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菊瘿蚊的生活习性及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦魁兴 《昆虫知识》1998,35(3):161-161
菊瘦蚊D扣r功rononylachmp。伪e。Ahkyg属双翅目瘦蚊科。据记载北京、郑州有分布,但未见该虫的详细报道。近年来该虫在河南省安阳市为害国庆早小菊品种及黄花蒿ArtemisiaannuaL.(为大型塔菊、大立菊、悬崖菊等的砧木)严重。该虫以幼虫蛀人顶芽、叶片、叶腋处刺激组织膨大长出虫瘦,致使寄主植物封顶不能继续生长,导致不能正常开花等严重后果。回形态特征成虫体长1.5~2.smm,头、胸部黑褐色。触角灰褐色,念珠状,各节环生细毛。前翅膜质透明,翅脉2条,密生黄褐色微毛。平衡棒短,褐色。足细长,浅褐色,腹部纺经形,桔红色或红褐…  相似文献   

记述了中国新纪录属,锥瘿蚊属Pseudoperomyia Jaschhof et Hippa一新种:鹦铗锥瘿蚊Pseudoperomyia psittacephala Li et Bu,sp.nov.,(正模产地:福建武夷山桐木),及1中国新纪录种:小锥瘿蚊P.humilis Jaschhof et Hippa.(云南云龙)。新种与分布于马来西亚的Pseudoperomyia platystyla Jaschhof et Hippa相近,主要区别为新种生殖基节内突的根部很长;生殖端节形似鹦鹉头的外形;阳茎基钟罩形,中部不缢缩;生殖杆更长。模式标本4均保存于南开大学生物系昆早标本室。  相似文献   

闽西北梨瘿蚊发生经过与生活习性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高岱 《华东昆虫学报》2001,10(1):111-112
梨瘿蚊Dasineura Pyri (Bouche)隶属双翅目,瘿蚊科,是福建省新发现的一种梨树害虫。该虫在闽西北建宁县黄花梨产区发生普遍,一些果园的春梢芽被害率达71.4-93.6%,造成树势衰弱,大幅减产,为搞清该虫发生习性,于1998-2000年对其进行观察研究,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

记述了中国瘿蚊科1新纪录属异瘿蚊属及一新种:横瓣异瘿蚊Heterogenella transversa.spn.nov.,模式产地云南中甸虎跳峡;中国3新纪录种;达氏异瘿蚊H.dolini Berest(四川理县米亚罗),短须异瘿蚊H.hybrida Mamaev(内蒙古额尔古纳旗莫尔道嘎)和纵缝异瘿蚊H.linearis Yukawa(云南丽江玉龙山)。文中给出了异瘿蚊属中国已知种类分种检索表。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

桃蕾瘿蚊Dasineura sp.为害桃树花蕾,一般有虫花蕾率达4%以上,严重的高达100%.幼虫为害花蕾引起大量枯蕾,影响产量.1990年。由于该虫的为害,有的桃树没开好一朵花,损失严重。鉴于该虫在国内尚未见有报道,笔于1990-1991年在永泰县对其形态特征、生活习性等进行了初步观察,现将结果整理于后。  相似文献   

记述了中国鼓瘿蚊亚科钩瘿蚊属7种,其中2种:长角钩瘿蚊C.longicornis sp.nov.(模式产地:陕西凤县)、背折钩瘿蚊C.retrorsa sp.nov.(模式产地:云南屏边)为科学上的新种,另外5种:美丽钩瘿蚊C.formosa(Bremi)(分布:湖南、云南、吉林),日本钩瘿蚊C.mpponensis Yukawa(分布: 甘肃、四川、湖北),尖瓣钩瘿蚊C.hamata (Felt) (分布:湖南、贵州),狭眼钩瘿蚊C.neueitasis (Zetterstedt)(分布:甘肃)和锯齿钩瘿蚊C.serrata Yukawa (分布:陕西、甘肃、福建)为中国新纪录种.编制了钩瘿蚊属中国已知种种类检索表.模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

董景芳  江兴培 《昆虫知识》1994,31(2):99-101
日本柳枝瘿蚊Lygococisyanagi(Shinji)属双翅目、瘿蚊科、瘿蚊亚科。它是旱柳、垂柳、龙爪柳等树种的主要害虫之一。作者近10年来在前文[4]的基础上,对该虫的形态特征、生物学、生态学和防治措施等研究方面有突破。同时根据此虫分类特征,鉴定为日本柳枝瘿蚊。现将研究结果报告如下。1形态特征成虫:下颚须4节。推虫触角20(2+18)节(图1:G),雌虫触角19(2+17)节,鞭节颈短(图1:A)。复眼占头的大部分。眼桥中部5~6个小眼宽。足细长,深褐色,被毛2附爪简单,不具齿。前翅被微毛和黑色鳞片,R。脉和C脉在翅端相接。雄虫外…  相似文献   

报道了双翅目瘿蚊科中国新纪录属:扇瘿蚊属Rhipidoxylomyia Mamaev 6新种,提出了1新组合:Rhipidoxylomyia concava(Yukawa),comb.nov,编制了扇瘿蚊属世界种类检索表.模式标本保存于南开大学生物系.  相似文献   

李军  卜文俊 《昆虫学报》2002,45(2):221-225
记述了双翅目瘿蚊科一中国新记录属垫瘿蚊属 Conarete Pritchard 的4 种,其中包括2新种: 短须垫瘿蚊 C. brevipalpa Li et Bu, sp. Nov.(模式产地: 海南尖峰岭)和葫茎垫瘿蚊 C. sicyoidea Li et Bu, sp. Nov.(模式产地:海南尖峰岭); 另外2种为在中国首次记录的种: 米垫瘿蚊 C. mihijamensis Grover (分布:海南尖峰岭)和印垫瘿蚊 C. indorensis Grover(分布:陕西周至板房子)。文中给出了垫瘿蚊属与近缘的短角瘿蚊属Anarete Haliday的区别特征和中国种类分种检索表。模式标本均保存于南开大学生物学系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自浙江省的端突瘿蚊属Epidiplosis 1新种:指状端突瘿蚊Epidiplosis dactylina sp.nov,.模式标本存放于山东农业大学昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

黑肾卷裙夜蛾Plecoptera oculata Moore是我国南方珍贵树种降香黄檀Dalbergia odorifera种植区的一种食叶性害虫。【目的】初步研究黑肾卷裙夜蛾的形态特征、生物学特性以及生活史等问题。【方法】通过室内观察和野外调查,数据精确测量与统计,总结与分析了黑肾卷裙夜蛾的形态、生物学特性等问题。【结果】黑肾卷裙夜蛾幼虫6龄,黑肾卷裙夜蛾一个世代发育需要(41.64±1.59)d,越冬代约为120 d,室内饲养存活率为61.37%±0.80%,其中卵发育历期(7.53±0.40)d,孵化率为(86.67%±1.43)%,幼虫发育历期为(18.42±0.41)d,存活率为61.30%±1.21%,蛹期为(8.67±0.58)d,羽化率为75.55%±1.14%,成虫寿命为(7.02±0.78)d,存活率为74.44%±1.12%,该虫在广东地区一年发生可以发生7~8代,且具有世代重叠现象。【结论】通过了解该虫的生物学特性,为切实可行的防控黑肾卷裙夜蛾提供理论依据。  相似文献   

杨皱背叶蝉Rhytidodus poplara Li et Ya.是危害杨树的新害虫。首次记述其形态特征、生物学特性、发生规律及天敌种类。在山东商河1年发生3代,以成虫在地面落叶和杂草中越冬。翌年2月中旬开始出蜇,在枝干上补充营养、交尾,在叶柄上产卵。产卵量113~361枚,卵历期10~23d,若虫历期17~43d。成虫寿命7~69d,羽化后5~12d开始产卵,主要在下午至傍晚前后,多产于叶柄端部的卵槽内。寄生性天敌有寄生若虫的闫氏单爪螯蜂Anteonyani和寄生卵的缨小蜂Anagrussp.,对叶蝉种群控制作用明显。  相似文献   

The family Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) including about 6100 described species displays diverse feeding habits. The tribe Asphondyliini is a well‐circumscribed monophyletic group of Cecidomyiidae and all species are known as gall inducers. Species belonging to this tribe exhibit fascinating ecological traits such as host alternation, polyphagy, extended diapause, induction of dimorphic galls and association with fungal symbionts. For these reasons, biogeographical and phylogenetic studies of Asphondyliini are of interest in elucidating the evolution of these traits, and particularly the processes of host‐range expansion, host‐plant shift and shifts in gall‐bearing organs. In order to facilitate further evolutionary studies of Asphondyliini, I review studies of systematics, biogeography, phylogeny, speciation, cytology, behavior, ecology, physiology, biological interaction and economic importance in this tribe.  相似文献   

We observed that unique projections developed from female flower galls induced by three unidentified cecidomyiid species in the syconia of Ficus microcarpa (Moraceae) on Okinawa and Amami Islands, Japan. The three cecidomyiids (sp. 1, 2 and 3) were tentatively distinguished by the differences in the shape of the projections. The projection of sp. 1 started to develop from the bottom of each gall before emergence, broke the skin of the syconium, and developed finally up to 5–6 mm in length within 6–8 h. During this period, the pupa oriented its head towards the bottom of the gall. After the projection fully elongated, the pupa pushed open the bottom of the projection with its head. The projection was easily removed from the gall at the base. The pupa quickly crawled half way out of the gall through the opening at the bottom of the projection and an adult then emerged. The projection did not develop when other hymenopteran gall inhabitants emerged. The projection was derived from plant tissues consisting of a mass of small square cells in the basal and distal portions and regularly arranged long cells in the middle portion. No projection was induced by the application of gibberellin's paste to the bottom of syconia. The gall midge seemed to manipulate the fig plant to develop the projection before emergence, so that the pupa can easily pass through the sticky epidermis of the syconium. The emergence of sp. 2 and 3 could not be intensively observed.  相似文献   

This is the first record for the subfamily Psychodinae from Ecuador and a new species belonging to genus Arisemus, A. triconnectus, is described.  相似文献   

记述了喙尾琵甲Blaps rhynchopetera Fairmaire各虫态特征,观察了其生物学特性.实验种群1月下旬至12月上旬产卵,卵期为8~15 d;幼虫期141~213 d,共9~13龄,第9龄以后,龄期较长;蛹前期8~14 d;蛹期12~24 d.成虫羽化24~92 d后性成熟,开始交配产卵活动,成虫期超过18个月.自然种群在昆明和曲靖1年发生1~1.5代,世代重叠严重;以不同龄期幼虫和成虫越冬,越冬幼虫于次年4月上旬开始化蛹,新羽化成虫于4月下旬至12月上旬交配产卵,成虫全年都能活动、产卵.该虫为夜出型、暂栖性土壤昆虫,喜潮湿阴暗的环境.成虫具有夜出习性、防御性和群聚性.  相似文献   

通过建立网室近自然实验种群,结合野生个体观察记述了云南玉溪九香虫Coridius chinensis (Dallas)种群的各虫期形态特征、在云南玉溪红塔区的年生活史、寄主范围、取食偏好、成虫及若虫的行为习性,为该虫的保育和规模化养殖提供依据。结果显示,九香虫卵有绿色和粉色两种生态型,若虫有5个龄期;在云南玉溪红塔区1年仅发生1代,仅以成虫态越冬;红塔区九香虫野生个体主要以佛手瓜和南瓜等葫芦科植物为食;取食偏好选择试验表明该虫最喜取食葫芦,冬瓜和南瓜次之;雌雄成虫可多次交配多次产卵,单雌单次平均产卵量为16.3±6.0粒。研究表明,云南玉溪红塔区的九香虫种群为典型的一化性昆虫,休眠期可达8个月;该虫食性较广,可取食多科植物,但以葫芦科瓜类为主;羽化成虫每年9月中旬至10月上旬陆续从佛手瓜、南瓜等寄主植物上迁至枯树皮下、柴堆等隐蔽场所越冬,翌年4月下旬陆续解除休眠,迁至佛手瓜、南瓜等作物上取食繁殖。  相似文献   

R. S. Wotton 《Hydrobiologia》1982,96(3):243-251
The life histories of Simulium noelleri Fried. and S. truncatum Ldstr. were studied at a lake-outlet site in Finland. A detailed study was made of the second summer generation of both species and this consisted of a single, synchronized cohort in S. noelleri, and overlapped cohorts in S. truncatum. Larvae of the two species also show differences in their habitat preference: those of S. noelleri predominate on the sluice which marks the beginning of the river, and S. truncatum larvae just downstream from the sluice. In winter, the latter site was dominated by immature individuals of two other species, S. erythrocephalum de Geer and S. equinum L., and these were found downstream from the two ‘lake-outlet’ species during the summer. Adult females of S. noelleri are able to mature a first batch of eggs without taking a blood meal but those of S. truncatum need to feed on blood before eggs can be fully developed. The consequences of these different reproductive strategies on the ecology of individuals of the two species is discussed.  相似文献   

The midge Dasineura mali (Kieffer) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is a significant pest of apples (Malus spp.), and the recent identification of the female sex pheromone is enabling new direct control tactics to be considered. Direct control using male suppression will require knowledge of the frequency of multiple mating, dispersal and colonization rates, and the efficiency of male removal. Males were able to mate up to five times, with a mean of 2.7 times when presented in a 10 female-to-1 male group, designed to simulate male suppression. Male catch in response to the pheromone loading was curvilinear over 4 orders of magnitude from 3 microg to 30 mg on rubber septa. Trapping using a high-dose pheromone lure was combined with oil-based traps similar to the inexpensive New Zealand "Lynfield trap" used for tephritid surveillance, to test male suppression in young orchard blocks at 500 traps per ha. Monitoring traps indicated 96% lower catch in the treated plots compared with control plots, over 137 d. However, a lack of shoot tip infestation in both treated and untreated plots indicated limited colonization and prevented an assessment of potential population suppression. Furthermore, a contribution to these results from communication disruption cannot be ruled out. Replicated transects of frequency of infested shoots from a mature orchard across the adjacent young block confirmed that colonization by ovipositing females was essentially limited to the first 30 m.  相似文献   

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