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The orangutan is widely recognized as a highly dimorphic species. An ontogenetic approach to the study of sexual dimorphism can assist researchers in understanding both where and when these differences develop. In this study, 357 orangutans from Borneo were divided into five developmental stages representing infancy to mature adulthood. Three-dimensional (3D) coordinate data from 16 landmarks representing the face and palate were analyzed by means of a Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA), a quantitative method for the comparison of forms. Three separate analyses (an age-specific static comparison of forms, a sex-specific analysis of growth trajectories, and an intersex comparison of patterns of relative growth) were carried out with the intent to describe the rate, timing, magnitude, and pattern of growth in the orangutan face and palate. The results indicate that generally males and females share a similar, but not identical, pattern of growth or local form change, but differ in growth rate, timing, and magnitude of difference. Dimorphism in the face and palate can be localized in infancy and traced throughout all age intervals. Orangutan females grow slightly faster than males from infancy to adolescence, at which time male growth exceeds female growth. Female growth ceases with the advent of adulthood, while male growth continues (i.e., both the number and magnitude of the dimorphic dimensions increase). Males and females are similar in facial dimensions and growth related to the orbits, upper face, and palate width. They maintain these similarities throughout development. However, they differ in facial and nasal height, palate length, snout projection, depth of the nasopharynx, and hafting of the face onto the skull. The face broadens and the zygomatic bone flares dramatically in adult males, corresponding to the development of cheek pads. While growth patterns are similar between the two sexes, they differ in the lateral orbit, snout projection, and hafting of the face onto the cranium. Adult dimorphism is the result of growth patterns experienced throughout life, and it is not equally expressed across the cranium. An understanding of patterns of dimorphism, along with the magnitude of difference, may be helpful for interpreting dimorphism in the fossil record.  相似文献   

The SSP program for orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus ssp.) was initiated in 1982. Since that time, the Propagation Group has dealt with issues related to improving captive management of the species. Prior to 1982, most orangutans in North America were managed as a single species, though a number of institutions did house their Bornean and Sumatran specimens separately. However, the determination of race at that time was made largely on the basis of physical appearance, a method subsequently proven imprecise. A major achievement of the SSP has been the refinement of orangutan subspecies determination; SSP-sponsored karotyping has determined, on a chromosomal level, the true subspecies of virtually every orangutan managed by the SSP. The validity of these results has been confirmed by recent fieldwork, also completed under the auspices of the SSP. Since 1985, as a result of these captive and field data, the SSP has held to the policy that subspecific hybrid orangutans should not be produced; to that end, there is a moratorium on the breeding of hybrid animals. Another significant step taken by the SSP group is the completion of the sophisticated demographic and genetic analyses, leading to the development of a Masterplan for this species and its captive management. Goals for the near future include refinement of the Masterplan analyses and publication of a new international studbook for the species.  相似文献   

An adult male orangutan, housed with two adult females, intervened in female-female aggressive interactions at least seven times over a 4.5-year period. Five of these seven episodes involved multiple interventions rather than a single act. One series of interventions was directly observed during an ongoing study of spatial relationships, and six other episodes were described in the zoo records. The intervention that was observed directly began with one female displacing the other, after which the male located himself between the two females. He remained nearer the displaced female than he did to the other female. These seven episodes demonstrate the male's mediation and regulation of intragroup aggression. Whereas the opportunities for the control of aggression are limited in the wild, the conditions of captivity likely allowed for the expression of this behavior pattern.  相似文献   

In spite of a resurgence of interest in the interpretation of the sequences of dental development and eruption in various Plio-Pleistocene hominoids as being either “modern human” or “ape-like,” the body of comparative material on the extant hominoids remains deficient in critical areas. In concert with recent attempts to rectify this situation, we present the results of our studies on dental morphogenesis in the orangutan. We have focused on the growth and eruption of the deciduous dentition as well as early stages of permanent tooth formation and have found that 1) many permanent teeth develop earlier than was thought, 2) differences exist between development in the upper and in the lower jaw, and 3) states of tooth formation can vary significantly among individuals of similar chronological age or tooth eruption status.  相似文献   

Whilde J  Marples N 《Zoo biology》2011,30(2):205-211
The behavior of an infant female orangutan at Dublin Zoo before and after the death of her mother was recorded using scan sampling and compared. Social interactions and associations of the infant with the other individuals in the group were also compared before and after the death of her mother. Increases in climbing and object manipulation were observed, and a decrease in resting occurred. The infant orangutan significantly increased the amount of time she spent in close contact with another related adult female in the group after her mother's death. This case study describes an example of a zoo‐housed infant orangutan being successfully fostered by a related female without human intervention. It also provides a quantification of the behavior of an infant orangutan before and after being orphaned. Zoo Biol 30:205–211, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background Natural infection of hantavirus in orangutans has never been reported. Methods Enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), Indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), and RT‐PCR were used to diagnosis a suspected case in a pet orangutan in southern Taiwan. Results Although the RT‐PCR result was negative, the high IgG titer in the beginning and its dramatic drop after treatments suggested a recent Seoul‐type hantavirus infection. Conclusions Hantavirus transmission and its potential damage to wild orangutans should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in the human craniofacial system is an important feature of intraspecific variation in recent and fossil humans. Although several studies have reported different morphological patterns of sexual dimorphism in different populations, this study searches for common morphological aspects related to functional anatomy of the respiratory apparatus. 3D geometric morphometrics were used to test the hypothesis that due to higher daily energy expenditure and associated greater respiratory air consumption as well as differences in body composition, males should have absolutely and relatively greater air passages in the bony cranial airways than females. We measured 25 3D landmarks in five populations (N = 212) of adult humans from different geographic regions. Male average cranial airways were larger in centroid sizes than female ones. Males tended to show relatively taller piriform apertures and, more consistently, relatively taller internal nasal cavities and choanae than females. Multivariate regressions and residual analysis further indicated that after standardizing to the same size, males still show relatively larger airway passages than females. Because the dimensions of the choanae are limiting factors for air transmission towards the noncranial part of the respiratory system, the identified sex-specific differences in cranial airways, possibly shared among human populations, may be linked with sex-specific differences in body size, composition, and energetics. These findings may be important to understanding trends in hominin facial evolution.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of cranial sexual dimorphism in the Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) is examined by means of principal-components analysis (PCA). Normalized first components are called allometry vectors or vectors of relative growth and show that sexual dimorphism is present at all stages of growth. Two patterns of sexual dimorphism are present: (1) sexual differences at age groups 2 and 3 are the result primarily of differences in principal component II scores, reflecting mainly shape-related differences, and (2) age groups 5, 6, and 7 show a trend of stronger size-related shape differences with increasing age in the allometry vector along with decreasing differences in principal component II scores, reflecting an increase in size-related shape differences between the sexes. Age group 4 shows a combination of both patterns. Our results support Shea's hypothesis (1985a) that when using multigroup PCAs in closely related taxa, the allometry vector will generally estimate the shape variation resulting from the extension of common growth allometry patterns (ontogenetic scaling). The second and subsequent components summarize shape variation from slope and intercept differences between the groups, provided that ontogenetic scaling is not solely responsible for all the shape differences present. Subanalyses of those dimensions previously found to show ontogenetic scaling and acceleration follow this pattern well. The total sample provides a pattern whereby ontogenetically scaled dimensions possess a stronger influence over accelerated dimensions but still generally follow Shea's hypothesis. Finally, variously derived coefficients provided several interesting findings: (1) strong evidence was found against multivariate isometry for both the pooled and the separate samples, (2) multivariate allometric coefficients for both sexes follow the general growth pattern of negative scaling in neurocranial dimensions and positive scaling in the viscerocranium, and (3) multivariate slopes have a very high correlation with bivariate slopes relative to the same independent X variable, thereby lending further support to Jolicoeur's (1963a, b) allometry generalization.  相似文献   

Orangutans display remarkable developmental changes and sexual differences in facial morphology, such as the flanges or cheek-pads that develop only on the face of dominant adult males. These changes suggest that facial morphology is an important factor in visual communication. However, developmental changes in facial morphology have not been examined in detail. We studied developmental changes in the facial morphology of the Borneo orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) by observing 79 individuals of various ages living in the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre (SORC) in Malaysia and in Japanese zoos. We also analyzed photographs of one captive male that were taken over a period of more than 16 years. There were clear morphological changes that occurred with growth, and we identified previously unreported sexual and developmental differences in facial morphology. Light-colored skin around the eyes and mouth is most prominent in animals younger than 3 years, and rapidly decreases in area through the age of approximately 7 years. At the same time, the scattered, erect hairs on the head (infant hair) become thick, dense hairs lying on the head (adult hair) in both sexes. The results suggest that these features are infant signals, and that adult signals may include darkened face color, adult hair, whiskers, and a beard, which begin to develop after the age of approximately 7 years in both sexes. In females, the eyelids remain white even after 10 years, and turn black at around the age of 20; in males, the eyelids turn black before the age of 10. The whiskers and beards of adults are thicker in males than in females, and are fully developed before the age of 10 in males, while they begin to develop in females only after approximately 20 years. White eyelids and undeveloped whiskers and beards may be visual signals that are indicative of young adult females. Our results also show that the facial morphology of the unflanged male is similar to that of the adult female, although it has also been pointed out that unflanged males resemble younger individuals.  相似文献   

The mammalian pelvis is sexually dimorphic with respect to both size and shape. Yet little is known about the differences in postnatal growth and bone remodeling that generate adult sexual dimorphism in pelvic bones. We used Sprague-Dawley laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus), a species that exhibits gross pelvic size and shape dimorphism, as a model to quantify pelvic morphology throughout ontogeny. We employed landmark-based geometric morphometrics methodology on digitized landmarks from radiographs to test for sexual dimorphism in size and shape, and to examine differences in the rates, magnitudes, and directional patterns of shape change during growth. On the basis of statistical significance testing, the sexes became different with respect to pelvic shape by 36 days of age, earlier than the onset of size dimorphism (45 days), although visible shape differences were observed as early as at 22 days. Males achieved larger pelvic sizes by growing faster throughout ontogeny. However, the rates of shape change in the pelvis were greater in females for nearly all time intervals scrutinized. We found that trajectories of shape change were parallel in the two sexes until age of 45 days, suggesting that both sexes underwent similar bone remodeling until puberty. After 45 days, but before reproductive maturity, shape change trajectories diverged because of specific changes in the female pelvic shape, possibly due to the influence of estrogens. Pattern of male pelvic bone remodeling remained the same throughout ontogeny, suggesting that androgen effects on male pelvic morphology were constant and did not contribute to specific shape changes at puberty. These results could be used to direct additional research on the mechanisms that generate skeletal dimorphisms at different levels of biological organization.  相似文献   

Body mass is a key determinant of a species' ecology, including locomotion, foraging strategies, and energetics. Accurate information on the body mass of wild primates allows us to develop explanatory models for relationships among body size, ecology, and behavior and is crucial for reconstructing the ecology and behavior of fossil primates and hominins. Information on body mass can also provide indirect information on health and can be an important tool for conservation in the context of increasingly widespread habitat disturbance. This study reports body mass data recorded for wild Northeast Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) during relocation efforts in forestry and oil palm plantations in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The average mass of flanged adult males (n = 12, 74 ± 9.78 kg) and adult females (n = 7, 35.29 ± 7.32 kg) from this study were 13.6% and 9% lower, respectively, than the only other published wild Bornean orangutan body mass measurements, but the range of weights for both males and females was larger for this study. This pattern could be due to sampling error, data collection differences, or the influence of habitat disturbance, specifically a lack of access to resources, on individual health. When necessary relocations present the opportunity, we encourage researchers to prioritize the collection of body size data for the purposes of understanding ecology but also as an indirect means of monitoring population viability. As primate habitat becomes increasingly fragmented and altered by humans such data will become critical to our ability to make informed conservation decisions. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:339–346, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Growth and sexual dimorphism have long been the focus of investigation for researchers interested in the life history and socioecology of nonhuman primates. Previous research has shown that sex differences in the duration of growth, or bimaturism, are primarily responsible for the sexual dimorphism observed in anthropoid primates with multimale–multifemale social structure, such as macaques. The present study investigates sex differences in patterns of craniofacial and somatometric growth relative to head and body size and relative to dental development in a population of hybrid macaques (Cercopithecidae: Macaca ) from Sulawesi, Indonesia. How these patterns may contribute to sexual dimorphism in this hybrid population is also examined. The results of the study suggest that there is no substantial effect on the levels of sexual dimorphism associated with hybridization in these macaques. Although sex differences in patterns of size-related, or allometric, growth patterns play a significant role in the development of sexual dimorphism for some cranial dimensions in these hybrids, bimaturism seems to be the primary component in the ontogeny of sexual dimorphism in this hybrid population. The observed levels of hybrid dimorphism and the predominant ontogenetic pattern of bimaturism characterized by prolonged male growth are consistent with previously published reports on dimorphism and growth in other cercopithecine primates.  相似文献   

In April 1985, a 22-year-old group-living female orangutan gave birth to her second infant, marking an interbirth interval of 12 years, 2 months. The timing and patterning of sexual activity displayed by the group of two females and one male over a 3-year period were analyzed to identify variables that might account for this female's sexual resurgence. Variables considered were (1) movement to a new habitat, (2) opening of a vaginal stricture, (3) addition of a second female to the group, (4) male sexual resurgence, and (5) copulatory synchrony. None of these variables alone could account for the resurgence of fertility, although several of them account for the increase in copulatory frequency. This suggests that a combination of factors may be operating, including the induction of fertility via the presence of another cycling female. This induction effect has been described for rhesus macaques, and since this orangutan group meets the conditions necessary for such an induction effect, it is offered as another possible variable influencing fertility. Indices of pregnancy determination, as they relate to gestation lengths and prematurity of infants, also are evaluated and compared.  相似文献   

This study examines the appearance of the secondary ossification centers in the lower arms, wrists, lower legs, and ankles of a cross-sectional sample of 20 infant orangutans and chimpanzees (15 of known age). The number of tarsal and carpal centers is analyzed relative to the degree of M1 development and the weight of individual animals. Variation in the appearance of these ossification centers is discussed relative to these variables and others. In addition, a sequence of appearance is established for the carpal and tarsal ossification centers in the orangutan and data is presented on the status of these centers in a fetal and newborn gorilla. Study results indicate that 1) there is variation in the number of secondary epiphyses present in animals of similar ages; 2) tarsal ossification is completed prior to carpal ossification in the orangutan; 3) there are indications of a relationship between weight and the number of ossification centers present in animals of similar age; and 4) there appears to be no evidence of specific relationships between carpal and tarsal development and M1 development. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the postnatal ontogenetic development of Pontoporia blainvillei skull, identifying major changes on shape, and relating them to relevant factors in the life history of the species. We analyzed a complete ontogenetic series (73♂, 83♀) with three‐dimensional geometric morphometric techniques. Immature dolphins showed a very well‐developed braincase and a poorly developed rostrum, and the principal postnatal changes affected the rostrum and the temporal fossa, both structures implied functionally to the feeding apparatus, thus suggesting a specialized mode for catch fast prey in P. blainvillei. Osseous elements associated with sound production were already well developed on immature dolphins, suggesting the importance of this apparatus since the beginning of postnatal life. Sexual dimorphism was detected on both shape and size variables. Females were bigger than males, in accordance with previous studies. Shape differences between sexes were found on the posterior part of premaxillaries and external bony nares (P < 0.01), suggesting that this sexual dimorphism is related to differences on vocalization capabilities. J. Morphol. 275:1366–1375, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An evolutionary, diachronic approach to the phenotypic craniofacial pattern arisen in a human population after high levels of admixture and gene flow was achieved by means of geometric morphometrics. Admixture has long been studied after molecular data. Nevertheless, few efforts have been made to explain the morphological outcome in human craniofacial samples. The Spanish-Amerindian contact can be considered a good scenario for such an analysis. Here we present a comparative analysis of craniofacial shape changes observed between two putative ancestor groups, Spanish and precontact Aztecs, and two diachronic admixed groups, corresponding to early and late colonial periods from the Mexico's Central Valley. Quantitative shape comparisons of Amerindian, Spanish, and admixed groups were used to test the expectations of quantitative genetics for admixture events. In its simplest form, this prediction states that an admixed group will present phenotypic values falling between those of both parental groups. Results show that, in general terms, although the human skull is a complex, integrated structure, the craniofacial morphology observed fits the theoretical expectations of quantitative genetics. Thus, it is predictive of population structure and history. In fact, results obtained after the craniofacial analysis are in accordance with previous molecular and historical interpretations, providing evidence that admixture is a main microevolutionary agent influencing modern Mexican gene pool. However, expectations are not straightforward when moderate shape changes are considered. Deviations detected at localized structures, such as the upper and lower face, highlight the evolution of a craniofacial pattern exclusively inherent to the admixed groups, indicating that quantitative characters might respond to admixture in a complicated, nondirectional way.  相似文献   

Hayley Green  Darren Curnoe 《HOMO》2009,60(6):517-534
Despite a number of studies stating that sexual dimorphism is population specific, sexual differences in Southeast Asian populations have received little attention. Previous studies in this region have focused on samples from Thailand or East Asian populations from China and Japan, examining sexual dimorphism predominantly of the postcranial bones, teeth and mandible with comparatively few cranial studies. These earlier studies have used traditional methods to metrically assess differences between the sexes. The aim of this study is to use geometric morphometric methods for the first time to quantify sexual dimorphism of Southeast Asian crania and extend knowledge of cranial sexual dimorphism beyond China, Japan and Thailand. A total of 35 unilateral and midline landmark coordinates were collected from 144 mainland and island Southeast Asian crania (89 male, 55 female). Using the shape analysis software Morphologika, principal components analysis and thin plate splines allowed for the statistical and visual exploration of shape differences. Differences included relative facial breadth, particularly across the zygomatic and postorbital regions and cranial vault breadth. Significant size dimorphism was also apparent. Overall expected accuracies were highest in the discriminant analysis using both shape and centroid size (86.8%).  相似文献   

Variation in guenon skulls (II): sexual dimorphism   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Patterns of size and shape sexual dimorphism in adult guenons were examined using a large sample of skulls from almost all living species. Within species, sexual dimorphism in skull shape follows the direction of size-related shape variation of adults, is proportional to differences in size, and tends to be larger in large-bodied species. Interspecific divergence among shape trajectories, which explain within species sex differences, are small (i.e., trajectories of most species are nearly parallel). Thus, changes in relative proportions of skull regions that account for the distinctive shape of females and males are relatively conserved across species, and their magnitude largely depends on differences in size between sexes. A conservative pattern of size-related sexual dimorphism and a model of interspecific divergence in shape which strongly reflects size differences suggest a major role of size and size-related shape variation in the guenon radiation. It is possible that in the guenons, as in the neotropical primates (with whom they have obvious parallels), size has helped to determine morphological change along lines of least evolutionary resistance, influencing sexual dimorphism. In Miopithecus and Erythrocebus, the smallest and largest guenon genera, it is likely that the interaction of ecology and size contributes significantly to patterns of sexual dimorphism. The results of this study thus emphasise the need to consider allometry and size alongside ecology and behaviour when examining primate sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

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