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Primary structure of a genomic zein sequence of maize.   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequence of a genomic clone (termed Z4 ) of the zein multigene family was compared to the nucleotide sequence of related cDNA clones of zein mRNAs. A tandem duplication of a 96-bp sequence is found in the genomic clone that is not present in the related cDNA clones. When the duplication is disregarded, the nucleotide sequence homology between Z4 and its related cDNAs was approximately 97%. The nucleotide sequence is also compared to other isolated cDNAs. No introns in the coding region of the zein gene are detected. The first nucleotide of a putative TATA box, TATAAATA , was located 88 nucleotides upstream of the first nucleotide of the first ATG codon which initiated the open reading frame. The first nucleotide of a putative CCAAT box, CAAAAT , appeared 45 nucleotides upstream of the first nucleotide of the zein cDNA clones in the 3' non-coding region also appeared in the genomic sequence at the same locations. The amino acid composition of the polypeptide specified by the Z4 nucleotide sequence is similar to the known composition of zein proteins.  相似文献   

Primary structure of human proacrosin deduced from its cDNA sequence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
cDNA clones encoding proacrosin, the zymogen of acrosin, were isolated from a human testis cDNA library by using a fragment of boar acrosin cDNA as a probe. Nucleotide sequencing of the longest cDNA clone has predicted that human proacrosin is synthesized with a 19-amino-acid signal peptide at the N-terminus. The cleavable signal sequence is followed by a 23-residue segment corresponding to the light chain and then by a 379-residue stretch that constitutes the heavy chain containing the catalytic site of the mature protease. The C-terminal portion of the deduced sequence for the heavy chain is very rich in proline residues, most of which are encoded by a unique repeat of CCCCCA. The active-site residues including histidine, aspartic acid, and serine are also predicted to be located at residues 69, 123, and 221, respectively.  相似文献   

Primary structure of mouse tyrosine hydroxylase deduced from its cDNA.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The cDNAs for tyrosine hydroxylase were cloned from a mouse brain cDNA library by plaque hybridization. Since the longest cDNA clone lacked approximately 150 bp sequence of its N-terminal region, additional 5' region was obtained using polymerase chain reaction. Nucleotide sequence determination of cDNAs revealed that mouse tyrosine hydroxylase m-RNA encodes 498 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 55,990. The amino acid sequence of mouse tyrosine hydroxylase is highly homologous to rat (97%) and human (92%) enzymes.  相似文献   

A full length cDNA sequence for a barley grain lipoxygenase was obtained. It includes a 5′ untranslated region of 69 nucleotides, an open reading frame of 2586 nucleotides encoding a protein of 862 amino acid residues and a 3′ untranslated region of 142 nucleotides. The molecular mass of the encoded polypeptide was calculated to be 96.392. Its amino acid sequence shows a high homology with that of other plant lipoxygenases identified to date.  相似文献   

cDNA clones encoding rat liver mannan-binding protein (MBP), a lectin specific for mannose and N-acetylglucosamine, were isolated from a rat liver cDNA library carried in lambda gt 11, by screening with affinity purified polyclonal rabbit anti-rat liver MBP antibodies. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA determined by the dideoxy method revealed the complete amino acid sequence of the MBP (226 residues). The NH2-terminal residue of the MBP, glutamic acid, was preceded by a predominantly hydrophobic stretch of 18 amino acids, which was assumed to be a signal peptide. Near the NH2-terminal, there was a collagen-like domain, which consisted of 19 repeats of the sequence Gly-X-Y. Here, X and Y were frequently proline and lysine. Three proline and lysine residues were hydroxylated, and one of the latter appeared to link to galactose. Computer analysis of several lectins for sequence homology suggested that the COOH-terminal quarter of the MBP is associated with the calcium binding as well as carbohydrate recognition.  相似文献   

Lin CT  Yeh KW  Lee PD  Su JC 《Plant physiology》1991,95(4):1250-1253
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) starch phosphorylase cDNA clones were isolated by screening an expression library prepared from the young root poly(A)+ RNA successively with an antiserum, a monoclonal antibody, and a specific oligonucleotide probe. One cDNA clone had 3292 nucleotide residues in which was contained an open reading frame coding for 955 amino acids. This sequence was compared with those of potato (916 residues plus 50-residue putative transit peptide) and rabbit muscle (841 residues) phosphorylases. The sweet potato phosphorylase has an overall structural feature highly homologous to that reported for potato phosphorylase, in conformity with the finding that they belong to the same class of plant phosphorylase. High divergencies of the two enzymes are found in the about 70 residue N-termini each including a putative transit peptide, and the midchain 78 residue insert typical of type I plant phosphorylase. We consider that the very high dissimilarity found in the midchain inserts is related to the difference in proteolytic lability of the two plant phosphorylases. Some structural features of the cDNA clone were also discussed.  相似文献   

Rat liver alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was markedly induced by treatment of rats by bile-duct ligation and colchicine injection. Taking this advantage for enrichment of ALP mRNA, we constructed a lambda gt11 liver cDNA library using polyadenylated RNA prepared from the treated rat liver, and isolated an ALP cDNA clone. The 2165 bp cDNA contained an open reading frame that encodes a 524-amino-acid-residue polypeptide with a predicted molecular mass of 57737 Da. The precursor protein contained a presumed signal peptide of 17 amino acid residues followed by 28 amino acid residues identical with the N-terminal sequence determined from the purified rat liver ALP. It was also confirmed that amino acid sequences of two CNBr-cleavage peptides obtained from liver ALP were contained within the cDNA-encoded protein. Five possible N-linked glycosylation sites were found in the molecule and a highly hydrophobic amino acid sequence at the C-terminus. The deduced polypeptide of rat liver ALP showed 88% homology to that of the human liver-type enzyme in osteosarcoma cells. RNA blot hybridization analysis identified a single species of ALP mRNA with 2.7 kb in both the control and the treated rat livers. An approx. 20-fold increase of the mRNA was detected in the treated liver at 12 h after the onset of stimulation, compared with that in the control liver.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 1392 bp fragment of phage fr cDNA has been determined. The fragment contains 3'-terminal part of the A-protein gene, the complete coat protein gene, and beginning of the replicase gene. A comparison between the sequences of the corresponding genes and regulatory regions from the phage fr and MS2 genomes reveals 320 base changes.  相似文献   

Primary structure of cDNA for bovine beta-casein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work the complete sequence of 1097 nucleotide bovine beta-casein cDNA has been determined. Sequencing of end labeled fragments was performed using the method of Maxam and Gilbert. Bovine beta-casein cDNA consist of a 672 nucleotide coding region, flanked by 60 nucleotide 5' and 358 nucleotide 3'-noncoding region. The restriction map of beta-casein cDNA was constructed. The computer analysis was done and the comparisons of the complete sequence of bovine beta-casein cDNA with other sequences, coding caseins in bovine, rat and guinea-pig was performed. It was determined, that cloned cDNA is related to genetic variant A1.  相似文献   

We have resolved and analyzed two proline-rich proteins isolated from the walls of soybean cells in culture. The proteins are similar in amino acid content, containing 20% proline, 20% hydroxyproline, 20% lysine, 16% valine, 10% tyrosine, and 10% glutamate. The proteins undergo a rearrangement or a limited cleavage in dilute NaOH, but are otherwise remarkably stable to a high concentration of alkali. We have cloned and sequenced a cDNA from soybean axes germinated for 31 hours (1A10-2) coding for a protein that closely corresponds in its amino acid content to that of the proline-rich proteins. The cDNA sequence predicts a decameric repeat of Pro-Pro-Val-Tyr-Lys-Pro-Pro-Val-Glu-Lys. Consequently, this class of proteins is referred to as repetitive proline-rich proteins, i.e., RPRP2 and RPRP3. We have also analyzed RNA gel blots with probes that discriminate between the new cDNA clone and a related cDNA previously reported [SbPRP1; Hong, Nagao, and Key (1987). J. Biol. Chem. 262, 8367-8376]. Messenger RNAs from young seedlings and from soybean suspension cultures correspond primarily to the new RPRP clone (1A10-2), whereas the predominant mRNA accumulating later in the roots corresponds to SbPRP1.  相似文献   

We have constructed and screened cDNA libraries from total maize endosperm poly(A) RNA or from a mRNA fraction enriched in zein sequences. From these libraries we have isolated clones representative of the major classes of zein cDNA sequences and have characterised them by crosshybridisation, by hybrid-selected translation, by in situ hybridisation to maize chromosomes, and hybridisation to genomic Southern blots. We conclude that at least four types of non cross-hybridising zein sequences are present, two coding for light chains and two for heavy chains. At least in the case of the light zeins, there is considerable sequence diversity among the clones which hybridise to each type. Similar results are obtained by translation of the mRNAs selected by each clone. In situ hybridisation shows that the light chain zein genes are located on chromosomes 4, 7, and 10, whilst genes coding for some of the heavy chain zeins are confined to the distal part of the long arm of chromosome 4.  相似文献   

Primary structure of ovine tumor necrosis factor alpha cDNA.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Anti-Sm is an antibody specificity often associated with the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus. The polypeptides Sm-B'/B (estimated molecular mass 27 and 26 kDa, respectively) are primary targets of Sm antibodies. Sm-B'/B are part of the core polypeptides of small ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNP) involved in pre-mRNA splicing. Sm-B'/B share the same amino-terminal sequence as we determined by microsequence analyses of the purified polypeptides. Oligonucleotide probes based on that sequence were used to isolate seven clones from a human lymphoblastoid cDNA library in lambda gt10. The clones contained a single coding region for a protein of approximately 25 kDa. The predicted amino-terminal sequence was identical to that of the isolated Sm-B'/B polypeptides. In vitro translation experiments produced a protein immunoreactive with human polyclonal anti-Sm antibodies. The isolation of only one unique cDNA sequence suggests that Sm-B'/B may be post-translational variants encoded by a single message. The specific structural features which distinguish Sm-B' from Sm-B have yet to be determined. Northern blot analysis confirmed the diverse tissue and species distribution expected for these immunologically conserved polypeptides. The Sm-B'/B primary sequence is rich in proline (20%) and glycine (15%) residues. The prolines are concentrated in the carboxyl-terminal half of the protein and display a repetitive unit that is shared with other snRNP and nucleic acid binding proteins. Analysis of these arrays suggests an eight residue proline-rich consensus sequence with potential as either an RNA binding domain, or as a site of protein/protein interaction.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of acetyl-CoA carboxylase from chicken liver has been deduced by cloning and sequence analysis of DNA complementary to its messenger RNA. The results were confirmed by Edman degradation of peptide fragments obtained by digestion of the enzyme polypeptide with Achromobacter proteinase I or staphylococcal serine proteinase. Chicken liver acetyl-CoA carboxylase is predicted to be composed of 2,324 amino acid residues, having a calculated molecular weight of 262,706. The biotin carboxyl carrier protein domain is located in the middle region of the enzyme polypeptide. The amino-terminal portion of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase has been found to exhibit a homologous primary structure to that of carbamyl phosphate synthetase. Localization of possible functional domains including biotin carboxylase subsite in the acetyl-CoA carboxylase polypeptide is discussed.  相似文献   

R Kageyama  H Ohkubo  S Nakanishi 《Biochemistry》1984,23(16):3603-3609
Cloned cDNA sequences for human preangiotensinogen have been isolated from a human liver cDNA library by hybridization with a restriction fragment derived from a previously cloned cDNA for rat preangiotensinogen. Analyses by nucleotide sequence determination, S1 nuclease mapping, and RNA blot hybridization indicate that human preangiotensinogen is encoded by two mRNAs that differ only in the length of the 3'-untranslated region. The deduced amino acid sequence shows that the mature angiotensinogen consists of 452 amino acid residues with the angiotensin sequence at its amino-terminal portion. Two potential initiation sites have been discussed. These are the methionine codon located at the position exactly corresponding to the initiation site of rat preangiotensinogen mRNA and an additional methionine codon positioned nearest the 5' end of the mRNA. The amino acid sequences starting at either of the initiation sites and preceding the angiotensin sequence constitute a large number of hydrophobic amino acid residues, thus representing the signal peptide characteristic of the secretory proteins. Human and rat preangiotensinogens show that 63.6% of the amino acid positions of the two proteins are identical. However, the amino-terminal portions directly distal to angiotensin I diverge markedly between the two proteins and differ in their possible glycosylation sites. These structural differences may contribute to the known species specificity exhibited by renin.  相似文献   

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