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Regulation of RYR1 activity by Ca(2+) and calmodulin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The skeletal muscle calcium release channel (RYR1) is a Ca(2+)-binding protein that is regulated by another Ca(2+)-binding protein, calmodulin. The functional consequences of calmodulin's interaction with RYR1 are dependent on Ca(2+) concentration. At nanomolar Ca(2+) concentrations, calmodulin is an activator, but at micromolar Ca(2+) concentrations, calmodulin is an inhibitor of RYR1. This raises the question of whether the Ca(2+)-dependent effects of calmodulin on RYR1 function are due to Ca(2+) binding to calmodulin, RYR1, or both. To distinguish the effects of Ca(2+) binding to calmodulin from those of Ca(2+) binding to RYR1, a mutant calmodulin that cannot bind Ca(2+) was used to evaluate the effects of Ca(2+)-free calmodulin on Ca(2+)-bound RYR1. We demonstrate that Ca(2+)-free calmodulin enhances the affinity of RYR1 for Ca(2+) while Ca(2+) binding to calmodulin converts calmodulin from an activator to an inhibitor. Furthermore, Ca(2+) binding to RYR1 enhances its affinity for both Ca(2+)-free and Ca(2+)-bound calmodulin.  相似文献   

Hypotonicswelling increases the intracellular Ca2+ concentration([Ca2+]i) in vascular smooth muscle cells(VSMC). The source of this Ca2+ is not clear. To study thesource of increase in [Ca2+]i in response tohypotonic swelling, we measured [Ca2+]i infura 2-loaded cultured VSMC (A7r5 cells). Hypotonic swelling produced a40.7-nM increase in [Ca2+]i that was notinhibited by EGTA but was inhibited by 1 µM thapsigargin. Priordepletion of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-sensitive Ca2+ stores with vasopressin did not inhibit the increasein [Ca2+]i in response to hypotonic swelling.Exposure of 45Ca2+-loaded intracellular storesto hypotonic swelling in permeabilized VSMC produced an increase in45Ca2+ efflux, which was inhibited by 1 µMthapsigargin but not by 50 µg/ml heparin, 50 µM ruthenium red, or25 µM thio-NADP. Thus hypotonic swelling of VSMC causes a release ofCa2+ from the intracellular stores from a novel sitedistinct from the IP3-, ryanodine-, and nicotinic acidadenine dinucleotide phosphate-sensitive stores.


TRPM2, a member of the transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily, is a Ca(2+)-permeable channel activated by oxidative stress or tumor necrosis factoralpha involved in susceptibility to cell death. TRPM2 activation is dependent on the level of intracellular Ca(2+). We explored whether calmodulin (CaM) is the Ca(2+) sensor for TRPM2. HEK 293T cells were transfected with TRPM2 and wild type CaM or mutant CaM (CaM(MUT)) with substitutions of all four EF hands. Treatment of cells expressing TRPM2 with H(2)O(2) or tumor necrosis factor alpha resulted in a significant increase in intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)). This was not affected by coexpression of CaM, suggesting that endogenous CaM levels are sufficient for maximal response. Cotransfection of CaM(MUT) with TRPM2 dramatically inhibited the increase in [Ca(2+)](i), demonstrating the requirement for CaM in TRPM2 activation. Immunoprecipitation confirmed direct interaction of CaM and CaM(MUT) with TRPM2, and the Ca(2+) dependence of this association. CaM bound strongly to the TRPM2 N terminus (amino acids 1-730), but weakly to the C terminus (amino acids 1060-1503). CaM binding to an IQ-like motif (amino acids 406-416) in the TRPM2 N terminus was demonstrated utilizing gel shift, immunoprecipitation, biotinylated CaM overlay, and pull-down assays. A substitution mutant of the IQ-like motif of TRPM2 (TRPM2-IQ(MUT1)) reduced but did not eliminate CaM binding to TRPM2, suggesting the presence of at least one other CaM binding site. The functional importance of the TRPM2 IQ-like motif was demonstrated by treatment of TRPM2-IQ(MUT1)-expressing cells with H(2)O(2). The increase in [Ca(2+)](i) observed with wild type TRPM2 was absent and cell viability was preserved. These data demonstrate the requirement for CaM in TRPM2 activation. They suggest that Ca(2+) entering through TRPM2 enhances interaction of CaM with TRPM2 at the IQ-like motif in the N terminus, providing crucial positive feedback for channel activation.  相似文献   

This study presents evidence for a close relationship betweenthe oxidation state of the skeletal muscleCa2+ release channel (RyR1) andits ability to bind calmodulin (CaM). CaM enhances the activity of RyR1in low Ca2+ and inhibits itsactivity in high Ca2+. Oxidation,which activates the channel, blocks the binding of 125I-labeled CaM at bothmicromolar and nanomolar Ca2+concentrations. Conversely, bound CaM slows oxidation-induced cross-linking between subunits of the RyR1 tetramer. Alkylation ofhyperreactive sulfhydryls (<3% of the total sulfhydryls) on RyR1with N-ethylmaleimide completelyblocks oxidant-induced intersubunit cross-linking and inhibitsCa2+-free125I-CaM but notCa2+/125I-CaMbinding. These studies suggest that1) the sites on RyR1 for bindingapocalmodulin have features distinct from those of theCa2+/CaM site,2) oxidation may alter the activityof RyR1 in part by altering its interaction with CaM, and3) CaM may protect RyR1 fromoxidative modifications during periods of oxidative stress.


L Xu  G Meissner 《Biophysical journal》1998,75(5):2302-2312
The cardiac muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release channel (ryanodine receptor) is a ligand-gated channel that is activated by micromolar cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations and inactivated by millimolar cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations. The effects of sarcoplasmic reticulum lumenal Ca2+ on the purified release channel were examined in single channel measurements using the planar lipid bilayer method. In the presence of caffeine and nanomolar cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations, lumenal-to-cytosolic Ca2+ fluxes >/=0.25 pA activated the channel. At the maximally activating cytosolic Ca2+ concentration of 4 microM, lumenal Ca2+ fluxes of 8 pA and greater caused a decline in channel activity. Lumenal Ca2+ fluxes primarily increased channel activity by increasing the duration of mean open times. Addition of the fast Ca2+-complexing buffer 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethanetetraacetic acid (BAPTA) to the cytosolic side of the bilayer increased lumenal Ca2+-activated channel activities, suggesting that it lowered Ca2+ concentrations at cytosolic Ca2+-inactivating sites. Regulation of channel activities by lumenal Ca2+ could be also observed in the absence of caffeine and in the presence of 5 mM MgATP. These results suggest that lumenal Ca2+ can regulate cardiac Ca2+ release channel activity by passing through the open channel and binding to the channel's cytosolic Ca2+ activation and inactivation sites.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscle Ca2+ release channel (RYR1) is regulated by calmodulin in both its Ca2+-free (apocalmodulin) and Ca2+-bound (Ca2+ calmodulin) states. Apocalmodulin is an activator of the channel, and Ca2+ calmodulin is an inhibitor of the channel. Both apocalmodulin and Ca2+ calmodulin binding sites on RYR1 are destroyed by a mild tryptic digestion of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes, but calmodulin (either form), bound to RYR1 prior to tryptic digestion, protects both the apocalmodulin and Ca2+ calmodulin sites from tryptic destruction. The protected sites are after arginines 3630 and 3637 on RYR1. These studies suggest that both Ca2+ calmodulin and apocalmodulin bind to the same or overlapping regions on RYR1 and block access of trypsin to sites at amino acids 3630 and 3637. This sequence is part of a predicted Ca2+ CaM binding site of amino acids 3614-3642 [Takeshima, H., et al. (1989) Nature 339, 439-445].  相似文献   

This study describes the effects of a number of calmodulin antagonists on the cerebellar type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) receptor. All the antagonists tested (trifluoperazine, fluphenazine, chlorpromazine and calmidazolium) inhibited the extent of InsP3-induced Ca2+ release (IICR) with similar IC(50) values (between 60 and 85 microM). They did not affect the efficacy of InsP3 to release Ca2+, since the concentrations of InsP3 required to cause half-maximal release was little affected in the presence of these agents. In addition, these agents did not affect InsP3 binding to its receptor. Stopped-flow studies to determine the rate constants of IICR showed this process to be biphasic with a fast and slow component. All the calmodulin antagonists appeared to reduce the rate constants for Ca2+ release in a phase-specific manner, preferentially reducing the fast phase component. Chlorpromazine (75 microM) appeared to have the most potent effect on the fast phase rate constant, reducing it from 1.0 to 0.08 s(-1), while only reducing the rate constant for the slow phase about twofold (0.2-0.08 s(-1)). The fact that calmodulin itself inhibits both IICR and InsP3 binding, while these calmodulin antagonists also reduce Ca2+ release and do not affect InsP3 binding, suggests that the mechanism of action of these agents is unlikely to be due to the reversal of the modulatory action of calmodulin on this receptor.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the role of nitric oxide (NO) ingastrointestinal smooth muscle have raised the possibility thatNO-stimulated cGMP could, in the absence of cGMP-dependent proteinkinase (PKG) activity, act as aCa2+-mobilizing messenger[K. S. Murthy, K.-M. Zhang, J.-G. Jin, J. T. Grider, and G. M. Makhlouf. Am. J. Physiol. 265 (Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. 28):G660-G671, 1993]. This notion was examined indispersed gastric smooth muscle cells with 8-bromo-cGMP (8-BrcGMP) andwith NO and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), which stimulate endogenous cGMP. In muscle cells treated with cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and PKG inhibitors (H-89 and KT-5823), 8-BrcGMP (10 µM),NO (1 µM), and VIP (1 µM) stimulated45Ca2+release (21 ± 3 to 30 ± 1% decrease in45Ca2+cell content); Ca2+ releasestimulated by 8-BrcGMP was concentration dependent with anEC50 of 0.4 ± 0.1 µM and athreshold of 10 nM. 8-BrcGMP and NO increased cytosolic freeCa2+ concentration([Ca2+]i)and induced contraction; both responses were abolished after Ca2+ stores were depleted withthapsigargin. With VIP, which normally increases[Ca2+]iby stimulating Ca2+ influx,treatment with PKA and PKG inhibitors caused a further increase in[Ca2+]ithat reverted to control levels in cells pretreated with thapsigargin. Neither Ca2+ release norcontraction induced by cGMP and NO in permeabilized muscle cells wasaffected by heparin or ruthenium red.Ca2+ release induced by maximallyeffective concentrations of cGMP and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate(IP3) was additive, independent of which agent was applied first. We conclude that, in the absence ofPKA and PKG activity, cGMP stimulatesCa2+ release from anIP3-insensitive store and that itseffect is additive to that of IP3.


ATP-enriched human red cells display high rates of Ca2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis (16 mmol·litre cells?1·h?1) with a high Ca2+ affinity (K0.5~0.2 μM). The finding suggests a mechanism for regulation of cell Ca2+ levels, involving highly-cooperative stimulation of active Ca2+ extrusion following binding of calmodulin to the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Tadross MR  Dick IE  Yue DT 《Cell》2008,133(7):1228-1240
Calmodulin (CaM) in complex with Ca(2+) channels constitutes a prototype for Ca(2+) sensors that are intimately colocalized with Ca(2+) sources. The C-lobe of CaM senses local, large Ca(2+) oscillations due to Ca(2+) influx from the host channel, and the N-lobe senses global, albeit diminutive Ca(2+) changes arising from distant sources. Though biologically essential, the mechanism underlying global Ca(2+) sensing has remained unknown. Here, we advance a theory of how global selectivity arises, and we experimentally validate this proposal with methodologies enabling millisecond control of Ca(2+) oscillations seen by the CaM/channel complex. We find that global selectivity arises from rapid Ca(2+) release from CaM combined with greater affinity of the channel for Ca(2+)-free versus Ca(2+)-bound CaM. The emergence of complex decoding properties from the juxtaposition of common elements, and the techniques developed herein, promise generalization to numerous molecules residing near Ca(2+) sources.  相似文献   

The uncoupler-induced release of accumulated Ca2+ from heart mitochondria can be separated into two components, one sensitive and one insensitive to ruthenium red. In mitochondria maintaining reduced NAD(P)H pools and adequate levels of endogenous adenine nucleotides, the release of Ca2+ following addition of an uncoupler is virtually all inhibited by ruthenium red and can be presumed to occur via reversal of the Ca2+ uniporter. When ruthenium red is added to block efflux via this pathway, high rates of Ca2+ efflux can still be induced by an uncoupler, provided either NADH is oxidized or mitochondrial adenine nucleotide pools are depleted by prior treatment. This ruthenium red-insensitive Ca2+-efflux pathway is dependent on the level of Ca2+ accumulated and is accompanied by swelling of the mitochondria and loss of endogenous Mg2+. Loss of Ca2+ by this relatively nonspecific pathway is strongly inhibited by Sr2+ and by nupercaine, as well as by oligomycin and exogenous adenine nucleotides. The loss of Ca2+ from uncoupled heart mitochondria occurs via a combination of these two mechanisms except under conditions chosen specifically to limit efflux to one or the other pathway.  相似文献   

TRPV5 and TRPV6 are members of the superfamily of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and facilitate Ca(2+) influx in a variety of epithelial cells. The activity of these Ca(2+) channels is tightly controlled by the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in close vicinity to the channel mouth. The molecular mechanism underlying the Ca(2+)-dependent activity of TRPV5/TRPV6 is, however, still unknown. Here, the putative role of calmodulin (CaM) as the Ca(2+) sensor mediating the regulation of channel activity was investigated. Overexpression of Ca(2+)-insensitive CaM mutants (CaM(1234) and CaM(34)) significantly reduced the Ca(2+) as well as the Na(+) current of TRPV6- but not that of TRPV5-expressing HEK293 cells. By combining pull-down assays and co-immunoprecipitations, we demonstrated that CaM binds to both TRPV5 and TRPV6 in a Ca(2+)-dependent fashion. The binding of CaM to TRPV6 was localized to the transmembrane domain (TRPV6(327-577)) and consensus CaM-binding motifs located in the N (1-5-10 motif, TRPV6(88-97)) and C termini (1-8-14 motif, TRPV6(643-656)), suggesting a mechanism of regulation involving multiple interaction sites. Subsequently, chimeric TRPV6/TRPV5 proteins, in which the N and/or C termini of TRPV6 were substituted by that of TRPV5, were co-expressed with CaM(34) in HEK293 cells. Exchanging, the N and/or the C termini of TRPV6 by that of TRPV5 did not affect the CaM(34)-induced reduction of the Ca(2+) and Na(+) currents. These results suggest that CaM positively affects TRPV6 activity upon Ca(2+) binding to EF-hands 3 and 4, located in the high Ca(2+) affinity CaM C terminus, which involves the N and C termini and the transmembrane domain of TRPV6.  相似文献   

Lee IS  Hur EM  Suh BC  Kim MH  Koh DS  Rhee IJ  Ha H  Kim KT 《Cellular signalling》2003,15(5):529-537
Insulin secretion is known to depend on an increase in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)). However, recent studies have suggested that insulin secretion can also be evoked in a Ca(2+)-independent manner. In the present study we show that treatment of intact mouse islets and RINm5F cells with protein kinase C (PKC) activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) or protein kinase A (PKA) activator forskolin promoted insulin secretion with no changes of [Ca(2+)](i). Moreover, insulin secretion mediated by PMA or forskolin was maintained even when extracellular or cytosolic Ca(2+) was deprived by treatment of cells with ethylene glycol bis(beta-amino ethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) or 1,2-bis(2-amino phenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetrakis(acetoxy methyl ester) (BAPTA/AM) in RINm5F cells. The secretagogue actions of PMA and forskolin were blocked by GF109203X and H89, selective inhibitors for PKC and PKA, respectively. PMA treatment caused translocation of PKC-alpha and PKC- epsilon from cytosol to membrane, implying that selectively PKC-alpha and PKC- epsilon isoforms might be important for insulin secretion. Co-treatment with high K(+) and PMA showed a comparable level of insulin secretion to that of PMA alone. In addition, PMA and forskolin evoked insulin secretion in cells where Ca(2+)-dependent insulin secretion was completed. Our data suggest that PKC and PKA can elicit insulin secretion not only in a Ca(2+)-sensitive manner but also in a Ca(2+)-independent manner from separate releasable pools.  相似文献   

Silver nitrate (AgNO3) is a sulfhydryl oxidizing agent that induces a biphasic Ca2+ release from isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles by presumably oxidizing critical sulfhydryl groups in the Ca2+ release channel (CRC), causing the channel to open. To further examine the effects of AgNO3 on the CRC and the Ca2+-ATPase, Ca2+ release was measured in muscle homogenates prepared from rat hindlimb muscle using indo 1. Cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and ruthenium red (RR) were used to inhibit the Ca2+-ATPase and block the CRC, respectively, before inducing Ca2+ release with both AgNO3 and 4-chloro-m-cresol (4-CMC), a releasing agent specific for the CRC. With AgNO3 and CPA, the early rapid rate of release (phase 1) was increased (P < 0.05) by 42% (314 +/- 5 vs. 446 +/- 39 micromol x g protein(-1) x min(-1)), whereas the slower, more prolonged rate of release (phase 2) was decreased (P < 0.05) by 72% (267 +/- 39 vs. 74 +/- 7.7 micromol x g protein(-1) x min(-1)). RR, in combination with AgNO3, had no effect on phase 1 (P > 0.05) (314 +/- 51 vs. 334 +/- 43 micromol x g protein(-1) x min(-1)) and decreased phase 2 (P < 0.05) by 65% (245 +/- 34 vs. 105 +/- 8.2 micromol x g protein(-1) x min(-1)). With 4-CMC, CPA had no effect (P > 0.05) on either phase 1 or 2. With addition of RR, phase 1 was reduced (P < 0.05) by 59% (2,468 +/- 279 vs. 1,004 +/- 87 micromol x g protein(-1) x min(-1)), and RR completely blocked phase 2. Both AgNO3 and 4-CMC fully inhibited Ca2+-ATPase activity measured in homogenates. These findings indicate that AgNO3, but not 4-CMC, induces Ca2+ release by acting on both the CRC and the Ca2+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Both apocalmodulin (Ca(2+)-free calmodulin) and Ca(2+)-calmodulin bind to and regulate the activity of skeletal muscle Ca(2+) release channel (ryanodine receptor, RYR1). Both forms of calmodulin protect sites after amino acids 3630 and 3637 on RYR1 from trypsin cleavage. Only apocalmodulin protects sites after amino acids 1982 and 1999 from trypsin cleavage. Ca(2+)-calmodulin and apocalmodulin both bind to two different synthetic peptides representing amino acids 3614-3643 and 1975-1999 of RYR1, but Ca(2+)-calmodulin has a higher affinity than apocalmodulin for both peptides. Cysteine 3635, within the 3614-3643 sequence of RYR1, can form a disulfide bond with a cysteine on an adjacent subunit within the RYR1 tetramer. The second cysteine is now shown to be between amino acids 2000 and 2401. The close proximity of the cysteines forming the intersubunit disulfide to the two sites that bind calmodulin suggests that calmodulin is binding at a site of intersubunit contact, perhaps with one lobe bound between amino acids 3614 and 3643 on one subunit and the second lobe bound between amino acids 1975 and 1999 on an adjacent subunit. This model is consistent with the finding that Ca(2+)-calmodulin and apocalmodulin each bind to a single site per RYR1 subunit (Rodney, G. G., Williams, B. Y., Strasburg, G. M., Beckingham, K., and Hamilton, S. L. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 7807-7812).  相似文献   

Stretch-induced Ca(2+) release via an IP(3)-insensitive Ca(2+) channel   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Various mechanicalstimuli increase the intracellular Ca2+ concentration([Ca2+]i) in vascular smooth muscle cells(VSMC). A part of the increase in [Ca2+]i isdue to the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. Wehave investigated the effect of mechanical stimulation produced bycyclical stretch on the release of Ca2+ from theintracellular stores. Permeabilized VSMC loaded with 45Ca2+ were subjected to 7.5% average (15%maximal) cyclical stretch. This resulted in an increase in45Ca2+ rate constant by 0.126 ± 0.0035. Inhibition of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3),ryanodine, and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate channels(NAADP) with 50 µg/ml heparin, 50 µM ruthenium red, and 25 µMthio-NADP, respectively, did not block the increase in45Ca2+ efflux in response to cyclical stretch.However, 10 µM lanthanum, 10 µM gadolinium, and 10 µMcytochalasin D but not 10 µM nocodazole inhibited the increase in45Ca2+ efflux. This supports the existence of anovel stretch-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ store in VSMCthat is distinct from the IP3-, ryanodine-, and NAADP-sensitive stores.


The transient receptor potential-like ion channel from Drosophila melanogaster was originally identified as a calmodulin binding protein (Philips et al., 1992) involved in the dipterian phototransduction process. We used a series of fusion proteins and an epitope expression library of transient receptor potential-like fusion proteins to characterize calmodulin binding regions in the transient receptor potential-like channel through the use of [125I]calmodulin and biotinylated calmodulin and identified two distinct sites at the C-terminus of the transient receptor potential-like ion channel. Calmodulin binding site 1, predicted from searching of the primary structure for amphiphilic helices (Philips et al., 1992), covers a 16 amino acid sequence (S710-I725) and could only be detected through biotinylated calmodulin. Calmodulin binding site 2 comprises at least 13 amino acids (K859ETAKERFQRVAR871) and binds both [125I]calmodulin and biotinylated calmodulin. Both sites (i) bind calmodulin at least in a one to one stoichiometry, (ii) differ in their affinity for calmodulin revealing apparent Ki values of 12.3 nM (calmodulin binding site 1) and 1.7 nM (calmodulin binding site 2), respectively, (iii) bind calmodulin only in the presence of Ca2+ with 50% of site 1 and site 2, respectively, occupied by calmodulin in the presence of 0.1 microM (calmodulin binding site 1) and 3.3 microM Ca2+ (calmodulin binding site 2) and give evidence that (iv) a Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent mechanism contributes to transient receptor potential-like cation channel modulation when expressed in CHO cells.  相似文献   

The functional effects of calmodulin (CaM) on single cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release channels (ryanodine receptors) (RyR2s) were determined in the presence of two endogenous channel effectors, MgATP and reduced glutathione, using the planar lipid bilayer method. Single-channel activities, number of events, and open and close times were determined at varying cytosolic Ca(2+) concentrations. CaM reduced channel open probability at <10 micro M Ca(2+) by decreasing channel events and mean open times and increasing mean close times. At >10 micro M Ca(2+), CaM was less effective in inhibiting RyR2. CaM decreased mean open times but increased channel events, without significantly affecting mean close times. A series of voltage pulses was applied to the bilayer from +50 to -50 mV and from -50 mV to +50 mV to rapidly increase and decrease open channel-mediated sarcoplasmic reticulum lumenal to cytosolic Ca(2+) fluxes. CaM decreased the duration of the open events after the voltage switch from -50 mV to +50 mV. In parallel experiments, a Ca(2+)-insensitive calmodulin mutant was without effect on RyR2 activity. The results are discussed in terms of a possible role of CaM in the termination of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release.  相似文献   

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