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黄河上游玛曲县生态环境问题与综合治理对策   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
1 自然地理条件概况玛曲县位于甘肃省西南部 ,10 0°4 5′4 5″~ 10 2°2 9′0 0″E ,33°0 6′30″~ 34°30′15″N ,土地总面积 1 0 19× 10 4 km2 ,是黄河上游以藏民族聚居为主的纯牧业县。阿尼玛卿山、西倾山两大山系主脉形成的西部高山区、中南部阿尼玛卿山东南端和西倾山前山地带丘陵区及黄河沿岸河流阶地构成地形地貌格局[12 ] ,大部分区域海拔 35 0 0~ 380 0m。玛曲属高原大陆性气候 ,年平均气温 1.1℃~2 .7℃ ,年平均降水量 5 0 1.6~ 6 15 .5mm ,主要集中于 5~ 9月 ,年蒸发量 10 0 0~ 15 0 0mm[5] 。年平均风速 2…  相似文献   

芦芽山自然保护区紫啸鸫的繁殖生态观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
紫啸鸫 (Myiophoneuscaeruleus)为山地溪边生活的鸟类。 1 997~ 1 999年的 5至 9月作者在芦芽山保护区对紫啸鸫的繁殖生态作了观察。现将结果报道如下。1 自然概况及工作方法芦芽山自然保护区位于山西省吕梁山北端 ,地处宁武、五寨、岢岚三县交界 ,东经 1 1 1°50′~ 1 1 2°5′3 0″,北纬 3 8°3 5′4 0″~ 3 8°4 5′之间。境内森林繁茂 ,灌木丛生 ;总面积 3 2 . 1 8万亩 ,主峰芦芽山海拔 2772m ;年均温 4~ 7°C ,年降水 50 0~ 70 0mm ,无霜期 90~ 1 3 5天。工作过程中 ,我们事先选定三条调查路线 ,(圪洞…  相似文献   

南岳自然保护区爬行动物资源调查   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
刘军  袁金荣  钟福生  刘振湘 《蛇志》2002,14(4):61-63
为了调查清楚南岳自然保护区的自然资源概况 ,我们受南岳区政府的委托 ,组织综合考察队于2 0 0 0年 6月至 2 0 0 2年 6月对南岳自然资源进行了考察 ,现将自然保护区的爬行动物资源调查情况报告如下。1 自然概况  湖南省南岳衡山是一座孤山 ,地处北纬 2 7°2 0′1 0″~ 2 7°1 9′40″,东经 1 1 2°3 4′2 8″~ 1 1 2°45′3 6″,南岳自然保护区总面积为 1 1 991 .6 hm2 ,山体连绵起伏 ,系中同地貌 ,最底海拔 80 m,最高海拔 1 2 89.8m。山脉呈北北东至南南西走向 ,由东北向西倾斜 ,坡度一般为 3 0°~ 40°,南端边缘悬崖地带坡度最大可…  相似文献   

王青锋  王玉国  潘明清   《广西植物》2000,20(1):27-31
莽山自然保护区位于湖南省宜章县境内 (2 4°52′0 0″~ 2 5°0 3′12″N,112°4 3′19″~ 113°0 0′10″E) ,属南岭支脉。作者对该地区水生维管束植物及其生境进行了考察 ,采集到水生沼生维管束植物30科 4 7属 6 7种 ,其中 30种为莽山地区新记录。在比较沼泽和湖泊水生植物群落结构特点的基础上 ,讨论了沼泽作为水生植物重要生境的意义 ,建议对作为珍稀濒危水生植物重要产地的长江以南山地沼泽采取有效的保护措施  相似文献   

历山保护区位于山西省南部 ,地处运城、晋城、临汾三个地市的垣曲、阳城、沁水、翼城四县交界处 ,地理坐标为东经 1 1 1°51′1 0″~ 1 1 2°5′3 5″,北纬3 5°1 6′3 0″~ 3 5°2 7′2 0″ ,总面积 2 4 2 0 0hm2 。本区系中低山石质山地 ,系燕山褶皱而成 ,喜马拉雅山运动中有强烈的上升和断裂发生 ,本区属暖温带季风型大陆性气候 ,复杂的地理环境 ,丰富的光热资源 ,造就了种类繁多的爬行动物。搞清本区的爬行动物资源 ,可为资源的合理开发利用、珍稀物种的保护和地方志的编撰提供基础资料。关于该区的爬行类 ,山西大学殷源洪、蒋位金…  相似文献   

我的家乡宁陕县 (38°7′11″~ 33°5 0′38″N,10 8°2′2 5″~ 10 8°5 6′4 8″E)地处亚热带和北温带过渡地带的秦岭南麓 ,总面积 36780 0 hm2。本县气候适宜 ,雨量充沛 ,山大林深 ,森林资源极为丰富 ,特别是林特资源在全省名列前茅。据林业部门统计 ,全县林用地 331 768.5 hm2 ,森林覆盖率 71.9%,若将灌木林包括在内 ,林木覆盖率达 78.3%,大大超过了全国森林覆盖率(12 .5 %)和全省森林覆盖率 (2 2 .3%)。上世纪 5 0~ 60年代 ,全县人均占有林地 2 .15 hm2 ,占有蓄积量 (含国有林 ) 4 2 3.9m3,是全国人均 9.3m3的 4 5倍 !本县各林种蓄…  相似文献   

广东阳春鹅凰嶂自然保护区种子植物区系研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
鹅凰嶂自然保护区位于广东省阳春市境内 (1 1 1°2 1′2 9″~ 1 1 1°3 6′0 3″E ,2 1°5 0′3 6″~ 2 1°5 8′40″N) ,为北热带地区。计有维管植物 2 1 0科 75 4属 1 5 80种 (包括亚种与变型 ) ,其中种子植物有 1 72科 681属 1 44 8种。研究分析和讨论了本区主要植被类型、种子植物区系及珍稀濒危植物 ,其种子植物区系特征是 :种类组成比较丰富 ,地理成分复杂 ,联系广泛 ,以热带成分占绝对优势 ,是典型的热带北缘区系性质 ;植被类型以山地雨林为主 ;区系起源古老 ,原始类群丰富 ;特有性比较高 ,珍稀濒危植物明显。建议对一些濒危物种采取有效的保护措施。  相似文献   

蛇雕繁殖生态的初步观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蛇雕(Spilornischeela)属隼形目鹰科猛禽。有关其繁殖行为研究,到目前未见报道。笔者于1997~1998年,在贵州茂兰国家级自然保护区内,对蛇雕东南亚种(Spilornischeelaricketti)的繁殖生态作了初步观察,现将观察情况报道如下。1 自然概况茂兰保护区位于贵州南部的荔波县境内。东经107°10′10″~108°05′40″,北纬25°09′20″~25°20′50″。海拔500~1100m,最高点为肯西山1170m。林区总面积2100hm2。为中亚热带季风湿润气候。年平均气温153℃,年降雨量1750mm左右,集中于4~10月,年平均相对…  相似文献   

历山保护区山斑鸠的繁殖习性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张青霞  薛红忠 《四川动物》2000,19(4):239-240
1997~ 1 999年的 4~ 9月 ,在山西省历山国家级自然保护区对山斑鸠 (Streptopeliaorientalis)的繁殖习性进行了观察 ,报道如下。1 工作区概况及方法山西历山国家级自然保护区位于中条山东段 ,地处翼城、沁水、阳城、垣曲 4县交界 ,东经 1 1 1°51′~ 1 1 2°3 6′ ,北纬 3 5°1 6′~ 3 5°2 7′ ,总面积 2 4 80 0ha ,主峰历山海拔 2 3 2 1m。本区系石质山地 ,为南缓北陡的单面山。森林繁茂 ,灌木丛生 ,水源充沛。属暖温带季风型大陆性气候 ,夏季炎热多雨 ,冬季寒冷干燥 ,年均温 8~ 1 0℃ ,无霜期 1 80~ 2 0 …  相似文献   

鹰咀界自然保护区位于沅水上游 ,是湘西南保存较好的一片天然次生林。它的存在对研究该区域天然林的培育、生物多样性保护具有重要意义。同时 ,也为森林类型涵水功能的研究提供了场地。为了摸清该保护区次生林的自然特性 ,为保护和研究积累技术资料 ,我们利用保护区自然科学资助基金对其林地土壤特性进行了调查与研究 ,将其结果报道如下。1 保护区自然概况鹰咀界自然保护区位于湖南省会同县东南部雪峰山山脉的西支南段。地理位置为北纬 2 6°46′~ 2 6°5 9′ ,东经 1 0 9°5 1′~ 1 0 9°5 8′。海拔最高 938m ,最低 2 4 6m ,一般在 3…  相似文献   

生态系统退化程度诊断:生态恢复的基础与前提   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
 生态系统退化程度诊断是进行生态恢复与重建的基础和前提。然而目前的生态系统化程度诊断大多停留在定性的水平,如何对退化生态系统的退化程度进行定量的诊断就成为恢复生态学与生态恢复实践所面临的一个迫切且十分关键的问题。在综述前人研究的基础上,比较系统地论述了生态系统退化程度诊断的一系列问题:绘制了描述生态系统退化程度的概念模型;认为在实践中退化程度诊断的参照系统可以选择相应的受人类或自然干扰程度比较轻的“自然生态系统”;归纳了生态系统退化程度诊断的生物途径、生境途径、生态过程途径、生态系统功能/服务途径、景观途径;把诊断方法分为单途径单因子诊断法、单途径多因子诊断法、多途径综合诊断法;分析了生态系统退化程度诊断的可能指标(体系);给出了生态系统退化程度诊断的策略与流程,并对生态系统退化程度诊断及生态恢复过程中应注意的事项进行了讨论。建议我国加强典型生态系统退化程度的综合诊断研究。  相似文献   

Coral reef ecosystems are under a variety of threats from global change and anthropogenic disturbances that are reducing the number and type of coral species on reefs. Coral reefs support upwards of one third of all marine species of fish, so the loss of coral habitat may have substantial consequences to local fish diversity. We posit that the effects of habitat degradation will be most severe in coral regions with highest biodiversity of fishes due to greater specialization by fishes for particular coral habitats. Our novel approach to this important but untested hypothesis was to conduct the same field experiment at three geographic locations across the Indo-Pacific biodiversity gradient (Papua New Guinea; Great Barrier Reef, Australia; French Polynesia). Specifically, we experimentally explored whether the response of local fish communities to identical changes in diversity of habitat-providing corals was independent of the size of the regional species pool of fishes. We found that the proportional reduction (sensitivity) in fish biodiversity to loss of coral diversity was greater for regions with larger background species pools, reflecting variation in the degree of habitat specialization of fishes across the Indo-Pacific diversity gradient. This result implies that habitat-associated fish in diversity hotspots are at greater risk of local extinction to a given loss of habitat diversity compared to regions with lower species richness. This mechanism, related to the positive relationship between habitat specialization and regional biodiversity, and the elevated extinction risk this poses for biodiversity hotspots, may apply to species in other types of ecosystems.  相似文献   

退化森林生态系统评价指标体系研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
徐欢  李美丽  梁海斌  李宗善  伍星 《生态学报》2018,38(24):9034-9042
森林是陆地生态系统的主要组成部分,而森林退化是全球面临的主要环境问题之一,准确评价退化森林生态系统是进行森林生态系统恢复与重建的重要前提,建立合理的评价指标体系目前已成为生态学研究的热点问题。在研究国内外提出的关于退化森林生态系统评价理论的基础上,综述了森林退化的定义、特征和一般过程,梳理了退化森林生态系统评价指标筛选的一般原则和指标体系构建的主要方法,分析比较了不同学者所提出的主要评价指标。并在此基础上,重新筛选、构建了一套退化森林生态系统评价指标体系,即从生态系统的组成结构、功能和生境这3个方面选取了32个能够较全面反映退化生态系统主要特征的评价指标,以期为构建我国区域尺度上的退化森林生态系统评价指标体系提供参考,为退化森林生态系统的恢复和重建提供科学依据。总结分析了退化森林生态系统评价指标体系在构建过程中产生的一些问题和不足,提出了今后开展研究和探索应该深入的方向,以提高评价指标体系的科学性、准确性和合理性。  相似文献   

绿洲是生态环境极为脆弱的区域。实现绿洲城镇化与生态安全的双赢,是干旱区面临的重大问题。传统城镇空间扩展模拟研究,只是单向考虑了城镇发展趋势,而较少兼顾区域生境质量的约束。利用1992、2000、2008、2015年四期Landsat TM、ETM+、OLI遥感影像数据,以黑河中游地区为例。从城镇空间扩展与生态环境协调发展的角度出发,通过InVEST模型与SLEUTH模型的结合,将生境质量的评估结果融入到城镇扩展模型中,对研究区2015—2030年城镇扩展的土地利用变化格局进行模拟。研究表明:①生境质量整体较低,质量阶序和退化程度分异明显。高、中等级生境质量区域主要分布在黑河干流沿线和绿洲核心区,分别占5.69%、32.77%,生境退化程度高;低等级生境质量区域主要分布在戈壁荒漠区和城镇建设区,占61.54%,生境退化程度低。②生境质量对城镇空间扩展的约束作用显著。相比较无生境质量约束,2030年城镇建设用地面积和占用生态用地面积分别减少了27.08%、63.61%,并且,城镇斑块间连接性较好、集聚程度高,以"填充式"扩展为主。③城镇空间扩展总体体现了生境质量的要求。2030年新增城镇建设用地主要占用中、低等级生境质量区域,分别为34.88%、63.36%。绿洲平原区和山前洪积扇区生境质量约束较强,较2015年仅增长了51.53%、48.31%;绿洲边缘区生境质量约束性低,较2015年增长了110.18%,是未来城镇发展的潜力区。研究结果为绿洲城镇与生态环境协调发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Functional ecosystems depend on biotic and abiotic connections among different environmental realms, including terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats. Accounting for such connections is increasingly recognized as critical for conservation of ecosystems, especially given growing understanding of the way in which anthropogenic landscape disturbances can degrade both freshwater and marine habitats. This need may be paramount in conservation planning for tropical island ecosystems, as habitats across realms are often in close proximity, and because endemic organisms utilize multiple habitats to complete life histories. In this study, we used Marxan analysis to develop conservation planning scenarios across the five largest islands of Hawaii, in one instance accounting for and in another excluding habitat connectivity between inland and coastal habitats. Native vegetation, perennial streams, and areas of biological significance along the coast were used as conservation targets in analysis. Cost, or the amount of effort required for conservation, was estimated using an index that integrated degree and intensity of anthropogenic landscape disturbances. Our results showed that when connectivity is accounted for among terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats, areas identified as having high conservation value are substantially different compared to results when connectivity across realms is not considered. We also showed that the trade-off of planning conservation across realms was minimal and that cross-realm planning had the unexpected benefit of selecting areas with less habitat degradation, suggesting less effort for conservation. Our cross-realm planning approach considers biophysical interactions and complexity within and across ecosystems, as well as anthropogenic factors that may influence habitats outside of their physical boundaries, and we recommend implementing similar approaches to achieve integrated conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Synopsis The diversity of fishes is declining worldwide, largely as the result of habitat alterations created by decisions that foster short-term economic gain. While the best arguments for preserving endangered fishes and ecosystems are non-economic arguments, they have been relatively ineffective. Therefore, it is necessary to provide economic arguments as well. Fish in general have high market values and are a vital source of protein for humans but these values have contributed more to their decline than to their conservation. Fish also have high value as indicators of the health of ecosystems which provide many services to humans, such as clean water. This has not prevented the degradation of aquatic ecosystems, although the value of fisheries has occasionally justified ecosystem protection. Existence values have been developed as a way of putting an economic value on some of the less tangible aspects of fish and ecosystems but they also make it possible to justify extinctions. If the continuous increase in the number of endangered fishes and aquatic ecosystems is to be halted, then the economic costs of environmental degradation to future generations must be included as part of the cost of doing business today (intergenerational value). Political action is needed to protect fishes and aquatic habitats against the day when more benign economic and philosophical systems become predominant.Invited essay  相似文献   

Within estuarine and coastal ecosystems globally, extensive habitat degradation and loss threaten critical ecosystem functions and necessitate widescale restoration efforts. There is abundant evidence that ecological processes and species interactions can vary with habitat characteristics, which has important implications for the design and implementation of restoration efforts aimed at enhancing specific ecosystem functions and services. We conducted an experiment examining how habitat characteristics (presence; edge vs. interior) influence the communities of resident fish and mobile invertebrates on restored oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs. Similar to previous studies, we found that restored reefs altered community composition and augmented total abundance and biomass relative to unstructured sand habitat. Community composition and biomass also differed between the edge and interior of individual reefs as a result of species-specific patterns over small spatial scales. These patterns were only weakly linked to oyster density, suggesting that other factors that vary between edge and interior (e.g. predator access or species interactions) are likely more important for community structure on oyster reefs. Fine-scale information on resident species' use of oyster reefs will help facilitate restoration by allowing decision makers to optimize the amount of edge versus interior habitat. To improve the prediction of faunal use and benefits from habitat restoration, we recommend investigations into the mechanisms shaping edge and interior preferences on oyster reefs.  相似文献   

René van derWal 《Oikos》2006,114(1):177-186
Range expansion and increasing densities of large herbivores are held responsible for large-scale habitat degradation in a wide range of natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Herbivore-driven ecosystem changes frequently represent predictable transitions from one vegetation state to another. Whether such predictable changes justify the value judgement 'habitat degradation' may be debatable as this strongly depends on individual perspective.
To further the debate on herbivore-driven habitat degradation, I apply the concept of alternative stable states to arctic tundra as a framework to capture predictable stepwise vegetation transitions in which the productivity and hence herbivore-carrying capacity increases with grazing pressure. Specifically, evidence is provided that large parts of the tundra biome can be in either of three relatively discrete vegetation states and that changes in reindeer/caribou density are responsible for sudden, predictable but often reversible state transitions. From this, it appears that the relatively rapidly emerging vegetation changes do not necessarily equate to habitat degradation, but in many cases reflect predictable vegetation change. Acknowledgement of the existence of predictable state transitions in tundra ecosystems may help to evaluate the observed radical vegetation changes occurring throughout the reindeer/caribou range.  相似文献   

While it is generally assumed that specialist species are more vulnerable to disturbance compared with generalist counterparts, this has rarely been tested in coastal marine ecosystems, which are increasingly subject to a wide range of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Habitat specialists are expected to be more vulnerable to habitat loss because habitat availability exerts a greater limitation on population size, but it is also possible that specialist species may escape effects of disturbance if they use habitats that are generally resilient to disturbance. This study quantified specificity in use of different coral species by six coral‐dwelling damselfishes (Chromis viridis, C. atripectoralis, Dascyllus aruanus, D. reticulatus, Pomacentrus moluccensis, and P. amboinensis) and related habitat specialization to proportional declines in their abundance following habitat degradation caused by outbreaks of the coral eating starfish, Acanthaster planci. The coral species preferred by most coral‐dwelling damselfishes (e.g., Pocillopora damicornis) were frequently consumed by coral eating crown‐of‐thorns starfish, such that highly specialized damselfishes were disproportionately affected by coral depletion, despite using a narrower range of different coral species. Vulnerability of damselfishes to this disturbance was strongly correlated with both their reliance on corals and their degree of habitat specialization. Ongoing disturbances to coral reef ecosystems are expected, therefore, to lead to fundamental shifts in the community structure of fish communities where generalists are favored over highly specialist species.  相似文献   

Summary The model of exploitation ecosystems was re-analysed, assuming that habitat patches are so small that they form only parts of the home range of an individual predator. For habitat complexes where productive patches abound, the results suggested that predation will strongly spill over from productive patches, which set the tune for population dynamics within the whole landscape, to barren ones. This result conforms to the one obtained by T. Oksanen by assuming despotic habitat choice and essentially larger patch sizes. For habitat complexes heavily dominated by the barren habitat, spillover predation was predicted to be weak, as was the case in her large patch model. Unlike in her analysis, however, predation pressure was substantially reduced also within the productive habitat. In habitat complexes where patches are so small that they are exploited in a fine-grained manner, predation pressure was always found to be more intense in the barren habitat, contrary to the predictions of the original model of exploitation ecosystems. This analysis thus suggests that their model is applicable mainly on the landscape level. On the level of individual habitats, the applicability of their results depends on the habitat configuration (at its best for the prevailing habitat of the landscape and for moderate-sized patches of an essentially more productive habitat) and generally decreases with decreasing patch sizes.  相似文献   

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