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Lymph node morphology, in vitro lymphocyte transformation, and inhibition of macrophage migration were studied at varying intervals after sensitization for Jones-Mote hypersensitivity (JMH) with ovalbumin (OA) in Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FIA). The effect of cyclophosphamide (CY, 300 mg/kg), given 3 days before sensitization with OA in FIA, was also studied in an attempt to clarify further its role in increasing the intensity of skin reactions and its effect on the passive transfer of skin reactivity described in the preceding paper. There were increased numbers of large pyroninophilic cells in paracortical areas of draining lymph nodes and increased in vitro DNA synthesis, by lymph node cells, in animals treated with CY 3 days before sensitization with OA in FIA. There was no inhibition of macrophage migration of PEC from animals sensitized with OA in FIA, whether or not these guinea pigs had been treated with CY before sensitization.  相似文献   

John F. Robyt 《Biologia》2008,63(6):980-988
The mechanisms for the biosynthesis of three polysaccharides are presented: (i) starch synthesized by starch synthase and adenosine diphospho glucose; (ii) dextran synthesized by Leuconostoc mesenteroides B-512FMC dextransucrase and sucrose; and (iii) Acetobacter xylinum cellulose synthesized by cellulose synthase, uridine diphospho glucose, and bactoprenol phosphate. All three enzymes were pulsed with substrates, containing 14C-glucose and chased with the same nonlabeled substrates. When the polysaccharides were isolated, reduced, and hydrolyzed, the pulsed reactions gave 14C-glucitol, which was significantly decreased in the chase reaction. These experiments definitively show that all three polysaccharides are biosynthesized by the addition of glucose to the reducing-ends of the growing polysaccharides and not by the addition to the nonreducing-ends of primers. Additional evidence indicates that glucose and the polysaccharides are covalently attached to the active-sites of the enzymes. A two catalytic-site insertion mechanism at one active-site is proposed for the biosyntheses. Two of the polysaccharides are α-linked glucans, starch and dextran, and cellulose is a β-linked glucan, known for several years to require a bactoprenol lipid phosphate intermediate. It is shown how this intermediate is involved in determining that β-linkages are synthesized. Other β-linked polysaccharides: bacterial cell wall peptidomurein, Salmonella O-antigen polysaccharide, and Xanthanomonas camprestris xanthan, are heteropolysaccharides, with the later two also being hetero-linked polysaccharides, with the β-linkage at the reducing-end of the repeating unit. All three require bactoprenol lipid phosphate intermediates and are biosynthesized by the addition of the repeating units to the reducing-end of a growing polysaccharide chain, with the formation of a β-linkage.  相似文献   

That the role of thrombin in the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin is essentially enzymatic, is established not only by the minute amounts of thrombin which are effective but also by the complete independence of fibrin yields and thrombin concentrations over a very wide range of thrombin dilutions and clotting times. The thrombin-fibrinogen reaction, in the phase beyond the "latent period" at least, seems fundamentally "first order." Technical requirements of the experiments leading to these conclusions include: (1) a highly purified (e.g. 97 per cent "clottable") fibrinogen, (2) absence of traces of thrombic impurities in the fibrinogen, (3) absence of fibrinolytic protease contaminant of the thrombin and the fibrinogen, and (4) sufficient stability of the thrombin even at very high dilutions. Four conditions affecting thrombin stability have been investigated. Fibrin yields are not significantly modified by numerous experimental circumstances that influence the clotting time, such as (1) temperature, (2) pH, (3) non-specific salt action due to electrical (ionic) charges, which alter the Coulomb forces involved in the fibrillar aggregation, (4) specific ion effects, whether clot-accelerating (e.g. Ca++) or clot-inhibitory (e.g. Fe(CN)6'), (5) occluding (adsorptive) colloids, which have a "fibrinoplastic" action, e.g. (a) acacia and probably (b) fibrinogen which has been mildly "denatured" by salt-heating, acidification, etc. The data with which several European workers have attempted to substantiate the idea of a two-stage thrombin-fibrinogen reaction with an intermediary "profibrin" (allegedly partly "denatured") have been reanalyzed with controls which lead us to very different conclusions, viz. (1) denaturation and fibrin formation are independent; (2) partial denaturation is "fibrinoplastic" (see above); and (3) conditions of strong salinity and acid pH (5.1) usually do not completely prevent the thrombin-fibrinogen reaction but merely prolong the "latent" phase and lessen the time required for completion of essentially the same reaction (fibrin polymerization) when more favorable clotting conditions are restored. Thus, our experiments advance the modern concepts concerning the coagulation mechanisms along lines that, for the most part, agree with those of the Harvard physical chemists, and we oppose the European views concerning a two-stage reaction, "profibrin," and "the denaturase theory" of clotting.  相似文献   

Flavonoids, widespread in edible plants, have been studied extensively for their anticarcinogenic properties. However, only few studies have been done with these constituents being administered by the dietary route. In our research, the effects of feeding rats with flavone, flavanone, tangeretin, and quercetin were investigated on two steps of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1)-induced hepatocarcinogenesis (initiation and promotion). Nonpolar flavonoids such as flavone, flavanone and tangeretin administered through the initiation period, decreased the number of -gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase-preneoplastic foci. In the same conditions of administration, quercetin, a polyhydroxylated flavonoid, showed no protective effect. Moreover, feeding rats with flavanone during the phenobarbital-induced promotion step significantly reduced the areas of placental glutathione S-transferase preneoplastic foci. Quercetin, flavone, and tangeretin, administered in the same conditions, caused no significant effect. Therefore flavanone act as an anti-initiator as well as an anti-promotor. Several mechanisms were involved in the anti-initiating effects of flavone, flavanone, and tangeretin: enhancement of enzymes involved in the detoxication of AFB1 (glutathione S-transferase, UDP-glucuronyl transferase), increase of the formation of AFB1-glutathione conjugates and inhibition of the binding of AFB1 to DNA. Although the relevance of these data to the human situation remains to be demonstrated, they confirm that several flavonoids administered by the dietary route possess promising chemoprotective effects.  相似文献   

Background.In patients with extensive myocardial bridging, evaluation of its clinical significance remains a challenge. Hypothesis.Sequential invasive testing is feasible and gives more insight into the pathophysiological mechanism of bridging-related angina. Methods.Twelve patients with chest pain, proven ischaemia and extensive myocardial bridging were assessed. Myocardial bridging was evaluated at rest, during intracoronary acetylcholine infusion, through coronary flow velocity and flow reserve measurements, and during dobutamine stress. Results.The mean length of the bridging segment was 24.9 mm (QCA; range 8.4-48.0 mm). Acetylcholine infusion caused severe vasospasm in two patients. In these two patients anginal symptoms were related to vasospasm and sequential testing was discontinued. In the remaining ten patients sequential testing was continued. Coronary flow reserve was normal in all patients: 3.3±0.6. In six patients reliable quantitative measurements could be performed during dobutamine stress. The mean systolic diameter of the bridging segment was 1.6±0.4 at baseline and 1.3±0.3 during dobutamine stress (mean of differences 0.38 (95% CI 0.1-0.7)). The difference between the diastolic and systolic diameter in the bridging segment increased from 0.3±0.2 mm at baseline to 1.0±0.5 mm during dobutamine infusion (mean of differences 0.6 (95% CI 0.3 to 0.9)). Conclusion.Sequential testing for bridging is feasible and may disclose endothelial dysfunction or spasm as an underlying mechanism in a minority of patients. Coronary flow reserve was preserved. Dobutamine stress unmasked further lumen reduction and may give further insight into the clinical significance of myocardial bridging in individual patients. (Neth Heart J 2008;16:10-5.)  相似文献   

The Guillain-Barré syndrome is hypothesized to be secondary to cellular hypersensitivity to peripheral nerve antigens. To test this theory lymphocytes from 100 subjects were studied using the macrophage-migration-inhibition factor (MIF) assay. Thirty-four normal controls gave a mean migration of 100.4 ± 9%. Of 34 patients with peripheral nervous system disease, only those with the Guillain-Barré syndrome showed hypersensitivity with a mean migration of 72 ± 11%. Of 34 patients with central nervous system disease only three with multiple sclerosis and two with stroke gave similar results. Positive results in the Guillain-Barré syndrome were found only in patients presenting with classical disease and who were ill at the time of study.  相似文献   

Mechanisms involved in the regulation of histone lysine demethylases   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Since the first histone lysine demethylase KDM1 (LSD1) was discovered in 2004, a great number of histone demethylases have been recognized and shown to play important roles in gene expression, as well as cellular differentiation and animal development. The chemical mechanisms and substrate specificities have already been extensively discussed elsewhere. This review focuses primarily on regulatory mechanisms that modulate demethylase recruitment and activity.  相似文献   

Mechanisms involved in cartilage proteoglycan catabolism.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The increased catabolism of the cartilage proteoglycan aggrecan is a principal pathological process which leads to the degeneration of articular cartilage in arthritic joint diseases. The consequent loss of sulphated glycosaminoglycans, which are intrinsic components of the aggrecan molecule, compromises both the functional and structural integrity of the cartilage matrix and ultimately renders the tissue incapable of resisting the compressive loads applied during joint articulation. Over time, this process leads to irreversible cartilage erosion. In situ degradation of aggrecan is a proteolytic process involving cleavage at specific peptide bonds located within the core protein. The most well characterised enzymatic activities contributing to this process are engendered by zinc-dependent metalloproteinases. In vitro aggrecanolysis by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) has been widely studied; however, it is now well recognised that the principal proteinases responsible for aggrecan degradation in situ in articular cartilage are the aggrecanases, two recently identified isoforms of which are members of the 'A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin motifs' (ADAMTS) gene family. In this review we have described: (i) the development of monoclonal antibody technologies to identify catabolic neoepitopes on aggrecan degradation products; (ii) the use of such neoepitope antibodies in studies designed to characterise and identify the enzymes responsible for cartilage aggrecan metabolism; (iii) the biochemical properties of soluble cartilage aggrecanase(s) and their differential expression in situ; and (iv) model culture systems for studying cartilage aggrecan catabolism. These studies have clearly established that 'aggrecanase(s)' is primarily responsible for the catabolism and loss of aggrecan from articular cartilage in the early stages of arthritic joint diseases that precede overt collagen catabolism and disruption of the tissue integrity. At later stages, when collagen catabolism is occurring, there is evidence for MMP-mediated degradation of the small proportion of aggrecan remaining in the tissue, but this occurs independently of continued aggrecanase activity. Furthermore, the catabolism of link proteins by MMPs is also initiated when overt collagen degradation is evident.  相似文献   

Lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. They share a common environmental risk factor in cigarette smoke exposure and a genetic predisposition represented by the incidence of these diseases in only a fraction of smokers. COPD is also a major independent risk factor for lung carcinoma, among long-term smokers. Smokers with COPD also have a higher risk of developing a specific histological subtype of non-small cell lung cancer termed squamous cell carcinoma. For these reasons the focus of this review is on the potential pathogenic molecular links between tobacco smoking-related COPD and squamous cell carcinoma. We believe that we need to promote more studies on the molecular and cellular pathobiology of smokers with premalignant bronchial lesions of the squamous cell lung carcinoma compared with a control group of smokers with and without COPD to unravel the complex molecular interactions between COPD and early squamous cell lung carcinoma. These studies should also look at younger healthy smokers in combination with risk models of lung cancer and COPD. Overall these studies may allow the discovery of new molecular targets of the early carcinogenesis process that in the foreseeable future may render the early diagnosis and treatment, and may be even the prevention, of invasive squamous cell lung carcinoma a reality.  相似文献   

Isoniazid (INH), which acts by inhibiting mycolic acid biosynthesis, is very potent against the tuberculous mycobacteria. It is about 100-fold less effective against Mycobacterium avium . This difference has often been attributed to a decreased permeability of the cell wall. We measured the rate of conversion of radiolabelled INH to 4-pyridylmethanol by whole cells and cell-free extracts and estimated the permeability barrier imposed by the cell wall to INH influx in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M . avium . There was no significant difference in the relative permeability to INH between these two species. However, the total conversion rate in M . tuberculosis was found to be four times greater. Examination of in vitro -generated mutants revealed that the major resistance mechanism for both species is loss of the catalase-peroxidase KatG. Analysis of lipid and protein biosynthetic profiles demonstrated that the molecular target of activated INH was identical for both species. M . avium , however, formed colonies at INH concentrations inhibitory for mycolic acid biosynthesis. These mycolate-deficient M . avium exhibited altered colony morphologies, modified cell wall ultrastructure and were 10-fold more sensitive to treatment with hydrophobic antibiotics, such as rifampin. These findings may significantly impact the design of new therapeutic regimens for the treatment of infections with atypical mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Mechanisms involved in the relaxation of bovine aortic endothelial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The importance of endothelial cell contraction in the regulation of vascular biology is being increasingly recognized. Our group has demonstrated that reactive oxygen species, particularly hydrogen peroxide, which are released in pathological conditions such as ischemia-reperfusion, are able to induce contraction in bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC). The cGMP-dependent relaxation of contractile cells depends on the ability of the cyclic nucleotide to interfere with intracellular calcium; however, this is not the only mechanism involved. The present experiments were designed to analyse the mechanism by which cGMP induces relaxation in BAEC. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP), an activator of soluble guanylate cyclase, as well as atrial natriuretic (ANP) and C-type natriuretic (CNP) peptides, activators of particulate guanylate cyclase, blunted the hydrogen peroxide-induced contraction of BAEC and myosin light chain phosphorylation. The inhibitory effect was more marked with SNP and CNP than with ANP, and the action of SNP and CNP were partially reversed by blocking soluble and particulate guanylate cyclases, respectively. Dibutyryl cGMP (db-cGMP), a cGMP analogue, mimicked the effect of SNP and CNP. Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK) protein levels and activity were measured. Hydrogen peroxide induced a significant reduction in cGK activity without any change in protein level. This effect was completely reversed by preincubation with db-cGMP. Calyculin A, a myosin light chain phosphatase inhibitor, prevented the cGMP-induced relaxation of BAEC. SNP, CNP and db-cGMP also partially prevented the hydrogen peroxide-induced increase in intracellular calcium levels. Catalase completely blocked this effect. In summary, the present results support a role for those metabolites which activate guanylate cyclases in the relaxation of BAEC, and suggest that the cGMP-induced BAEC relaxation could be due, at least partially, to the stimulation of cGK and/or myosin light chain phosphatase activity, and to calcium blockade.  相似文献   

Aims:  To advance our understanding of the mechanisms involved in the RLP068 phthalocyanine-photosensitized inactivation of Acanthamoeba palestinensis trophozoites through a precise identification of the targets of the photoprocess in both the cytosolic and mitochondrial compartments.
Methods and Results:  We followed the activities of selected marker enzymes as well as we performed fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy investigations of the alterations induced by the photoprocess in the fine structure of subcellular compartments. RLP068 is preferentially located in the contractile vacuole: the fluorescence in that site is particularly evident in the unirradiated cells and becomes more diffused after irradiation. Electron microscopic analysis of photosensitized A. palestinensis cells clearly shows that the swelling of trophozoites and the appearance of vacuoles spread throughout the cytoplasm after phototreatment. The activity of a typical cytoplasmic enzyme, such as lactate dehydrogenase, underwent a 35% decrease as a consequence of the photoprocess, reflecting the photodamage induced by migrating phthalocyanine molecules in their micro-environment.
Conclusions:  The presence of multiple targets for the phthalocyanine-photosensitized process is of utmost importance because this pattern of cell damage makes it unlikely that photoresistant A. palestinensis strains are gradually selected or mutagenic phenomena are developed as a consequence of the photoinduced damage.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Photosensitization via phthalocyanines appears to represent an efficient and safe approach for achieving a close control of the population of a potentially pathogenic protozoan such as A. palestinensis , opening new perspectives for the disinfection of microbiologically polluted waters.  相似文献   

Contact hypersensitivity (CHS) is a cutaneous T-cell-mediated immunological reaction to applied haptens. Activated antigen-specific T cells release several cytokines and chemokines followed by the recruitment of inflammatory cells and skin damage. CD8+ T cells and CD4+ T cells have been involved in the establishment of previously described CHS. In this study, we investigated the induction of CHS by urushiol in mice. Maximum swelling in mouse ears was elicited 24 h after challenge with urushiol on day 9 of sensitization. IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) mRNA were expressed after challenge of the antigen in urushiol-sensitized mice, but not in unsensitized mice. IFN-gamma knockout (KO) mice and TNF-alpha KO mice failed to elicit CHS with urushiol. Contact hypersensitivity and expressions of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IP-10 mRNA were markedly suppressed in CD4+ and CD8+ cell-depleted mice. These results suggest that IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and possibly IP-10, play a critical role in CHS induced by urushiol, depending on both CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

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