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Formation and behavior of the pinosomes at the surface of the oocyte during oogenesis in the 4 species of sea urchins, Anthocidaris crassispina, Temnopleurus toreumaticus, Mespilia globulus and Pseudocentrotus depressus, were studied. The plasma membrane of the oocyte is almost smooth at the early stage of oogenesis, although a small number of cytoplasmic processes appear on it, facing the germinal epithelium. At the beginning of vitellogenetic stage many processes appear on the whole surface of the oocyte. Near the base of the fully grown process, the pinosome designated as the α-pinosome is formed. The α-pinosome may play a part in maturation of the yolk granule. The processes shorten as a whole at the time of the breakdown of the germinal vesicle. Formation of the pinosome designated as the β-pinosome begins just before vitellogenetic stage and continues during this stage. The β-pinosome may be directly concerned with the formation of cortical granules.  相似文献   

Three metabolic inhibitors, mycostatin, concanavalin A (Con A) and cytochalasin B (CB) were used to study the interactions between l-methyladenine (1-MA) and the starfish oocyte surface leading to germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB). Mycostatin and Con A had no obvious effects on GVB. CB did not inhibit, but did delay GVB. This delaying effect was interpreted as having multiple 1-MA reactive "sites" on the surface. The results also suggested that not all of them were needed to react with 1-MA to bring about GVB.  相似文献   

The pantropical sea urchin genus Eucidaris contains four currently recognized species, all of them allopatric: E. metularia in the Indo-West Pacific, E. thouarsi in the eastern Pacific, E. tribuloides in both the western and eastern Atlantic, and E. clavata at the central Atlantic islands of Ascension and St. Helena. We sequenced a 640-bp region of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene of mitochondrial DNA to determine whether this division of the genus into species was confirmed by molecular markers, to ascertain their phylogenetic relations, and to reconstruct the history of possible dispersal and vicariance events that led to present-day patterns of species distribution. We found that E. metularia split first from the rest of the extant species of the genus. If COI divergence is calibrated by the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama, the estimated date of the separation of the Indo-West Pacific species is 4.7–6.4 million years ago. This date suggests that the last available route of genetic contact between the Indo-Pacific and the rest of the tropics was from west to east through the Eastern Pacific Barrier, rather than through the Tethyan Sea or around the southern tip of Africa. The second cladogenic event was the separation of eastern Pacific and Atlantic populations by the Isthmus of Panama. Eucidaris at the outer eastern Pacific islands (Galapagos, Isla del Coco, Clipperton Atoll) belong to a separate clade, so distinct from mainland E. thouarsi as to suggest that this is a different species, for which the name E. galapagensis is revived from the older taxonomic literature. Complete lack of shared alleles in three allozyme loci between island and mainland populations support their separate specific status. Eucidaris galapagensis and E. thouarsi are estimated from their COI divergence to have split at about the same time that E. thouarsi and E. tribuloides were being separated by the Isthmus of Panama. Even though currents could easily convey larvae between the eastern Pacific islands and the American mainland, the two species do not appear to have invaded each other's ranges. Conversely, the central Atlantic E. clavata at St. Helena and Ascension is genetically similar to E. tribuloides from the American and African coasts. Populations on these islands are either genetically connected to the coasts of the Atlantic or have been colonized by extant mitochondrial DNA lineages of Eucidaris within the last 200,000 years. Although it is hard to explain how larvae can cross the entire width of the Atlantic within their competent lifetimes, COI sequences of Eucidaris from the west coast of Africa are very similar to those of E. tribuloides from the Caribbean. FST statistics indicate that gene flow between E. metularia from the Indian Ocean and from the western and central Pacific is restricted. Low gene flow is also evident between populations of E. clavata from Ascension and St. Helena. Rates of intraspecific exchange of genes in E. thouarsi, E. galapagensis, and E. tribuloides, on the other hand, are high. The phylogeny of Eucidaris confirms Ernst Mayr's conclusions that major barriers to the dispersal of tropical echinoids have been the wide stretch of deep water between central and eastern Pacific, the cold water off the southwest coast of Africa, and the Isthmus of Panama. It also suggests that a colonization event in the eastern Pacific has led to speciation between mainland and island populations.  相似文献   

l-Methyladenosine monophosphate (l-McAMP) induces ovulation and oocyte maturation when applied to isolated ovarian fragments of Asterina pectinifera . However, isolated oocytes fail to mature even in the presence of this substance. When ovarian or testis fragments are incubated with l-McAMP, the supernatant of the incubation mixture acquires the maturation-inducing activity. Also, superantants of gonadal homogenates incubated with l-McAMP have the capacity to convert it to a maturation-inducing substance, suggesting that l-McAMP is decomposed to l-methyladenine, which is believed to be a general inducer of oocyte maturation and ovulation in starfishes. Thus l-MeAMP seems to be an intermediate in l-methyladenine formation when the latter is produced under the influence of the gonad-stimulating hormonal peptide.  相似文献   

Maturation of vitelline coat-free (VCF) oocytes of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera , was studied. When the oocytes, the vitelline coats of which were elevated by adding the ionophorc A-23187, were forced through two sheets of copper mesh, the vitelline coats were completely removed from the oocytes. Although some of the VCF oocytes underwent germinal vesicle breakdown following this mechanical treatment, most of them retained the normal germinal vesicles. These VCF immature oocytes underwent breakdown of germinal vesicles after addition of 1-methyladenine (1-MA). Dose-response curves of VCF oocytes to 1-MA were similar to those of normal oocytes. These results indicate that 1-MA reacts with the plasma membrane and that the presence of the vitelline coat is not prerequisite for inducing oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

1-Methyladenine (1-MeAde) is known to be a natural inducer of starfish oocyte maturation. Disulfide-reducing agents such as dithiothreitol (DTT) and 2, 3-dimercapto-1-propanol (BAL) are known to mimic the action of 1-MeAde in inducing starfish oocyte maturation. Although 1-MeAde failed to induce oocyte maturation in sea cucumbers, breakdown of germinal vesicles and subsequent meiotic behaviour of chromosomes were induced by the treatment with DTT in the pronase-treated oocytes of the sea cucumber, Stichopus japonicus. These findings suggest that reduction of disulfide bonds plays an important role in triggering oocyte maturation in some marine forms such as echinoderms.  相似文献   

The occurrence of acid mucopolysaccharides in the early development of the sea urchin embryo was studied by histochemical stainings as well as by autoradiographic methods. By histochemical methods acid niucopolysacchdride was demonstrated at the vegetal region in the early stage of gastrulation as a globular structure. Experiments with 35S-labeled sulfate which was incorporated into acid mucopolysaccharides confirmed the result obtained by histochemical observation. It was revealed that sulfate polysaccharide in the vegetal region moved toward the blastocoel in parallel with the shedding of the primary mesenchyme cells. When the incorporation of sulfate into the acid mucopolysaccharides was inhibited by selenate, the primitive gut development was remarkably repressed. The substance seems to be indispensable for smooth cell movements essential for the gastrulation of sea urchin embryo.  相似文献   

This paper presents morphological evidence on the origin of cortical granules in the oocytes of Arbacia punctulata and other echinoderms. During oocyte differentiation, those Golgi complexes associated with the production of cortical granules are composed of numerous saccules with companion vesicles. Each element of the Golgi complex contains a rather dense homogeneous substance. The vesicular component of the Golgi complex is thought to be derived from the saccular member by a pinching-off process. The pinched-off vesicles are viewed as containers of the precursor(s) of the cortical granules. In time, they coalesce and form a mature cortical granule whose content is bounded by a unit membrane. Thus, it is asserted that the Golgi complex is involved in both the synthesis and concentration of precursors utilized in the construction of the cortical granule. Immediately after the egg is activated by the sperm the primary envelope becomes detached from the oolemma, thereby forming what we have called the activation calyx (see Discussion). Subsequent to the elaboration of the activation calyx, the contents of cortical granules are released (cortical reaction) into the perivitelline space. The discharge of the constituents of a cortical granule is accomplished by the union of its encompassing unit membrane, in several places, with the oolemma.  相似文献   

Changes in the nucleoli of maturing oocytes and the eggs of Cynops pyrrhogaster were studied with light and electron microscopy. Extrachromosomal nucleoli moved toward the center of the germinal vesicle in response to the maturation stimulus, released presumed ribosomal ribonucleoprotein, and further moved toward the center of the nucleus to form an aggregate with chromosomes which behaved in a similar manner. A few. ball-shaped nucleolar masses were formed from this aggregate, leaving the chromosomes and probably the extrachromosomal nucleolar organizer. The chromosomes then proceeded to the first meiotic metaphase. The nucleolar masses were surrounded by a layer of mitochondria and became smaller with formation of pinched-off fragments, which were also surrounded by mitochondria, during the time the egg was moving down the oviduct. Only fragments were observed in the subcortical area of the animal hemisphere of the egg after reaching the lowest part of the oviduct.  相似文献   

蛋白激酶C在小鼠卵母细胞体外成熟和受精中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白激酶是一类重要的丝/苏氨酸蛋白激酶。本实验以小鼠为实验动物,研究了PKC在卵母细胞体外成熟、活化和受精中的可能作用,及两种PKC亚型在卵母细胞中的定位。PKC激活剂PMA可以阻止CV期卵母细胞在体外恢复减数分裂,该作用可被PKC抑制剂calphostin C抵消,但不能被PLCγ抑制剂U73122或PKCδ专一性抑制剂Rottlerin所克服。Western印迹显示PKCα和βⅠ在卵母细胞发育过程中恒量表达。激光共聚焦显微术研究发现,受精或受到活化刺激后PKCα转位到卵母细胞膜上,同时皮质颗粒排放,说明PKCα可能参与调节卵皮质反应。本实验首次在小鼠中研究了PLCγ与受精的关系,发现不存在PKC对PLCγ的正反馈调节。此外,本研究还对小鼠卵巢中对PKCα和βⅠ进行了蛋白定位研究。  相似文献   

Effects of various adenine derivatives on oocyte maturation and spawning were studied in the starfishes, Marthasterias glacialis, Astropecten aurantiacus, Patiria miniata, Asterina pectinifera and Asterias forbesi . 1-Methyladenine and 1-ethyladenine were very effective in inducing oocyte maturation and spawning, whereas the following related compounds had no effect: adenine, 3-methyladenine, 7-methyl-adenine, 9-methyladenine, 1-methylguanine, 1-methylhypoxanthine, 6-methylpurine, N6-methyladenine, N6-
dimethyladenine, N6-benzyladenine, N6-furfuryladenine(kinetin), adenosine, 5' -adenylic acid, adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, adenosine triphos-phate, inosine, 5'-inocinic acid, guanine, guanosine, 5'-guanylic acid, hypoxanthine, xanthine, xanthosine, 3-methylcytidine and 5-methylcytosine. 1-Methyladenosine induced oocyte maturation and spawning when isolated ovarian fragments were used as assay material; however, it had little effect in inducing maturation of isolated oocytes. Therefore, this compound seems to active only after its decomposition to 1-methyladenine and ribose. The chemical structure responsible for inducing oocyte maturation and spawning in starfishes is proposed: a short alkyl radical such as methyl or ethyl at N1 site and an imino radical at C6 site of the purine nucleus.  相似文献   

研究促卵泡激素(FSH),人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)对昆明白小鼠卵母细胞成熟和卵丘扩展的影响,以及体外培养时卵丘扩展与卵母细胞成熟之间的关系,FSH可以明显促进次黄嘌吟(HX)抑制条件下的卵丘-卵母细胞复合体CEO卵母细胞成熟及卵丘扩展,其最佳作用剂量为100IU/L,且FSH作用30分钟即可以使CEO获得恢复减数分裂的信息,在HX存在的条件下,FSH处理后10hr,CEO卵丘明显扩展,而生发泡破裂(GVBD)则在16-20hr明显增加,所有卵丘未扩展的CEO中卵母细胞均未发生GVBD,低剂量hCG单独或与FSH共同存在,对CEO卵母细胞成熟及卵丘扩展均无明显影响;高剂量hCG可以部分抑制FSH对卵母细胞成熟的促进作用,结果表明:FSH明显促进CEO卵母细胞成熟及卵丘扩展,而hCG却不具有此作用,体外培养条件下(含次黄嘌呤),卵丘扩展是卵母细胞成熟的前提条件,但卵母细胞成熟并不需要卵丘完全扩展。  相似文献   

李明文  刘辉 《动物学报》1997,43(1):80-84
用焦锑酸钾原位定位法、膜结合Ca^2+荧光探针金霉素标记法,分别在电镜和光镜水平对小鼠卵成熟和卵受精过程中结合态Ca^2+的分布及其变化进行了研究,发现:1)Ca^2+分布于线粒体、胞质、内质网囊泡、微绒毛和透明带等部位,其中以线粒体基质中分布密度为最大;2)减数分裂I中、后期于纺锤体极区结合有较多的Ca^2+;3)生发泡、纺锤体和原核内膜结合态Ca^2+含量很少,但纺锤体和原核周围分布较多;4)  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase during the development of the sea urchin Pseudocentrotus depressus was examined by enzyme assay (the colorimetric method of E llman et al. ), histochemistry (a Cu-thiocholine method), polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and DEAE-Sephadex ion exchange chromatography.
The enzyme activity is detected in the unfertilized egg, remains low during cleavage, elevates slightly through gastrulation, and then increases rapidly thereafter. The intense activity is localized in the mesenchyme cells associated with the larval skeleton of young pluteus larvae, and their cell membranes and nuclear envelops. Soluble enzyme accounts for 60% of the total activity. The additional 34% is extracted by 1% Triton X-100 from particulates. The soluble enzyme consists of two forms. Both are strongly acidic proteins which are similar in electric charge, but dissimilar in size, being 180,000 and 280,000 in molecular weights. The enzyme released from the membrane by the detergent possesses a component which is not present in the soluble complement of the enzyme. It is not a secondary product of the soluble enzyme interacting with the detergent.
Acetylcholinesterase serves as a marker of late differentiation and regional differentiation in the sea urchin embryo.  相似文献   

A simple method for preserving live sea urchin embryos and sperm in liquid nitrogen (LN) wasdeveloped through the use of DMSO as a cryoprotective additive. Samples of late embryos in double test tubes were cooled to— I96°C by two-step freezing, first to — 76°C and then by plunging in LN. In the case of fertilized eggs, samples were previously frozen to — 40°C, at which temperature the samples were kept for 15 min; they were then transferred into LN. After preservation in LN for various lengths of time, samples in the double test tubes were thawed in water at 15°C. The post-thaw survival was more than 90% for late embryos, and about 10% for fertilized eggs. Difference in the length of the cryopreservation period did not affect survival. Post-thaw development in cryopreserved embryos often showed abnormalities in structure. Sperm with 1.5 M DMSO was successfully preserved in LN by a similar method to the one used for cryopreservation of late embryos. Fertilizability in cryopreserved sperm was complete, regardless of the length of the preservation period. Nearly all the eggs fertilized by cryopreserved sperm developed to normal plutei.  相似文献   

Mechanism by which the site of polar body formation is determined in starfish oocytes was investigated in relation to the action of 1-methyladenine (1-MeAde). Local staining with Nile Blue of Asterina pectinifera oocytes revealed that there exists a prospective site of polar body formation (PSPBF) on the nearest surface to the position of germinal vesicle. The site of polar body formation was found to shift to some extent from PSPBF toward the area locally applied with 1-MeAde, suggesting that the actual site of polar body formation is not determined yet at the germinal vesicle stage. Oocytes whose germinal vesicles had been shifted by centrifugation from PSPBF to the opposite surface before the commencement of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) (less than 15 min after 1-MeAde treatment), failed to form polar bodies, whereas oocytes centrifuged after commencement of GVBD (20 min after 1-MeAde treatment) did form polar bodies where their fading germinal vesicles had reached by centrifugation. In the oocytes which failed to form polar bodies by centrifugation, an aster was observed near PSPBF of each oocyte. When inseminated, every oocyte treated with 1-MeAde developed normally irrespectively of the mode of polar body formation including the site and the occurrence, and the animal pole of every larva was derived from PSPBF.  相似文献   

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