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在人工气候室条件下(26℃±1℃,RH 70%±5%,L∶D=14 h∶10 h),研究了6种水果对双叉犀金龟Allomyrina dichotoma成虫寿命以及子代数量的影响。结果显示,各处理雌虫寿命均显著长于雄虫,雌虫寿命46.67~55.08 d,雄虫寿命23.78~33.33 d,各处理间无显著差异;饲喂西瓜Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.) Matsum.etNakai子代数量最多,达39.44头/雌,与香蕉Musa nanaLour.、苹果Malus pumilaMill.和商品果冻处理无显著差异,饲喂葡萄Vitis viniferaL.和香瓜Cucumis meloL.处理均显著低于这4个处理;选择子代数量最多的西瓜、苹果、香蕉分别制作人工饲料果冻,用商品果冻作为对照,在15 d和35 d分别2次调查每对成虫的子代数,结果显示混合果冻、商品果冻、苹果果冻和西瓜果冻显著高于香蕉果冻,且各果冻处理在0~15 d和16~35 d的子代数量差异不同;综合比较两年水果饲喂和人工饲料果冻饲喂结果,饲喂混合果冻、商品果冻、西瓜果冻和苹果果冻4个处理的子代数量最高,平均达...  相似文献   

叶长青  包涵  刘田  杨青 《昆虫学报》2021,64(1):19-29
[目的]探析双叉犀金龟Trypoxylus dichotomus表皮蛋白的序列特征及生化性质.[方法]利用RT-PCR克隆双叉犀金龟表皮蛋白基因,利用生物信息学方法分析表皮蛋白的结构特征及系统发育;采用大肠杆菌Escherichia coli表达系统对双叉犀金龟表皮蛋白进行重组表达,并通过金属离子鳌合层析的方法对重组蛋...  相似文献   

犀金龟亚科Dynastinae隶属于昆虫纲Insecta鞘翅目Coleoptera金龟总科Scarabaeoidea,金龟科Scarabaeidae,多为大型至特大型甲虫。该亚科昆虫世界广泛分布,目前全世界种类已发现8族225属1 860余种。犀金龟成虫为植食性,幼虫多腐食性,部分植食性,其幼虫主要危害植物的地下部分,有些种类是重要的农林业害虫。因此,开展犀金龟系统分类的相关研究对农林业生产具有重要意义。此外,犀金龟亚科昆虫大多外形奇特、极具有观赏性,深受爱好者的喜爱,对其生物学、分类学的研究热度持续升高,促使国际贸易盛行,但同时也存在生物多样性保护和外来入侵物种威胁生态系统平衡等问题。犀金龟亚科的分类学研究主要集中在成虫形态学方面,而该类群一些属的成虫鉴定特征与丽金龟亚科的极为相似,导致犀金龟亚科分类系统常存在争议,因此引入幼虫和蛹的形态特征及分子信息可为犀金龟亚科的分类系统提供新的证据。本文回顾了犀金龟亚科的研究历史以及其对经济的影响,给出了中国犀金龟亚科物种列表,但该亚科现阶段分类学仍以新种记述为主,研究方法较单一,因此分子生物学等技术的发展可为未来研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

土壤含水量对大黑鳃金龟生殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑方强  冯居贤 《昆虫知识》1996,33(3):160-162

土壤含水量对华北大黑鳃金龟生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
室内试验研究土壤含水量对华北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia oblita Faldermann生长发育的影响。结果表明,土壤含水量对华北大黑鳃金龟的影响因其发育阶段的不同而异。卵期适宜土壤含水量为10%~20%,幼虫期、蛹期适宜土壤含水量分别为10%~15%和15%~20%。土壤含水量为10%~15%时,成虫性比接近1∶1。土壤含水量为15%时,世代存活率最高。  相似文献   

温度对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫寿命及繁殖的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica(Motschulsky)已成为新疆北疆棉区的一重大新害虫,在室内5个恒温下(19、22、25、28和31℃)研究了温度对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫寿命及生殖力的影响。结果表明,在19、22、25、28和31℃下雌雄成虫平均寿命分别为64.1、60.8、55.6、42.1和34.7d,雌虫平均寿命明显长于雄虫;温度对雌成虫产卵前期、产卵期及产卵量有影响,在前述19~31℃5个温度下,其平均产卵量分别为29.2、82.1、93.8、73.4和63.1粒/雌。  相似文献   

大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi Baly是十字花科蔬菜上的重要害虫。在田间,该虫的繁殖期出现在春季和秋季,以成虫在土中越夏和越冬。本试验在光周期L∶D=16∶8条件下,系统调查了不同温度(20、25和28℃)对大猿叶虫非滞育成虫繁殖的影响。结果表明:每雌平均日产卵量在28℃最大(51.24±2.90)粒,显著高于25℃和20℃的(39.57±2.86)粒和(31.53±2.02)粒,但由于28℃下的产卵持续时间明显短,导致了总产卵量在这3种温度间没有显著差异;28℃下的卵孵化率低于20℃和25℃,但没有显著差异;随着温度的升高,成虫寿命逐渐缩短,20℃与28℃间的雌虫寿命存在显著差异,20℃与25℃,28℃的雄虫寿命存在显著差异;在20、25、28℃下,均有30%的个体经历一段时间繁殖后进入滞育,其滞育前的产卵持续时间随着温度的升高而明显缩短,总产卵量也随着温度的升高而下降。  相似文献   

在室内7个恒温(16、19、22、25、28、31和34℃)条件下研究了温度对金银花尺蠖Heterolocha jinyinhuaphaga Chu生长发育、存活、成虫寿命及繁殖等生物学特性的影响。结果表明,温度对其有显著的影响,金银花尺蠖各虫态的发育历期随温度升高而明显缩短,当温度继续升高到34℃,发育历期反而延长,各虫态发育历期同温度之间呈抛物线变化;25℃时金银花尺蠖各虫态的存活率最高,均达到90%以上,在高温和低温下,存活率则明显下降;低温条件下,金银花尺蠖的雌性比率大于雄性的比率,随着温度的升高,雌性比率在不断的下降;成虫寿命与温度成负相关,随着温度的升高而缩短;平均单雌产卵量在25℃时最高,为232.34粒,高温和低温下,则明显下降。  相似文献   

温度对黄粉虫成虫繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄粉虫是多种小型经济动物的常用优良饵料,本试验在20.1℃,24.0℃、28.5℃、31.7℃和36.5五种恒温下饲养该成虫结果,成虫寿命平均分别为63.0、54.2、38.8、38.0和26.1天;每雌平均产卵量则分别为200.3、207.3、122.3、115.8和81.2粒,成虫平均生产1g卵消耗麸皮量分别为2.66、2.00、2.19、2.14和4.15g。结果说明人工繁殖黄粉虫的成虫期温度以24℃为最适宜。  相似文献   

释放花绒寄甲防治天牛已成为重要手段,而繁殖花绒寄甲时,接种花绒寄甲幼虫到大麦虫蛹体时,控制合适的接种量是提高花绒寄甲繁殖数量和质量的关键技术。本研究通过在替代寄主上人工接种不同数量的花绒寄甲幼虫,观察其发育情况及其子代数量、质量等指标,明确最佳接种量。结果表明:随着接种量的增加,花绒寄甲幼虫历期和蛹历期明显缩短,其中接种4头/个和6头/个,幼虫历期为13 d,蛹历期为33 d,而接种14头/个和16头/个时,幼虫历期短于12 d,蛹历期明显缩短为28~29 d。花绒寄甲结茧数随接种量增加而增加,接种数为16头/个时,结茧数最多,接近7个。花绒寄甲结茧率随着接种量增多而降低,4头/个时,结茧率最高为72.3%。接种量对花绒寄甲子代个体数量和大小均有显著影响,其中接种8头/个时,羽化数平均为4.3头,显著高于接种4头/个(羽化数平均为2.8头),明显低于接种16头/个(羽化数平均为6.9头)。接种量为4头/个和6头/个时,子代成虫个体最大,单头重平均每头可达0.035 g,接种量为8头/个时,成虫单头重平均每头0.032 g左右,接种量达到16头/个时,单头重最轻,为0.023 g。对花绒寄甲羽化率无显著影响,7个处理下子代羽化率均较高,平均在94.4%~100%。接种量越少,更利于花绒寄甲的生长发育,当接种量为4头/个时,花绒寄甲成虫发育最好,其子代个体最大,但子代数较少。因此,利用大麦虫蛹繁育花绒寄甲种虫时,最佳接种量为4头/个,而需要规模化繁育花绒寄甲作为天敌使用时,综合考虑子代数量和质量以及经济成本,最佳接种量为8头/个。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a safe and effective method for preventing Allomyrina dichotoma nudivirus (AdNV) infection in the Korean horned beetle, Allomyrina dichotoma, found on the farms in the Republic of Korea. Mulberry leaf powder was added to fermented oak sawdust to minimize mortality in AdNV‐infected A. dichotoma. Mulberry leaves were found to contain 1‐deoxynojirimycin, which has anti‐inflammatory, antiviral, and anti‐tumor effects. Based on the proposed antiviral effects of mulberry leaves, a feed of fermented sawdust combined with 1% or 5% mulberry leaf powder was fed to AdNV‐infected second or third stage A. dichotoma larvae. The larval mortality rate was recorded over 10 weeks. The second and third instar larvae that were fed with the sawdust mixture with 5% mulberry leaf powder had mortality rates of 60% and 30%, respectively. In contrast, the control group that was fed with the sawdust without mulberry leaf powder had a mortality rate of 100%. Also, we confirmed that AdNV was not detected in the experimental group that was subjected to an outdoor application test for 8 months with mulberry leaf powder treatment. A reduced mortality rate after treatment with 1% mulberry leaf powder was observed in the field application. In addition, a comparison of the control colony and mulberry leaf treated group showed a statistical difference in growth of larvae at various states, and demonstrated the efficiency of mulberry leaf powder combined with fermented sawdust for treatment of AdNV‐ infected A. dichotoma.  相似文献   

This report reveals the structure of a virus extracted from the Korean horn beetle Allomyrina dichotoma. The purified virus particle was 100% identical to Allomyrina virus lef‐8 sequence registered as KM_233709.1. The structure of this virus was confirmed to be closely related to that of the Nudiviridae family, and it was rod shaped and enveloped, and observed to be of approximately the mean length of a single viral nucleocapsid of 200–210 nm and mean diameter of 100–110 nm. These results provide an insight into the structural characteristics of the Nudiviridae family that can be used for nudiviral identification.  相似文献   

Exosomes are 30–150 nm vesicles that are secreted from a range of cells. Recently, exosomes have been the subject of considerable research because there is mounting awareness of their diverse functions, including a role in cell–cell communication and presenting pathogens for immune responses. Exosomes contain diverse nucleic acid and protein cargos, derived not only from the organism but also from pathogens, making them suitable for use in disease diagnosis. The Korean rhinoceros beetle, Allomyrina dichotoma (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), is commercially reared in Korea for the pet trade and is used in traditional medicine for liver‐related diseases. However, several insect diseases caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses have been reported in A. dichotoma mass‐rearing facilities. Identifying these diseases with accuracy and in a timely manner is of paramount importance. Such diagnosis can be accomplished by identifying the nucleic acid or amino acid fragments from these disease‐causing pathogens in the exosome of A. dichotoma. We isolated exosomes from the hemolymph of A. dichotoma and used them to analyze exosome RNA and proteins. We confirmed the isolation of exosomes through RNA profiling, protein analysis and Western blotting. Our research established a solid foundation for using insect exosome protein and RNA analyses for the accurate diagnosis of insect diseases. To our knowledge, this is the first report of exosome isolation from insect hemolymph.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. In horned beetles selection favours males that adjust their investment in horn development in relation to cues that predict adult body size. Here it is shown that in the Japanese horned beetle, Allomyrina dichotoma . There is a significant discontinuity in the horn length body size allometry. This can be described as a linear relationship that is shifted towards an increased horn length to body length ratio in males with horns longer than 16 mm.
2. Larval nutrition explains morph determination in A. dichotoma . However, unlike other species, variation in larval nutrition was the result of a seasonal time constraint that limits the time available for feeding prior to the onset of winter diapause.
3. Even when eggs were reared with an ad libitum food supply, minor morphs were still observed. Individuals that were oviposited later in the season had less time to feed, shorter development times, eclosed as smaller individuals and, in the case of males, were more likely to be hornless. Major morphs, minor morphs, and females all reduced their body size in response to seasonal time constraints in the same way. However, males that were laid later in the season had faster development times than females laid at the same time, but showed no reduction in their size relative to females, suggesting seasonal time constraints increase growth rates in males but not in females.
4. No evidence was found that seasonal time constraints resulted in a reduction of size-corrected fat reserves at eclosion, or that minor morphs gained any developmental advantage by reducing investment in horn length.  相似文献   

环境因子对海月水母螅状体存活与繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以我国黄渤海主要致灾大型水母海月水母的螅状体为实验材料,采用实验生态学方法研究了温度、盐度、光照强度、饵料量对其存活与繁殖的影响。结果表明,在0—25℃范围内,螅状体40 d的成活率均为100%,螅状体相对繁殖速度随温度的升高而增加;盐度在15—40范围内,螅状体40 d的成活率均为100%,盐度22.5组的螅状体相对繁殖速度最高,但盐度对螅状体种群数量影响不显著;螅状体相对繁殖速度随光照强度的增加而下降,黑暗条件有利于海月水母螅状体个体数量增加;螅状体相对繁殖速度随饵料量的增加而增加。研究结果说明海月水母螅状体对环境具有较强的适应性,水温升高、饵料量增加可导致海月水母螅状体种群数量快速增加。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Cabbage beetles, Colaphellus bowringi , undergoing an imaginal summer and winter diapause in the soil, show a great difference in diapause duration (from several months to more than 3 years) under natural conditions. The effects of diapause duration on future reproduction in the beetle are investigated at 25 °C with an LD 14 : 10 h photoperiod and under natural conditions. The fecundity of postdiapause adults with a short diapause of 5 months and nondiapause adults is similar, showing that a short diapause has no affect on reproduction, whereas the longevity of postdiapause adults with a short diapause of 5 months is significantly shorter than nondiapause adults, showing that a short diapause has a negative affect on longevity. The mean total egg production per female and longevities of postdiapause adults with long diapause periods of 16, 22, 29 and 34 months are similar to nondiapause adults, but the mean daily egg production per female is significantly higher than nondiapause adults, showing that extended diapause has a positive effect on postdiapause reproduction. The offspring of postdiapause parents require a relatively shorter time for egg development compared with the offspring of nondiapause parents, showing that diapause has a positive effect on their offspring's performance. However, there are no significant differences among offspring performance in terms of survival, adult longevity, mean egg production per female and mean daily egg production per female.  相似文献   

Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) occurs in sweet persimmon orchards from late July to early September and its damage level is negligible before mid‐July. It rarely appears in persimmon orchards after mid‐September, but is easily found in soybean fields. From the phenological observation of H. halys, it is assumed that seasonal migration of H. halys to sweet persimmon orchards may be related to the content of soluble tannin in sweet persimmon fruits. The feeding preference of H. halys was evaluated on sweet and astringent persimmon fruits, and the effects of persimmon fruits and purified persimmon tannin were tested on the survival of H. halys. Numbers of visiting bugs and feeding spots on the fruits were significantly higher on sweet persimmon than those on astringent persimmon. There was no significant difference in survivorships of H. halys fed sweet persimmon and soybean. However, the number of eggs laid by sweet persimmon fed adult females was significantly lower than those fed soybean. The higher concentration of persimmon tannin caused higher mortality of H. halys. Male and female H. halys fed with 3% persimmon tannin showed the lowest survival. Longevities of male H. halys fed with 0, 0.01, 0.1 and 1% persimmon tannin were 14.9, 12.7, 14.5 and 16.3 days, respectively. However, males fed with 3% tannin lived only 6.4 days. The longevities of female H. halys were similar to those of male (10.1, 14.4, 13.8, 12.0 and 6.1 days for 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 3% tannin concentration, respectively). These results suggest that H. halys invades sweet persimmon orchards during late July and early September when more suitable foods, e.g. soybean, are in short supply and sweet persimmon fruits become suitable for feeding (e.g. lower tannin content).  相似文献   

Amyloid‐β peptide (Aβ) generation initiated by β‐site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 BACE1 is a critical cause of Alzheimer's disease. In the course of our ongoing investigation of natural anti‐dementia resources, the ethyl acetate (EtOAc) fraction exerted strong BACE1‐specific inhibition with the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value of 9.2 × 10?5 μg/mL. Furthermore, Aβ(25–35)‐induced cell death was predominantly prevented by the EtOAc fraction of Allomyrina dichotoma larvae through diminishing of cellular oxidative stress and attenuating apoptosis by inhibiting caspase‐3 activity. Taken together, the present study demonstrated that A. dichotoma larvae possess novel neuroprotective properties not only via the selective and specific inhibition of BACE1 activity but also through the alleviation of Aβ(25–35)‐induced toxicity, which may raise the possibility of therapeutic application of A. dichotoma larvae for preventing and/or treating dementia.  相似文献   

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