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Fei-Wang  Tian DR  Tso P  Han JS 《Peptides》2012,35(1):23-30
AMPK not only acts as a sensor of cellular energy status but also plays a critical role in the energy balance of the body. In this study, LKB1-AMPK signaling was investigated in diet-induced obese (DIO) and diet resistant (DR) rats. In hypothalamus, DIO rats had lower level of LKB1, AMPKα and pAMPKα than chow-fed or DR rats. Both orexigenic peptide NPY and anorexigenic peptide POMC expression were reduced in hypothalamus of DIO rats. i.c.v. injection of AICAR, an activator of AMPK, increased NPY expression but did not alter POMC expression in DIO rats. In periphery, LKB1 protein content and pAMPKα level were lower in the adipose tissue of DIO rats compared to chow-fed and DR rats. Moreover, pAMPKα and LKB1 protein levels obtained from epididymal fat pad were inversely correlated with epididymal fat mass. LKB1 protein content and pAMPKα in skeletal muscle of DIO rats were not different from those in the muscles of chow-fed and DR rats. In summary, DIO rats, but not DR rats, have impaired LKB1-AMPK signaling in hypothalamus and adipose tissue, suggesting the disturbed energy balance observed in DIO rats is related with abnormalities of AMPK signaling in a tissue specific manner.  相似文献   

The LKB1 tumour suppressor phosphorylates and activates AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) when cellular energy levels are low, thereby suppressing growth through multiple pathways, including inhibiting the mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) kinase that is activated in the majority of human cancers. Blood glucose-lowering Type 2 diabetes drugs also induce LKB1 to activate AMPK, indicating that these compounds could be used to suppress growth of tumour cells. In the present study, we investigated the importance of the LKB1-AMPK pathway in regulating tumorigenesis in mice resulting from deficiency of the PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10) tumour suppressor, which drives cell growth through overactivation of the Akt and mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) kinases. We demonstrate that inhibition of AMPK resulting from a hypomorphic mutation that decreases LKB1 expression does not lead to tumorigenesis on its own, but markedly accelerates tumour development in PTEN(+/-) mice. In contrast, activating the AMPK pathway by administration of metformin, phenformin or A-769662 to PTEN(+/-) mice significantly delayed tumour onset. We demonstrate that LKB1 is required for activators of AMPK to inhibit mTORC1 signalling as well as cell growth in PTEN-deficient cells. Our findings highlight, using an animal model relevant to understanding human cancer, the vital role that the LKB1-AMPK pathway plays in suppressing tumorigenesis resulting from loss of the PTEN tumour suppressor. They also suggest that pharmacological inhibition of LKB1 and/or AMPK would be undesirable, at least for the treatment of cancers in which the mTORC1 pathway is activated. Most importantly, our results demonstrate the potential of AMPK activators, such as clinically approved metformin, as anticancer agents, which will suppress tumour development by triggering a physiological signalling pathway that potently inhibits cell growth.  相似文献   

The article discusses new findings on the role of the 4 human WIPI proteins at the onset of macroautophagy/autophagy. New insights revealing a circuit scaffold function of WIPI β-propellers that interconnect autophagy signaling control with appropriate autophagosome formation are summarized.  相似文献   

Nutrients and bioenergetics are prerequisites for proliferation and survival of mammalian cells. We present evidence that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1), is phosphorylated at Thr 198 downstream of the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome protein-AMP-activated protein kinase (LKB1-AMPK) energy-sensing pathway, thereby increasing p27 stability and directly linking sensing of nutrient concentration and bioenergetics to cell-cycle progression. Ectopic expression of wild-type and phosphomimetic Thr 198 to Asp 198 (T198D), but not unstable Thr 198 to Ala 198 (p27(T198A)) is sufficient to induce autophagy. Under stress conditions that activate the LKB1-AMPK pathway with subsequent induction of autophagy, p27 knockdown results in apoptosis. Thus LKB1-AMPK pathway-dependent phosphorylation of p27 at Thr 198 stabilizes p27 and permits cells to survive growth factor withdrawal and metabolic stress through autophagy. This may contribute to tumour-cell survival under conditions of growth factor deprivation, disrupted nutrient and energy metabolism, or during stress of chemotherapy.  相似文献   

LKB1基因是一种保守的抑癌基因,其编码产物LKB1即丝氨酸-苏氨酸激酶11(serine/threonine kinase,STK11)。LKB1与细胞极性调节、男性精子形成、肿瘤及细胞代谢等方面有关。本文阐述了近年来LKB1的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase LKB1 is a master kinase involved in cellular responses such as energy metabolism, cell polarity and cell growth. LKB1 regulates these crucial cellular responses mainly via AMPK/mTOR signaling. Germ-line mutations in LKB1 are associated with the predisposition of the Peutz–Jeghers syndrome in which patients develop gastrointestinal hamartomas and have an enormously increased risk for developing gastrointestinal, breast and gynecological cancers. In addition, somatic inactivation of LKB1 has been associated with sporadic cancers such as lung cancer. The exact mechanisms of LKB1-mediated tumor suppression remain so far unidentified; however, the inability to activate AMPK and the resulting mTOR hyperactivation has been detected in PJS-associated lesions. Therefore, targeting LKB1 in cancer is now mainly focusing on the activation of AMPK and inactivation of mTOR. Preclinical in vitro and in vivo studies show encouraging results regarding these approaches, which have even progressed to the initiation of a few clinical trials. In this review, we describe the functions, regulation and downstream signaling of LKB1, and its role in hereditary and sporadic cancers. In addition, we provide an overview of several AMPK activators, mTOR inhibitors and additional mechanisms to target LKB1 signaling, and describe the effect of these compounds on cancer cells. Overall, we will explain the current strategies attempting to find a way of treating LKB1-associated cancer.  相似文献   

人LKB1(Liver Kinase B1,或Serine-Threonine Kinase 11,STK11)基因的胚系失活突变可导致癌症易感病皮杰氏综合征(Peutz-Jeghers syndrome,PJS),该病患者多发错构瘤息肉且患癌症风险增加。LKB1基因的体细胞突变还广泛地存在于众多类型的恶性肿瘤中,如肺癌、结肠癌和乳腺癌等,因此,LKB1被普遍认为是抑癌基因。LKB1基因的编码产物LKB1是一种丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶,调节多种细胞生理病理过程。虽然LKB1的抑癌机制尚不完全清楚,但现有的研究表明,对细胞生长增殖、能量代谢和细胞极性等的调控是其抑制肿瘤发生和发展的重要方面。本文就目前已知的LKB1的抑癌机制作一综述。  相似文献   

LKB1 is a serine-threonine protein kinase that, when inhibited, may result in unregulated cell growth and tumor formation. However, how LKB1 is regulated remains poorly understood. The aim of the present study was to define the upstream signaling events responsible for peroxynitrite (ONOO(-))-induced LKB1 activation. Exposure of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells to a low concentration of ONOO(-) (5 microM) significantly increased the phosphorylation of LKB1 at Ser(428) and protein kinase Czeta (PKCzeta) at Thr(410). These effects were accompanied by increased activity of the lipid phosphatase PTEN, decreased activity and phosphorylation (Ser(473)) of Akt, and induction of apoptosis. ONOO(-) enhanced Akt-Ser(473) phosphorylation in LKB1-deficient HeLa S3 cells or in HeLa S3 cells transfected with kinase-dead LKB1. Conversely, ONOO(-) inhibited Akt Ser(473) phosphorylation when wild type LKB1 were reintroduced in HeLa S3 cells. Further analysis revealed that PKCzeta directly phosphorylated LKB1 at Ser(428) in vitro and in intact cells, resulting in increased PTEN phosphorylation at Ser(380)/Thr(382/383). Finally, ONOO(-) enhanced PKCzeta nuclear import and LKB1 nuclear export. We conclude that PKCzeta mediates LKB1-dependent Akt inhibition in response to ONOO(-), resulting in endothelial apoptosis.  相似文献   

ADIPOQ/adiponectin, an adipocytokine secreted by adipocytes in the breast tumor microenvironment, negatively regulates cancer cell growth hence increased levels of ADIPOQ/adiponectin are associated with decreased breast cancer growth. However, its mechanisms of action remain largely elusive. We report that ADIPOQ/adiponectin induces a robust accumulation of autophagosomes, increases MAP1LC3B-II/LC3B-II and decreases SQSTM1/p62 in breast cancer cells. ADIPOQ/adiponectin-treated cells and xenografts exhibit increased expression of autophagy-related proteins. LysoTracker Red-staining and tandem-mCherry-GFP-LC3B assay show that fusion of autophagosomes and lysosomes is augmented upon ADIPOQ/adiponectin treatment. ADIPOQ/adiponectin significantly inhibits breast cancer growth and induces apoptosis both in vitro and in vivo, and these events are preceded by macroautophagy/autophagy, which is integral for ADIPOQ/adiponectin-mediated cell death. Accordingly, blunting autophagosome formation, blocking autophagosome-lysosome fusion or genetic-knockout of BECN1/Beclin1 and ATG7 effectively impedes ADIPOQ/adiponectin induced growth-inhibition and apoptosis-induction. Mechanistic studies show that ADIPOQ/adiponectin reduces intracellular ATP levels and increases PRKAA1 phosphorylation leading to ULK1 activation. AMPK-inhibition abrogates ADIPOQ/adiponectin-induced ULK1-activation, LC3B-turnover and SQSTM1/p62-degradation while AMPK-activation potentiates ADIPOQ/adiponectin's effects. Further, ADIPOQ/adiponectin-mediated AMPK-activation and autophagy-induction are regulated by upstream master-kinase STK11/LKB1, which is a key node in antitumor function of ADIPOQ/adiponectin as STK11/LKB1-knockout abrogates ADIPOQ/adiponectin-mediated inhibition of breast tumorigenesis and molecular analyses of tumors corroborate in vitro mechanistic findings. ADIPOQ/adiponectin increases the efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents. Notably, high expression of ADIPOQ receptor ADIPOR2, ADIPOQ/adiponectin and BECN1 significantly correlates with increased overall survival in chemotherapy-treated breast cancer patients. Collectively, these data uncover that ADIPOQ/adiponectin induces autophagic cell death in breast cancer and provide in vitro and in vivo evidence for the integral role of STK11/LKB1-AMPK-ULK1 axis in ADIPOQ/adiponectin-mediated cytotoxic autophagy.  相似文献   

Mirouse V  Billaud M 《FEBS letters》2011,585(7):1016-985
The LKB1 tumor suppressor kinase is an activator of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a metabolic gauge that responds to variations of cellular energetic levels by favoring catabolic versus anabolic processes. Recent studies have provided substantial evidence that LKB1 and AMPK control cell polarity from invertebrates to mammals. This review examines how the LKB1–AMPK pathway, in conjunction with other positional signals, converts energy-sensing information into the activation of Myosin II to maintain epithelial-cell architecture but also to complete cell division. This molecular link between polarity and metabolism may constitute an ancient stress-response protective mechanism that was co-opted for tumor suppression during evolution.  相似文献   

Recent developments have placed the serine/threonine kinase LKB1 on the crossroads linking energy metabolism, cell structure and cancer progression and that its deletion can affect tumorigenesis, metastasis, cell adhesion and polarity. LKB1 can regulate a host of different functions which all have potential to impact upon the initiation and progression of neoplastic disease. To understand the phenotypic consequences of LKB1 loss in a range of different settings, a number of animal models of loss of function have been generated and analyzed. In this review we summarize recent data generated from a range of these models, which reveal clear tissue specific differences in LKB1 function in vivo and in the consequences of its loss.  相似文献   

The LKB1 tumor suppressor gene is frequently mutated in sporadic lung adenocarcinomas and cervical cancers and germline mutations are causative for Peutz-Jeghers syndrome characterized by gastrointestinal polyposis. The intracellular LKB1 kinase is implicated in regulating polarity, metabolism, cell differentiation, and proliferation – all functions potentially contributing to tumor suppression. LKB1 acts as an activating kinase of at least 14 kinases mediating LKB1 functions in a complex signaling network with partial overlaps. Regulation of the LKB1 signaling network is highly context dependent, and spatially organized in various cellular compartments. Also the mechanisms by which LKB1 activity suppresses tumorigenesis is context dependent, where recent observations are providing hints on the molecular mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence has shown that cellular energy metabolism is regulated by the AMPK and MLK3-JNK signaling pathways, but the functional link between them remains to be determined. The present study aimed to explore the crosstalk between MLK3 and AMPK. We found that both JNK and AMPK were phosphorylated at their activation sites by TNF-α, Anisomycin, H2O2 and sorbitol. Interestingly, sorbitol stimulated phosphorylation of AMPK at T172 in LKB1-deficient cells. Following the screening of more than 100 kinases, we identified that MLK3 induced phosphorylation of AMPK at T172. Our in vitro analysis further revealed that MLK3-mediated phosphorylation of AMPK at T172 was independent of AMP, but addition of AMP caused a mobility shift of AMPK, an indication of autophosphorylation, suggesting that AMP binding and phosphorylation of T172 leads to maximal activation of AMPK. GST-pull down assays showed a direct interaction between AMPKα1 subunit and MLK3. Altogether, our results indicate that MLK3 serves as a common upstream kinase of AMPK and JNK and functions as a direct upstream kinase for AMPK independent of LKB1.  相似文献   

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