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Experiments on the settlement behaviour of planulae larvae of the reef coral Favia fragum (Esper) are described. The larvae are positively phototaxic upon release but reverse this and become attracted to dark surfaces, corners, crevices, and the undersides of objects on the bottom. Clean glass surfaces were preferred to surfaces covered with biological slime but there was no preference for rough against smooth surfaces. There was clear evidence of gregarious settlement behaviour, the planulae being able to recognize both adult colonies and previously settled juveniles. A distinction was made between crawling and swimming larvae, and the consequences of their differences in behaviour on the spatial distribution of Favia on reef are discussed. Settlement behaviour of Favia is similar in many respects to that of the Pacific reef coral Pocillopora damicornis (Dana) but is distinguished by gregarious settlement and by a preference for clean surfaces over surfaces covered with biological slime.  相似文献   

Mesophotic coral ecosystems between 30–150 m may be important refugia habitat for coral reefs and associated benthic communities from climate change and coastal development. However, reduced light at mesophotic depths may present an energetic challenge to the successful reproduction of light-dependent coral organisms, and limit this refugia potential. Here, the relationship of depth and fecundity was investigated in a brooding depth-generalist scleractinian coral, Porites astreoides from 5–37 m in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) using paraffin tissue histology. Despite a trend of increasing planulae production with depth, no significant differences were found in mean peak planulae density between shallow, mid-depth and mesophotic sites. Differential planulae production over depth is thus controlled by P. astreoides coral cover, which peaks at 10 m and ~35 m in the USVI. These results suggest that mesophotic ecosystems are reproductive refuge for P. astreoides in the USVI, and may behave as refugia for P. astreoides metapopulations providing that vertical larval exchanges are viable.  相似文献   

Coral planulae are induced to settle and metamorphose by contact with either crustose coralline algae or marine bacterial biofilms. Larvae of two coral species, Pocillopora damicornis and Montipora capitata, which respond to different metamorphic cues, were utilized to investigate the sensory mechanisms used to detect metamorphic cues. Because the aboral pole of the coral planula is the point of attachment to the substratum, we predicted that it is also the point of detection for cues. To determine where sensory cells for cues are localized along the body, individual larvae were transversely cut into oral and aboral portions at various levels along the oral–aboral axis, and exposed to settlement‐inducing substrata. Aboral ends of M. capitata metamorphosed, while oral ends continued to swim. However, in larvae of P. damicornis, ¾ oral ends (i.e., lacking the aboral pole) were also able to metamorphose, indicating that the cells that detect cues may be distributed along the sides of the body. These cells do not correspond to FMRFamide‐immunoreactive cells that are present throughout the body. Cesium ions induced both aboral and oral ends of larvae of both species to settle, suggesting that oral ends have not lost their capacity to metamorphose, despite lacking sensory cells to detect natural cues. To determine whether sensory cells in larvae of P. damicornis are restricted to one side of the body, swimming behavior over substrata was observed in larvae labeled with diI, a red fluorescent lipophilic membrane stain. The larvae were found to rotate around the oral–aboral axis, with their surface against the substratum, not favoring a particular side for detecting cues. While clarifying the regions of the larval body important for settlement and metamorphosis in coral planulae, we conclude that significant differences between coral species may be due to differences in the distribution of sensory structures in relation to different planular sizes.  相似文献   

The Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the gonococcus [Gc]) opacity-associated (Opa) proteins mediate bacterial binding and internalization by human epithelial cells and neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes [PMNs]). Investigating the contribution of Opa proteins to gonococcal pathogenesis is complicated by high-frequency phase variation of the opa genes. We therefore engineered a derivative of Gc strain FA1090 in which all opa genes were deleted in frame, termed Opaless. Opaless Gc remained uniformly Opa negative (Opa), whereas cultures of predominantly Opa parental Gc and an intermediate lacking the “translucent” subset of opa genes (ΔopaBEGK) stochastically gave rise to Opa-positive (Opa+) bacterial colonies. Loss of Opa expression did not affect Gc growth. Opaless Gc survived exposure to primary human PMNs and suppressed the PMN oxidative burst akin to parental, Opa bacteria. Notably, unopsonized Opaless Gc was internalized by adherent, chemokine-primed, primary human PMNs, by an actin-dependent process. When a non-phase-variable, in-frame allele of FA1090 opaD was reintroduced into Opaless Gc, the bacteria induced the PMN oxidative burst, and OpaD+ Gc survived less well after exposure to PMNs compared to Opa bacteria. These derivatives provide a robust system for assessing the role of Opa proteins in Gc biology.  相似文献   

Survival of coral planulae, and the successful settlement and healthy growth of primary polyps are critical for the dispersal of scleractinian corals and hence the recovery of degraded coral reefs. It is therefore important to explore how the warmer and more acidic oceanic conditions predicted for the future could affect these processes. This study used controlled culture to investigate the effects of a 1 °C increase in temperature and a 0.2-0.25 unit decrease in pH on the settlement and survival of planulae and the growth of primary polyps in the Tropical Eastern Pacific coral Porites panamensis. We found that primary polyp growth was reduced only marginally by more acidic seawater but the combined effect of high temperature and lowered pH caused a significant reduction in growth of primary polyps by almost a third. Elevated temperature was found to significantly reduce the amount of zooxanthellae in primary polyps, and when combined with lowered pH resulted in a significant reduction in biomass of primary polyps. However, survival and settlement of planula larvae were unaffected by increased temperature, lowered acidity or the combination of both. These results indicate that in future scenarios of increased temperature and oceanic acidity coral planulae will be able to disperse and settle successfully but primary polyp growth may be hampered. The recovery of reefs may therefore be impeded by global change even if local stressors are curbed and sufficient sources of planulae are available.  相似文献   

Lipid content of planula larvae of the brooding scleractinian coral Favia fragum was analysed through a monthly planulation period. The average lipid content per dry weight of F. fragum planulae was 39%, which is low compared with other scleractinian coral species. Lipid content of planulae was significantly affected by the day of release and decreased during the planulation period.  相似文献   

X-ray microanalysis and fluorescence microscopy (Calcium Orangetrade mark) was used to determine the distribution of intracellular calcium (I(Ca)), in the form of total and ionic calcium respectively, in planulae and settled larvae of a zooxanthellate coral. The distribution of total calcium only was determined in larvae of an azooxanthellate coral. In azooxanthellate planulae and settled larvae, total I(Ca) concentration in the oral ectoderm was high and similar to that in seawater (SW). Calcium concentration did not vary (P > 0.05) between planulae and settled larvae. However, settled larvae accumulated large amounts of calcium in gastrodermal lipid-containing cells. In contrast, zooxanthellate planulae possessed significantly (P < 0.01) lower concentrations of total I(Ca) within ectodermal cells in comparison to settled larvae. In addition, in settled zooxanthellate larvae total calcium concentration in the mesogloea and coelenteron was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than in the oral ectodermal and gastrodermal cells, respectively. Total I(Ca) concentrations in the oral ectoderm of settled larvae were also significantly (P < 0.01) lower than that of the calicoblastic ectoderm. In zooxanthellate settled larvae, ionic I(Ca) levels in the aboral epithelium surrounding rapidly growing septa were high. These levels increased significantly (P < 0.05) within the tissue surrounding growing septa after incubation in high-calcium SW.  相似文献   

The symbiont “Candidatus Aquarickettsia rohweri” infects a diversity of aquatic hosts. In the threatened Caribbean coral, Acropora cervicornis, Aquarickettsia proliferates in response to increased nutrient exposure, resulting in suppressed growth and increased disease susceptibility and mortality of coral. This study evaluated the extent, as well as the ecology and evolution of Aquarickettsia infecting threatened corals, Ac. cervicornis, and Ac. palmata and their hybrid (“Ac. prolifera”). Aquarickettsia was found in all acroporids, with coral host and geographic location impacting the infection magnitude. Phylogenomic and genome-wide single-nucleotide variant analysis of Aquarickettsia found phylogenetic clustering by geographic region, not by coral taxon. Analysis of Aquarickettsia fixation indices suggests multiple sequential infections of the same coral colony are unlikely. Furthermore, relative to other Rickettsiales species, Aquarickettsia is undergoing positive selection, with Florida populations experiencing greater positive selection relative to other Caribbean locations. This may be due in part to Aquarickettsia proliferating in response to greater nutrient stress in Florida, as indicated by greater in situ replication rates in these corals. Aquarickettsia was not found to significantly codiversify with either the coral animal or the coral’s algal symbiont (Symbiodiniumfitti”). Quantitative PCR analysis showed that gametes, larvae, recruits, and juveniles from susceptible, captive-reared coral genets were not infected with Aquarickettsia. Thus, horizontal transmission of Aquarickettsia via coral mucocytes or an unidentified host is more likely. The prevalence of Aquarickettsia in Ac. cervicornis and its high abundance in the Florida coral population suggests that coral disease mitigation efforts focus on preventing early infection via horizontal transmission.Subject terms: Population genetics, Phylogenetics  相似文献   

Cold-water coral reefs form spectacular and highly diverse ecosystems in the deep sea but little is known about reproduction, and virtually nothing about the larval biology in these corals. This study is based on data from two locations of the North East Atlantic and documents the first observations of embryogenesis and larval development in Lophelia pertusa, the most common framework-building cold-water scleractinian. Embryos developed in a more or less organized radial cleavage pattern from ∼160 µm large neutral or negatively buoyant eggs, to 120–270 µm long ciliated planulae. Embryogenesis was slow with cleavage occurring at intervals of 6–8 hours up to the 64-cell stage. Genetically characterized larvae were sexually derived, with maternal and paternal alleles present. Larvae were active swimmers (0.5 mm s−1) initially residing in the upper part of the water column, with bottom probing behavior starting 3–5 weeks after fertilization. Nematocysts had developed by day 30, coinciding with peak bottom-probing behavior, and possibly an indication that larvae are fully competent to settle at this time. Planulae survived for eight weeks under laboratory conditions, and preliminary results indicate that these planulae are planktotrophic. The late onset of competency and larval longevity suggests a high dispersal potential. Understanding larval biology and behavior is of paramount importance for biophysical modeling of larval dispersal, which forms the basis for predictions of connectivity among populations.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that waters surrounding reefs with healthy coral populations are more likely than degraded sites to induce planulae to navigate downward and begin benthic probing. In the laboratory, larvae from two brooding Caribbean coral species, Agaricia tenuifolia and Porites astreoides, were introduced to seawater collected at (1) 1 m above shallow, healthy reef with high-coral cover, (2) 1 m above shallow, degraded reef with high-macroalgal cover, and (3) ~400 m ocean-ward of the reef in deep, blue water. Counter to the hypothesis, water from both the healthy and degraded reef caused the larvae to swim downward and begin benthic probing. These results suggest that substances carried in reef waters may contribute to macro-scale habitat selection by planulae and that understanding how these waterborne cues mesh with other stimuli used by planulae to select a settlement site may be valuable for deciphering a site’s recruitment potential for corals.  相似文献   

Relationships between corals and specific bacterial associates are thought to play an important role in coral health. In this study, the specificity of bacteria associating with the coral Pocillopora meandrina was investigated by exposing coral embryos to various strains of cultured marine bacteria, sterile seawater, or raw seawater and examining the identity, density, and location of incorporated cells. The isolates utilized in this experiment included members of the Roseobacter and SAR11 clades of the Alphaproteobacteria, a Pseudoalteromonas species of the Gammaproteobacteria, and a Synechococcus species of the Cyanobacteria phylum. Based on terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of small-subunit rRNA genes, similarities in bacterial communities associated with 170-h-old planulae were observed regardless of treatment, suggesting that bacteria may have been externally associated from the outset of the experiment. Microscopic examination of P. meandrina planulae by fluorescence in situ hybridization with bacterial and Roseobacter clade-specific oligonucleotide probes revealed differences in the densities and locations of planulae-associated cells. Planulae exposed to either raw seawater or strains of Pseudoalteromonas and Roseobacter harbored the highest densities of internally associated cells, of which 20 to 100% belonged to the Roseobacter clade. Planulae exposed to sterile seawater or strains of the SAR11 clade and Synechococcus did not show evidence of prominent bacterial associations. Additional analysis of the raw-seawater-exposed planulae via electron microscopy confirmed the presence of internally associated prokaryotic cells, as well as virus-like particles. These results suggest that the availability of specific microorganisms may be an important factor in the establishment of coral-bacterial relationships.  相似文献   

The faviid corals, Favites chinensis and Goniastrea aspera are widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific region. Both corals are hermaphroditic broadcast spawners, but G. aspera is also known to brood planula larvae in Okinawa. This study investigated the temporal settlement patterns of planula larvae of the scleractinian corals F. chinensis and G. aspera that developed from spawned gametes, and planula release and settlement of brooded larvae of G. aspera from Okinawa, Japan. Some of the broadcast-spawned larvae of F. chinensis and G. aspera had very short pre-competency periods of 1–2 and 2–3 days after spawning, and relatively long maximum settlement-competency periods of 56–63 and 63–70 days after spawning, respectively. These pre-competency periods are among the shortest reported for larvae of broadcast spawning coral species, and appear to be negatively correlated with seawater temperature. F. chinensis larvae tended to settle rapidly with 34–39% of larvae settling in the first week after spawning, while broadcast-spawned G. aspera larvae had a slower settlement pattern with 11–15% of larvae settling in the first week after spawning. Brooded larvae of G. aspera settled more rapidly, with settlement rates of 27–31% within the first 24 h and 45–65% within the first week after the start of the experiment. The production of planula larvae with rapid settlement capabilities may enable F. chinensis and G. aspera to establish and maintain populations in shallow reef sites at Okinawa. The release of the brooded planulae for up to 2 months may explain why G. aspera is locally more dominant on shallow reefs in Okinawa than F. chinensis. On a broader scale, the longer settlement competency periods of some of the broadcast-spawned larvae of these species increase their potential for longer-distance dispersal and may partly explain the wide biogeographic distribution of these species in the Indo-Pacific region.  相似文献   

The continuous worldwide degradation of coral reefs raises an urgent need for novel active restoration techniques as traditional conservation practices have failed to impede the incessant reefs' decline. While applying the “gardening coral reefs” methodology in Eilat (Red Sea, Israel), we examined reproductive outputs of naturally-grown and outplanted, nursery-farmed Stylophora pistillata colonies from three coral-transplantation trials (November 2005, May 2007, and September 2008), along three reproductive seasons. Surprisingly, transplanted colonies showed better reproductive capacities than the natal Stylophora colonies during > 4 post-transplantation years. A higher percentage of nursery-farmed colonies released planula larvae as compared to naturally-grown colonies. Gravid transplants also shed more planulae per colony, yielding significantly augmented numbers of total planulae over naturally developed S. pistillata colonies. Our results indicate that nursery-grown corals may be used to enhance reef resilience by contributing to the larval pool, forming an engineered larval dispersal instrument for reef rehabilitation.  相似文献   

The planulae of almost all investigated cnidarian species possess neuron‐like cells. The distribution of these cells is usually uneven throughout the long axis of the planula. The majority of these cells are located in the anterior half of the planula body. Scyphozoan planulae, as well as anthozoan planulae, have a sensory structure at the anterior pole called an apical organ, which is believed to take part in metamorphosis induction. Hydrozoan planulae also possess sensory cells. It has been previously shown in several cnidarian larvae that their neuronal cells contain the neurotransmitter, serotonin. The present study describes the peculiarities of serotonin‐like immunoreactive cells in Aurelia aurita (Scyphozoa) and Gonothyraea loveni (Hydrozoa) planulae. We show that several cells in the presumptive apical organ of A. aurita are immunoreactive to antibodies against serotonin, while G. loveni planulae have an accumulation of serotonin‐positive cells near the anterior pole. Additional serotonin‐like immunoreactive cells are found in the lateral ectoderm of both planulae. Treatment of A. aurita and G. loveni planulae with serotonin or its blockers show that serotonin is likely involved in the initiation of planula settlement.  相似文献   

Large membrane-bound inclusions were clearly visible within the gastrodermis and lipid-containing cells of planulae and settled larvae of the zooxanthellate coral, Pocillopora damicornis after fixation or freeze-substitution. We suggest that these inclusions may be a novel potassium (kalium) chloride concentrating organelle, for which we propose the name kalisome. The inclusions were more abundant in settled larvae than in planulae and were not present in mature polyps. In planulae of the azooxanthellate coral, Dendrophyllia sp. these inclusions were extremely rare. Quantitative X-ray microanalysis of freeze-substituted preparations showed that the inclusions in P. damicornis settled larvae contained very high, positively correlated, concentrations of K (2.5 mol x kg(-1)) and Cl (2.5 mol x kg(-1)). Lower concentrations of both K (1.2 mol x kg(-1)) and Cl (1.3 mol x kg(-1)) were detected in P. damicornis planulae, yet higher concentrations were measured in Dendrophyllia planulae (K=6.0 mol x kg(-1); Cl=5.1 mol x kg(-1)). No significant (P>0.05) differences in concentration were observed between inclusions in freeze-substituted and freeze-dried sections of planulae. Symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) in P. damicornis planulae and settled larvae also contained deposits with high levels of K and Cl, but these were not positively correlated and no structures associated with them were retained by fixation. Significant (P<0.05) concentration differences were also observed between deposits in freeze-substituted and freeze-dried sections. However, similar to 'kalisomes,' zooxanthellae deposits were more abundant in settled larvae than planulae and absent in mature polyps. Higher concentrations of K and Cl were also detected in settled larvae (K=0.7 mol x kg(-1); Cl=1.1 mol x kg(-1)) in comparison to planulae (K=0.4 mol x kg(-1); Cl=0.5 mol x kg(-1)).  相似文献   

Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera” is a newly discovered anaerobic methanotroph that, surprisingly, oxidizes methane through an aerobic methane oxidation pathway. The second step in this aerobic pathway is the oxidation of methanol. In Gram-negative bacteria, the reaction is catalyzed by pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-dependent methanol dehydrogenase (MDH). The genome of “Ca. Methylomirabilis oxyfera” putatively encodes three different MDHs that are localized in one large gene cluster: one so-called MxaFI-type MDH and two XoxF-type MDHs (XoxF1 and XoxF2). MxaFI MDHs represent the canonical enzymes, which are composed of two PQQ-containing large (α) subunits (MxaF) and two small (β) subunits (MxaI). XoxF MDHs are novel, ecologically widespread, but poorly investigated types of MDHs that can be phylogenetically divided into at least five different clades. The XoxF MDHs described thus far are homodimeric proteins containing a large subunit only. Here, we purified a heterotetrameric MDH from “Ca. Methylomirabilis oxyfera” that consisted of two XoxF and two MxaI subunits. The enzyme was localized in the periplasm of “Ca. Methylomirabilis oxyfera” cells and catalyzed methanol oxidation with appreciable specific activity and affinity (Vmax of 10 μmol min−1 mg−1 protein, Km of 17 μM). PQQ was present as the prosthetic group, which has to be taken up from the environment since the known gene inventory required for the synthesis of this cofactor is lacking. The MDH from “Ca. Methylomirabilis oxyfera” is the first representative of type 1 XoxF proteins to be described.  相似文献   

Mechanisms governing the behavior of coral planulae are not well understood, particularly those manifesting themselves between the time when the larvae are released and when they settle. Larvae from the hermatypic coral Porites astreoides Lamarck were exposed to different levels of hydrostatic pressure—103.4, 206.9, 310.3, 413.8, and 517.1 kPa (including ambient pressure). Data were collected at stops of the above pressures for 15 min each, respectively. This was done in both an increasing sequence and a decreasing one. When exposed to increases in pressure from 103.4 kPa, larvae swam upward (negative barotaxis) in a spiraling motion. Upon exposure to decreasing pressure from 517.1 kPa, larvae moved downward (positive barotaxis), but the magnitude of the vertical movement was much less than in the case of increasing pressure. This suggests that these larvae are more sensitive to increased pressure than decreasing pressure. High variance was also observed in the responses of these larvae at both the intra- and inter-colony levels. Thus, this behavioral trait is variable within the population. The trait may be genetically based, and thus may be susceptible to alteration by natural selection, although this remains to be demonstrated. This study is the first to document these behavioral mechanisms in coral larvae.  相似文献   

Vertebrate nervous systems can generate a remarkable diversity of behaviors. However, our understanding of how behaviors may have evolved in the chordate lineage is limited by the lack of neuroethological studies leveraging our closest invertebrate relatives. Here, we combine high-throughput video acquisition with pharmacological perturbations of bioamine signaling to systematically reveal the global structure of the motor behavioral repertoire in the Ciona intestinalis larvae. Most of Ciona’s postural variance can be captured by 6 basic shapes, which we term “eigencionas.” Motif analysis of postural time series revealed numerous stereotyped behavioral maneuvers including “startle-like” and “beat-and-glide.” Employing computational modeling of swimming dynamics and spatiotemporal embedding of postural features revealed that behavioral differences are generated at the levels of motor modules and the transitions between, which may in part be modulated by bioamines. Finally, we show that flexible motor module usage gives rise to diverse behaviors in response to different light stimuli.

Vertebrate nervous systems can generate a remarkable diversity of behaviors, but how did these evolve in the chordate lineage? A study of the protochordate Ciona intestinalis reveals novel insights into how a simple chordate brain uses neuromodulators to control its behavioral repertoire.  相似文献   

Close to two decades of research has established that astrocytes in situ and in vivo express numerous G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that can be stimulated by neuronally-released transmitter. However, the ability of astrocytic receptors to exhibit plasticity in response to changes in neuronal activity has received little attention. Here we describe a model system that can be used to globally scale up or down astrocytic group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) in acute brain slices. Included are methods on how to prepare parasagittal hippocampal slices, construct chambers suitable for long-term slice incubation, bidirectionally manipulate neuronal action potential frequency, load astrocytes and astrocyte processes with fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, and measure changes in astrocytic Gq GPCR activity by recording spontaneous and evoked astrocyte Ca2+ events using confocal microscopy. In essence, a “calcium roadmap” is provided for how to measure plasticity of astrocytic Gq GPCRs. Applications of the technique for study of astrocytes are discussed. Having an understanding of how astrocytic receptor signaling is affected by changes in neuronal activity has important implications for both normal synaptic function as well as processes underlying neurological disorders and neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

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