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Resting B lymphocytes have been credited with inducing T cell tolerance to Ig-derived and monovalent self-Ags that are internalized via the B cell receptor (BCR). These conclusions are predicated upon the assumptions that resting B cells display BCR-associated peptides in class II MHC and that the cells remain quiescent during the course of experimental manipulation. To determine whether resting B cells display BCR-associated epitopes in class II MHC, we devised a sensitive assay that averted potential activation of B cells by Ag and minimized activation by prolonged culture. Ex vivo, Percoll-fractionated B cells expressing a kappa transgene encoding a T cell epitope were cultured with a reactive T cell hybridoma for 12 h. Whereas low density, LPS-activated, and BCR-activated B cells elicited significant IL-2 from the T cell hybridoma, resting high density B cells did not. Parallel results were obtained with normal B cells expressing a second epitope encoded by an endogenous V(H) gene. Anergic B cells, which are uniformly low density, also significantly stimulated the T cell hybridoma. Finally, longer culture periods with normal B cells resulted in a higher degree of B cell activation and significant stimulation of reactive T cell hybridomas. Our results provide evidence that activation of B cells profoundly enhances the processing and presentation of BCR-associated Ags.  相似文献   

The presence of post-translational regulation of MHC class II (MHC II) under physiological conditions has been demonstrated recently in dendritic cells (DCs) that potently function as antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Here, we report that MARCH-I, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, plays a pivotal role in the post-translational regulation of MHC II in B cells. MARCH-I expression was particularly high in B cells, and the forced expression of MARCH-I induced the ubiquitination of MHC II. In B cells from MARCH-I-deficient mice (MARCH-I KO), the half-life of surface MHC II was prolonged and the ubiquitinated form of MHC II completely disappeared. In addition, MARCH-I-deficient B cells highly expressed exogenous antigen-loaded MHC II on their surface and showed high ability to present exogenous antigens. These results suggest that the function of MHC II in B cells is regulated through ubiquitination by MARCH-I.  相似文献   

LPS is a strong stimulator of the innate immune system and inducer of B lymphocyte activation. Two TLRs, TLR4 and RP105 (CD180), have been identified as mediators of LPS signaling in murine B cells, but little is known about genetic factors that are able to control LPS-induced cell activation. We performed a mouse genome-wide screen that aside from identifying a controlling locus mapping in the TLR4 region (logarithm of odds score, 2.77), also revealed that a locus closely linked to the MHC region (logarithm of odds score, 3.4) governed B cell responsiveness to LPS stimulation. Using purified B cells obtained from MHC congenic strains, we demonstrated that the MHC(b) haplotype is accountable for higher cell activation, cell proliferation, and IgM secretion, after LPS stimulation, when compared with the MHC(d) haplotype. Furthermore, B cells from MHC class II(-/-) mice displayed enhanced activation and proliferation in response to LPS. In addition, we showed that the MHC haplotype partially controls expression of RP105 (a LPS receptor molecule), following a pattern that resembles the LPS responsiveness phenotype. Together, our results strongly suggest that murine MHC class II molecules play a role in constraining the B cell response to LPS and that genetic variation at the MHC locus is an important component in controlling B cell responsiveness to LPS stimulation. This work raises the possibility that constraining of B cell responsiveness by MHC class II molecules may represent a functional interaction between adaptive and innate immune systems.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that murine B cell membrane proteins undergo rearrangements in the plasma membrane to form new molecular associations in response to mitogenic stimulation. These complexes were covalently stabilized by photoreactive cross-linking agents and were analyzed by SDS PAGE. We have now identified certain complexes that involve class II MHC products, the Ia antigens. Upon stimulation of B cells with LPS, Ia surface molecules (as identified by radioimmunoprecipitation with polyclonal anti-Ia antiserum) enter into a molecular complex with a 95-kd membrane-associated protein (p95) to form a 200-kd complex that may be stabilized by the cross-linking agent dithiobisphenylazide (DTPA). This molecular association is not observed upon stimulation with mitogenic anti-Ig reagents, nor with the polyclonal B cell activator 8-bromoguanosine. p95 is not a disulfide-linked molecule itself, and by separate immunoprecipitation experiments we have established that it is not a component of surface Ig, transferrin receptor, the B cell Fc receptor, or CR1, the receptor for complement component C3b. Further analysis of the association of Ia antigens with surface proteins, with the use of monoclonal antibodies directed against I-A or I-E, has demonstrated that each subregion gene product forms a unique molecular association. Precipitation of radiolabeled lysates from LPS-activated B cells with anti-I-A reveals the aforementioned association with p95. In contrast, the I-E antigen apparently forms complexes with a multimer of a 15-kd protein to give complexes of 45, 60, 75, and 90 kd. When analyzed by two-dimensional diagonal gels (nonreducing/reducing), only the I-E bands are revealed by autoradiography, indicating that the putative p15 that associates with I-E may not be accessible to surface labeling. The disparate molecular associations for I-A and I-E suggest that the formation of these distinct protein complexes may be functionally related to a different role in the process of cellular activation for each of these Ia subregion gene products.  相似文献   

 The class I IgG receptor (FcγRI) on cytotoxic effector cells has been reported to initiate destruction of tumour cells by effector cells in vitro. We are aiming at developing an immunocompetent model to evaluate the cytotoxic capacity of human FcγRI for the rejection of tumour cells in vivo. Therefore, we recently generated a transgenic mouse strain expressing human FcγRI on monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils. In these mice, the human receptor is up-regulated by granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and is able to trigger cellular responses. Subsequently, in the present study the B cell lymphoma IIA1.6 cell line is selected as a tumour target, and a human FcγRI-directed antitumour bispecific antibody (bsAb) is constructed and characterized. Fab′ fragments of mAb 22, which bind hFcγRI at an epitope that is distinct from the ligand binding site, were chemically linked to Fab′ fragments of rat anti-(mMHC class II antigens) mAb M5/114, yielding bsAb 22×M5/114. This bsAb was able to bind simultaneously to hFcγRI and mMHC class II antigens in a dose-dependent fashion. Binding of 22×M5/114 to FcγRI was not inhibited in the presence of human IgG. It is important to note that, MHC-class-II-expressing IIA1.6 lymphoma cells were lysed by whole blood from G-CSF-treated transgenic mice in the presence of bsAb 22×M5/114. No lysis by whole blood from non-transgenic mice or from transgenic animals that had not received G-CSF was observed. These results indicate that human FcγRI is able to mediate lysis of murine IIA1.6 lymphoma cells by transgenic effector cells via bsAb 22×M5/114. A trial with transgenic mice, evaluating the efficacy of these hFcγRI-directed bsAb in combination with G-CSF for treatment of IIA1.6 B cell lymphoma, is currently in progress. Accepted: 14 October 1997  相似文献   

Three T cell populations can be distinguished based on their response to antigen receptor engagement. A sizable fraction dies within hours of TCR ligation, a smaller fraction enters the mitotic cycle, and the remaining T cells merely upregulate the expression of certain cell surface markers. An MHC-I-controlled regulatory mechanism has been identified. MHC I MAbs, or Fab fragments, prevent T cells from mounting a proliferative mitogen response but do not inhibit the mitogen-induced deletion of T cells. IFN-gamma enlarges the fraction of T cells which proliferate in response to mitogen stimulation but, in the presence of MHC I MAb, these cells fail to clonally expand and enter the deletion pathway. Phenotypically, MHC I MAb Fab fragments induce T cells to upregulate the expression of the apoptosis marker CD95, even in the absence of TCR ligand, and prevent the upregulation of costimulatory CD28 molecule expression.  相似文献   

The total number of cell surface glycoprotein molecules at the plasma membrane results from a balance between their constitutive internalization and their egress to the cell surface from intracellular pools and/or biosynthetic pathway. Constitutive internalization is net result of constitutive endocytosis and endocytic recycling. In this study we have compared spontaneous internalization of murine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules (K(d), D(d), full L(d), and empty L(d)) after depletion of their egress to the cell surface (Cycloheximide [CHX], brefeldin A [BFA]) and internalization after external binding of monoclonal antibody (mAb). MHC class I alleles differ regarding their cell surface stability, kinetics, and in the way of internalization and degradation. K(d) and D(d) molecules are more stable at the cell surface than L(d) molecules and, thus, constitutively internalized more slowly. Although the binding of mAbs to cell surface MHC class I molecules results in faster internalization than depletion of their egress, it is still slow and, thereby, can serve as a model for tracking of MHC class I endocytosis. Internalization of fully conformed MHC class I molecules (K(d), D(d), and L(d)) was neither inhibited by chlorpromazine (CP) (inhibitor of clathrin endocytosis), nor with filipin (inhibitor of lipid raft dependent endocytosis), indicating that fully conformed MHC class I molecules are internalized via the bulk pathway. In contrast, internalization of empty L(d) molecules was inhibited by filipin, indicating that non-conformed MHC class I molecules require intact cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains for their constitutive internalization. Thus, conformed and non-conformed MHC class I molecules use different endocytic pathways for constitutive internalization.  相似文献   

Directed Ig class switch recombination in activated murine B cells   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Immunoglobulin class switch recombination occurs at frequencies of up to 10%/cell/generation in activated murine B-lymphocytes. We analysed cH gene rearrangements and switch recombinations from active and inactive IgH loci of B-cells activated in various ways and immortalized by cell fusion. Although about half of the IgM+ cells show rearrangement of c mu genes, the deletion of c mu is a rare event. Half of the IgG3+ and IgG1+ cells show rearrangement of c mu genes on the inactive IgH locus and the other half of the IgG+ cells have deleted c mu from both IgH loci by switch recombination. This recombination is directed to the same switch regions on both IgH loci in 60-80% of all cases. Interleukin 4 may play a critical role in programming murine B-lymphocytes for specific switch recombination.  相似文献   

In a previous series of studies, we had shown that the constitutive Ia expression in an immunoselected Ia-human B cell variant, RJ 2.2.5, could be restored by somatic cell hybridization with mouse B cells. These experiments allowed us to show the existence of a transacting activator factor(s) operating across species barriers and encoded by the aIr-1 locus located on mouse chromosome 16. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the B cell constitutive Ia expression and the inducible Ia expression, as seen in macrophages treated with IFN-gamma, are controlled by similar intracellular factors. To this purpose, we constructed an interspecies somatic cell hybrid between the human Ia-RJ 2.2.5 B cells and the mouse Ia-P388 D1 macrophage cells. These murine cells transiently express Ia antigens when incubated with IFN-gamma. Our results show that RJ 2.2.5 X P388 D1 cell hybrids do not express either human or mouse class II gene products. Treatment with human recombinant IFN-gamma did not modify the MHC phenotype of either the hybrid cells or the human parental cells. On the other hand, treatment of the hybrid cells with murine recombinant IFN-gamma resulted in de novo expression of mouse Ia mRNA and corresponding cell surface antigens without, however, reinduction of the human class II-positive phenotype. Furthermore, treatment with the mouse lymphokine significantly increased the levels of human HLA class I mRNA and corresponding cell surface antigens in the hybrid cells, further reinforcing the notion of the existence of non-species-specific secondary mediators generated after receptor-ligand interaction in the IFN-gamma system. Together, these results indicate that in macrophages, the intracellular events taking place after binding of IFN-gamma with its own receptor and leading to the expression of a class II-positive phenotype do not operate via an activation of the aIr-1 locus and/or its products. Thus, at least in our experimental system, we can firmly establish a first, relevant distinction between constitutive and inducible class II gene expression. This difference, dictated by the specific differentiation program of each cell type, may be relevant for the understanding of the function of class II gene products.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine how the interaction of Ly49 receptors with MHC class I molecules shapes the development of the Ly49 repertoire. We have examined the percentage of NK cells that expressed Ly49A, Ly49G2, and Ly49D in single and double Ly49A/C-transgenic mice on four different MHC backgrounds, H-2(b), H-2(d), H-2(b/d), and beta(2)-microglobulin(-/-). The results show that the total numbers of NK cells were not different among the strains. The prior expression of a Ly49 receptor capable of binding to self MHC class I altered the percentage of NK cells expressing endogenous Ly49A, Ly49G2, and Ly49D even in mice in which no MHC ligand was present for the latter receptors. The NK cells in the Ly49-transgenic mice expressed the same level of endogenous Ly49 receptors as wild-type mice of a similar MHC background. In contrast, the number of NK T cells was reduced in mice in which the Ly49 transgene could bind to a MHC class I molecule. The onset of Ly49 receptor expression on NK cells during ontogeny was not altered in the presence of transgenic Ly49 receptors. These data support a sequential model and argue against a selection model for Ly49 repertoire development on NK cells.  相似文献   

The activation requirements of alloreactive and antigen reactive murine T cells were examined by stimulating class II restricted T cell clones with monoclonal B lymphoma cells. One B lymphoma cell line (T27A) was found to stimulate IL 2 release from some alloreactive T cell clones without stimulating any significant T cell proliferation response. The same B lymphoma cells are capable of stimulating IL 2 release and proliferative responses from other T cell clones. Evidence is presented suggesting that B lymphoma cell stimulation of these T cell clones is largely IL 1 independent and that at least some T cell clones may require activation signals other than Ia, antigen, and IL 1. The addition of exogenous, purified IL 1 to the T cell activation assays was found to have a wide range of stimulatory effects on the proliferative responses of different T cell clones. The absence of comparable IL 1-induced stimulation of IL 2 secretion suggests that IL 1 primarily enhances antigen specific T cell proliferation through mechanisms other than acting as a co-stimulant for IL 2 release.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp studies of single ion channel currents in freshly isolated murine B lymphocytes are characterized here according to their respective unitary conductances, ion selectivities, regulatory factors, distributions and kinetic behavior. The most prevalent ion channel in murine B lymphocytes is a large conductance (348 pS) nonselective anion channel. This report characterizes additional conductances including: two chloride channels (40 and 128 pS), a calcium-activated potassium channel (93 pS), and an outwardly rectifying potassium channel which displays two distinct conductances (18 and 30 pS). Like the anion channel, both chloride channels exhibit little activity in the cellattached patch configuration. The kinetic behavior of all of these channels is complex, with variable periods of bursting and flickering activity interspersed between prolonged closed/open intervals (dwell times). It is likely that some of these channels play an important role in the signal transduction of B cell activation.  相似文献   

IL-10 is vastly studied for its anti-inflammatory properties on most immune cells. However, it has been reported that IL-10 activates B cells, up-regulates their MHC class II molecules and prevents apoptosis. As MARCH1 was shown to be responsible for the intracellular sequestration of MHC class II molecules in dendritic cells and monocytes in response to IL-10, we set out to clarify the role of this ubiquitin ligase in B cells. Here, we demonstrate in mice that splenic follicular B cells represent the major cell population that up-regulate MHC II molecules in the presence of IL-10. Activation of these cells through TLR4, CD40 or the IL-10 receptor caused the down-regulation of MARCH1 mRNA. Accordingly, B cells from MARCH1-deficient mice do not up-regulate I-A(b) in response to IL-10. In all, our results demonstrate that IL-10 can have opposite effects on MARCH1 regulation in different cell types.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were prepared against cell surface antigens present on Syrian hamster lymphocytes and a hamster B cell lymphoma line, GD-36. One of these antibodies, S11, precipitated glycoproteins of 29,000 and 39,000 m.w. These glycoproteins were shown to be identical to or a subset of la-like glycoproteins precipitated by hamster alloantisera; however, molecules identified by S11 differed from the predominant hamster la homologues detected with a cross-reactive monoclonal antibody to murine la.7. The immunofluorescence pattern of both anti-la reagents, S11 and anti-la.7, on hamster lymphoid cells is similar by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis. A subpopulation of spleen and lymph node cells stains brightly with these antibodies. By two-color fluorescence, this peripheral lymphocyte subpopulation, identified with monoclonal anti-hamster la, also bears surface immunoglobulin (IgM). These data strongly suggest that hamster resting peripheral B cells, and not T cells, express la antigens and can be identified and isolated differentially by using this marker.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of B cell Ag presentation in homeostasis of the memory B cell compartment in a mouse model where a conditional allele for the beta-chain of MHC class II (MHC-II) is deleted in the vast majority of all B cells by cd19 promoter-mediated expression of Cre recombinase (IA-B mice). Upon T cell-dependent immunization, a small number of MHC-II(+) B cells in IA-B mice dramatically expanded and restored normal albeit delayed levels of germinal center (GC) B cells with an affinity-enhancing somatic mutation to Ag. IA-B mice also established normal levels of MHC-II(+) memory B cells, which, however, subsequently lost MHC-II expression by ongoing deletion of the conditional iab allele without significant loss in their number. Furthermore, in vivo Ag restimulation of MHC-II(-) memory B cells of IA-B mice failed to cause differentiation into plasma cells (PCs), even in the presence of Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells. In addition, both numbers and Ag-specific affinity of long-lived PCs during the late post-GC phase, as well as post-GC serum affinity maturation, were significantly reduced in IA-B mice. These results support a notion that MHC-II-dependent T cell help during post-GC phase is not absolutely required for the maintenance of memory B cell frequency but is important for their differentiation into PCs and for the establishment of the long-lived PC compartment.  相似文献   

Processing and presentation by Ag-specific B cells is initiated by Ag binding to the B cell Ag receptor (BCR). Cross-linking of the BCR by Ag results in a rapid targeting of the BCR and bound Ag to the MHC class II peptide loading compartment (IIPLC). This accelerated delivery of Ag may be essential in vivo during periods of rapid Ag-driven B cell expansion and T cell-dependent selection. Here, we use both immunoelectron microscopy and a nondisruptive protein chemical polymerization method to define the intracellular pathway of the targeting of Ags by the BCR. We show that following cross-linking, the BCR is rapidly transported through transferrin receptor-containing early endosomes to a LAMP-1+, beta-hexosaminadase+, multivesicular compartment that is an active site of peptide-class II complex assembly, containing both class II-invariant chain complexes in the process of invariant chain proteolytic removal as well as mature peptide-class II complexes. The BCR enters the class II-containing compartment as an intact mIg/Igalpha/Igbeta complex bound to Ag. The pathway by which the BCR targets Ag to the IIPLC appears not to be identical to that by which Ags taken up by fluid phase pinocytosis traffick, suggesting that the accelerated BCR pathway may be specialized and potentially independently regulated.  相似文献   

Association with β2-microglobulin and binding a ligand are necessary conditions for cell surface expression of the antigen presenting molecules. MHC class I-related protein, MR1, is suggested to have an antigen presentation function, nevertheless the physiological ligand(s) is (are) still to be determined. In the present study, by characterising the subcellular deportment of human MR1 transfectants, we have shown its differential mobilisation. Our results demonstrated a preferential association of MR1 with β2-microglobulin in MHC class I-deficient B cell lines. Furthermore, we have evidenced diminished expression of classical MHC class I molecules in human MR1-transfected 293T cells, showing a possible interaction between MR1 and classical MHC class I molecules.  相似文献   

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