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The association of metazoan, protist, and microbial communities with Scleractinian corals forms the basis of the coral holobiont. Coral bleaching events have been occurring around the world, introducing changes in the delicate balance of the holobiont symbiotic interactions. In this study, Archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotic phototrophic plastids of bleached colonies of the Brazilian coral Siderastrea stellata were analyzed for the first time, using 16S rRNA gene libraries. Prokaryotic communities were slightly more diverse in healthy than in bleached corals. However, the eukaryotic phototrophic plastids community was more diverse in bleached corals. Archaea phylogenetic analyses revealed a high percentage of Crenarchaeota sequences, mainly related to Nitrosopumilus maritimus and Cenarchaeum symbiosum. Dramatic changes in bacterial community composition were observed in this bleaching episode. The dominant bacterial group was Alphaproteobacteria followed by Gammaproteobacteria in bleached and Betaproteobacteria in healthy samples. Plastid operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from both coral samples were mainly related to red algae chloroplasts (Florideophycea), but we also observed some OTUs related to green algae chloroplasts (Chlorophyta). There seems to be a strong relationship between the Bacillariophyta phylum and our bleached coral samples as clones related to members of the diatom genera Amphora and Nitzschia were detected. The present study reveals information from a poorly investigated coral species and improves the knowledge of coral microbial community shifts that could occur during bleaching episodes.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of management plans developed for responding to coral disease outbreaks is limited due to the lack of rapid methods of disease diagnosis. In order to fulfill current management guidelines for responding to coral disease outbreaks, alternative methods that significantly reduce response time must be developed. Hyperspectral sensing has been used by various groups to characterize the spectral signatures unique to asymptomatic and bleached corals. The 2010 combined bleaching and Caribbean yellow band disease outbreak in Puerto Rico provided a unique opportunity to investigate the spectral signatures associated with bleached and Caribbean yellow band-diseased colonies of Orbicella faveolata for the first time. Using derivative and cluster analyses of hyperspectral reflectance data, the present study demonstrates the proof of concept that spectral signatures can be used to differentiate between coral disease states. This method enhanced predominant visual methods of diagnosis by distinguishing between different asymptomatic conditions that are identical in field observations and photographic records. The ability to identify disease-affected tissue before lesions become visible could greatly reduce response times to coral disease outbreaks in monitoring efforts. Finally, spectral signatures associated with the poorly understood Caribbean yellow band disease are presented to guide future research on the role of pigments in the etiology.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - The present review briefly summarizes the results of the studies on coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific conducted by the authors and their colleagues who...  相似文献   

With the continued and unprecedented decline of coral reefs worldwide, evaluating the factors that contribute to coral demise is of critical importance. As coral cover declines, macroalgae are becoming more common on tropical reefs. Interactions between these macroalgae and corals may alter the coral microbiome, which is thought to play an important role in colony health and survival. Together, such changes in benthic macroalgae and in the coral microbiome may result in a feedback mechanism that contributes to additional coral cover loss. To determine if macroalgae alter the coral microbiome, we conducted a field-based experiment in which the coral Porites astreoides was placed in competition with five species of macroalgae. Macroalgal contact increased variance in the coral-associated microbial community, and two algal species significantly altered microbial community composition. All macroalgae caused the disappearance of a γ-proteobacterium previously hypothesized to be an important mutualist of P. astreoides. Macroalgal contact also triggered: 1) increases or 2) decreases in microbial taxa already present in corals, 3) establishment of new taxa to the coral microbiome, and 4) vectoring and growth of microbial taxa from the macroalgae to the coral. Furthermore, macroalgal competition decreased coral growth rates by an average of 36.8%. Overall, this study found that competition between corals and certain species of macroalgae leads to an altered coral microbiome, providing a potential mechanism by which macroalgae-coral interactions reduce coral health and lead to coral loss on impacted reefs.  相似文献   

We analyzed the ultrastructure of apoptotic nuclear fragmentation in U937 cells treated with many different apoptogenic agents. We found that this characteristic apoptotic feature can be achieved through multiple alternative pathways, depending on the apoptogenic inducer, leading to slightly different final nuclear morphologies. In most instances, the irregularly shaped nucleus of U937 rounds up; then, chromatin condenses at the nuclear periphery. Condensed chromatin can form protruding patches, which eventually bud from the nucleus in sealed vesicles through a process which is actin-dependent, since it could be blocked by cytochalasins. Alternatively, chromatin condenses in tiny, nonprotruding crescents, and a cleavage in the nuclear sap forms, beginning from the inner nuclear membrane and growing inward, thus splitting the nucleus. In U937 induced to apoptosis by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of ADP-ribosylation inhibitors, the nuclei fragment in many vesicles before chromatin even begins to condense: chromatin condensation probably occurs as a consequence. While all the apoptotic morphologies described above evolve from interphase cells, a peculiar apoptotic morphology, possibly deriving from mitotic cells, is detected upon oxidative stress, recalling the formation of micronuclei by clastogenic treatments; it shows partially membrane-bound chromatin patches, which look midway between condensed chromosomes and apoptotic condensed chromatin. The existence of these multiple pathways for nuclear fragmentation may indicate an evolutionary convergence, suggesting that this event may play an important physiological role in apoptosis.  相似文献   

Losses of adaptations in response to changed selective pressures are evolutionarily important phenomena but relatively few empirical examples have been investigated in detail. To help fill this gap, we took advantage of a natural experiment in which coral snake mimics occur on two nearby tropical islands, one that has coral snake models (Trinidad) and one that lacks them (Tobago). On Tobago, an endemic coral snake mimic (Erythrolamprus ocellatus) exists but has a relatively poor resemblance to coral snakes. Quantitative image analysis of museum specimens confirmed that E. ocellatus is a poor mimic of coral snakes. To address questions related to the functional importance of this phenotype, we conducted a field experiment on both islands with snake replicas made of clay. These results clearly indicated a strong inter-island difference in predator attack rates where snake replicas that resembled coral snakes received protection in Trinidad but not in Tobago. Further, a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the ancestry of E. ocellatus revealed that this poor coral snake mimic is deeply nested in a clade of good coral snake mimics. These data suggest that the lack of coral snakes on Tobago altered the selective environment such that the coral snake mimicry adaptation was no longer advantageous. The failure to maintain this ancestral feature in allopatry provides a compelling example of how losses of complex adaptations can occur.  相似文献   

A mathematical model predicting many facets of the PDA phenomenon is presented. The phototransduction process is divided into three interacting sublevels: pigment kinetics, transmitter dynamics and coupling of the signal to the membrane potential. The dynamics of each is studied, while showing their characteristics and limitations. Control mechanisms are proposed to overcome these limitations and to achieve good sensitivity in their dynamic range. For example, it is claimed that enzymatic gain modulation underlies the post-stimulus behaviour of the invertebrate photoreceptor cells. This hypothesis is further explored through a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the model. The results agree with the general PDA characteristics inferred from the large amount of data available from the literature in the last decade. This work provides a theoretical framework which unifies the phototransduction data into an overall system organization.Supported by NSERC grant A-9731  相似文献   

The genes in the RAD52 epistasis group of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are necessary for most mitotic and meiotic recombination events. Using an intrachromosomal inverted-repeat assay, we previously demonstrated that mitotic recombination of this substrate is dependent upon the RAD52 gene. In the present study the requirement for other genes in this epistasis group for recombination of inverted repeats has been analyzed, and double and triple mutant strains were examined for their epistatic relationships. The majority of recombination events are mediated by a RAD51-dependent pathway, where the RAD54, RAD55 and RAD57 genes function downstream of RAD51. Cells mutated in RAD55 or RAD57 as well as double mutants are cold-sensitive for inverted-repeat recombination, whereas a rad51 rad55 rad57 triple mutant is not. The RAD1 gene is not required for inverted-repeat recombination but is able to process spontaneous DNA lesions to produce recombinant products in the absence of RAD51. Furthermore, there is still considerably more recombination in rad1 rad51 mutants than in rad52 mutants, indicating the presence of another, as yet unidentified, recombination pathway.  相似文献   

The Drosophila visual transduction is the fastest known G protein-coupled signaling cascade and has been served as a model for understanding the molecular mechanisms of other G protein-coupled signaling cascades. Numbers of components in visual transduction machinery have been identified. Based on the functional characterization of these genes, a model for Drosophila phototransduction has been outlined, including rhodopsin activation, phosphoinoside signaling, and the opening of TRP and TRPL channels. Recently, the characterization of mutants, showing slow termination, revealed the physiological significance and the mechanism of rapid termination of light response.  相似文献   

Ways, mechanisms, and responses of ontogenetic adaptation of reef-building corals to light are discussed on the basis of original and literature data. The possible ways of photoacclimation of corals within the range of tolerance to light are shown: (1) adaptation to bright light (>70% incident photosynthetic active radiation, PARs), (2) adaptation to moderate shade (50–10% PARs), and (3) adaptation to extremely low light (<5% PARs). In each of the ways, general and specific mechanisms and reactions are involved in photoacclimation of corals. Adaptive changes take place in plant (zooxanthellae) and animal (polyps) components of the symbiotic organism. They involve morphology, physiology, and biochemistry of colonial polyps and their zooxanthellae. During changes of the light regime, some adaptive reactions last several months and others occur within a few days. Some physiological and biochemical alterations occur as early as the next day after the light regime changes. The wide range of light tolerance of corals and a great number of mechanisms and reactions of photoacclimation allowing corals to adapt to bright and low light with minimum losses in their metabolic activity give grounds to classify them as a single ecological group of light- and shade-tolerant organisms.  相似文献   

Coral surface mucus layer (SML) microbiota are critical components of the coral holobiont and play important roles in nutrient cycling and defense against pathogens. We sequenced 16S rRNA amplicons to examine the structure of the SML microbiome within and between colonies of the threatened Caribbean reef-building coral Acropora palmata in the Florida Keys. Samples were taken from three spatially distinct colony regions—uppermost (high irradiance), underside (low irradiance), and the colony base—representing microhabitats that vary in irradiance and water flow. Phylogenetic diversity (PD) values of coral SML bacteria communities were greater than surrounding seawater and lower than adjacent sediment. Bacterial diversity and community composition was consistent among the three microhabitats. Cyanobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Alphaproteobacteria, and Proteobacteria, respectively were the most abundant phyla represented in the samples. This is the first time spatial variability of the surface mucus layer of A. palmata has been studied. Homogeneity in the microbiome of A. palmata contrasts with SML heterogeneity found in other Caribbean corals. These findings suggest that, during non-stressful conditions, host regulation of SML microbiota may override diverse physiochemical influences induced by the topographical complexity of A. palmata. Documenting the spatial distribution of SML microbes is essential to understanding the functional roles these microorganisms play in coral health and adaptability to environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Rhythms, or patterns in time, play a vital role in both speech and music. Proficiency in a number of rhythm skills has been linked to language ability, suggesting that certain rhythmic processes in music and language rely on overlapping resources. However, a lack of understanding about how rhythm skills relate to each other has impeded progress in understanding how language relies on rhythm processing. In particular, it is unknown whether all rhythm skills are linked together, forming a single broad rhythmic competence, or whether there are multiple dissociable rhythm skills. We hypothesized that beat tapping and rhythm memory/sequencing form two separate clusters of rhythm skills. This hypothesis was tested with a battery of two beat tapping and two rhythm memory tests. Here we show that tapping to a metronome and the ability to adjust to a changing tempo while tapping to a metronome are related skills. The ability to remember rhythms and to drum along to repeating rhythmic sequences are also related. However, we found no relationship between beat tapping skills and rhythm memory skills. Thus, beat tapping and rhythm memory are dissociable rhythmic aptitudes. This discovery may inform future research disambiguating how distinct rhythm competencies track with specific language functions.  相似文献   

Thresholds and Multiple Stable States in Coral Reef Community Dynamics   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Multiple stable states occur when more than one type of communitycan stably persist in a single environmental regime. Simpletheoretical analyses predict multiple stable states for (1)single species dynamics via the Allee effect, (2) two-speciescompetitive interactions characterized by unstable coexistence,(3) some predator-prey interactions, and (4) some systems combiningpredation and competition. Potential examples of transitionsbetween stable states on reefs include the failure of Diademaantillarum and Acropora cervicornis to recover following catastrophicmortality, and the replacement of microalgal turf by unpalatablemacroalgae after rapid increase in the amount of substratumavailable for colonization by algae. Subtidal marine ecosystemsin general, and reefs in particular, have several attributeswhich favor the existence of multiple stable states. Studiesof transitions between states often need to rely upon poorlycontrolled, unreplicated natural "experiments," as transitionstypically require pulses of disturbance over very large spatialscales. The stability of a state must often be inferred fromanalyses of the dynamics of participants at that state, as generationtimes and the potential for further extrinsic disturbance precludethe use of persistence as an indicator of stability. The potentialfor multiple stable states strongly influences our interpretationof variability in space and time and our ability to predictreef responses to natural and man-made environmental change.  相似文献   

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