activity on the protein concentration. Addition of Ca(2+) to the enzyme as isolated had a stimulating effect on the activity. Ca(2+) could be removed from the enzyme by treatment with chelating agents such as EGTA or EDTA which led to a decrease in activity. In addition to nitrite, the enzyme converted NO, hydroxylamine and O-methyl hydroxylamine to ammonia at considerable rates. With N2O the activity was much lower; most likely dinitrogen was the product in this case. Cytochrome c nitrite reductase exhibited a remarkably high sulfite reductase activity, with hydrogen sulfide as the product. A paramagnetic Fe(II)-NO, S = 1/2 adduct was identified by rapid freeze EPR spectroscopy under turnover conditions with nitrite. This potential reaction intermediate of the reduction of nitrite to ammonia was also observed with PAPA NONOate and Spermine NONOate.  相似文献   

The pentaheme cytochrome c nitrite reductase (NrfA) of Escherichia coli is responsible for nitrite reduction during anaerobic respiration when nitrate is scarce. The NrfA active site consists of a hexacoordinate high-spin heme with a lysine ligand on the proximal side and water/hydroxide or substrate on the distal side. There are four further highly conserved active site residues including a glutamine (Q263) positioned 8 A from the heme iron for which the side chain, unusually, coordinates a conserved, essential calcium ion. Mutation of this glutamine to the more usual calcium ligand, glutamate, results in an increase in the K m for nitrite by around 10-fold, while V max is unaltered. Protein film voltammetry showed that lower potentials were required to detect activity from NrfA Q263E when compared with native enzyme, consistent with the introduction of a negative charge into the vicinity of the active site heme. EPR and MCD spectroscopic studies revealed the high spin state of the active site to be preserved, indicating that a water/hydroxide molecule is still coordinated to the heme in the resting state of the enzyme. Comparison of the X-ray crystal structures of the as-prepared, oxidized native and mutant enzymes showed an increased bond distance between the active site heme Fe(III) iron and the distal ligand in the latter as well as changes to the structure and mobility of the active site water molecule network. These results suggest that an important function of the unusual Q263-calcium ion pair is to increase substrate affinity through its role in supporting a network of hydrogen bonded water molecules stabilizing the active site heme distal ligand.  相似文献   

Spinach chloroplast membranes were studied by natural abundance carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C-NMR) spectroscopy in their normal state and after heat denaturation of membrane proteins. The membrane proteins were denatured by raising the temperature of the sample to 67 degrees C for 5 minutes [YashRoy, R.C. (1991) J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 22, 55-59]. Line-broadening of 13C-NMR resonances arising from the 1st (carbonyl), 7th, 9th and 12th carbon atom of fatty-acyl chains with reference to the carbonyl (C-1) group shows increased immobilization of lipid fatty-acyl chains at these locations, obviously caused by changes in interactions between membrane lipids and proteins upon heat denaturation of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

A conductometric biosensor for nitrite detection was developed using cytochrome c nitrite reductase (ccNiR) extracted from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 cells immobilized on a planar interdigitated electrode by cross-linking with saturated glutaraldehyde (GA) vapour in the presence of bovine serum albumin, methyl viologen (MV), Nafion, and glycerol. The configuration parameters for this biosensor, including the enzyme concentration, ccNiR/BSA ratio, MV concentration, and Nafion concentration, were optimized. Various experimental parameters, such as sodium dithionite added, working buffer solution, and temperature, were investigated with regard to their effect on the conductance response of the biosensor to nitrite. Under the optimum conditions at room temperature (about 25 degrees C), the conductometric biosensor showed a fast response to nitrite (about 10s) with a linear range of 0.2-120 microM, a sensitivity of 0.194 microS/microM [NO(2)(-)], and a detection limit of 0.05 microM. The biosensor also showed satisfactory reproducibility (relative standard deviation of 6%, n=5). The apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (K(M,app)) was 338 microM. When stored in potassium phosphate buffer (100mM, pH 7.6) at 4 degrees C, the biosensor showed good stability over 1 month. No obvious interference from other ionic species familiar in natural waters was detected. The application experiments show that the biosensor is suitable for use in real water samples.  相似文献   

The reaction of bovine heart ferrocytochrome c with nitrite was studied under various conditions. The reaction product was ferricytochrome c at around pH 5, whereas at around pH 3 it was Compound I, characterized by twin peaks at 529 and 563 nm of equal intensity. However, ferrocytochrome c decreased obeying first-order kinetics over the pH range examined, irrespective of the presence or absence of molecular oxygen. The apparent first-order rate constant was proportional to the square of the nitrite concentration at pH 4.4 and it increased as the pH was lowered. At pH 3 the reaction was so rapid that it had to be followed by stopped-flow and rapid-scanning techniques. The apparent rate constant at this pH was found to increase linearly with the nitrite concentration. Based on these results the active species of nitrite was concluded to be dinitrogen trioxide at pH 4.4 and nitrosonium ion, no+, at pH 3. Compound II was formed by reaction of ferrocytochrome c and NO gas at acidic and alkaline pH values. The absorption peaks were at 533 and 563 nm at pH 3, and at 538 and 567 nm at pH 12.9. This compound was also formed by reducing Compound I with reductants. Compound I prepared from ferricytochrome c and NO was stable below pH 6. However, appreciable absorption peaks for ferrocytochrome c appeared between pH 8 and 10, because Compound I was dissociated into ferrocytochrome c and NO+, and because ferrocytochrome c thus formed reacted with NO very slowly in this pH region. Saccharomyces ferricytochrome c under NO gas behaved differently from mammalian cytochrome, indicating the significance of the nature of the heme environment in determing the reactivity. Only at extreme pH values was Compound II formed exclusively and persisted. A model system for dissimilatory nitrite reductase was constructed by using bovine heart cytochrome c, nitrite and NADH plus PMS at pH 3.3, and a scheme involving cyclic turnover of ferrocytochrome c, Compound I and Compound II is presented, with kinetic parameters.  相似文献   

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