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Climatic niches have increasingly become a nexus in our understanding of a variety of ecological and evolutionary phenomena, from species distributions to latitudinal diversity gradients. Despite the increasing availability of comprehensive datasets on species ranges, phylogenetic histories, and georeferenced environmental conditions, studies on the evolution of climate niches have only begun to understand how niches evolve over evolutionary timescales. Here, using primates as a model system, we integrate recently developed phylogenetic comparative methods, species distribution patterns, and climatic data to explore primate climatic niche evolution, both among clades and over time. In general, we found that simple, constant‐rate models provide a poor representation of how climatic niches evolve. For instance, there have been shifts in the rate of climatic niche evolution in several independent clades, particularly in response to the increasingly cooler climates of the past 10 My. Interestingly, rate accelerations greatly outnumbered rate decelerations. These results highlight the importance of considering more realistic evolutionary models that allow for the detection of heterogeneity in the tempo and mode of climatic niche evolution, as well as to infer possible constraining factors for species distributions in geographical space.  相似文献   

Tempo and mode of hummingbird evolution   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lack of adequate historical data has hindered understanding of the evolutionary tempo and mode of many ecologically well-characterized avian radiations. DNA hybridization distances among 28 hummingbirds (Trochilidae) were used to establish a timescale for this family's radiation into more than 330 species. Under a variety of analytical assumptions, genetic distances calibrated with a fossil divergence date corrected for incompleteness in the geologic record indicated that all extant hummingbird lineages began to diverge in the Early Miocene, approximately 40 Myr (million years) after the Paleocene date estimated for the divergence of hummingbirds and swifts. The long period prior to the radiation of living forms provides ample time for divergent evolution to produce the large morphological gap that has tended to obscure the sister-relationship of hummingbirds and swifts. The Miocene radiation of extant hummingbird lineages itself began with the divergence of the hermit and nonhermit subfamilies approximately 17 Ma (million years ago), followed by the rapid divergence of two Andean and one principally Central and North American clade at approximately 12 Ma. Younger subsidiary lineages, including ones found mainly in the Andes or in North America, date to the later Miocene-earlier Pliocene, approximately 6 Ma. The DNA hybridization-based chronology thus indicates a protracted, rather than stricdy rapid, radiation. Evidence from a broader spectrum of organisms supports the general pattern that higher taxonomic structure within many extant continental families evolved in the Miocene, suggesting that a common environmental pacemaker initiated radiation in unrelated groups. Compared to those in the Pleistocene, radiations tracing to the Miocene may have depended less on rapid climate cycling than on creation of new habitats by major geologic and climatic upheavals. For extant hummingbirds, a principal cause for their Miocene diversification probably was the ability of the ecologically generalized subfamily of nonhermits to radiate in montane areas created by the Andean and other orogenies. Similar interactions between new habitats and their exploitation by ecological generalists may explain, at least in part, the contemporaneous radiation of Passeriformes, the most diverse avian order.  相似文献   

Directions, modes, specializations, and coordination systems of morphofunctional changes are discussed based on modern data. Phylogenetic heterochronies (pedomorphoses and outstripping), which provide the basis for parallel, mosaic, and saltation development and different rates of morphological evolution, are regarded as important events of morphological diversification. The analysis of specificity and relationships of structural levels of organization (including genetic and epigenetic) and the elaboration of evolutionary principles of their dynamic stability are thought to be the most promising fields of modern research.  相似文献   

When confronted with a predator, many mammalian species emit vocalizations known as alarm calls. Vocal structure variation results from the interactive effects of different selective pressures and constraints affecting their production, transmission, and detection. Body size is an important morphological constraint influencing the lowest frequencies that an organism can produce. The acoustic environment influences signal degradation; low frequencies should be favoured in dense forests compared to more open habitats (i.e. the ‘acoustic adaptation hypothesis’). Such hypotheses have been mainly examined in birds, whereas the proximate and ultimate factors affecting vocalizations in nonprimate mammals have received less attention. In the present study, we investigated the relationships between the frequency of alarm calls, body mass, and habitat in 65 species of rodents. Although we found the expected negative relationship between call frequency and body mass, we found no significant differences in acoustic characteristics between closed and open‐habitat species. The results of the present study show that the acoustic frequencies of alarm calls can provide reliable information about the size of a sender in this taxonomic group, although they generally do not support the acoustic adaptation hypothesis.  相似文献   

The evolution of breeding systems was studied in the genus Acer, with special attention to the origin of androdioecy and dioecy, using a phylogenetic approach. Parsimony and maximum-likelihood techniques were used to infer the ancestral character state and trends in the evolution of breeding systems. Information on breeding systems was obtained from the literature, and phylogenetic relationships were taken from three published phylogenies. Although a general trend from duodichogamy to dioecy through heterodichogamy has been proposed for the genus Acer, our results show that a general trend is not detected when phylogenetic relationships are taken into account. Dioecy appeared as a derived state that evolved at least three times and never reversed towards other states. Three different paths to dioecy have been followed in the genus Acer: from heterodichogamous androdioecy; from heterodichogamous trioecy; and from dichogamous subdioecy. Therefore, although the best documented cases of evolution of androdioecy indicate that this breeding system evolves from dioecy, in the genus Acer the opposite situation occurs (androdioecy leading to dioecy). Here we discuss the role of inbreeding avoidance and sexual specialization as selective forces driving the evolution of dioecy in the genus Acer.  相似文献   

The dominant frequency (Fd) of the cricket calling song commonly ranges from 2 to 8 kHz because of physical constraints due to small size and stridulum functioning. However some Eneopterinae crickets are known to call with Fds of 10–15 kHz, and one species ( Eneoptera guyanensis ) produces a modulated call with both a low and a high Fd. We studied Fd evolution with respect to phylogeny in the whole Eneopterinae subfamily to reconstruct its pattern of transformation. The phylogenetic pattern resulting from the analysis showed that Fd is relatively stable through the whole clade: the Fd ancestral state (3–7.9 kHz) has been modified only once, with the occurrence of a high Fd in the clade [ Cardiodactylus ( Lebinthus–Agnotecous )]: high Fd replaced low Fd, resulting in high-frequency calling songs. In E. guyanensis , the pattern of frequency change is different: a high Fd component has been added to the low ancestral Fd, resulting in frequency modulation. Investigation of cladogenesis rate indicated that the onset of high Fd in [ Cardiodactylus ( Lebinthus–Agnotecous )] was accompanied by a high cladogenesis rate, supporting a hypothesis of adaptive radiation for high-frequency calling (phylogeny criterion of adaptation). High frequencies are particularly problematic for long-range communication, especially for forest-living species, because of the increase of excess attenuation with frequency. The effectiveness of high-frequency calling is discussed in the clade [ Cardiodactylus ( Lebinthus–Agnotecous )] in relation to the behavioural ecology of the species.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 577–584.  相似文献   



Two decades ago, Rilling and Seligman, hereafter abbreviated to RAS Study, suggested modern humans had relatively larger temporal lobes for brain size compared to other anthropoids. Despite many subsequent studies drawing conclusions about the evolutionary implications for the emergence of unique cerebral specializations in Homo sapiens, no re-assessment has occurred using updated methodologies.


We reassessed the association between right temporal lobe volume (TLV) and right hemisphere volume (HV) in the anthropoid brain. In a sample compiled de novo by us, T1-weighted in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans of 11 extant anthropoid species were calculated by-voxel from the MRI and the raw data from RAS Study directly compared to our sample. Phylogenetic Generalized Least-Squares (PGLS) regression and trait-mapping using Blomberg's K (kappa) tested the correlation between HV and TLV accounting for anthropoid phylogeny, while bootstrapped PGLS regressions tested difference in slopes and intercepts between monkey and ape subsamples.


PGLS regressions indicated statistically significant correlations (r2 < 0.99; p ≤ 0.0001) between TLV and HV with moderate influence from phylogeny (K ≤ 0.42). Bootstrapped PGLS regression did not show statistically significant differences in slopes between monkeys and apes but did for intercepts. In our sample, human TLV was not larger than expected for anthropoids.


Updated imaging, increased sample size and advanced statistical analyses did not find statistically significant results that modern humans possessed a disproportionately large temporal lobe volume compared to the general anthropoid trend. This has important implications for human and non-human primate brain evolution.  相似文献   

Most angiosperms possess small genomes (mode 1C = 0.6 pg, median 1C = 2.9 pg). Those with truly enormous genomes (i.e. > or = 35 pg) are phylogenetically restricted to a few families and include Liliaceae - with species possessing some of the largest genomes so far reported for any plant as well as including species with much smaller genomes. To gain insights into when and where genome size expansion took place during the evolution of Liliaceae and the mode and tempo of this change, data for 78 species were superimposed onto a phylogenetic tree and analysed. Results suggest that genome size in Liliaceae followed a punctuated rather than gradual mode of evolution and that most of the diversification evolved recently rather than early in the evolution of the family. We consider that the large genome sizes of Liliaceae may have emerged passively rather than being driven primarily by selection.  相似文献   

Summary By using complete sequence data of mitochondrial DNAs, three Markov models (Day-hoff, Proportional, and Poisson models) for amino acid substitutions during evolution were applied in maximum likelihood analyses of mitochondrially encoded proteins to estimate a phylogenetic tree depicting human, cow, whale, and murids (mouse and rat), with chicken, frog, and carp as outgroups. A cow/whale clade was confirmed with a more than 99.8% confidence level by any of the three models, but the branching order among human, murids, and the cow/whale clade remained uncertain. It turned out that the Dayhoff model is by far the most appropriate model among the alternatives in approximating the amino acid substitutions of mitochondrially encoded proteins, which is consistent with a previous analysis of a more limited data set. It was shown that the substitution rate of mitochondrially encoded proteins has increased in the order of fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals and that the rate in mammals is at least six times, probably an order of magnitude, higher than that in fishes. The higher evolutionary rate in birds and mammals than in amphibians and fishes was attributed to relaxation of selective constraints operating on proteins in warm-blooded vertebrates and to high mutation rate of bird and mammalian mitochondrial DNAs.Offprint requests to: M. Hasegawa  相似文献   

Abstract.— Seed dormancy plays an important role in germination ecology and seed plant evolution. Morphological seed dormancy is caused by an underdeveloped embryo that must mature prior to germination. It has been suggested that the presence of an underdeveloped embryo is plesiomorphic among seed plants and that parallel directional change in embryo morphology has occurred separately in gymnosperms and in angiosperms. We test these hypotheses using original data on embryo morphology of key basal taxa, a published dataset, and the generalized least squares (GLS) method of ancestral character state reconstruction. Reconstructions for embryo to seed ratio (E:S) using family means for 179 families showed that E:S has increased between the ancestral angiosperm and almost all extant angiosperm taxa. Species in the rosid clade have particularly large embryos relative to the angiosperm ancestor. Results for the gymnosperms show a similar but smaller increase. There were no statistically significant differences in E:S between basal taxa and any derived group due to extremely large standard errors produced by GLS models. However, differences between reconstructed values for the angiosperm ancestor and more highly nested nodes are large and these results are robust to topological and branch-length manipulations. Our analysis supports the idea that the underdeveloped embryo is primitive among seed plants and that there has been a directional change in E:S within both angiosperms and gymnosperms. Our analysis suggests that dormancy enforced by an underdeveloped embryo is plesiomorphic among angiosperms and that nondormancy and other dormancy types probably evolved within the angiosperms. The shift in E:S was likely a heterochronic change, and has important implications for the life history of seed plants.  相似文献   

To perform a comparative analysis of character associations framed in a phylogenetic context (e.g. independent contrasts), a model of character evolution must be assumed. According to phyletic gradualism, morphological change accumulates gradually over time within lineages, and speciation events do not have a major role. Under speciational models, morphological change is assumed to occur during or just after cladogenesis in both daughter species, and the resulting morphologies do not change over long periods of time (stasis), until the next cladogenetic event. A novel method is presented for comparing these models of character evolution that uses permutational multiple phylogenetic regressions. The addition of divergence times to well-corroborated phylogenetic trees and the utilization of the method developed in this paper allows the estimation of relative frequency of gradual change and speciational change from living organisms. This method is applied to a dataset from ratites with the conclusion that, for a range of morphological features, change tends to have been speciational rather than gradual.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 99–106.  相似文献   

Tempo and mode of nucleotide change were examined in an orthologous carnivoran nuclear repetitive DNA element (Can SINE), and compared with those of the transthyretin intron I (TR-i-I) sequence in which it is embedded, by using a phylogenetic framework. The Can SINE is found in representatives of all living caniform carnivoran families, but no living feliform families. This suggests insertion 40–65 MYA, after the two lineages split, but before the caniform radiation. Despite linkage and a long shared evolutionary history, both parsimony and likelihood analyses showed the Can SINE to be significantly different from TR-i-I in rates of evolution and phylogenetic hypotheses supported. The substitution rate is significantly higher in Can SINE than in TR-i-I, and this is attributable to the tRNA-related region of the insertion. While the incongruence length difference test revealed significant conflict between the Can SINE and TR-i-I partitions, the test was shown to be sensitive to the distribution of homoplasy within partitions. The conflicting phylogenies are likely the result of differences in phylogenetic accuracy (homoplasy distribution) rather than in phylogenetic history (gene trees). The base composition of Can SINE contains a significantly higher GC percentage than TR-i-I. Our results indicate that differences between the two partitions may be the result of homoplasy introduced by an increased substitution rate in the tRNA-related region of Can SINE owing to CpG hypermutability. Received: 21 April 2000 / Accepted: 24 August 2000  相似文献   

Jordan IK  McDonald JF 《Genetics》1999,151(4):1341-1351
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome contains five families of long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, Ty1-Ty5. The sequencing of the S. cerevisiae genome provides an unprecedented opportunity to examine the patterns of molecular variation existing among the entire genomic complement of Ty retrotransposons. We report the results of an analysis of the nucleotide and amino acid sequence variation within and between the five Ty element families of the S. cerevisiae genome. Our results indicate that individual Ty element families tend to be highly homogenous in both sequence and size variation. Comparisons of within-element 5' and 3' LTR sequences indicate that the vast majority of Ty elements have recently transposed. Furthermore, intrafamily Ty sequence comparisons reveal the action of negative selection on Ty element coding sequences. These results taken together suggest that there is a high level of genomic turnover of S. cerevisiae Ty elements, which is presumably in response to selective pressure to escape host-mediated repression and elimination mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary Sequence comparisons were made for up to 667 bp of DNA cloned from 14 kinds of HawaiianDrosophila and five other dipteran species. These sequences include parts of the genes for NADH dehydrogenase (subunits 1, 2, and 5) and rRNA (from the large ribosomal subunit). Because the times of divergence among these species are known approximately, the sequence comparisons give insight into the evolutionary dynamics of this molecule. Transitions account for nearly all of the differences between sequences that have diverged by less than 2%; for these sequences the mean rate of divergence appears to be about 2%/Myr. In comparisons involving greater divergence times and greater sequence divergence, relatively more of the sequence differences are due to transversions. Specifically, the fraction of these differences that are counted as transversions rises from an initial value of less than 0.1 to a plateau value of nearly 0.6. The time required to reach half of the plateau value, about 10 Myr, is similar to that for mammalian mtDNA. The mtDNAs of flies and mammals are also alike in the shape of the curve relating the percentage of positions at which there are differences in protein-coding regions to the time of divergence. For both groups of animals, the curve has a steep initial slope ascribable to fast accumulation of synonymous substitutions and a shallow final slope resulting from the slow accumulation of substitutions causing amino acid replacements. However, the percentage of all sites that can experience a high rate of substitution appears to be only about 8% for fly mtDNA compared to about 20% for mammalian mtDNA. The low percentage of hypervariable sites may be a consequence of a functional constraint associated with the low content of guanine and cytosine in fly mtDNA.  相似文献   

Although critical to progress in understanding (i) if, and (ii) at what rate, introduced plants will naturalize and potentially become invasive, establishing causal links between traits and invasion success is complicated by data gaps, phylogenetic nonindependence of species, the inability to control for differences between species in residence time and propagule pressure, and covariance among traits. Here, we focus on statistical relationships between genomic factors, life history traits, native range size, and naturalization status of angiosperms introduced to Australia. In a series of analyses, we alternately investigate the role of phylogeny, incorporate introduction history, and use graphical models to explore the network of conditional probabilities linking traits and introduction history to naturalization status. Applying this ensemble of methods to the largest publicly available data set on plant introductions and their fates, we found that, overall, residence time and native range size best predicted probability of naturalization. Yet, importantly, probability of naturalization consistently increased as genome size decreased, even when the effects of shared ancestry and residence time in Australia were accounted for, and that this pattern was stronger in species without a history of cultivation, but present across annual–biennials, and herbaceous and woody perennials. Thus, despite introduction biases and indirect effects of traits via introduction history, across analyses, reduced genome size was nevertheless consistently associated with a tendency to naturalize.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequences of primates: Tempo and mode of evolution   总被引:99,自引:0,他引:99  
Summary We cloned and sequenced a segment of mitochondrial DNA from human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon. This segment is 896 bp in length, contains the genes for three transfer RNAs and parts of two proteins, and is homologous in all 5 primates. The 5 sequences differ from one another by base substitutions at 283 positions and by a deletion of one base pair. The sequence differences range from 9 to 19% among species, in agreement with estimates from cleavage map comparisons, thus confirming that the rate of mtDNA evolution in primates is 5 to 10 times higher than in nuclear DNA. The most striking new finding to emerge from these comparisons is that transitions greatly outnumber transversions. Ninety-two percent of the differences among the most closely related species (human, chimpanzee, and gorilla) are transitions. For pairs of species with longer divergence times, the observed percentage of transitions falls until, in the case of comparisons between primates and non-primates, it reaches a value of 45. The time dependence is probably due to obliteration of the record of transitions by multiple substitutions at the same nucleotide site. This finding illustrates the importance of choosing closely related species for analysis of the evolutionary process. The remarkable bias toward transitions in mtDNA evolution necessitates the revision of equations that correct for multiple substitutions at the same site. With revised equations, we calculated the incidence of silent and replacement substitutions in the two protein-coding genes. The silent substitution rate is 4 to 6 times higher than the replacement rate, indicating strong functional constraints at replacement sites. Moreover, the silent rate for these two genes is about 10% per million years, a value 10 times higher than the silent rate for the nuclear genes studied so far. In addition, the mean substitution rate in the three mitochondrial tRNA genes is at least 100 times higher than in nuclear tRNA genes. Finally, genealogical analysis of the sequence differences supports the view that the human lineage branched off only slightly before the gorilla and chimpanzee lineages diverged and strengthens the hypothesis that humans are more related to gorillas and chimpanzees than is the orangutan.Abbreviations mtDNA mitochondrial DNA - bp base pair - URF unidentified reading frame  相似文献   

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